How To Know Sperm Count Without Test ?

how to know sperm count without test

Hi! This is Dr. Shah, Consultant andrologist in chennai  and in today’s short post we are going to discuss on the question – “How To Know Sperm Count Without Test?” Now, I am sure you are aware of the fact that male infertility is rampantly rising all around the globe. But, most men, who come … Read more

Sperm Motility

Sperm non progressive motility | sperm motility | normal sperm motility | normal sperm motility for pregnancy

Hi, This is Dr. Shah, Consultant in Male Infertility & Sexual Health. In this post, I am going to tell you everything about sperm motility But, first, let us understand a little about normal sperm motility. What is normal sperm motility? Did you know, that the normal sperm motility as stated by the WHO 2010 … Read more

How do you know if you have a low sperm count?

How do you know if you have a low sperm count?

How do you know if you have a low sperm count? That is a very common question I keep getting asked from my patients. Read on… Men’s health issues especially those that involve the reproductive health is rapidly on the rise. Most of the time the female comrade gets blamed for all issues relating to fertility. This … Read more

Smoking and Sperm : How does smoking affect sperm quality?

Smoking and sperm

Smoking can severely affect male fertility by lowering the sperm count, sperm motility, sperm shape and also damaging the sperm DNA Does smoking affect my chances of becoming a father? Hi, This is Dr Shah Dupesh, Consultant Andrologist, to answer the aforementioned question in a single line.. Yes it will!. And you better stop smoking … Read more

Male fertility: What’s the Big Deal?

Male fertility test | semen analysis

Male fertility issues are rampantly rising around the globe. The WHO recently declared infertility as a public health problem. Hello and welcome! This is Dr. Shah, consultant Andrologist at Dr. Shahs Clinic for Male Infertility & Sexual Health and in today’s post, I am gonna share with you 15 points on infertility in men… first … Read more

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