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Effects of Excessive Masturbation

Effects of excessive sperm release | Effects of Excessive Masturbation Effects of excessive sperm release | Effects of Excessive Masturbation Subscribe Many doctor’s today easily say that regular masturbation has no ill effects as such. That daily releasing of sperm or masturbation excessively really does not harm. But is that true? I do not think so! The Effects of excessive sperm release or excessive masturbation are very detrimental to a mans overall sexual health. These include the development of masturbation causing sexual disorders like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low libido and masturbation addiction. The effects of daily sperm release or masturbation can wreck your stable partner relationship and destroy your sexual health completely…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah

Can masturbation cause delayed ejaculation

Can masturbation cause delayed ejaculation Can masturbation cause delayed ejaculation Subscribe Masturbation is associated with a range of issues from erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and most importantly delayed ejaculation. Men develop delayed ejaculation due to ‘PRONE MASTURBATION’ a behavior were men frequently rub their organ on a hard surface thereby causing friction and arousal consequently ejaculation. However, prone masturbation can lead to delayed ejaculation. In men who develop delayed ejaculation in the long run ultimately, infertility and long standing erectile dysfunction develops…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah

Can Masturbation cause Premature Ejaculation?

Can Masturbation cause Premature Ejaculation? Can Masturbation cause Premature Ejaculation? Subscribe Masturbation is frequently practiced by young adults. Masturbation as a behavior can lead to a variety of sexual health issues. Most important of them is premature ejaculation. Over 85% of my patients report developing premature ejaculation with their partners. This is more so with individuals who regularly masturbate to porn or erotic material. I strongly recommend you abstain from masturbating since, masturbation and pornography is linked with not just premature ejaculation, but also erectile dysfunction, low sex interest and a host of other issues…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah

Does masturbation cause erection problems?

Does masturbation cause erection problems? Does masturbation cause sexual disorders? Does masturbation cause erection problems? Does masturbation cause sexual disorders? Subscribe Many individuals involve themselves in masturbation. It is very sad and upsetting to see some of our medical professionals encouraging masturbation. Excessive masturbation can lead to a range of sexual disorders. Excessive masturbation can result in erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and retarded ejaculation. There is now emerging evidence in the scientific literature to suggest a very strong association between masturbation and erectile dysfunction. Furthermore, to clarify, most men let go of masturbation after a particular age, however some men still hold on to the habit of masturbation. This can wreck havoc in the lives of your wives, partners and girlfriends!. Most men seem to forget that they are slowly losing their minds to the habit, moreover ….Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah

How many times masturbation can be done in day

How many times masturbation can be done in day How many times masturbation can be done in day ? Subscribe Is their a male masturbation limit? Should you masturbate at all? In this video we discuss on the origins of masturbation along with it host of eye popping facts about male masturbatory behavior. Masturbation as a habit originated somewhere as early as ancient egypt. Egyptians performed masturbation rituals along with the pharaohs. However, masturbation has largely been condemned across religions alike as being a shameful and sinful behavior. My own observation with 1000’s of patients suggests that masturbation…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah

Does masturbation cause infertility?

Does masturbation cause infertility? Does masturbation cause infertility? Subscribe This is because masturbation is a major behavioral problem today that today’s youth face. With the advent of pornography a large number of youngsters are affected by masturbatory addiction. Masturbation can lead to infertility in 2 conditions. One if the patient engages in masturbation and gets addicted to masturbation as a habit and number 2 if the patient is addicted to a habit called as ‘prone masturbation’. In both these scenarios, masturbation can lead to infertility….Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah

Lump in my balls

Lump in my balls Lump in my balls ? Quick facts on lump in testicles Subscribe In this video we are going to discuss on a common question which is lump in my balls. The common causes of lumps in balls or a lump in the testicles are 1. Sebaceous cysts 2. Varicoceles 3. Epidydimal obstructions and 4. Lastly Testicular cancers…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah

Does penis stretching work?

Does penis stretching work? The Truth about Penis stretching exercises Does penis stretching work? The Truth about Penis stretching exercises Subscribe Penis stretching involves a range of exercises called ‘Jelqing’. These penis stretching exercises are however largely not proven. In the video above I explain everything under the sun about penis stretching…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah

Does penis lengthening work

Does penis lengthening work Does penis lengthening work ? Subscribe Do you constantly worry about your organ size? Does the size of your penis get to your head? I believe you should not worry about it. This is because over 55% of men who worry about their organ size actually do not have a small penis in the first place. Moreover penis size is not THE THING based on which women select men. Surgical interventions for increasing penis size do not work and I strongly do NOT recommend them to men looking to improve penis size…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah

7 tips to produce healthy sperm for pregnancy

How to make sperm healthy? 7 tips to producehealthy sperm for pregnancy How to make sperm healthy? 7 tips to produce healthy sperm for pregnancy Subscribe Have you ever wondered on how to make sperm healthy? or how to produce healthy sperm for pregnancy. Some quick tips you can follow right now for healthy sperm include 1. 45 – 60 mins of walking per day 2. 6-8 hours of sleep 3. Folic Acid supplementation and much much more!…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah