How to get rid of blue balls? Blue Balls Treatment explained

Men’s Health Blogs How to get rid of blue balls? Blue Balls Treatment explained Have you ever suffered from an ‘irritating pain in the balls’? A pain that comes and goes, a dull aching pain in your balls? A pain that you just cant seem to get rid off?. How to get rid of blue balls? Yup, that pain is due to something called the ‘blue ball syndrome’. Men with ‘blue ball syndrome’ constantly suffer from pain in the testis. In patients with blue ball syndrome, patients usually come to the clinic with severe or moderate to dull aching pain in their balls. As a funny saying goes – ‘A man will experience at least 1 episode of blue balls’ The pain of blue balls, can be local to one point in the testis or diffuse and spread around both testis. Moreover, in some instances the pain may radiate to penis as well. How to get rid of blue balls? Blue balls in the medical literature is termed as ‘epidydimal hypertension’. This conditions is more common in the age group of 14 to 25 year old men. More interestingly, it seems to occur to young men after sexual arousal. Why do blue calls occur? Interestingly, blue balls seem to occur to younger men and more specifically after a period of sexual arousal. Now, normally, sexual arousal should end with ejaculation. But, if the individual does not get the opportunity to engage in sexual intercourse with his partner, blue balls can result. In some men, who are single & who strictly avoid masturbation, blue balls can result. The pain of blue balls probably results from ‘neural impulses’ going back from the distended spermatic chord, epidydimis and other male reproductive tract structures (to put it simply ‘the piping tubes’ that carry sperm outside the body) Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call 2 Quick treatments to get rid of Blue Ball Syndrome So here is a typical scenario…. You are young and horny as hell, you looked at the porn and want to jerk off. (Pss….visit a sexologist) But you end up with pain and moreover your girlfriend is not in town. What should you do relieve the pain? How to do you get rid of blue balls? Guys, the simplest treatment you can do, is apply ice packs or ice gel packs to your balls. Ice causes ‘cold stress’ which trigger’s vasoconstriction. The flow from that region gets diverted and pain reduces (akin to applying ice after injury) I have personally seen excellent success with treating blue balls just using ice. The 2nd treatment approach to get rid of blue balls is…. By adopting the ‘Vasalva Maneuver’ the pain of blue ball can be brought down. So how do we do it? Firstly, Step 1 : Pinch your nostrils Next, Step 2: Mouth tight shut Lastly, Step 3: Blow or forcibly exhale through your nose. You should feel your ear pop. Its as simple as that. Do this about 5 to 10 times. However, if you have severe pain, you must visit your andrologist near you. Since, one must rule out testicular torsion at all costs. I hope you liked reading this short blog post. Will catch up with you with lots of more interesting content. For now, ciao References Rockney, Randy, and Anthony J. Alario. “Blue balls.” Pediatrics 108.5 (2001): 1233-1234. Subscribe to our Newsletter Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah