Does cycling affect male fertility

Does cycling affect male fertility Does cycling affect male fertility ? Subscribe In this quick video, I quickly go through and analyze whether cycling affects male fertility. To summarize the answer, cycling only affects male fertility if done aggressively. In men who perform endurance cycling on a daily basis, cycling reduces sperm count, cycling also reduce sperm motility and sperm morphology. However, in individuals who only cycle in a recreational manner, no such effect of reduction in semen parameters in seen…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Blue ball syndrome – 2 Quick treatments

Blue ball syndrome – 2 Quick treatments you should know Blue ball syndrome – 2 Quick treatments you should know Subscribe Blue ball syndrome is characterized by pain that radiates to one testis or both sides. Patients complaint of pain usually after sexual arousal. This condition is seen commonly among younger men. Many men resort to masturbation to relieve the pain from blue balls. However, a simple treatment of the condition involves the application of ice packs to the balls. Moreover, another technique to cure the condition involves utilizing whats called as the vasalva technique…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Delayed ejaculation & its treatment

What to do if you cant ejaculate What to do if you cant ejaculate ? Subscribe Delayed ejaculation or inhibited ejaculation affects close to 4 to 8 percent of men. Patients with delayed ejaculation issues suffer from a range of issues that can wreck their relationships. A man is said to suffer from delayed ejaculation if he is unable to ejaculate 25 to 30 mins post penetration. Their are multiple reasons for delayed ejaculation, some of which can center around psychological and some around hormones…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Total sperm count

Total sperm count – Explained in depth Total sperm count – Explained in depth Subscribe The normal total sperm count for men is 22.5 million/ml. This can be calculated by multiplying the sperm concentration and semen volume. If the normal sperm concentration is 15 million per ml and volume is 1.5 ml, then once multiplied this gives a value of 22.5 million/ml. The total sperm count is a more valuable metric than sperm concentration per ml. Never panic looking at the sperm concentration or semen volume alone in isolation. Always multiply the sperm concentration and semen volume to calculate the total sperm count of the sample. For patients whose total sperm count is more than 22.5 million per ejaculate, the chances of pregnancy is more in the 1st year or second…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Why is my semen green

Why is my semen green Why is my semen green ? Subscribe In this short video, I go through the top 3 or 4 causes of green color semen. While green color semen is quite rare, it is not surprising to note that sometimes that you can see green semen in your ejaculate. However, green semen is not something to panic about…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
10 Quick Facts on the Pull out method

Withdrawal method of contraception – 10 Quick Facts on the Pull out method Withdrawal method of contraception – 10 Quick Facts on the Pull out method Subscribe The withdrawal method of pregnancy prevention is among the oldest birth control technique in practice. Global usage rate among couples range from anywhere between 13 to 40 percent. This withdrawal method is frequently combined with other birth control strategies in general. The success rate in terms of pregnancy prevention approaches about 96%. This suggests that the withdrawal method may be as good as using a condom for protection…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Balloon masturbation – Eye opening facts

Balloon masturbation Balloon masturbation – Eye opening facts you should know Subscribe Individuals who engage in balloon masturbation are called looners. Balloon masturbation is a ‘sexual fetish’ which is basically a deviation from normal sexual behavior. Looners or individuals who masturbate using a balloon achieve immense sexual pleasure ranging from a built up of desire to orgasm and ejaculation either simply by blowing balloons or popping them…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
2 Facts on using saliva as lube

Can i use saliva as lube? 2 Facts on using saliva as lube Can i use saliva as lube? 2 Facts on using saliva as lube Subscribe The answer is straightforward, please DO NOT use saliva as a lubricant since saliva contains substances that can significantly reduce sperm motility. Studies done with incubating saliva with sperm show a significant reduction in sperm motility as early 5 mins of contact. Can saliva kill sperm? Yes it can! for sure. saliva can also kill sperm. Saliva as lubricant while trying to conceive is NOT Recommended…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Prone masturbation – its ILL effects

Prone masturbation – its ILL effects & Why youshould quit today Prone masturbation – its ILL effects & Why you should quit today Subscribe Prone masturbation or masturbation while rubbing the penis on the floor or rubbing the organ on the bed has numerous pitfalls. Most individuals pick up this prone masturbatory behavior at a very early age especially during the age of 13 to 15 years. Moreover, most of them tend to do prone masturbation for a very long period of time. Eventually with prone masturbation what basically happens is that men start rubbing their penis vigorously on the bathroom floor or sometimes even the toilet seat. Masturbation in this manner gives them tremendous excitement and pleasure. Furthermore with this type of masturbation, when it carries into adulthood, men develop erectile dysfunction, delayed ejaculation and also tend to get addicted to the behavior…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Can masturbation cause watery sperm

Can masturbation cause watery sperm Can masturbation cause watery sperm ? Does masturbation cause watery semen ? Subscribe In this video I am going to discuss on whether masturbation can cause watery sperm.Many of my patients who come to my clinic, asked me the question, dear doctor does excessive sperm release lead to watery semen?Does masturbation lead to watery semen?And what is the normal frequency of masturbation.Now, it is important to understand that seven is made out of secretions from three male accessory sex organs.These are, namely the prostate…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah