Computer Assisted Semen Analysis

Computer Assisted Semen Analysis – The Final Word Computer Assisted Semen Analysis – The Final Word Subscribe Computer Assisted Semen Analysis also called as computer assisted sperm testing involves placing a single drop of semen under the microscope following which the system automatically detects the number of sperms, the sperm motility and sperm morphology. However, CASA or computer assisted semen testing is not recommended by the WHO 2010 Andrology Laboratory Guidelines. CASA also has numerous pitfalls, as the system cannot correctly detect ‘Azoospermia’ because of poor sensitivity….Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Is semen hyperviscocity a problem

Hyper viscosity of sperm – Is semen hyperviscocity a problem Hyper viscosity of sperm – Is semen hyperviscocity a problem? Subscribe Hyperviscosity of sperm or hyper viscous semen is a problem that affects a small proportion of men with male factor infertility. A man is said to have hyper viscous semen if the sample does not fall off drop by drop. In men with hyper viscous semen, the sperm motility will be largely less. That is a major problem. An imbalance between the male accessory gland secretion can cause semen hyperviscosity. In some individuals, a combination of semen hyperviscosity and delayed liquefaction is seen…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Delayed liquefaction of sperm

Delayed liquefaction of sperm Delayed liquefaction of sperm – Explained Subscribe Delayed Liquefaction of sperm explained Semen undergoes liquefaction usually within 20 to 30 minutes. However, in some samples, the liquefaction of semen can be prolonged to more than an hour. In these cases, the patient is said to suffer from delayed liquefaction of sperm. Delayed liquefaction of sperm can occur due to an imbalance in the male accessory gland secretion. If you notice delayed liquefaction of sperm, basically what happens is that in such samples the sperm motility is grossly impaired. Another important point to bear in mind is that in patients with delayed liquefaction of sperm, it is wise to repeat the semen analysis test in an independent laboratory…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Sexless marriage treatment

Sexless marriage – treatment part 2 Sexless marriage treatment part 2 Subscribe In this video on sexless marriage treatment part 2, we are going to discuss on why sexless marriages occur in the first place. Sexless marriages are notorious and they destroy relationships in general. Sexless marriage treatment strategies depends purely on the cause of sexless marriages. Different conditions that can result in sexless marriage…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Sexless marriage

Sexless marriage – Part 1 Sexless marriage – Part 1 Subscribe Sexless marriages are in general very hard for all couples. In this video, I will tell you in depth about all the causes of sexless marriage in both men and women. In part 1 of this video, we define and understand sexless marriages along with its impact on couple relationship in general. We also briefly look at the various management options for couples facing sexless marriage…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Abnormal sperm morphology and pregnancy & Teratozoospermia treatment

Abnormal sperm morphology and pregnancy & Teratozoospermia treatment explained Abnormal sperm morphology and pregnancy & Teratozoospermia treatment Subscribe In this video we are going to discuss about abnormal sperm morphology and its relevance with respect to male infertility. A patient is said to have abnormal sperm morphology if the number of normal appearing sperm in his ejaculate is less than 3%. These patients are diagnosed to have teratozoospermia. Moreover, patients with abnormal sperm shape or abnormal sperm morphology frequently have major difficulties in fathering children in the 1st year of marriage…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Low sperm motility causes, symptoms, diagnosis & treatment

Low sperm motility causes, symptoms, diagnosis & treatment Low sperm motility causes, symptoms, diagnosis & treatment Subscribe In this video, we are going to discuss about low sperm motility, low sperm motility causes, its symptoms and treatment for low sperm motility issues. What is the normal sperm motility? A man is said to have normal sperm motility if his percentage of progressive sperm is more than 32% as per the WHO 2010 andrology lab manual. A progressive motile sperm moves from point A to point B. A person is said to have normal sperm motility if his progressive sperm motility is more than 32%…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Semen analysis normal report

Semen analysis normal report explained A-Z Semen analysis normal report explained A-Z Subscribe Semen analysis normal report A-Z explained by Dr Shah. Whats the normal report in a semen analysis or sperm test normal report? In a semen analysis normal report, the estimated normal semen volume should be in the range of 1.3 to 1.7 ml. The sperm concentration in a normal sperm report should be more than 15 million/ml. The progressive sperm motility should be more than 32% and lastly, the normal appearing sperm morphology should be 3% and above. …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Premarital Fertility Testing

Premarital Fertility Testing Part 2 Premarital Fertility Testing Part 2 – Which tests NOT To DO ? Subscribe Premarital fertility testing, which tests you should avoid? There is long battery of tests that are NOT REQUIRED when you are planning to do a premarital fertility assessment. Sadly, today the large corporate players, popular specialists and hospitals have created numerous packages with respect to ‘fertility testing before marriage’. I made this video to reveal all the TESTS that you should say NO to doing…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Premarital fertility testing

Premarital fertility testing part 1 – Which tests to do Premarital fertility testing part 1 – Which tests to do? Subscribe Premarital Fertility testing – What tests are usually done during a premarital fertility assessment? Should premarital fertility testing be done for all men? The answer is definitely a BIG NO. Its not indicated for all men, that is for sure. Premarital fertility assessment is only done for men who have or who are suspected to have 1. Erectile dysfunction 2. Poor bear or hair growth in chest or under the arms 3. Blood in semen 4. Very low semen volume 5. Decreased sex interest 6. Masturbatory behavior that is uncontrolled….Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah