Bent Penis: When do you need a treatment?
Men’s Health Blogs Bent penis: When do you need a treatment? Unraveling the Mysteries of
Men's Health Blogs
A very common question I keep getting from my patients as a sexologist is ‘does masturbation cause erection problems?’
Doctor, does masturbation cause sexual disorders?. I mean, doc, how many times can we masturbate in day? Is their a male masturbation limit?.
Fortunate are those who seek the truth in everything one hears and speaks.
While this is NOT my saying, Its something, you must remember when you are actively googling about masturbation.
Today their is a shit load of inaccurate, non-scientific and invalidated information on masturbation.
So very sad indeed.
Today many professionals and self-proclaimed sexperts are claiming masturbation to be a very normal part of human development.
These andrologist and sexologists are in-fact recommending to do masturbation DAILY.
Even 5 times/day is these days being sanctified as normal. Some experts go so far to say to state that regular masturbation even reduces prostate cancer.
Crap! Crap and double crap.
So does masturbation cause more harm than good? Is it really recommended to masturbate regularly? What is the truth?.
Today a range of studies have explored and are exploring the link between masturbatory practices and erectile dysfunction
The answer is YES, it does. Masturbation has been linked with a range of sexual disorders. They are
1. Erectile Dysfunction
2. Premature Ejaculation
3. And Retarded Ejaculation
In a study by Lipsith et al, a beautiful publication that I would encourage you to read, the authors have given a proposed framework on exactly how masturbation leads to the development of erectile dysfunction.
A normal adult goes to 3 important phases of sexual development.
During the 1st phase or years near to puberty, young adults explore their genitals, masturbate and watch erotica (porn).
In the stage 2, as the young adult gets older, he gets involved with women and eventually explores partnered sex.
But, the catch is that, masturbation is still very much a part of his sexual outlets.
Consequently, in stage 2 their is both masturbation + heterosexual sexual exposure.
Lastly, in stage of sexual development, should things go normally for men, their is the establishment of stable sexual relationship with partners.
Masturbatory behavior slowly reduces in frequency.
However, in a small proportion of men ‘masturbation fixation’ occurs.
Once the masturbation fixation establishes itself, the man will get so addicted to porn and sexual content, so much so that, he will not be able to get any arousal with his stable partner or married partner….ever.
Eventually, these men develop erectile dysfunction of a psychogenic nature.
They can never let go of the ‘habit of masturbation’.
So, does masturbation cause erectile dysfunction? it does.
Men who can let go of the masturbatory practices at an appropriate age, end up developing erectile disorder and other sexual disorders with their stable partners.
Interestingly, these men will maintain good erectile function in isolation with porn.
Why? This is because their no female partner to judge these men while they silently jerk-off to a ‘harem of women’ on screen.
The visual erotica that porn provides is damn bloody exciting. It also discreet and you get variety.
I mean who seriously wants f#$k the same women over and over again? When you get so many women naked on screen, that is exactly what your inner-brain (reptilian part of it) craves for.
The saddest thing, these men can never have sexual intercourse with their partners.
They eventually suffer in silence for years and also end up with multiple broken relationships.
To conclude, masturbation is like a walking stick
You must know when to give it up or at-least reduce the frequency of it.
I hope you enjoyed reading this short post on ‘does masturbation cause erection problems’?.
Keep watching this space for more. This is Dr Shah consultant andrologist and sexologist in chennai. See you soon on the next post
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