How To Know Sperm Count Without Test ?

Men’s Health Blogs How To Know Sperm Count Without Test ? Hi! This is Dr. Shah, Consultant andrologist in chennai and in today’s short post we are going to discuss on the question – “How To Know Sperm Count Without Test?” Now, I am sure you are aware of the fact that male infertility is rampantly rising all around the globe. But, most men, who come to a fertility clinic to meet and infertility specialist frequently shy away from any type of testing related to sperm or semen in general. However, you can’t blame them!! Furthermore, the feeling of discomfort further rises when these guys meet an infertility specialist who is not a female!. This is more so true in a conservative city like Chennai. Most men who come to me for an infertility evaluation are pretty open about their problems, yet, a small fraction of them ask me this question time and again… “How To Know Sperm Count Without Test?” Here is the honest answer… There is no accurate way to determine the exact sperm count without a proper and full-fledged semen analysis! Sorry to disappoint, but that is the absolute truth!. I swear! There are numerous sperm check at home kits being sold online that claim to tell if your sperm count test is normal Sadly That is very, very, I mean very far from the truth Just remember, that none of these kits can ever guarantee your ability to father a child!. Sadly, none of these at home kits that claim to assess sperm count are sensitive or specific enough to detect zero sperm count specifically. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call However, there are few kits that are sensitive enough for sperm counts up to 2 million/ml, I will reserve my judgment on them. The semen analysis test even for a single male can change from place to place and time to time. I only recommend doing a proper semen analysis as per the WHO 2010 Laboratory andrology guidelines from a well-certified lab I good report usually will give you the following metrics on your semen Sperm count The Sperm motility along with three subtypes as follows a) sperm progressive motility b) sperm non-progressive motility c) immotile sperm The Sperm morphology and other types of sperm defects Vitality of sperm Semen Volume, ph and a host of other data And, that is not the end of the story! Every man who ever has a semen analysis should get a clinical workup that includes an in-depth male history taking and also a thorough physical examination of his testis size and other reproductive organs At this juncture, I should also tell you that your semen is a very complex fluid. Every parameter of semen, and especially the sperm count, motility and morphology can change from one report to another. Anything about Sperm biology usually is darn confusing!. Lastly, What is the normal sperm count? That is about 15 million sperms per ml of semen!. Just remember that, the next time you look at your test results. Oh… And do not get upset if you get a bad result, just get it rechecked in a proper well-certified andrology laboratory! Subscribe to our Newsletter I hope you enjoyed this short read on… “How To Know Sperm Count Without Test?” This is Dr. Shah, Consultant in Male Infertility & Sexual Health, Do drop in your questions in the form below! References Sperm Fertility check at home article Semen analysis and spermiogram as per the WHO 2010 Get in touch with us below Dr Shahs Clinic for Male Infertility & Sexual Health Address: No 21, Sree Kalki Aparrtment, Bazullah road, T-Nagar, Chennai – 600017 Ph: 9790783856 TAGS: HOW TO KNOW SPERM COUNT WITHOUT TEST, MALE FERTILITY, MALE INFERTILITY, SEMEN ANALYSIS, SPERM COUNT Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Comment (13) Godwin says: February 11, 2024 at 10:03 pm Edit Doctor I want to ask please What are the remedies, treatments and medications for Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: February 16, 2024 at 9:59 am Edit Please do call me on 9790783856 Reply Raheel says: October 12, 2023 at 12:37 am Edit Hii dr. Shah, i hope you are fine and this comment will reach out to you. I am facing this prone masturbation issue since 3 to 4 years now. When i fall asleep during midnight prone masturbation is happening and as a result ejaculation is taking place. Please i request you to tell me how to abstain or avoid prone masturabtion & to which counsellor should i meet to tackle this. I am unable to stop prone masturbation, i am depressed. Please help me Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: October 13, 2023 at 3:59 pm Edit Please drop me a call on 9790783856 Reply Chethan says: September 24, 2023 at 9:12 am Edit Hello sir my semen analysis shows 8-10 hpf pus cells present in semen and liquification time is >90 min and viscosity has increased. Overall results says NORMOZOOSPERMIA WITH GENITAL TRACT INFECTION WITH INCREASED VISCOSITY. Do i require treatment? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: January 24, 2024 at 3:52 pm Edit Please call me on 9790783856 Reply Will says: September 12, 2023 at 7:34 am Edit Hi, for the past few weeks there has been semen or prostate fluid in my urine almost every night. This is not from retrograde, neither from medication. This is really draining my energy. How can I stop this please help. Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: September 14, 2023 at 6:01 pm Edit Hi will, I can help. Please drop me a call on +919790783856 Reply Chloe says: September 10, 2023 at 2:43 am Edit I had a depo injection on January or I think it’s February as I remembered and I’ve not took it since I only took once in my life. Can I still get pregnant