Bent Penis: When do you need a treatment?
Men’s Health Blogs Bent penis: When do you need a treatment? Unraveling the Mysteries of
Men's Health Blogs
So, you are trying for a child? And probably one of the biggest questions that could be running in your mind now is ‘how long to lie down after sex to get pregnant’?.
In this short blog post we are going to answer this very question and a few other relevant questions.
To quickly elaborate, most women may find that semen back-flows from their vaginal opening after intercourse with their partners.
This is something they dread, since most women (and men) get agitated or worried when they see a large portion of the ejaculate leak out.
Moreover, not just that, they think the sperms are lost and pregnancy wont ever happen.
As a sexologist, this is common worry I see with my patients
However, this is far from the truth. Studies on rodent models and guinea pigs show that, semen coagulates and forms a plug, prevent too much back flow.
This allows the sperm to swim from the plug upwards towards the egg.
Furthermore in humans as well a loose gelatinous plug is formed and this protects the sperm from the harsh acid like vaginal environment.
The plug also allows the sperm rich fraction to stay in close to the cervical opening.
To elaborate, the semen deposited in the vagina will flow back (because semen does liquefy 15 to 20 mins post ejaculation), but the sperm rich fraction which is usually just 1% of the entire ejaculate is deposited in the vagina.
Consequently, from the sperm rich fraction, the motile sperms will swim rapidly upwards into the uterus, aided by uterine contractions to reach the egg.
The reason a women’s orgasm is important is simply because, the uterine contractions propel the motile spermatozoa upwards rapidly towards the egg!.
So, should you worry about sperm back flow? The answer is definitely a big NO.
More importantly what to do after sex to conceive? The answer is basically to lie down for at-least 5 to 10 minutes.
Don’t keep lying down though for hours together, unless of course you are having intercourse at night.
The time that you need to give the spermatozoa to swim from the anterior vagina to the egg is just about ‘5 minutes’. Nothing more and nothing less.
Secondly another important fact to bear in mind, is never to flush wash the vaginal region post intercourse with a hand held faucet.
Most women tend to do that, this automatically will immobilize the spermatozoa and in some instances reduce the chances of a pregnancy.
That does really matter, sleep on any side peacefully. Really that does not count.
Now that you understand a bit about sperm transport, the next time your friend asks you ‘how long should i lay on my back while trying to conceive?’ You have the correct answer. About 5 mins. That’s it.
I hope enjoyed reading this short blog post. This is Dr Shah, consultant andrologist in chennai, keep watching this space for more
References article/12/1/23/607817?login=true
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So, you are trying for a child? And probably one of the biggest questions that could be running in your mind now is ‘how long to lie down after sex to get pregnant’?. In this short blog post we are going to answer this very question and a few other relevant questions.
To quickly elaborate, most women may find that semen back-flows from their vaginal opening after intercourse with their partners. This is something they dread, since most women (and men) get agitated or worried when they see a large portion of the ejaculate leak out.
Moreover, not just that, they think the sperms are lost and pregnancy wont ever happen. As a sexologist, this is common worry I see with my patients
However, this is far from the truth. Studies on rodent models and guinea pigs show that, semen coagulates and forms a plug, prevent too much back flow.
This allows the sperm to swim from the plug upwards towards the egg. Furthermore in humans as well a loose gelatinous plug is formed and this protects the sperm from the harsh acid like vaginal environment. The plug also allows the sperm rich fraction to stay in close to the cervical opening.
To elaborate, the semen deposited in the vagina will flow back (because semen does liquefy 15 to 20 mins post ejaculation), but the sperm rich fraction which is usually just 1% of the entire ejaculate is deposited in the vagina.
Consequently, from the sperm rich fraction, the motile sperms will swim rapidly upwards into the uterus, aided by uterine contractions to reach the egg. The reason a women’s orgasm is important is simply because, the uterine contractions propel the motile spermatozoa upwards rapidly towards the egg!.
So, should you worry about sperm back flow? The answer is definitely a big NO.
More importantly what to do after sex to conceive? The answer is basically to lie down for at-least 5 to 10 minutes. Don’t keep lying down though for hours together, unless of course you are having intercourse at night.
The time that you need to give the spermatozoa to swim from the anterior vagina to the egg is just about ‘5 minutes’. Nothing more and nothing less.
Secondly another important fact to bear in mind, is never to flush wash the vaginal region post intercourse with a hand held faucet. Most women tend to do that, this automatically will immobilize the spermatozoa and in some instances reduce the chances of a pregnancy.
That does really matter, sleep on any side peacefully. Really that does not count. Now that you understand a bit about sperm transport, the next time your friend asks you ‘how long should i lay on my back while trying to conceive?’ You have the correct answer. About 5 mins. That’s it.
I hope enjoyed reading this short blog post. This is Dr Shah, consultant andrologist in chennai, keep watching this space for more
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I had a depo injection on January or I think it’s February as I remembered and I’ve not took it since I only took once in my life. Can I still get pregnant right now on September 9 can I still make a baby I do have periods but can I still have a baby this time of the month because I have not read the projection ages. Last time I took it was on January was either February as I remembered how long does it take to get a depot out of my system mental maths I don’t know?
You can Chloe, dont worry
What of a situation whereby the vagina vomits out the semen immediately after ejaculation ? Can the lady still get pregnant? What is responsible for such? Hormones or what?
It happens to all couples. Its called Effluem Seminis