10 Tips to get pregnant with irregular periods

10 Tips to get pregnant with irregular periods How to get pregnant quickly with irregular periods | 10 Tips to get pregnant with irregular periods Subscribe This video contains awesome tips on “How to get pregnant quickly with irregular periods. Irregular periods can severely diminish your chances of trying to get pregnant naturally, since women with irregular periods will not have a monthly release of their egg. One the commonest causes of irregular periods is PCOS. If you really want to know – how to get pregnant with PCOS?, you should take 4 minutes of your time to watch this video…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Facts of male infertility treatment you must know

Male infertility ? | Facts of male infertility treatment you must know Male infertility ? | Facts of male infertility treatment you must know Subscribe Male infertility and male fertility problems are drastically rising all around the globe. On average infertility in men affects over 7% of the global male population. The causes of male infertility are 1. Low sperm count 2. Low sperm motility 3. Hormonal deficiencies 4. Genetic disorders in sperm production 5. Obstruction in the male genital tract leading to low sperm production 6. Sexual dysfunction like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation leading to infertility issues…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
What is the normal Sperm analysis test for men

Semen Analysis – What is the normal Sperm analysis test for men ? | Sperm analysis FACTS Semen Analysis – What is the normal Sperm analysis test for men ? | Sperm analysis FACTS Subscribe Semen Analysis test or sperm analysis test, is the gold standard investigation of choice for male infertility assessment. The semen test or sperm test gives the following useful information about a man’s semen and also helps us understand as to why he has difficulty in fathering a child. The three most important parameters of a semen analysis are as follows 1. Sperm count 2. Sperm motility 3. Sperm morphology What is normal sperm count…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
SHOCKING TIPS to treat infertility

How to treat infertility naturally ? | How to treat infertility ? SHOCKING TIPS to treat infertility How to treat infertility naturally ? | How to treat infertility ? SHOCKING TIPS to treat infertility Subscribe Fertility treatments are not very complex. Treatment for infertility/remedies for infertility can be successfully achieved by following simple lifestyle modifications. Part 1 – How to treat infertility in male ? Male infertility treatment begins with the following simple measures a. Walking 30 mins everyday b. Avoiding excess cell phone usage c. avoiding keeping the laptop on the lap d. simple home remedies for infertility in male includes wearing loose inner garments, eating fruits and vegetable rich diet that contain antioxidants …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Steps to prevent sperm leakage after intercourse

Steps to prevent sperm leakage after intercourse | Tips to prevent sperm leakage after intercourse Steps to prevent sperm leakage after intercourse | Tips to prevent sperm leakage after intercourse Subscribe So what are causes of sperm leakage? and what are steps to prevent sperm leakage?. First of all you must understand that sperm leakage after sex affects all couples. Sperm or semen back flow after sexual intercourse is a completely natural process. Rather than sperm, it is the semen that backflows, while the sperm being a motile cell attaches to the vaginal wall and continues to swim up towards the egg. Sperm leakage medicines are a hoax so please do not fall for such treatment scams that claim to stop …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Low sperm motility treatment

Sperm motility | what is normal sperm motility? | low sperm motility treatment Sperm motility | what is normal sperm motility? | low sperm motility treatment Subscribe Ever wondered what is the normal sperm motility or the motility of sperm or sperm motility percentage for a pregnancy? Even top medical scientists and doctors are still searching the answer to the exact question on what is normal sperm motility? Sperm motility percentages/sperm motility range chart can be divided into three types as per the WHO 1. Progressive motile sperm 2. Non progressive motile sperm 3. Immotile sperm The number of progressively motile sperm is most important and a value from 35 to 40% of progressive sperm motility rate is usually enough to father a child…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
What is normal sperm count in men to be fertile?

What is normal sperm count in men ? | What is normal sperm count in men to be fertile? THE TRUTH What is normal sperm count in men ? | What is normal sperm count in men to be fertile? THE TRUTH Subscribe When a semen analysis shows sperm count less than 15 million/ml persistently that is considered as low sperm count. A simple semen analysis (sperm count test) can give a bucket load of information on assessing why conception is not taking place. A man may not be able to father a child if he has 1. A low sperm count 2. Low sperm motility 3. Poor sperm shape 4. Or a very low semen volume It’s important never to blame…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
How to increase sperm volume ?

How to increase sperm volume ? | How to increase semen volume? | Semen Volume – the TRUTH How to increase sperm volume ? | How to increase semen volume? | Semen Volume – the TRUTH Subscribe Semen volume normal values range from about 1.3 ml to 2.0 ml, a very low semen volume less than 0.5 ml is suggestive of a major problem in the male reproductive tract. More than semen volume, it is the number of sperm present in a unit volume of semen that matters more. Thus the semen analysis test can give accurate information on semen volume and sperm parameters. Semen analysis remains the gold standard test of choice for male infertility testing. Today male infertility is well on the rise and affects over…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Semen Analysis test

Semen analysis | Sperm Test | Semen Analysis test | Sperm test for men Semen analysis | Sperm Test | Semen Analysis test | Sperm test for men Subscribe Semen analysis remains the gold standard test of choice for male infertility testing. Today male infertility is well on the rise and affects over 7% of men. When a couple presents to the fertility clinic for an infertility evaluation we frequently see male fertility issues in atleast 60% of couples. A simple semen analysis can give a bucket load of information on assessing why conception is not taking place. A man may not be able to father a child if he has 1. A low sperm count 2. Low sperm motility 3. Poor sperm shape 4. Or a combination of the above factors…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Does masturbation lead to sperm loss?

Masturbation | Does masturbation lead to sperm loss? Masturbation | Does masturbation lead to sperm loss? Subscribe Masturbation is simply defined as the process of self-stimulation for achieving sexual pleasure. Today sadly masturbation and the subject of it discussion has become a social taboo. Masturbation in many cultures is considered a sin! and the very topic has a lot of associated negativity with that goes with it. One of the most popular myths surrounding masturbation is that, masturbating men lose their fertility and lose their manliness. Many men especially in India are led to believe that masturbating regualarly is a bad habit and the act itself results in loss of sperms or a low sperm count . They believe that masturbation is the reason for their infertility!. But this is far from the truth. Masturbating and/or masturbation does not affect a man’s sperm output. The reason for this is simple. Sperm production is a 24/7 process that begins from the time a mans achieves puberty till the time he dies…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah