What Happens If We Take Out Sperms Everyday ?

Men’s Health Blogs What Happens If We Take Out Sperms Everyday ? In today’s post, I am going to answer a few common questions that I see in my practice on daily basis. As a practicing Chennai sexologist among the most common question, I get from my patient’s is dear doctor, what happens if we take out sperms everyday!. Will I become infertile?. Will I lose my sperm? Let me try to answer this step by step. So let us first discuss on the first question below What happens if we take out sperms everyday? The answer is YES & NO! Confused? It’s time you know the exact science or exact effects of taking out sperm daily. First, let us look and understand the harmful effects of masturbation. So is jacking off bad for your health?. It is if you do it 2 to 3 times a day. Interestingly taking out sperm daily twice or thrice can lead to physical exhaustion a general sense of tiredness and also a weakness. This is understandable because masturbation like sexual intercourse actually burns calories! and therefore energy Teens and youngsters, who are growing up are more so inclined to explore their sexuality. The frequency of sexual thoughts/day approaches as high 10 to 20 times on average (from our clinic’s data). Our society is also pretty conservative on sex education, consequently this only increases the curiosity of youngsters to find out and explore their bodies from a sexual viewpoint. Sex, after all, is hardwired into our Brain! The other issue that we must discuss here is masturbation addiction. Sometimes, if you take out sperms every day or masturbate every day, you may get addicted to it. Eventually, a lot of teens come to my clinic with compulsive masturbatory behavior which is hard to treat. They are also addicted to porn. Consequently, they become so engrossed in the act, their studies and other professional goals take a hit. Addiction is among one of the harmful effects of masturbation I have had patients, who lost their job or quit college because they felt, that they were suffering from over masturbation side effects Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call So should you take out sperms every day? So what happens if we take out sperms everyday ? I think it is a choice ultimately. If you feel you can maintain control and are able to get on with it, then proceed, if not just focus your efforts on developing a hobby. After all like the saying goes… Now…lets move on to the most interesting section of this post.. MASTURBATION MYTHS: MYTH 1 – There are lot of benefits of masturbation in the morning That couldn’t be farther from the truth, there is no scientific evidence to conclusively state that taking your sperm out in the morning is beneficial as compared to the evening. From our clinic’s data on 324 men with early morning masturbation, we found that most of them felt subjectively tired and were only taking our their sperm out of compulsion. They did not enjoy doing it one bit! MYTH 2 – Masturbation has effects on the face and releasing sperm daily causes pimples Again this is a bad joke.. There is absolutely no scientific evidence to suggest that masturbation leads to acne. Over 90% of teenagers will develop acne anyway. That is simply because of junk and the only food they tend to eat and not to mention, our environment is nowhere as clean as it used to be. MYTH 3 – Does masturbation cause low sperm count? Again a highly misinterpreted fact, the answer is No. Daily ejaculation will not reduce a man’s sperm count, sperm motility or sperm quality one bit at all. Sperm quality and quantity both for an individual is highly variable. On an average, a healthy individual will produce over 2500 sperms/minute and masturbation will not deplete your testicular sperm reserve! MYTH 5 – Does daily sperm removal cause memory loss? No, No and No. Will it change your sexual thought patterns. That it will. Whether that’s good or bad is something you have to take a call on. There are no scientific studies to suggest that daily masturbation leads to loss of memory Subscribe to our Newsletter So to summarize, what happens if we take out sperms every day? Nothing as long you do not feel addicted or get addicted to the habit You may feel some exhaustion or tiredness, try to avoid masturbation in the morning Ejaculation is ejaculation no matter by what means you achieve it. It may be differently perceived by your mind but to your body, it is the same How many times should you masturbate per week?. There is no right number, I would suggest you do it as and when you like but keep control of your sexual thoughts and behavior The best way to avoid releasing sperms daily is by engaging in a hobby you are passionate about. Remember, masturbation is still any day better than going out with someone you do not know. Over 94% of all men and at least 50 to 80% of women masturbated at least once in their lifetime. Why feel guilty then?. Do it but keep strict control. Last of all, taking sperms out daily is definitely not associated with loss of hair, acne, loss of memory and/or baldness Sadly this habit and the industry behind it is also being misused to sell numerous medications online that claim to help you break the habit, as well as improve your sperm quality. Remember two things, the first is that, taking your sperm out does not in principle reduce your sperm count in any way!. It does not in anyway reduce your semen quality and/or fertility. Never ever take any medication for masturbation. There a lot of scam artists selling medicines that claim to cure masturbation addiction online. You are better off being addicted rather
How do i know if my husband is infertile? – Male infertility test

Men’s Health Blogs How do i know if my husband is infertile? Male infertility test How do I know if my husband is infertile? How do I know if my husband is infertile?. That is a very common question I keep getting from my patients. My name is Dr Shah Dupesh, and I am a consultant andrology doctor in Chennai. Read on… Male infertility is drastically on the rise!. Data from across studies clearly reveals that male infertility and male sexual health problems affect from anywhere between 60 to 70% of men who are actively trying for a child. Most of the time infertility is a blame game and women keep getting blamed for their inability to bear a child within a year of their marriage, at least in some cultures. This is actually very sad, since their is strong data to suggest that of 1000 couples who would present to fertility clinic, we would frequently see male infertility as a SOLE CAUSE in at least 65% of the couples! So here are 10 quick actionable tips for you to find out if you husband is facing fertility or sexual health problems! TIP 1: MALE INFERTILITY AND SURGERY Did your husband have any recent surgeries in his abdomen shortly post marriage?. You need to know this for certain TIP 2: SEXUAL INTERCOURSE AND MALE INFERTILITY Does your husband regularly engage with you in sexual intercourse? At least 2 to 3 times a week? Has this frequency actually decreased? TIP 3: MEDICATIONS TO GET PREGNANT? Does your husband take any chronic long term medication?. Does he take alternative medications? TIP 4: SEMEN ANALYSIS AND MALE INFERTILITY TESTING Has your husband done a semen analysis ever in the past? If yes, does the report read Normozoospermia? Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call TIP 5: AVOIDING A MALE INFERTILITY TESTING Is your husband reluctant for infertility testing?. Reluctance sometimes points out a previous problem that he does not want to disclose with you TIP 6: ENVIRONMENTAL RISK AND MALE FERTILITY? Does your husband work in an environment that is radiation rich?. Involves toxic chemical use?. TIP 7: PERSONAL HABITS LEADING TO MALE INFERTILITY? Does your husband have bad personal habits like smoking and alcohol intake? What would have been the duration?. You should know this TIP 8: PAST RELATIONSHIP? Is this his first marriage to you?. Was he involved in a past relationship?. You definitely need to know. Of course, remember to be polite and inoffensive Subscribe to our Newsletter TIP 9: SEXUAL INTERCOURSE AGAIN? Do you feel his erection is adequate?. Do you feel a change in his erection or his general sexual interest? Make a note of the findings TIP 10: DID HE OR HIS FAMILY BLAME YOU INFERTILITY? Then ask him to get checked first, tell his whole family that you are not to be blamed. In fact, no one should be blamed for the inability to conceive. So, to conclude… How do I know if my husband is infertile? Follow the 10 tips above, question your partner and get back to us if you have further questions. If you looking for a sexology doctor in chennai get in touch with us below. References Wang C, Swerdloff RS. Limitations of semen analysis as a test of male fertility and anticipated needs from newer tests. Fertility and sterility. 2014 Dec 1;102(6):1502-7. Oehninger S, Ombelet W. Limits of current male fertility testing. Fertility and Sterility. 2019 May 1;111(5):835-41. TAGS: HOW DO I KNOW IF MY HUSBAND IS INFERTILE?, MALE INFERTILITY, MALE INFERTILITY TESTING, MENS SEXUAL HEALTH Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Comment (2) Godwin says: February 11, 2024 at 10:03 pm Edit Doctor I want to ask please What are the remedies, treatments and medications for Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: February 16, 2024 at 9:59 am Edit Please do call me on 9790783856 Reply Raheel says: October 12, 2023 at 12:37 am Edit Hii dr. Shah, i hope you are fine and this comment will reach out to you. I am facing this prone masturbation issue since 3 to 4 years now. When i fall asleep during midnight prone masturbation is happening and as a result ejaculation is taking place. Please i request you to tell me how to abstain or avoid prone masturabtion & to which counsellor should i meet to tackle this. I am unable to stop prone masturbation, i am depressed. Please help me Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: October 13, 2023 at 3:59 pm Edit Please drop me a call on 9790783856 Reply Chethan says: September 24, 2023 at 9:12 am Edit Hello sir my semen analysis shows 8-10 hpf pus cells present in semen and liquification time is >90 min and viscosity has increased. Overall results says NORMOZOOSPERMIA WITH GENITAL TRACT INFECTION WITH INCREASED VISCOSITY. Do i require treatment? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: January 24, 2024 at 3:52 pm Edit Please call me on 9790783856 Reply Will says: September 12, 2023 at 7:34 am Edit Hi, for the past few weeks there has been semen or prostate fluid in my urine almost every night. This is not from retrograde, neither from medication. This is really draining my energy. How can I stop this please help. Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: September 14, 2023 at 6:01 pm Edit Hi will, I can help. Please drop me a call on +919790783856 Reply Chloe says: September 10, 2023 at 2:43 am Edit I had a depo injection on January or I think it’s February as I remembered and I’ve not took it since I only took once in my life. Can I still get pregnant right now on September 9 can I still make a baby I do have periods but can I still have a baby this time of the month because I