When you ejaculate how much sperm comes out?

When you ejaculatehow much sperm comes out? When you ejaculate how much sperm comes out? Subscribe when you ejaculate how much sperm comes out’. Now, during ejaculation the 1st portion of the ejaculate is frequently called as the sperm rich fraction. Now the sperm rich fraction, contains most of the motile moving sperm. Technically, if the sperm rich fraction is deposited properly in the vagina, then, when you ejaculate, getting your partner pregnant should not be a problem…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
7 tips to increase sperm quality super fast

How to increase sperm quality?7 tips to increase spermquality super fast How to increase sperm quality? 7 tips to increase sperm quality super fast Subscribe These are some very important questions to answer when one is trying for a child naturally. In the context where you are clear that natural conception is the way forward, improving your sperm quality is probably the most important thing to do right now. Watch the video till the end to discover 7 tips that can help improve sperm count, improve sperm motility & also sperm quality really fast…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Does Night-Shift work reduce Semen?

Does Night- Shift work reduce Semen? Does Night-Shift work reduce Semen? Subscribe In one word, night work can have severe effects on male fertility. Some of the negative effects of night work on male infertility include its effect on sperm count, sperm motility, sperm shape, semen volume. Moreover working in the night also reduces erectile dysfunction, causes low desire and also drastically reduces in general overall sex interest. Not just that, night work is associated cardiovascular mortality, obesity, systemic hypertension and a range of other health related problems…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Does masturbation reduce prostate cancer?

Does masturbation reduce prostate cancer? Lets science the TRUTH Does masturbation reduce prostate cancer? Lets science the TRUTH Subscribe Masturbation is a fairly common practice. While its definitely not recommended, it is sad to see many medical experts claim that it has a protective effect against prostate cancer. As we age, the risk of prostate cancer in general increases for all men. However, with age, the frequency of masturbation also decreases. Moreover, recent studies have suggested that masturbation seems to have no protective effect in terms of preventing prostate cancer…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
When is the best time for sex

Early morning sex When is the best time for sex Early morning sex ? When is the best time for sex ? Subscribe So, when is the best time to have sex? Is sex in the morning better? Or is sex in the evening better?. The advantage with early morning intercourse is that, the brains anxiety systems are shut down and basically you are fresh and rested. In the evening once you are back from work, sexual intercourse can be difficult since, most working couples suffer from a fluster of thoughts, due to work and stress…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Azoospermia – No sperm in semen

Azoospermia No sperm in semen Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment Azoospermia (No sperm in semen) Subscribe Azoospermia affects an estimated 1% of all men. A man is said to suffer from Azoospermia, if his semen sample shows no sperm in the ejaculate. A minimum of 2 reports must confirm no sperm seen in the semen. If 100 men visit a male infertility clinic for azoospermia, then an estimated 10% of them will have ‘no sperm seen’. The symptoms of azoospermia include, low hair growth in the beard or mustache, poor male patter of body…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
No sperm when i ejaculate

No sperm when i ejaculate whats wrong No sperm when i ejaculate ? Whats wrong ? No sperm comes out ? – What to do ? Subscribe No sperm or semen in ejaculate whats wrong with me? Its probably a scary question to ask yourself. The reason for the same is Ejaculatory dysfunction. Common causes for ejaculatory dysfunction include Diabetes mellitus, antidepressant drug use, alpha -1 blocker medication use. Erectile dysfunction also is a cause of ejaculatory dysfunction. In retrograde ejaculation, semen goes backward into the urinary bladder instead of going forward…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Can Hernia cause Male Infertility

Can Hernia cause Male Infertility Can Hernia cause Male Infertility ? Subscribe The answer is not a straight yes, its the hernia repair that can lead to male infertility issues. Hernia repair involves the use of a mesh that can cause damage to the blood supply of the testis. This can thereby lead to low sperm count, low sperm motility, low testosterone and also reduced blood flow to the testis. Thus, hernia surgery should definitely be avoided in the event the man is trying for a child…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Total sperm motility

Total sperm motility Total sperm motility – How to self assess total sperm motility ? Subscribe In this video we are going to discuss in depth about total sperm motility. Sperm motility or the percentage of progressive sperm motility is an important metric by which clinical information about a mans fertility can be obtained. Men who father children within the first year of marriage usually have a progressive sperm motility of 32%. The total sperm motility on the other hand can be calculated by multiplying the semen volume by sperm concentration and by the percentage of progressively motile sperm…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Safe days to avoid pregnancy

Safe days to avoid pregnancy Safe days to avoid pregnancy Subscribe In this short video, we are going to quickly go over the 2 step method for avoiding an unwanted pregnancy. If you are newly married or newly entering into a relationship, this is what you must learn in order to prevent pregnancies. The method is based on the simple logic that closer to the time of egg release, cervical secretions or wetness in the vagina can increase leading to an increase in overall fertility…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah