What Happens If We Take Out Sperms Everyday ?

Men’s Health Blogs What Happens If We Take Out Sperms Everyday ? In today’s post, I am going to answer a few common questions that I see in my practice on daily basis. As a practicing Chennai sexologist among the most common question, I get from my patient’s is dear doctor, what happens if we take out sperms everyday!. Will I become infertile?. Will I lose my sperm? Let me try to answer this step by step. So let us first discuss on the first question below What happens if we take out sperms everyday? The answer is YES & NO! Confused? It’s time you know the exact science or exact effects of taking out sperm daily. First, let us look and understand the harmful effects of masturbation. So is jacking off bad for your health?. It is if you do it 2 to 3 times a day. Interestingly taking out sperm daily twice or thrice can lead to physical exhaustion a general sense of tiredness and also a weakness. This is understandable because masturbation like sexual intercourse actually burns calories! and therefore energy Teens and youngsters, who are growing up are more so inclined to explore their sexuality. The frequency of sexual thoughts/day approaches as high 10 to 20 times on average (from our clinic’s data). Our society is also pretty conservative on sex education, consequently this only increases the curiosity of youngsters to find out and explore their bodies from a sexual viewpoint. Sex, after all, is hardwired into our Brain! The other issue that we must discuss here is masturbation addiction. Sometimes, if you take out sperms every day or masturbate every day, you may get addicted to it. Eventually, a lot of teens come to my clinic with compulsive masturbatory behavior which is hard to treat. They are also addicted to porn. Consequently, they become so engrossed in the act, their studies and other professional goals take a hit. Addiction is among one of the harmful effects of masturbation I have had patients, who lost their job or quit college because they felt, that they were suffering from over masturbation side effects Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call So should you take out sperms every day? So what happens if we take out sperms everyday ? I think it is a choice ultimately. If you feel you can maintain control and are able to get on with it, then proceed, if not just focus your efforts on developing a hobby. After all like the saying goes… Now…lets move on to the most interesting section of this post.. MASTURBATION MYTHS: MYTH 1 – There are lot of benefits of masturbation in the morning That couldn’t be farther from the truth, there is no scientific evidence to conclusively state that taking your sperm out in the morning is beneficial as compared to the evening. From our clinic’s data on 324 men with early morning masturbation, we found that most of them felt subjectively tired and were only taking our their sperm out of compulsion. They did not enjoy doing it one bit! MYTH 2 – Masturbation has effects on the face and releasing sperm daily causes pimples Again this is a bad joke.. There is absolutely no scientific evidence to suggest that masturbation leads to acne. Over 90% of teenagers will develop acne anyway. That is simply because of junk and the only food they tend to eat and not to mention, our environment is nowhere as clean as it used to be. MYTH 3 – Does masturbation cause low sperm count? Again a highly misinterpreted fact, the answer is No. Daily ejaculation will not reduce a man’s sperm count, sperm motility or sperm quality one bit at all. Sperm quality and quantity both for an individual is highly variable. On an average, a healthy individual will produce over 2500 sperms/minute and masturbation will not deplete your testicular sperm reserve! MYTH 5 – Does daily sperm removal cause memory loss? No, No and No. Will it change your sexual thought patterns. That it will. Whether that’s good or bad is something you have to take a call on. There are no scientific studies to suggest that daily masturbation leads to loss of memory Subscribe to our Newsletter So to summarize, what happens if we take out sperms every day? Nothing as long you do not feel addicted or get addicted to the habit You may feel some exhaustion or tiredness, try to avoid masturbation in the morning Ejaculation is ejaculation no matter by what means you achieve it. It may be differently perceived by your mind but to your body, it is the same How many times should you masturbate per week?. There is no right number, I would suggest you do it as and when you like but keep control of your sexual thoughts and behavior The best way to avoid releasing sperms daily is by engaging in a hobby you are passionate about. Remember, masturbation is still any day better than going out with someone you do not know. Over 94% of all men and at least 50 to 80% of women masturbated at least once in their lifetime. Why feel guilty then?. Do it but keep strict control. Last of all, taking sperms out daily is definitely not associated with loss of hair, acne, loss of memory and/or baldness Sadly this habit and the industry behind it is also being misused to sell numerous medications online that claim to help you break the habit, as well as improve your sperm quality. Remember two things, the first is that, taking your sperm out does not in principle reduce your sperm count in any way!. It does not in anyway reduce your semen quality and/or fertility. Never ever take any medication for masturbation. There a lot of scam artists selling medicines that claim to cure masturbation addiction online. You are better off being addicted rather
Male fertility: What’s the Big Deal?

Men’s Health Blogs Male fertility: What’s the Big Deal? Male fertility issues are rampantly rising around the globe. The WHO recently declared infertility as a public health problem. Hello and welcome! This is Dr. Shah, consultant Andrologist at Dr. Shahs Clinic for Male Infertility & Sexual Health and in today’s post, I am gonna share with you 15 points on infertility in men… first of all, I want you to quickly read the content in the image below… Infertility in men is not an easy issue to tackle. Men diagnosed with male fertility issues frequently breakdown emotionally and feel sense of worthlessness and/or failure.. Thus from a medical viewpoint it becomes imperative that these issues are handled delicately and the medical practitioner should empathize with the patient. Now keeping this in mind, lets look at a few common questions that I keep getting asked in my clinic time and again. MALE FERTILITY FAQ’s A. What are the causes of infertility in men? Surprisingly, a large number of diseases can consequently lead to Infertility in men. A few of them are as follows 1. A problem affecting brain structures like the pituitary or hypothalamus 2. Genetic problems like Klinefelter’s syndrome/chromosomal anomalies 3. Y-chromosome Micro-deletion 4. Idiopathic infertility (cause is unknown). In 30% of men we really do not know, why infertility occurs! 5. Trauma to the Testis can also damage and affect the sperm output 6. An infection that affects the testis and its ducts that transport sperm. This can block sperm transport 7. Testicular tumors can effectively destroy the testis and hence sperm production 8. A testis that has not descended into the scrotum 9. Chemotherapy/radiation for other cancers 10. The use of Certain drugs 11. Sexual problems like erectile dysfunction/pain during sex/no ejaculation 12. Other severe systemic diseases B. Are their any Male infertility Symptoms? Unfortunately, most of the time their are absolutely no symptoms of infertility in men… First of all, male fertility problems are usually the suspect only when no pregnancy has happened spontaneously for the female partner even after one year of regular unprotected sexual intercourse…. ….but, some male fertility issues could be a suspect when a man sometimes has difficulty in achieving and/or maintaining erections. Since if a man has a difficulty in performing sexual intercourse, this is suggestive of a male hormonal deficiency, …although one must rule out other associated psychological causes of the sexual problem. Hence, it would be wise to get a thorough physical examination and also get a hormonal evaluation with a medical professional at the earliest. A semen analysis is a must and is also probably the first line investigation for male fertility assessment. C. Are their physical symptoms of low sperm count or are their any signs of low sperm count? This is probably the most commonest question I get!. Unfortunately their are absolutely no physical symptoms a man would feel if he has a low sperm count. Men usually have a normal sexual life and are also most of the time completely unaware that they producing semen with low sperm counts. Most men are caught by surprise only on the day when a male fertility assessment is done. Interestingly, many men who presented to our clinic in the last couple of years have been diagnosed with AZOOSPERMIA (which means no sperm in the ejaculate). Some men with male infertility will also have extremely low sperm motility and a combination of very low sperm count These men while sadly infertile, seem to have a normal sexual life…. at-least till the time they were diagnosed with this dreaded condition!. A diagnosis of male infertility in itself sometimes can severely affect a mans sexual life Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call D. Is their a Male fertility test or a Male infertility test? Male fertility is best assessed with a simple semen analysis that can be done at any well certified laboratory that have trained personnel for performing the test. The semen sample is usually collected by masturbation into a sterile on toxic wide-mouthed container provided by the laboratory using a DRY HAND. The collection is preferably done in a private room within the laboratory premises. Exercise caution and stay away from ill-equipped laboratories that are not designed to do Semen Analysis!. Since over 70% of the time you could an erroneous report. A misdiagnosis is very common in this specialty. As semen analysis is a complex test that requires some degree of training and orientation. Sadly their is an absolute paucity of trained places in our country where you could get an accurate report. Feel free to drop me an mail and I will be happy to help you through. E. Male fertility test cost?. Is it expensive?. Are their other male fertility tests? A simple semen analysis can range from anywhere between Rs 200/- to Rs 1200/-. The cost usually widely varies from place to place. Other tests for male fertility assessment are listed below. HINT: Never go for an automated semen analysis estimation A. A Hormonal Workup is done usually as routinely for patients, but preferably if patients are suspected to have a hormonal deficiency B. Ultrasound scan of the testis may be able to give an accurate estimation of testis size. Interestingly, a certain degree of correlation is seen between testis size and sperm output C. Karyotyping as a test is recommended only in select groups of patients were a genetic problem is suspect, in addition to Y-chromosome micro-deletion mentioned below D. Y-chromosome micro-deletion assessment, in addition, is preferably done for all patients who present with a sperm count of of less than 5 million/ml. The normal sperm count for male fertility as per the WHO is 15 million/ml of semen E. Finally, patients can undergo a semen culture if and when the doctor suspects a urinary tract infection or if the semen shows many round cells.