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10 Tips to get pregnant with irregular periods

10 Tips to get pregnant with irregular periods How to get pregnant quickly with irregular periods | 10 Tips to get pregnant with irregular periods Subscribe  This video contains awesome tips on “How to get pregnant quickly with irregular periods. Irregular periods can severely diminish your chances of trying to get pregnant naturally, since women with irregular periods will not have a monthly release of their egg. One the commonest causes of irregular periods is PCOS. If you really want to know – how to get pregnant with PCOS?, you should take 4 minutes of your time to watch this video…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah

Can you get pregnant with precum

Can you get pregnant with precum Can you get pregnant with precum? Subscribe In this video, you will learn the chances of getting pregnant from precum and the percentage of getting pregnant from precum. Precum basically refers to the pre-ejaculatory fluid that is produced by the male’s accessory sex organ called as the cowpers gland. It is equivalent to female lubrication phenomenon, where in men produce precum when sexually aroused. Studies have shown that their is a real risk of pregnancy from precum since precum definitely seems to contain ‘motile spermatozoa’…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah