Andrologist in Chennai for Male Infertility Treatment

The Withdrawal Method of Contraception

Men’s Health Blogs The Withdrawal Method of Contraception The Withdrawal Method of Contraception – quick facts Vanakkam and welcome to Dr. Shah’s clinic. Have you ever heard of the withdrawal method of contraception? alias pull out technique?. Wish you a very happy new year and it’s been quite some time since I post my last video. In this short blog post, we are going to discuss the withdrawal method of contraception also called the withdrawal method of birth control. Watch the video below if you do not have the patience to read through the full article. I promise you, it will be worth it. Now the withdrawal method of contraception is also called as a pull-out method. So in the withdrawal method what usually men do is that just before the point of ejaculation or just before they hit their orgasm they pull out the organ from the vagina so that intra-vaginal ejaculation does not happen and thereby an unwanted pregnancy can be avoided. Now what’s very interesting here is that withdrawal or the pull-out method of contraception is probably the oldest contraception method that has been used since time memorial. It’s a biblical method it’s been around for so very long. Now, it’s important to understand here that the withdrawal method of contraception gives a contraception protection rate of almost 95% and there is a 5% failure rate even in this method. Now what this means is that the withdrawal method of contraception is as good as a condom, so basically if you are averse to using a condom that is if you wear a condom and you feel you lose your erection you are not able to connect with your partner, bond with your partner because you are wearing a bloody condom try the withdrawal method of contraception, it usually works. It’s amazing as a method, because you have a good connection with your partner from a psychological perspective but the only problem here is that you are not going to get an intravaginal ejaculation. It’s more of a male method of contraception what happens here is that your partner’s satisfaction is not going to be impacted. So basically you have to last long enough so that you can give your partner the orgasm and then pull out and then you have to ejaculate outside the vagina. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Furthermore, you don’t want to give your partner an unwanted pregnancy and that’s why the withdrawal method or the pull-out method is so good. Many men pride themselves in using the withdrawal method or pull-out method of contraception since to some extent it shows that the man has tremendous control over his ejaculation. The next important point is the partner will also respect you because you care for her you don’t want her to have an unwanted or an unintended pregnancy. So the withdrawal method or the pull-out method has a 95% protection rate which is  almost as good as a condom but a 4% to 5% failure rate because sometimes the pre-lubricating fluid can have a small number of sperms and there are about 6 to 7 studies on the topic. Some studies say that the pre-lubricating fluid has no sperm at all. Subscribe to our Newsletter All said and done the best way to optimize the success of the method to pass urine after sexual intercourse. This will help wash off any residual sperm present in the male reproductive tract. If you masturbate in the previous day or you had sexual intercourse the previous day what you should do is you should urinate flush your urinary system off any residues and then have sexual intercourse and then adopt the withdrawal method during the particular session. So this will lower diminish or completely remove the chances of unwanted pregnancy so even if a small amount of pre-lubricating fluid deposits in the vagina the chance of pregnancy is going to be very less. I hope you found this video quite informative and useful on this withdrawal method of contraception also the pull-out method of contraception. This is Dr Shah consultant sexologist in chennai, keep watching this space for more interesting articles References science/article/abs/pii/ S001078241400208X   Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ

Why is my semen green? Learn everything about green semen

Men’s Health Blogs Why is my semen green? Why do I see greenish appearing semen? Is this something to be worried about? As a practicing Sexologist in Chennai I have seen many patients suffer from this issue. Read the article below Watch the video below to understand everything under the sun about greenish appearing semen. Hello and welcome to Dr. Shah’s clinic. In this short blog post, we’re going to answer the question why semen is green? Or why do I have greenish-colored semen? Or what does the greenish color of semen signify? Now what’s important to understand is that the normal color of the semen is usually whitish grey to grayish white and you know it has an egg-like consistency. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call So, when you notice ‘green-colored’ semen, it can suggest that either you’re taking some medication or some supplements. To further elaborate when these supplements or medications breakdown, sometimes the color of those metabolites can be reflected in the semen.That is one reason for greenish color semen. The other reason for semen being green is that you may have a prostrate infection, so if you notice a green color in the semen and this is usually very rare, you may have a prostate infection that has not been diagnosed. If you have greenish color of semen with a burning sensation while passing urine and there is probably a prostate infection and that’s why the semen is green in color. The next reason for green semen is explained below For instance, you can probably notice a green color in the seminal fluid when bilirubin, which is basically a liver metabolite, mixes with the semen. This can happen if you have liver damage from some underlying liver pathology. Subscribe to our Newsletter To conclude, these are the three conditions where you know you may notice the semen color being green and it’s nothing to get alarmed about. If you notice the green color of semen, don’t just stress out and panic, try to take it easy. A simple solution would be to repeat the semen analysis or do a semen culture and sensitivity test  and check for infections. Following this administration of relevant antibiotics, can help you resolve the green color of semen. Repeat your semen test again . If you don’t notice the green color of semen coming back again, completely ignore it please. Take it easy. I hope you enjoyed the article on green appearing semen. Please share this video with all your friends and loved ones. This is Dr. Shah consultant andrologist in chennai, I will see you back soon with another article. Thank you. References doi/abs/10.1111/and.12078 Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Comment (2) Godwin says: February 11, 2024 at 10:03 pm Edit Doctor I want to ask please What are the remedies, treatments and medications for Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: February 16, 2024 at 9:59 am Edit Please do call me on 9790783856 Reply Raheel says: October 12, 2023 at 12:37 am Edit Hii dr. Shah, i hope you are fine and this comment will reach out to you. I am facing this prone masturbation issue since 3 to 4 years now. When i fall asleep during midnight prone masturbation is happening and as a result ejaculation is taking place. Please i request you to tell me how to abstain or avoid prone masturabtion & to which counsellor should i meet to tackle this. I am unable to stop prone masturbation, i am depressed. Please help me Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: October 13, 2023 at 3:59 pm Edit Please drop me a call on 9790783856 Reply Chethan says: September 24, 2023 at 9:12 am Edit Hello sir my semen analysis shows 8-10 hpf pus cells present in semen and liquification time is >90 min and viscosity has increased. Overall results says NORMOZOOSPERMIA WITH GENITAL TRACT INFECTION WITH INCREASED VISCOSITY. Do i require treatment? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: January 24, 2024 at 3:52 pm Edit Please call me on 9790783856 Reply Will says: September 12, 2023 at 7:34 am Edit Hi, for the past few weeks there has been semen or prostate fluid in my urine almost every night. This is not from retrograde, neither from medication. This is really draining my energy. How can I stop this please help. Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: September 14, 2023 at 6:01 pm Edit Hi will, I can help. Please drop me a call on +919790783856 Reply Chloe says: September 10, 2023 at 2:43 am Edit I had a depo injection on January or I think it’s February as I remembered and I’ve not took it since I only took once in my life. Can I still get pregnant right now on September 9 can I still make a baby I do have periods but can I still have a baby this time of the month because I have not read the projection ages. Last time I took it was on January was either February as I remembered how long does it take to get a depot out of my system mental maths I don’t know? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: September 14, 2023 at 6:01 pm Edit You can Chloe, dont worry Reply Anye ivo says: September 6, 2023 at 7:15 pm Edit Thanks very much for this information you have given to me am very grateful it will help me I will go street to the hospital and due as you people have tell me to due and I will share your video thank very much love you I which I will have my own babes Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: September 14, 2023 at 6:02 pm Edit Glad you like the content. Please share! Reply Adeyemi Adewoye

Is a curved penis normal ? How much curve is too much?

Men’s Health Blogs Is a curved penis normal? How much curve is too much? Watch the video below Welcome! Namaste and welcome to doctor Shah clinic. My name is doctor Shah and I am a consultant Andrologist in Chennai and in this video we are going to discuss a very common clinical problem that I see in my routine day-to-day clinical practice. So is a curved penis normal? So a large number of patients have serious concerns about the curvature of their organ. This is not surprising. That’s because in these patients, the primary doubt is that whether they will be able to achieve satisfactory sexual intercourse with their long-term partners. An important point to bear in mind is that and accurate self assessment of penile curvature is usually quite difficult to do for most patients. So in this case visiting your friendly neighborhood Andrologist or sexologist in chennai maybe the best or wisest option. Normal penile curvature for most patients ranges from 5 degree up to 30 degrees. In Almost 15 to 20% of patients who visit my clinical practice seeing some degree of penile curvature in the range of 5 to 30 degree is quite normal. However if the penile curvature is greater than 50 degree 60 degree clinical condition called peyronie’s disease has to ruled out. So how is peyronies disease diagnosed? The diagnosis of peyronie’s disease is done by a clinical palpation method where the presence of hard fibrous plaques can be felt by the palpation while examining the organ as well as confirming the presence of the penile plaques by doing an ultrasound scan of the penis Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call So what are the symptoms of peyronie’s disease? Patience with true peyronies disease the angle of penile deviation is in the range of 70 degree to 90 degrees. The top 3 clinical symptoms of peyronie’s disease are number one pain during erection number 2 an organ that is tilting upward or completely upward number 3 erectile dysfunction. So how common is peyronie’s disease? Peyronie’s disease is seen about 0.5% to 20% of all men as per the scientific literature. However, in the age group of 35 to 45 years of age peyronies is more common and most patients commonly present to the clinic with complaints of pain on erection, complaints of organ tilting upwards completely as well as erectile dysfunction. What causes peyronie’s disease? So this is basically a connective tissue disorder and no one actually knows what is the exact pathogenesis of the particular condition. Subscribe to our Newsletter How can peyronies disease be treated? Today a large number of professional societies and bodies are recommending surgical correction of the condition. However some medical management options also do definitely exist. The most popular techniques used for erection of penis disease include 1. Nesbits Technique &2. The TAP procedure. So what happens typically in a patient with peyronie’s disease is that the fibrous plaque pulls in the direction of the plaque during an erection. Consequently, during a surgical correction, counter incisions are made in the connective tissue of the penis opposite to the plaque to correct the angle of pull. However an important point to bear in mind is that, after the surgical correction about 15 to 20% of patients’ surgical complications like worsening of the penile curvature as well as penis shortening. The surgical correction has a success rate of about 80 to 85%, but most professional societies like the American urological Association recommend surgery only after a specific period of time that is 6 months to 1 year post the diagnosis of peyronie’s disease. The best success rates from surgical correction is usually seen in patients where plaque stabilization has occurred after waiting for a period of 6 months to 1 year post development of peyronie’s. Moreover, medical management of peyronie’s disease also can definitely be tried before resorting to surgical correction methodologies. Some medical management strategies that have been tried for peyronie’s disease include usage of medications like verapamil, potassium aminobenzoate also called potaba (although it’s not clinically proven enough) and lastly clostridium histolyticum collagenase (which is probably the only US FDA approved treatment for peyronie’s disease). The clostridium histolyticum collagenase is directly injected into the fibrous plaque under ultrasound guidance, and this results in reduction in plaque size, decreased pain during erection and improved erectile function for at least 75 to 78% of patients. To conclude important to understand that true curved penis from peyronie’s disease is rather very rare. Most patients worry about their curved penis primarily because they fear they may have peyronies. So is curved penis normal, it most probably is!. Visit your andrologist or sexologist for an angle estimation lose your fear of curved penis for good. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post on ‘is a curved penis normal’ do share with all your friends and loved ones. Watch the space for more interesting articles. So, is a curved penis normal? You bet it is, most of the time! References 10.1016/S0022-5347(17)39746X science/article/abs/pii/ S1743609515301144  Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Comment (2) Godwin says: February 11, 2024 at 10:03 pm Edit Doctor I want to ask please What are the remedies, treatments and medications for Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: February 16, 2024 at 9:59 am Edit Please do call me on 9790783856 Reply Raheel says: October 12, 2023 at 12:37 am Edit Hii dr. Shah, i hope you are fine and this comment will reach out to you. I am facing this prone masturbation issue since 3 to 4 years now. When i fall asleep during midnight prone masturbation is happening and as a result ejaculation is taking place. Please i request you to tell me how to abstain or avoid prone masturabtion & to

Sperm leakage in the urine – Why does it happen?

Men’s Health Blogs Sperm leakage in the urine Why does it happen? Namaste and Welcome to Dr. Shahs Clinic, My name is doctor Shah and I am a Consultant Andrologist in Chennai. Check the video on sperm leakage in the urine if you feel lazy to read up the article, this is a very common problem I routinely see in my clinical practice with my patients. In this, post, we are going to discuss sperm leakage in the urine or also called semen leakage problem in the urine. A large proportion of my patients who come to see me in my private practice complain that ‘dear doctor, I am losing sperm in my urine because of that I feel tired and exhausted, my erection is gone and my penis size has become small. Moreover, I feel weak, sometimes I feel I have lost my fertility. Some patients also complain of fatigue and body pain. For such patients, it is important to rule out a clinical condition called Dhat syndrome. Now come to the clinic with the complaint of sperm leakage in the urine along with physical tiredness and fatigue Dhat syndrome has to be ruled out. For these patients, behavioral therapy along with medication and counseling can be of tremendous benefit. Now, what are the commonest causes of seminal fluid leakage in the urine? The most common cause of semen leakage in the urine is usually voiding urine after a session of masturbation or a session of sexual intercourse. This is because they penile urethra is coated with sperm or seminal fluid during ejaculation and what happens during urination is that sperm and urine tend to mix together and come out through the same common tract. So it is not surprising to note semen or sperm mixing with the urine especially while passing urine after a session of sexual intercourse or masturbation. A simple reassurance of the patient is usually all that is necessary (at least in most cases). There was a very interesting study done on over 5005 men in Tokyo, in which the researchers actually looked for sperm in the urine and its Association with certain clinical conditions. The researchers found that over 5% of men actually had sperm in the urine (that’s roughly 300-400 men) when their urine was put through a urine element analysis. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call In the study, they found 3 clinical conditions in which these men had sperm mixing with the urine or semen leakage the urine. The first condition was Diabetes mellitus. This is not surprising because in patients with diabetes mellitus the internal urinary sphincter becomes weak and what happens is that, and this internal urinary sphincter (check out the image below) does not close at the time of ejaculation what basically happens if that the sperm or semen goes into the urinary bladder in retrograde fashion (backward) instead of coming antegrade (forward) out of the penis as is normally expected. The second condition in which semen leakage occurred in the urine is the condition called dyslipidemia (also referred to as high cholesterol problem). The exact link between high cholesterol issues and semen leakage in the urine is unknown. However, what we do know is that patients with high cholesterol (dyslipidemia) tend to develop diabetes in the long run or at an increased risk of developing Diabetes mellitus. The third common cause of sperm leakage in the urine came with patients who used a certain class of medications called antidepressants. Semen leakage in the urine was also seen in patients who used drugs for improving urine flow namely drugs like tamsulosin. Now that we have discussed the common causes of semen leakage in the urine or sperm leakage in urine in the clinic, what we try to assess in our sexology clinic in chennai is a medical condition called retrograde ejaculation. Subscribe to our Newsletter Retrograde ejaculation can definitely lead to sperm leakage in the urine Retrograde ejaculation is commonly seen in patients who are diabetic and also in patients who have had prostate surgery for urinary flow problems. For this class, of patients, a simple non-surgical procedure called sperm retrieval from the bladder can be done to overcome the severe male factor infertility issues stemming from a lack of antegrade ejaculation. Here is another interesting fact, an average man produces 2500 sperm per minute the produced sperm are usually stored in three structures the testis the epididymis as well as the long tube-like structure called the vasa, the storage capacity of these three structures put together seldom exceeds 5 to 7 days. Check out the image below, it highlights the sites of sperm storage. So normally what happens if that once this storage capacity is exceeded most men have automatic ejaculations during sleep. This is referred to as nightfall. Moreover, this is more commonly seen in men who are sexually inactive and who do not masturbate. Such men, also report seeing sperm in urine the day following nightfall. As a result, these men get psychologically distressed and think they are losing their fertility on account of the nightfall problem. Therefore, the importance of proper counseling and behavioral therapy cannot be stressed enough and only a small proportion of patients truly require treatment for a sperm leakage problem for semen leakage problems in the urine. Retrograde ejaculation is a definite cause of sperm leakage or semen mixing in the urine and definitely requires treatment once a diagnosis has been established. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post on sperm leakage in the urine, please do share this with all your friends and loved ones. Feel free to reach out to me in case of difficulties. Wishing you a very healthy and peace-filled and fun-filled living References 10.1002/rmb2.12289 Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with

Semen Culture & Sensitivity – When to do & when not to?

Men’s Health Blogs Semen Culture & Sensitivity When to do & when not to? Vanakkam namaste and welcome to Dr. Shah’s Clinic, my name is Dr shah, and I am a Consultant Andrologist. In this blog post, I am going to answer 2 Cardinal questions on semen culture and sensitivity that I commonly hear from my patients. The first question, when you should not do a semen culture and sensitivity? The second question, when you should do a semen culture and sensitivity testing? So at the outset, we must understand that semen is basically made out of fluid contributed from different body organs. These are namely, prostate, the seminal vesicles, the testis and lastly epididymal fluid. And all these fluids in different parts of the male reproductive tract mix and come out through a common pathway that is the penile urethra. (the same path through which urine also flows) So it is not surprising to see bacterial growth in semen when a routine semen culture and sensitivity testing is done for male factor infertility patients. A number of fertility doctors and infertility experts routinely recommend patients to take a semen culture and sensitivity testing, when they come to the clinic for an infertility evaluation. However, large scale professional societies and scientific publications. have clearly suggested that routine testing of semen culture and sensitivity is not required. Moreover, these recommendations seem exceedingly sensible because when semen culture and sensitivity are ordered, the primary assumption is that bacterial growth in the semen affects sperm parameters. So, what eventually happens is that on doing the test we tend to culture bacteria that may be commensal by nature ( a commensal organism is an organism that is found normally in the particular body area or fluid). Since there are commensal organisms in the urine, it’s not surprising to find the growth of organisms in the semen. Some common organisms that are cultured include Streptococcus, Peptostreptococcus, E. coli, and Staphylococcus. Doctors then tend to put patients on 1 month or 2 months of antibiotic therapy. The joke though is that antibiotic therapy in itself can lead to low sperm motility. Not just that, close to over 250 to 300 medications have been associated with lower sperm quality. Indiscriminate medical therapy can definitely impair male fertility potential. Sadly a large number of Specialists seem to forget this fact when treating patients with male factor infertility. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call So, should a semen culture be done routinely for all patients? The answer is definitely no A simple semen analysis is usually more than adequate. Also, should seminal infections be treated with antibiotics routinely? here again, the answer is no However, when should a semen culture and sensitivity be done for all patients? Only if the patient has clinical symptoms like burning sensation while passing urine, fever pain during ejaculation, and lastly  blood in the semen. Moreover, this is because the patient might have had sexual exposure with an unstable partner or multiple partners. Visiting a sexologist makes sense! Furthermore, we also know that some sexually transmitted diseases like Chlamydia and Gonorrhea need active treatment because they severely impact male fertility if left untreated. There are also numerous other infections that can cause permanent testicular damage Subscribe to our Newsletter So in all patients where there are clinical symptoms semen culture and sensitivity is definitely recommended.  Another bonus fact is that some studies have looked at the bacterial growth in the semen of both fertile men as well as infertile men. What they have found is that no specific organism could be associated with impaired sperm parameters. The truth is the function of most of these bacteria in semen remains to be discovered. There are approximately 10 ^ 7 bacteria per ml of semen. That means there are more bacteria than sperm in the semen. Most importantly, the association between male factor infertility and the growth of commensal organisms in the semen has not been established in the pathogenesis of male factor infertility. To  re-emphasize the take-home points today are Routine semen culture sensitivity is not required for all patients Antibiotic treatment for commensal organism growth in semen is not required Semen culture and sensitivity only required for patients with clinical symptoms of urinary tract infection I hope you enjoyed reading this short blog post. Keep watching this space for more please share this article with all your friends and loved ones. This is Dr. Shah,  Consultant Andrologist in Chennai. Wishing you a happy and prosperous health References articles/PMC4567295/ pubmed/21726934 Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ

How To Increase Sperm Motility Fast ?

Men’s Health Blogs How To Increase Sperm Motility Fast ? So, if you are on this page, you are probably looking quick tips on ‘how to increase sperm motility fast’. I mean, really fast. This is Dr. Shahconsultant andrologist  and sexologist. In this post, I am going to share with you some foods for healthy sperm motility, that you can take today!. The truth is, the medical industry is flooded with medicines to increase sperm count and motility. However, the truth is most of these medicines for sperm motility do not actually work. Moreover, some medicines for sperm motility actually lowers the overall motile sperm percentage. Thus, if you are trying to improve sperm count or sperm motility, following the right treatment strategies is a must. But before we discuss the tips, let’s try to understand a bit about normal sperm motility What is normal sperm motility? The normal sperm motility as estimated by the WHO from a large cohort of fertile fathers falls in the range of 31% to 36%. Now, remember this is a range, and moreover, this does not mean that fathers with values lesser than 31% cant have babies. What this essentially means is that the time to pregnancy may take slightly longer. That’s about it!. Thus, for all practical purposes, if the measured sperm motility is equal to or greater than 32%, then the sperm motility is considered to be normal. Now, what actually causes low sperm motility?. We will answer that below What causes low sperm motility? Low sperm count and motility are vexing issues. Moreover, they technically impair or reduce the chances of pregnancies occurring naturally. Common causes of low sperm motility include. While, some are correctable causes of male infertility, some others are much harder to treat. Oxidative stress from reactive oxygen species Lack of sleep Smoking and Alcohol abuse Medications like antibiotics and host of other prescription drugs Lifestyle factors and morbid obesity Testicular infection and testicular trauma Hormonal deficits and imbalances Genetic causes Therefore, treatment strategies of course ultimately depend on the cause. Now, let’s answer the crucial question on how to increase sperm motility fast? Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Tip 1 – Get 8 hours of sound sleep In a Danish study of 953 men, a significant association between sleep disturbances and semen quality was found. Men with less than 7 to 8 hours of peaceful sleep reported reduced sperm count and also reduced the production of morphologically normal sperm. Hit the bed on time and definitely sleep for about 8 hours minimum to improve sperm motility fast. Avoid working late into the night. Tip 2 – Reduce Alcohol or better STOP it altogether In an interesting study done on over 67 men, ethanol was added to the semen. What these researchers found was that, on adding alcohol to semen, sperm tail defects started appearing and moreover, sperm shape abnormalities also occurred. Furthermore, sperm velocity significantly decreased. Want to know how to increase sperm motility fast? Quit alcohol. Simple. Moreover, alcohol intake is also strongly associated with erectile dysfunction and a host of other sexual health problems. Tip 3 – Stop Smoking. Its not worth it I have been a practicing andrologist and sexologist for a very long time. I get patients who frequently tell me that they smoke just 1 cigarette a day. Moreover, they tell me that it’s very very less. Not just that, they all seem to have a bunch of smoker friends who had absolutely no problems with fathering a child. The truth, is different. Smoking impairs sperm motility and sperm DNA integrity. It’s also bad for your heart and lungs. Didn’t you see it in the movies? A reminder below A recent study has found that sub-fertile smoking men frequently have lower sperm count, sperm motility, morphology, and lastly poorer sperm DNA integrity. Quit smoking if you are trying for a child. Tip 4: – Optimize your body weight The thing is… if you are trying for a child, you definitely need to lose those extra kilos. However, losing weight is not guaranteed to improve sperm motility, it is something you should definitely try. Since your overall health is a marker of the health of your sperm. At our clinic, from our own experience, we have seen numerous patients who have had a significant improvement in sperm motility after losing just 10% of their body weight. Try to target a BMI within 25kg/meter squared. It’s worth it!. A recent study also suggest that weight loss improves sperm’s overall DNA integrity. Tip 5:- Lower Stress with Exercise Studies have clearly suggested that, with stress, the body’s cortisol secretion goes up. Consequently, testosterone production falls. Since testosterone is a key hormone important for healthy sperm production, keeping your stress levels low is highly critical for improving sperm motility Tip 6:- Reduce Carbohydrate Intake One of the best ways to quickly improve sperm count and motility is to reduce the overall carbohydrate intake from your diet. Take lots of proteins and fats. Since, increased intake of carbohydrates is associated with the generation of advanced glycemic end products (AGE). Consequently, AGE are potent oxidative entities and can destroy the sperms plasma membrane. Thus, one of the most potent ways to increase sperm motility rapidly is to reduce overall carbohydrate intake. Aviod added sugar, milk and white rice were possible. Tip 7:- Avoid all sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB’s) A study done at the University of Rochester suggests on men found that in individuals were the overall intake of sweet beverages was more than >1.3 per day, sperm parameters were impaired. Reducing the intake of SSB can drastically improve sperm count and motility. There is one more bonus tip and this is really important. Read on below  Subscribe to our Newsletter BONUS TIP 8 ON HOW TO INCREASE SPERM MOTILITY FAST Take folic acid!. at least 3 times a day. Folate is a proven

How To Know Sperm Count Without Test ?

Men’s Health Blogs How To Know Sperm Count Without Test ? Hi! This is Dr. Shah, Consultant andrologist in chennai  and in today’s short post we are going to discuss on the question – “How To Know Sperm Count Without Test?” Now, I am sure you are aware of the fact that male infertility is rampantly rising all around the globe. But, most men, who come to a fertility clinic to meet and infertility specialist frequently shy away from any type of testing related to sperm or semen in general. However, you can’t blame them!! Furthermore, the feeling of discomfort further rises when these guys meet an infertility specialist who is not a female!. This is more so true in a conservative city like Chennai. Most men who come to me for an infertility evaluation are pretty open about their problems, yet, a small fraction of them ask me this question time and again… “How To Know Sperm Count Without Test?” Here is the honest answer… There is no accurate way to determine the exact sperm count without a proper and full-fledged semen analysis! Sorry to disappoint, but that is the absolute truth!. I swear! There are numerous sperm check at home kits being sold online that claim to tell if your sperm count test is normal Sadly That is very, very, I mean very far from the truth Just remember, that none of these kits can ever guarantee your ability to father a child!. Sadly, none of these at home kits that claim to assess sperm count are sensitive or specific enough to detect zero sperm count specifically. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call However, there are few kits that are sensitive enough for sperm counts up to 2 million/ml, I will reserve my judgment on them. The semen analysis test even for a single male can change from place to place and time to time. I only recommend doing a proper semen analysis as per the WHO 2010 Laboratory andrology guidelines from a well-certified lab I good report usually will give you the following metrics on your semen Sperm count The Sperm motility along with three subtypes as follows a) sperm progressive motility b) sperm non-progressive motility c) immotile sperm The Sperm morphology and other types of sperm defects Vitality of sperm Semen Volume, ph and a host of other data And, that is not the end of the story! Every man who ever has a semen analysis should get a clinical workup that includes an in-depth male history taking and also a thorough physical examination of his testis size and other reproductive organs At this juncture, I should also tell you that your semen is a very complex fluid. Every parameter of semen, and especially the sperm count, motility and morphology can change from one report to another. Anything about Sperm biology usually is darn confusing!. Lastly, What is the normal sperm count? That is about 15 million sperms per ml of semen!. Just remember that, the next time you look at your test results. Oh… And do not get upset if you get a bad result, just get it rechecked in a proper well-certified andrology laboratory! Subscribe to our Newsletter I hope you enjoyed this short read on… “How To Know Sperm Count Without Test?” This is Dr. Shah, Consultant in Male Infertility & Sexual Health, Do drop in your questions in the form below! References Sperm Fertility check at home article Semen analysis and spermiogram as per the WHO 2010 Get in touch with us below Dr Shahs Clinic for Male Infertility & Sexual Health Address: No 21, Sree Kalki Aparrtment, Bazullah road, T-Nagar, Chennai – 600017 Ph: 9790783856 TAGS: HOW TO KNOW SPERM COUNT WITHOUT TEST, MALE FERTILITY, MALE INFERTILITY, SEMEN ANALYSIS, SPERM COUNT Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Comment (13) Godwin says: February 11, 2024 at 10:03 pm Edit Doctor I want to ask please What are the remedies, treatments and medications for Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: February 16, 2024 at 9:59 am Edit Please do call me on 9790783856 Reply Raheel says: October 12, 2023 at 12:37 am Edit Hii dr. Shah, i hope you are fine and this comment will reach out to you. I am facing this prone masturbation issue since 3 to 4 years now. When i fall asleep during midnight prone masturbation is happening and as a result ejaculation is taking place. Please i request you to tell me how to abstain or avoid prone masturabtion & to which counsellor should i meet to tackle this. I am unable to stop prone masturbation, i am depressed. Please help me Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: October 13, 2023 at 3:59 pm Edit Please drop me a call on 9790783856 Reply Chethan says: September 24, 2023 at 9:12 am Edit Hello sir my semen analysis shows 8-10 hpf pus cells present in semen and liquification time is >90 min and viscosity has increased. Overall results says NORMOZOOSPERMIA WITH GENITAL TRACT INFECTION WITH INCREASED VISCOSITY. Do i require treatment? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: January 24, 2024 at 3:52 pm Edit Please call me on 9790783856 Reply Will says: September 12, 2023 at 7:34 am Edit Hi, for the past few weeks there has been semen or prostate fluid in my urine almost every night. This is not from retrograde, neither from medication. This is really draining my energy. How can I stop this please help. Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: September 14, 2023 at 6:01 pm Edit Hi will, I can help. Please drop me a call on +919790783856 Reply Chloe says: September 10, 2023 at 2:43 am Edit I had a depo injection on January or I think it’s February as I remembered and I’ve not took it since I only took once in my life. Can I still get pregnant

What Happens If We Take Out Sperms Everyday ?

Men’s Health Blogs What Happens If We Take Out Sperms Everyday ? In today’s post, I am going to answer a few common questions that I see in my practice on daily basis. As a practicing Chennai sexologist among the most common question, I get from my patient’s is dear doctor, what happens if we take out sperms everyday!. Will I become infertile?. Will I lose my sperm? Let me try to answer this step by step. So let us first discuss on the first question below What happens if we take out sperms everyday? The answer is YES & NO! Confused? It’s time you know the exact science or exact effects of taking out sperm daily. First, let us look and understand the harmful effects of masturbation. So is jacking off bad for your health?. It is if you do it 2 to 3 times a day. Interestingly taking out sperm daily twice or thrice can lead to physical exhaustion a general sense of tiredness and also a weakness. This is understandable because masturbation like sexual intercourse actually burns calories! and therefore energy Teens and youngsters, who are growing up are more so inclined to explore their sexuality. The frequency of sexual thoughts/day approaches as high 10 to 20 times on average (from our clinic’s data). Our society is also pretty conservative on sex education, consequently this only increases the curiosity of youngsters to find out and explore their bodies from a sexual viewpoint. Sex, after all, is hardwired into our Brain! The other issue that we must discuss here is masturbation addiction. Sometimes, if you take out sperms every day or masturbate every day, you may get addicted to it. Eventually, a lot of teens come to my clinic with compulsive masturbatory behavior which is hard to treat. They are also addicted to porn. Consequently, they become so engrossed in the act, their studies and other professional goals take a hit. Addiction is among one of the harmful effects of masturbation I have had patients, who lost their job or quit college because they felt, that they were suffering from over masturbation side effects Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call So should you take out sperms every day? So what happens if we take out sperms everyday ? I think it is a choice ultimately. If you feel you can maintain control and are able to get on with it, then proceed, if not just focus your efforts on developing a hobby. After all like the saying goes… Now…lets move on to the most interesting section of this post.. MASTURBATION MYTHS:  MYTH 1 – There are lot of benefits of masturbation in the morning That couldn’t be farther from the truth, there is no scientific evidence to conclusively state that taking your sperm out in the morning is beneficial as compared to the evening. From our clinic’s data on 324 men with early morning masturbation, we found that most of them felt subjectively tired and were only taking our their sperm out of compulsion. They did not enjoy doing it one bit! MYTH 2 – Masturbation has effects on the face and releasing sperm daily causes pimples Again this is a bad joke.. There is absolutely no scientific evidence to suggest that masturbation leads to acne. Over 90% of teenagers will develop acne anyway. That is simply because of junk and the only food they tend to eat and not to mention, our environment is nowhere as clean as it used to be. MYTH 3 – Does masturbation cause low sperm count? Again a highly misinterpreted fact, the answer is No. Daily ejaculation will not reduce a man’s sperm count, sperm motility or sperm quality one bit at all. Sperm quality and quantity both for an individual is highly variable. On an average, a healthy individual will produce over 2500 sperms/minute and masturbation will not deplete your testicular sperm reserve! MYTH 5 – Does daily sperm removal cause memory loss? No, No and No. Will it change your sexual thought patterns. That it will. Whether that’s good or bad is something you have to take a call on. There are no scientific studies to suggest that daily masturbation leads to loss of memory Subscribe to our Newsletter So to summarize, what happens if we take out sperms every day? Nothing as long you do not feel addicted or get addicted to the habit You may feel some exhaustion or tiredness, try to avoid masturbation in the morning Ejaculation is ejaculation no matter by what means you achieve it. It may be differently perceived by your mind but to your body, it is the same How many times should you masturbate per week?. There is no right number, I would suggest you do it as and when you like but keep control of your sexual thoughts and behavior The best way to avoid releasing sperms daily is by engaging in a hobby you are passionate about. Remember, masturbation is still any day better than going out with someone you do not know. Over 94% of all men and at least 50 to 80% of women masturbated at least once in their lifetime. Why feel guilty then?. Do it but keep strict control. Last of all, taking sperms out daily is definitely not associated with loss of hair, acne, loss of memory and/or baldness Sadly this habit and the industry behind it is also being misused to sell numerous medications online that claim to help you break the habit, as well as improve your sperm quality. Remember two things, the first is that, taking your sperm out does not in principle reduce your sperm count in any way!. It does not in anyway reduce your semen quality and/or fertility. Never ever take any medication for masturbation. There a lot of scam artists selling medicines that claim to cure masturbation addiction online. You are better off being addicted rather

Sperm Motility

Men’s Health Blogs Sperm Motility Hi, This is Dr. Shah, Consultant in Male Infertility & Sexual Health. In this post, I am going to tell you everything about sperm motility But, first, let us understand a little about normal sperm motility. What is normal sperm motility? Did you know, that the normal sperm motility as stated by the WHO 2010 Andrology Laboratory Guideline values is 40%.  Most men fear they will never father a child when their semen analysis or sperm test report shows a sperm motility range less than 40%. This cannot be farther from the truth! Here is a saying I absolutely love, take a look below… In my long years of clinical experience as an Andrologist, I have seen over 286 men who had extremely low sperm motility, in the range of 10  to 20%. All these men were told to go in IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) because the professionals who treated them believed that getting pregnant with low sperm motility is not possible.  I advised each and every one of them the exact opposite of what they were told. Yes, I agree they all suffered from poor sperm motility, but, that does not ever mean that it is not possible to improve it. With the right treatment and medications, we were able to increase sperm motility naturally for each and every one of them. Now here comes the bigger truth, Remember, I told you the WHO 2010 manual recommends a sperm motility index of 40 %? This value came from a study performed on over 3000 fertile fathers who were able to get their partners pregnant in the 1st year of marriage. The WHO study assessed data only from European men who gave a semen test. It chose to ignore India and China The big joke is how can you extend an apply sperm motility data from one geography or study population to another population of Indian men?? It’s like telling the apples and oranges are the same!…Read on…. the interesting stuff has not even begun… The sperm analysis or semen test data that we use to assess Male infertility is not even based on study findings from our Indian population!. The WHO did not include Indian men when doing their study. They simply said that the 40% normal sperm motile range as prescribed is for reference purpose only! and that every clinic or lab should come to a conclusion based on their own data and metrics! Thus, that is exactly why I strongly believe that with the right treatment it is possible to improve sperm progressive motility Okay now bearing this in mind.. let’s discuss on our second topic Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call What is the normal sperm motility for pregnancy? So how much motility is required for pregnancy?.. Well to be honest, all you need is one sperm to fertilize that egg at the right time. But truth be told, not all men are lucky enough for such a scenario. If that was the truth why would there be male infertility issues in the first place? In my clinical experience, what the lowest sperm motile range below which pregnancy chances seriously fall, is about 2% to 5%. Again the statement I make here is highly relative. In all my years, I was able to treat only one patient who had severely low sperm motility in the range of 1 to 5%. However, this patient also conceived naturally without any aggressive fertility based therapies. All said and done, for Indian men, motile sperm percentage of 35% or above is good for pregnancy. This is especially true, when his sperm count, shape, and semen volume is normal!. Because we have no other options, we try to use the WHO 2010 reference values. We do not swear by it, In all our treatments for male infertility, it is a combination of our data and clinical experience that help us make the right decision for each couple. There is and always be will chance of pregnancy with low sperm motility least for a few couples. But we cannot directly predict for whom pregnancies will happen. Thus to conclude this section, you must understand that there is strictly no normal sperm motility for pregnancy. For all practical purposes, we recommend a range of 30 to 40% sperm motility as normal Now let us further our understanding, about spermatozoa and its motility Sperm motility can be broadly classified as follows Sperm that are progressively motile. Sperms that are non progressively motile. Sperms that are immotile. We will discuss the significance of each type – Sperm progressive motility : A sperm is said to be a progressively motile sperm if it moves linearly from one field to the next. This kind of movement is called progressive in nature. What this in principle means is that, the sperm is able to move from one place to another place. Both the number of sperms (sperm count) and the total number of progressively moving sperm in the semen play a key role in pregnancy. The concept should be fairly easy to understand, remember only sperm that are able to move can reach and fertilize the egg!. While a lot of fuss was initially made about the speed of sperm movement, we now know for a fact that speed of sperm movement is not or no longer a clinically useful tool to predict pregnancy. As long as you have at least over 32% of progressively motile sperm in the ejaculate, things should turn out normal. However, do remember that even if you have sperm progressive motility lesser than 32%, pregnancy is still possible. It is only at very low values of 2 to 5% were the chances of pregnancy become less. Have a quick look at the image below to understand progressive sperm motility Sperm non-progressive motility : Okay, now let’s discuss sperm non-progressive motility. A sperm is said to have non-progressive sperm motility if it moves in circles, or if it simply vibrates around a

Can a sterile man get a woman pregnant ?

Men’s Health Blogs Can a sterile man get a woman pregnant ? In today’s awesome male infertility article we are going to discuss whether and if… “Can a sterile man get a woman pregnant?” Hi and welcome to Dr Shahs Clinic My name is Dr. Shah and I am a consultant sexologist doctor in Chennai and I primarily specialize in Male Infertility & Sexual Health. In today’s awesome post we are going to answer the question on  – “Can a sterile man get a woman pregnant?” Not let us move on to the good stuff…. Okay now here is the thing… Male Infertility and Male Sterility are two completely different things!! Bear this fact well in mind, let me try to elaborate on why male infertility and male sterility should not be confused with one another… Now, a man is said to be infertile or suffer from infertility if he is unable to father a child within the 1st year of marriage in the absence of any specific problem affecting his partner.  Some common causes of male infertility include – Low sperm count Low sperm motility Abnormal sperm shape Hormonal deficiencies Genetic causes Obesity and Poor Lifestyle habits Sexual Problems like erectile dysfunction and/or ejaculatory dysfunction But the most important fact to bear in mind is that a man diagnosed with male infertility can have sperm production! Most interestingly,  in over 40% of the time men suffering from male fertility issues have absolutely NORMAL SPERM PRODUCTION!! Now, I am sure you understand one thing very well….male sterility is completely different from male infertility… As a result, you need to really know whether or if you can get pregnant with a sterile man?.  The truth, however, can be a bit hard to understand. First of all, what are the causes of male sterility? Broadly speaking, a man is said to be completely sterile if his semen analysis report shows AZOOSPERMIA.  Azoospermia means no sperm in the ejaculate! and it is a genuinely upsetting and terribly scary diagnosis for most men. Vasectomy is also a common cause of male sterility. We will briefly look at both Azoospermia and Vasectomy. Most probably, you would have heard about contraceptive procedures for men, this is called Vasectomy and it is also a method of family planning. In Vasectomy what is ultimately done is that the vas (the tube that carries sperm from the testis to the penis) is closed.  However, vasectomy although highly effective in preventing a pregnancy has poor reversal success rates. This is exactly why we recommend vasectomy as a method of family planning, only after a man has completed his family!,  Moreover, you would be surprised to learn that the success rate of a vasectomy reversal is seldom beyond 40%. Now let’s discuss whether an Azoospermic man can father a child ? or better yet let’s try to answer the following question .. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Can a sterile man become fertile? You most probably now understand that Azoospermic men are sterile, but… did you know that Azoospermic men can also father their child? This is possible because we have a medical technique by the name Testicular sperm extraction also called TESE. The image below explains TESE Consequently, sperms retrieved from the testis are used in fertility treatments. Sperm preservation is done for later use. So, let me ask you the question… Can a sterile man get a woman pregnant? The Answer is Hell YEAH!. Both Male Infertility and Male Sterility are definitely treatable. However, bear in mind that the success rates for treating men with problems like low sperm count, low sperm motility and other unexplained causes of male infertility are definitely better as compared to male sterility based issues. The best suggestions I can give is as follows Do not worry too much about male infertility, remember it is treatable Male sterility is a different issue altogether compared to male infertility If someone asks me can a sterile man get a woman pregnant ?, I would tell him that he needs a proper evaluation and that fertility is definitely possible with today’s technology Low sperm count and low sperm motility are not causes of male sterility. On the other hand, they are causes of male subfertility. Can a sterile man become fertile?…the answer is a definite YES. But male sterility needs the right evaluation. Subscribe to our Newsletter What does it mean to be sterile for a man? A diagnosis of male infertility can frequently break a man’s heart. Imagine, telling him he will never father a child through the natural route!. No man in the world can bear to hear a statement that he is sterile and he will never be able to father a child without a treatment. A diagnosis of a male sterility breaks men both physically and mentally. Men may not be able to sustain a normal sexual life after a diagnosis of male sterility. This scenario frequently occurs in a fertility center or fertility clinic when the male partner is diagnosed with Azoospermia. This happens simply because most fertility centers in India do not employ a full time qualified Andrologist to deal with the agony men face!. A sad story right? When Vasectomy reversal fails, men break down. Normally, a vasectomy reversal is done for those men who completed their family. However, in some instances, they may want to try for a child especially when unforeseeable circumstances cause the death of a sibling. Most married men fill the void left by the death of a previous child by trying for a baby, some other couples though may just dissolve their marriage to avoid the pain of seeing each other… So, to finally conclude… I hope you enjoyed reading this article on “Can a sterile man get a woman pregnant?”. Now that you know the truly scientific answer to this question, the next time someone blames a loved one for fertility issues YOU know you