How to choose a Fertility Clinic?

Men’s Health Blogs How to choose a Fertility Clinic? Are you looking for a fertility center in Chennai?. How do you choose the right one? Hi, this is Dr. Shah and I am a practicing male fertility specialist in Chennai and I absolutely love helping couples through their fertility journey! In today’s post, I am going to share with you a few tips on choosing the right fertility clinic… With over 30 to 50 fertility centers in Chennai, choosing the best fertility center in chennai can be a challenging task!. With fertility problems rising all around the globe, choosing the right fertility specialist and the right Fertility Clinic can make or break your treatment success. Did you know that there are over 30 registered fertility centers in Chennai?. But…which is the right one? It is important to understand that, infertility is a daunting problem for most couples, I know the pain that couples undergo when they are told that they will never be able to bear a child in a natural way. Fertility treatments and fertility procedures remain crappy as hell! There success rates are not good. Remember this, regardless of what fertility clinic you choose Fertility treatments are and will be extremely depressing and frustrating, especially when you are not getting the right attention and treatment. Selecting the right fertility clinic for your treatment is half the battle won. However, the most important question to ask is… When should you visit a fertility clinic for a treatment?. A. You are older than 35 years of age. B. Your partner has a semen report that shows visible issues with sperm concentration, motility and/or sperm morphology C. You have had multiple previous miscarriages or failed pregnancies D. You are under 35 years of age, but could not conceive after 12 months of trying Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call What are the common questions you should ask your fertility clinic? Remember, it is very common to find multiple fertility centers in chennai, stating to be the best hospitals for IVF especially in a busy city like chennai. But do also note… ….that not all fertility centers in chennai or fertility clinics, in general, are created equal. Here are a few suggestions that can help you in choosing the best fertility clinic and/or a fertility center in chennai… TIP 1: Does the fertility clinic employ trained reproductive medicine specialists or infertility specialists?. Do check this out. TIP 2: Do have a close look at the fertility clinic’s website. If the clinic’s website gives you a solid guarantee of taking a baby home…you are better off looking elsewhere. Because no one in the world except God decides the onset of a new life TIP 3: Do stay away or steer away from fertility center’s that offer you unrealistic 80 to 90 % success rates from an IVF procedure, this is impossible. TIP 4: Also, do also check if the fertility clinic has an upper age limit for fertility treatments. If they do have it, then you know for sure, they are concerned about your health and do follow some ethics. Subscribe to our Newsletter TIP 5: Ask the clinic about all the fertility procedures they would commonly perform, google it up and learn and see if it is the latest! TIP 6: Remember to ask the fertility clinic on the cost of fertility treatments?, or the cost of IVF treatments?. It is sometimes, better to know up front what you are getting into. TIP 7: Large vs small – remember fertility and the dream of motherhood is something very close to your heart, sometimes it may be wise to visit fertility doctors who go the extra mile and give you a more personal touch in your treatments, rather than spend fleeting moments with you. TIP 8: Location does not matter!. Trust me when I tell you this…go the extra mile or hour to visit the infertility specialist you are comfortable with. TIP 9: Medical professionals work as a team, sometimes you need all the support you can get. If your fertility specialist is able to see through your pain and is able to feel what you feel, maybe that clinic is the right place… TIP 10: Moreover, first trust yourself. No question is ever a dumb question, make sure you understand every step of the fertility treatment procedure. If you do not get a positive response, look at other places. References Huffington Post article on choosing a fertility clinic Web MD article on choosing a fertility clinic We hope you enjoyed reading this article, this is Dr. Shah, Consultant Sexologist & Andrologist in Chennai and eagerly I look forward to seeing you soon in my next article, till then be happy and may all your fertility dreams and wishes be fulfilled. Also, feel free to contact me in case of doubts/queries in the form below!. Moreover…if you still have doubts about choosing the best fertility center in Chennai, you are also most welcome to visit us at Dr. Shah’s Clinic for Male Infertility and Sexual Health, T-Nagar, Chennai in the location below. Get in touch with us TAGS: FERTILITY CENTER IN CHENNAI, FERTILITY CLINIC, FERTILITY CLINIC IN CHENNAI, INFERTILITY SPECIALIST IN CHENNAI Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ