Andrologist in Chennai for Male Infertility Treatment

Male Infertility

Male Infertility Causes

Male Infertility Causes

Hi, this is Dr Shah, I am practicing infertility specialist & I also specialize in Clinical sexology, I am also a full time Clinical Sexologist in Chennai. In this short article I am going to briefly enlighten you about the Embryo freezing process.  Here is what you need to know about freezing your embryos!

Let me cut to chase, now that you have understood the seriousness of the issue in hand. So, what are the causes of male infertility?

A. Low sperm count

The normal sperm count for men who father children within the 1st year of marriage ranges from 13 to 15 million/ml. A large proportion of men suffer from male infertility due to low sperm count issues. A man said to have low sperm count problems (also referred to as Oligozoospermia) if his count measured twice with a semen analysis shows a value of less than 15 million/ml. Remember, I said twice!, One measurement really does not mean anything. So chill!.

B. Low sperm motility

What is the inormal sperm motility for pregnancy?. Well here again data from fertile men (actually mostly European men, we don’t have Indian data!…a very bad joke actually) indicates that men with progressive sperm motility of 32% and above had no issues in fathering a child in the 1st year of marriage. Here again, a man is said to have low sperm motility (also referred to as Asthenozoospermia) if his motility values fall below 32%.

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