Bent Penis: When do you need a treatment?

Men’s Health Blogs Bent penis: When do you need a treatment? Unraveling the Mysteries of the Bent Penis Hey guys, welcome to Dr. Shah’s Clinic! In this snappy video & post, we’re diving into what’s commonly known as the bent penis. It’s a twisty tale, but don’t worry, we’ll straighten things out! Bent penises can mess with your head Understanding Penile Angle Deviation: When to Stay Calm If you’ve ever gazed downwards and noticed your little buddy leaning a bit to the right or left, don’t hit the panic button yet. A slight deviation in the range of about 5 to 20 degrees is pretty normal. Yes, it’s true (you heard that right) – not every penis can be a bloody straight arrow! In fact, in a large proportion of men, maybe even 60 to 70 percent, some degree of penile curvature is to be expected. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Curvature: The Bendy Norm in Men’s World Did you know that penile curvature is as common as finding a left-handed person in a crowd? In the grand spectrum of penises across the world, many lean left, right, up, or down, making each one uniquely different. This diversity is like having different types of cars; they all get you to your destination, just with a bit of individual flair. Moreover, this curvature doesn’t signal any health issue. As a practicing sexologist doctor in chennai this is a very common problem I see (day in and day out) It’s like having a preference for a different variety of tea – different, but totally normal. Tea is still tea. When Straight Isn’t the Only Way Interestingly, penile curvature can sometimes be advantageous. For some partners, a slight curve might even enhance pleasure, navigating the intimate geography like a skilled explorer. Think of it as having a special edition of a classic model; it has its unique features that makes the ride a bit more intriguing. A typical example would be that of a penis bent ever so slightly upward. These penises definitely manage to hit the women’s G-Zone When to Worry: Spotting Signs of Peyronie’s Disease However, if your penis takes a sharp turn – we’re talking about a 40-degree detour or more – it’s time to consider a pit stop at the doctor’s (sexologists) office. A dramatic curve (>40 degree) might signal Peyronie’s disease, and that’s a road you want to navigate with professional guidance. Navigating the Sharp Curves of Peyronie’s Peyronie’s Disease is like hitting a pothole on the road of sexual health. It can cause significant bending, pain, and sometimes erectile dysfunction. Imagine your penis deciding to mimic the Leaning Tower of Pisa – impressive but not quite right. This condition arises from fibrous scar tissue formation in the organ. Furthermore, peyronies leads to curved penis of a severe degree. Subscribe to our Newsletter The ‘Oh No’ of Extreme Bent Penis Severe curvature can make sex challenging or even painful, like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Pain during sex is also common. Furthermore, you and your partner both may experience significant pain. Men with severe curvature also suffer from erectile dysfunction. Consequently, your sex life will become largely sexless. Seeking immediate help is the way forward. A Doppler to the Rescue: Navigating the Bend If you’re dealing with a substantial curve, a penile Doppler ultrasound is like your GPS – it helps to figure out what’s going on under the hood. This test can reveal if Peyronie’s disease is changing your course (for worse) The Magic Wand of Penile Health: Analyzing a Bent Penis The penile Doppler ultrasound is like waving a magic wand over your manhood. It uses sound waves to create a picture of what’s happening inside. It’s a non-invasive way to peek under the bonnet without any screws loose. This test will show if your penis is just taking a casual stroll down Curvy Lane or if there’s a more serious issue of Peyronie’s disease at play. Conclusion: Steering Clear of the Curves So, if your penis is slightly askew, chances are you’re just part of the majority. But if it’s taking a hard left or right, consult your andrologist. Remember, when it comes to your health, it’s better to be safe than sorry – or, in this case, straighter rather than curvier! Hope you found this article on bent penis as enlightening as it was amusing. Stay tuned for more from Dr. Shah’s Clinic – where we tackle the hard topics with a smile! Drop in your comments below References Penile curvature – ScienceDirect 2000_Hellstrom.pdf ( Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
How to increase Sperm quality: 5 tips to increase sperm quality super fast

Men’s Health Blogs How to increase sperm quality? without resorting to expensive fertility treatments This post is bloody damn important. Most men ponder over ‘how to improve sperm quality’. The one big hurdle men face with such treatments is time. Most treatments aimed at increasing sperm quality require lots & lots of time. However, with fertility treatments, time is our biggest enemy. Late marriage, broken marriages & remarriages all seem to account for the increased social pressure faced by couples. Moreover, fertility treatments are definitely getting expensive year on year. A single IVF cycle can cost upwards of 3.5 lakh. Consequently, its important to stress that simple treatments to improve sperm count and sperm motility is need of the hour. What determines the Sperm Quality? A simple thing to bear in mind is that, sperm quality depends on its DNA. The sperm DNA is compacted into the sperm’s head. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Consequently, the sperms DNA can be easily damaged. Unhealthy lifestyle factors, lack of physical activity, disturbed sleep, smoking, alcohol & poor diet are among the numerous factors that can cause sperm damage. Furthermore, DNA damage can cause an increased risk of miscarriage after a pregnancy. Moreover, increased sperm DNA damage is strongly associated with a delay in achieving a pregnancy. Subscribe to our Newsletter Not just that, hormonal factors, genetic conditions, numerous medical illnesses and surgery also impacts sperm DNA Consequently, our job is to reduce sperm DNA damage and thereby increase overall sperm quality. How to increase sperm quality? Here are 5 simple things you can do right now. Tip 1: Walk Keep walking. Target at least 10,000 steps in a single day. When you hit 10,000 steps per day, eventually your testosterone increases. Give at least 8 weeks of consistent effort to see an increase in sperm quality. Tip 2: Frequent Sex Frequent sexual intercourse for improving sperm quality works like magic. Why? Firstly, with frequent sex, newly produced sperm are not stored for long. They are frequently deposited in female vagina. Furthermore, frequent sex simply improves the chances of the sperm meeting the egg. Since pregnancy rates improve when you have sex 3 times/week continuously versus 1 or 2 times/week Secondly, stored sperm end up getting their DNA damaged. Once again since sperm quality is dependent on DNA quality, its best to engage in frequent sex. Simple and fun right? Tip 3: Drink Juices How to improve sperm quality with diet? Take juices. Simple and sweet too. Some juices that help improve sperm quality include, juices like Orange Juice Lime & Lemon Juice Pomegranate Juice Lastly Apple +Carrot + Beetroot Juice Tip 4: Letrozole In men facing abnormal semen parameters and associated hormonal deficits, we have frequently found that Letrozole works. However, a thorough evaluation of a man’s hormones is a must before starting treatment. Remember to visit an andrologist or sexologist near you for a proper evaluation! Letrozole when given in the right dose improves semen parameters. However, proper blood tests are necessary before a prescription can be made Tip 5: Lyon Bean Extract Another medication we recommend to patients is the velvet bean extract. It helps tremendously. Recommended dose is about 500 mg/day. Numerous scientific studies and publications have suggested a possible benefit of taking this molecule. Since its ayurvedic, its long term use is safe and devoid of side effects. Lyon bean extract improves sperm DNA, sperm motility, morphology by increasing FSH, LH & Testosterone. Thats about it. I hope you found this post useful. Drop in your comments & doubts below & do share this post with all your friends and loved ones. References Sperm DNA fragmentation: mechanisms of origin, impact on reproductive outcome, and analysis – ScienceDirect Circulating sex hormone levels in relation to male sperm quality | BMC Urology ( article-p231.pdf ( The Magic Velvet Bean of Mucuna pruriens – ScienceDirect Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
Masturbation after Marriage: Should you do it?

Men’s Health Blogs Masturbation after marriage: Should you masturbate? or NOT? Masturbation after marriage is fairly common in men. Watch the video below for an in depth understanding of masturbating post marriage. Hey guys, in this blog post lets quickly try to understand the various headaches on sticking on to masturbation post marriage. This is an important article, do ensure you READ IT till the END. Now, Why do men continue to masturbate post marriage? Firstly, masturbation is fairly common sexual outlet behavior. Most men begin masturbating early in their teens and continue doing it till late adulthood. Moreover, since the behavior is highly rewarding, men who masturbate have to deal with 2 aspects of the behavior. Number 1: Masturbation is highly addicting & rewarding. Number 2: It’s also self-reinforcing. To further simplify things, You must understand that we tend to get hooked onto porn at a young age. Slowly most of us young boys start exploring our own genitals. Consequently, we gently start stroking or rubbing the penis and taking out semen. Eventually we engage in masturbation and the habit re-enforces over time. Some of us then learn to masturbate by rubbing the penis on the bed or pillow at a young age. This is called Prone masturbation. In parallel, other forms of masturbation like rubbing the penis over balloons (called as balloon masturbation) may also develop. Some of us also practice rubbing the organ between the thighs or on other surfaces. Eventually we tend to engage in different forms of masturbation at a tender age, without even understanding what exactly we are doing! Masturbation after marriage: A Behavior & Habit Little by little, our little teenage brain gets conditioned to masturbation. The newly formed habit of masturbation eventually sticks on till late adulthood. We enjoy and associate reward with masturbation. Moreover, the pressure that the hand gives seems more rewarding than the loose/expanding vagina of a women. Most men at this stage will use masturbation to even go to sleep and also as stress relief tool! (the miracle of masturbating over a long time regularly) Consequently, even after marriage, we spend more intimate time with our hands. Things eventually degenerate in the relationship. Since men who are on the masturbation spree will enjoy being intimate with their hand versus their partners (Who needs a vagina? right?) Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Masturbation & the brain The human brain can get easily conditioned to the pleasure & pressure given by the hand. Eventually, the man who masturbates, will not & cannot find his stable partner attractive. No matter how beautiful she may be… Furthermore, most of us men would have been at some point in life exposed to Western-European erotica/porn. Subscribe to our Newsletter The human brain while watching porn gets fooled into believing that ‘you are actually being selected by the women you seen naked on screen’. It’s a bad joke. The worst of them all. As the human brain (thereby the individual) keeps gets getting the feeling of being sexually validated & rewarded by masturbation, the habit keeps building. Furthermore, the individual will notice a sharp decrease in interest towards his wife/stable partner. There are 2 reasons for that. Number 1: Your stable partners as compared to what you see on screen won’t have the same waist hip ratio or sleek bodies/physical traits. Number 2: The porn fantasy & rich variety is something your partner can never give. They just cant compete with the porn stars. Your sexual fantasies will be un-realistic. But nothing can be done, since you have fed your brain a large shit load of visual stimulus. How on earth are you going to undo it? especially masturbation after marriage? Masturbation after marriage resembles eating a buffet meal everyday vs a healthy stable meal. Now, imagine yourself eating buffet meals every day. Variety upon variety of exotic food. Its rich tastes and colors. Its beauty… Porn is just that! Sexual intercourse is a form of consumption behavior. It’s basically body consumption behavior quite similar to food. Now, if I eat buffet meals every other day (i.e I fundamentally pick which porn to jack off to everyday)… Why on earth should I settle for the same booooring women (I dont have a choice at all!) Why would I be motivated to pursue intimacy with her? When I can get all the sexual variety on my screen. You cannot tell that the brain is wrong in this matter. Its just the way we are programmed. Masturbation in the long run However, in the long run, a little common sense must prevail. Eating large buffet meals everyday will ruin your health. You will end up fat with diabetes and a host of multi-organ syndromes. Having a stable partner is akin to eating a simple meal will not cause harm one bit at all. So what do you want in the end?? Is it a stable loving long term relationship? Build with intimacy over a 20/30 year time frame? Or is it a hoard of women who have only their bodies to show and sell? Think over it hard for a minute. You will get the point. This is Dr Shah, consultant sexologist in chennai. I hope you enjoyed this blog post on masturbation after marriage. Watch this space for more interesting reads. Drop in your comments below References A review of Freud’s early remarks on addiction : introduction from an ideal to masturbation ( Hopper_E._1995_._A_Psychoanalytical_Theory_Of_Drug_Addiction-libre.pdf ( Masturbation: Prevention& Treatment – ScienceDirect Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
Delay Sprays for Premature Ejaculation – When to Use? & When NOT TO?

Men’s Health Blogs Delay Sprays for Premature Ejaculation – When to Use? & When NOT TO? Understanding Delay Sprays for Premature Ejaculation Treatment Delay sprays are a common treatment for premature ejaculation (PME). Typically, men with PME ejaculate within a minute, which can occur before penetration or even during foreplay. The Impact of Premature Ejaculation on Relationships In cases of premature ejaculation, partners often feel extremely dissatisfied with sexual intercourse, failing to achieve orgasm. This dissatisfaction can lead to misunderstandings and, in severe cases, to separation or divorce. Prevalence and Necessity of Treatment PME affects nearly 40% of the male population, making it a widespread issue that requires attention and treatment. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Limitations of Delay Sprays for premature ejaculation treatment Firstly, delay sprays don’t address the underlying cause of premature ejaculation. For instance, if a man’s premature ejaculation stems from sensitivity at the tip of the penis, the spray, containing anesthetic agents like lidocaine and prilocaine, only reduces this sensitivity temporarily. You must apply it 45 minutes before intercourse, and it only delays ejaculation for that session. As a result, you might find yourself using these sprays for years without resolving the fundamental issue. Long-term Use and Its Drawbacks Furthermore, long-term use of delay sprays doesn’t correct the cerebrally mediated latency time for ejaculation. Additionally, these sprays can affect erectile function, as reduced sensitivity in the penis can lead to decreased erection quality. Potential Transfer to Partners Another concern is the potential transfer of the anesthetic agent to the female partner, leading to vaginal numbness. This numbness can interfere with her arousal and sexual satisfaction. Subscribe to our Newsletter Appropriate Usage of Delay Sprays for premature ejaculation treatment Delay sprays might be suitable as a short-term solution, for instance, in casual sexual encounters where a temporary delay is desired. However, they don’t offer a long-term solution. Casual intercourse has Advocating for Medical Therapy The best approach is to pursue medical therapy for premature ejaculation. There are several medications available with minimal or no side effects that offer better long-term success. Eventually, you might be able to discontinue these medications. Conclusion: Seeking Long-term Solutions In conclusion, while delay sprays can be useful in certain scenarios, they don’t offer a permanent solution. For lasting results, it’s advisable to explore medical treatments for premature ejaculation. Thank you for watching the video. Please like, comment, and subscribe. This is Dr. Shah sexologist doctor in chennai, signing off for now. References Drug treatment options for premature ejaculation: Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy: Vol 19, No 10 ( Combination therapy for premature ejaculation: results of a small-scale study: Sexual and Relationship Therapy: Vol 23, No 4 ( Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
Does Masturbation before sex increase sex time?

Men’s Health Blogs Does Masturbation before sex ? increase sex time ? Introduction This discussion explores a common question: Can masturbation before sex increase sex time? We’re particularly interested in whether this practice can treat premature ejaculation, a relevant issue for over 40% of men. Premature Ejaculation: A Widespread Issue Premature ejaculation affects about 40% of men at some point in life. It involves ejaculating within a minute, often leading to stress and strained relationships. The Impact of Premature Ejaculation Men with this condition often endure ongoing emotional and psychological stress. It affects not just sexual health but mental well-being and relationships too. Their partners may feel dissatisfied, adding tension to relationships. This dissatisfaction can lead to avoidance of sexual activities, worsening the problem. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Does masturbation before sex increase sex time? This approach suggests that ejaculating beforehand might reduce arousal and penis sensitivity during sex, potentially delaying ejaculation. However, its effectiveness varies based on individual factors like psychological state and health. Considerations and Cautions Relying too much on this method might cause psychological dependence on masturbation. This can lead to excessive masturbation without a limit. Ultimately leading to masturbation addiction. Remember, it’s one of many options and doesn’t replace medical advice. Men with ongoing issues should seek professional help. Practical Application Try masturbating and ejaculating either the day before or the morning of planned intercourse. The aim is to reduce, not eliminate, desire and sensitivity. Balance is key, and discussing this method with your partner is crucial for mutual understanding and support. Subscribe to our Newsletter Can masturbation before sex treat premature ejaculation? So, we briefly answered the question ‘can masturbation before sex increase sex time’. However, can masturbation before sex treat premature ejaculation? The answer depends on the extent and severity of the disease condition. Some patients respond and notice an improvement in ejaculation time. However, some patients notice persistent early ejaculation. Its best to consult a sexologist for the right treatment advice. Conclusion Treating premature ejaculation involves a comprehensive approach. Masturbating before sex is one option, but combining it with therapy, pelvic exercises, or specialist consultations often works better. A tailored approach is always best. References Subjectively Measured Ejaculation Latency Time and Its Association with Different Sexual Activities While Controlling for Age and Relationship Length | The Journal of Sexual Medicine | Oxford Academic ( The Role of Masturbation in Marital and Sexual Satisfaction: A Comparative Study of Female Masturbators and Nonmasturbators: Journal of Sex Education and Therapy: Vol 17, No 4 ( Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
Does Masturbation Reduce Testosterone?

Men’s Health Blogs Does Masturbation Reduce Testosterone? So, does masturbation actually reduce testosterone? Now in this blog post, we’re going to answer this question, does masturbation reduce your testosterone? You can also watch the video below This is a very important topic. So stay sharp and focused on the what i am going to reveal. I know most of you have this doubt. You want to know the actual answer to this question with scientific validation. Now remember, when you look at visual erotica,that is you look at appealing women on a screen, you look at models on the screen, you look at anything that’s even remotely sexual on the screen, what’s going to happen first is in your bloodstream is that testosterone is going to go up. It’s going to spike. So studies have found that if you take a group of men and show them visual erotica, that is you show them sex videos or you show them single women who are engaging in self-stimulatory sexual behavior, single women masturbating basically or you look at couples having sex on the screen and before even you actually start masturbating, testosterone and your sex steroids basically go up by about 36%. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call What happens to you during masturbation? So what basically happens here is when we look at sexual material on the screen, you’re going to feel a sense of desire, you’re going to feel aroused, physiologically aroused and you will want to engage in sexual out put behavior. To elaborate, either you will masturbate or you will go and try having sex with your partner. Some of you may engage in casual sex due to your native motivation from your desire or have sex with your stable partner. You are going to vent out or purge your system of your desire You’re going to do it, as simple as that, right? Or you’re going to be the kind of guy who believes in a no fap technique, you’re not going to do it. So whatever your sexual outlet behavior may be, depending on you as an individual, that’s going to happen. Subscribe to our Newsletter Now how does masturbation reduce testosterone? Now the answer is quite simple because what studies have found is that just before masturbation, testosterone rises (especially while looking at porn on the screen) and during the actual masturbatory behavior, again testosterone rises moreover post masturbation also testosterone rises. Does masturbation reduce testosterone? No, it doesn’t directly reduce testosterone. The most important point to understand here is that after masturbation once semen is thrown out, not only testosterone rises, insulin, cortisol, adrenaline, which are basically stress hormones rises, Specifically adrenaline rises and so does cortisol, which are both stress hormones. Furthermore, serotonin and prolactin, which are sedating by nature, which will help you feel a sense of satisfaction also rises in the brain. And that’s why after masturbation, many men notice that they feel a bit tired, they feel a bit low, they are satisfied and they do not want to engage into another bout of sexual intercourse, be it solo or with a partner. So men go into what’s called as a refractory period. So what happens here is that when you do excessive masturbation? When you masturbate daily and if masturbation is uncontrolled, you’re always going to be in the refractory period. Why? Because in your brain, serotonin and prolactin is going to be high and even though testosterone increases even after masturbation, after ejaculation, your insulin, cortisol and other stress hormones go up, so you’re going to feel stressed, you’re going to feel tired, you’re not going to feel fresh and energetic or you’re not going to technically feel that good. And what’s very interesting here is that many men have what’s called as semen loss anxiety syndrome, also called as DHAT syndrome. Especially, this is a culture bound condition where excessive masturbation, especially seen in Indian men, feel that once the semen is lost from their body, they feel very tired, they feel weak, they feel depressed, they feel a shrinkage in the organ size, they have erectile dysfunction with their stable partners. So all this is there. So should masturbation be technically encouraged? No. Even though it increases your testosterone and doesn’t reduce your testosterone, don’t do it. Why? Logically again, let me reinforce what I’m telling. It increases cortisol, it increases adrenaline, it increases the stress hormone levels in your blood and there arestudies for this. And I hope you enjoyed this video. So I hope you got something of valueto take back. So just avoid masturbation. Stop looking at pornographic content. Avoid the habit of masturbation. It’s just not going to work. Hope you liked the video. Put in your comments below. Ask all your questions down below in the comments. I’ll try my best to answer each and every comment. I’ll see you soon with another video. This is Dr. Shah, andrologist & sexologist in chennai signing off for now. References articles/10.3389/fendo.2013. 00159/full Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
Low Testosterone Symptoms : 4 symptoms of low testosterone you must know

Men’s Health Blogs Low Testosterone Symptoms : 4 symptoms of low testosterone you must know Understanding the Signs: Common Symptoms of Low Testosterone In this quick blog post we are going to discuss on 4 to 5 common symptoms of low testosterone. Now remember testosterone is the male sex hormone and it has a variety of functions. Watch the video below Now when your testosterone goes low, men frequently notice a couple of symptoms. Watch the video below Demystifying Low Testosterone Symptoms As a full time practicing andrologist, & sexology doctor I’m here to provide you with an in-depth understanding of these signs and their implications. Testosterone, the primary male sex hormone, plays a pivotal role in several physiological functions. When its levels dip, men often experience specific symptoms that signal this hormonal imbalance. Let’s now delve into these symptoms to gain a comprehensive understanding. Symptom 1: Decreased Libido – Unveiling the Impact The first and foremost symptom of low testosterone is a notable decrease in libido (which is nothing but your sex drive or the damn urges you feel to mate with your better half). It’s crucial to understand how this affects individuals. Men with low testosterone may find themselves less inclined to initiate sex/sexual intercourse. Their overall desire for intimacy diminishes, leading to a decline in sexual thoughts and fewer intimate encounters. That is in general you may not approach your intimate partner for sexual intercourse. You probably will avoid intercourse and you will also not have a recurrent frequency of sexual thoughts running in your head and you will also notice that your overall desire This reduced libido can have a significant impact on both personal relationships and overall quality of your sexual life. So that’s one of the cardinal symptoms of low testosterone, sexual dis-interest. Symptom 2: Decreased Facial Hair Growth – Hair as a Hormonal Indicator Another potential symptom of low testosterone is an overall decrease in facial hair growth It’s not merely about aesthetics; the thickness and growth of facial hair are indirect indicators of your overall male sex hormone levels. Slow beard growth and a less substantial mustache are often seen clinically in men complaining of low libido & erectile dysfunction. Understanding this symptom can help individuals recognize potential hormonal imbalances and seek appropriate medical guidance, where relevant. The thickness of your hair is more important. Thick hair, thick facial hair, underarm hair, the hair in the chest region, hair in the pubic region are all markers of a man’s fertility because it indicates that the testosterone in the system is probably optimally functioning. So, that’s the second symptom of low testosterone Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Symptom 3: Decrease in Organ Size – A Sensitive Issue Testosterone significantly influences penile tissue, making it a vital factor in organ size. More importantly, the penile tissue is sensitive to your testosterone levels. So if you notice that your penis size is very small, you may have low testosterone. Secondly another concerning symptom of low testosterone is a very small organ in relation to an individual’s age (you can have the organ size of a 10 year old when you are 20 years of age?! right?). This can lead to serious concerns about sexual function and your overall self-esteem. Another point to consider is the size of the testicle. A reduction in testicular size may indicate not only low testosterone but also the possibility of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, a condition that merits further investigation. In these men, the testis is also very small and shrunk, it may indicate that your testosterone is not functioning. Put in other words, it just means that all your reproductive systems are probably shut down and they are not producing FSH and/or LH as well as testosterone, genetic causes have to be ruled out. A combination of = Small Penis size + Small Testis Size + Decreased hair growth = Definite diagnosis of Low testosterone Subscribe to our Newsletter Symptom 4: Erectile Function – A Key Indicator Erectile function is another vital aspect of men’s sexual health influenced by testosterone. Men with low testosterone may experience difficulties in achieving and sustaining erections (so these men frequently have erectile dysfunction) This can have profound implications for sexual satisfaction and overall perceived well being. Recognizing changes in erectile function is crucial for addressing potential hormonal issues and seeking timely intervention as and when required. Conclusion: Empowering Knowledge In conclusion, recognizing these symptoms of low testosterone is the first step toward addressing potential hormonal imbalances. If you or someone you know experiences any of these signs, seeking medical guidance for a comprehensive evaluation is advisable. Understanding these bodily signals and/or empowers individuals to take charge of their health and well-being. Closing Remarks: Join the Dialogue We trust that this extended exploration of the symptoms of low testosterone has provided you with valuable insights. Feel free to engage with us by liking, commenting, and subscribing to our blog. If you have questions or require further information, please don’t hesitate to leave your comments below. For personalized guidance, you can also reach out to us directly through our clinic’s contact number. Your health and well-being remain our top priority. Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to addressing your valuable comments and questions in future discussions. This is Dr. Shah, signing off for now. Welcome. References Antonio L, Wu FC, O’Neill TW, Pye SR, Ahern TB, Laurent MR, Huhtaniemi IT, Lean ME, Keevil BG, Rastrelli G, Forti G. Low free testosterone is associated with hypogonadal signs and symptoms in men with normal total testosterone. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2016 Jul 1;101(7):2647-57. Rastrelli G, Corona G, Maggi M. Both comorbidity burden and low testosterone can explain symptoms and signs of testosterone deficiency in men consulting for sexual dysfunction. Asian journal of andrology. 2020 May;22(3):265. Related Blogs Recent Blogs
Penis Size to get Pregnant? Does the size of the penis matter?

Men’s Health Blogs Penis Size to get Pregnant? Does the size of the penis matter? In this video and post we are going to discuss on the penis size to get pregnant. So what’s very important to understand here is that many men associate the size of their organ with their masculinity as well as a sense of power. Penis size to get pregnant. How important is your penis size? So, men with larger penis size are more comfortable overall with their self perceived body image. Moreover, they are more confident and in general their sexual satisfaction for these men as perceived by men themselves is usually higher. Over 55% of men find their penis size and overall size of their organ to be very very small and satisfaction from a sexual health view point is also low. Furthermore some of these men become so paranoid and traumatized that they completely even avoid sexual intercourse with their intimate partners (wives or girlfriends). In still worser scenaros, these men get so depressed that eventually clinical depression along with erectile dysfunction develops! This has resulted in a large number of men actually seeking penis size enhancing surgeries which in recent times has come under criticism from the American Urological Association stating that the penis size increase in surgeries are largely risky by nature itself. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call So what is the mean average penis size? Now, Initial studies from the Kinsey Institute of Sexual Health estimated penis size. These studies, conducted around 1984, involved 2,000 to 3,000 men who self-reported their measurements. On average, they reported an erect penis length of approximately 16.77 cm But in more recent times with more data that’s more widely available we now know that the mean average penis size is anywhere from about 5 inches to 5.5 inches. Now if you have a penis size that is anywhere more than 4 inches or anywhere more than 3.5 inches in terms of erect length then that is more than adequate for pregnancy. There are two particular clinical conditions where the penis size may be insufficient with respect to pregnancy. The first is Subscribe to our Newsletter Buried Penis In some cases, the penis is buried, resulting in a size of less than 3 cm or 4 cm. This occurs in men who are morbidly obese, those with Klinefelter’s syndrome, and patients with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism So here getting pregnant is going to be hard for these men. I mean helping their partner achieve pregnancy is going to be hard. We also encounter an issue with penis size in a condition known as micropenis, which involves an exceptionally small penis To elaborate in these men they are born with a small organ, often less than 3 cm or 2.5 cm in length, due to a developmental issue. To understand this better, we perform a detailed physical examination to rule out genetic conditions Furthermore in both small penis and buried penis and/or micropenis are all issues where achieving a pregnancy can be a challenge. For a large number of men however, 55-60% of men whose penis size is usually normal, they themselves perceive that their size is problematic. This is called as small penis syndrome. Here the penis is NOT truly small. So in these instances, visiting an andrologist near you or a sexologist near you, getting a proper estimate of your penis size may be very very helpful in alleviating those doubts. And That’s about it!. I hope you enjoyed this video on penis size, what is the penis size required to get pregnant. I’ll be coming up with many more videos. Please like, comment and subscribe and do share this video with all your friends and loved ones. This is Dr. Shah. Welcome and namaste. Thank you. References Jamison PL, Gebhard PH. Penis size increase between flaccid and erect states: An analysis of the Kinsey data. Journal of sex research. 1988 Jan 1;24(1):177-83. Dillon BE, Chama NB, Honig SC. Penile size and penile enlargement surgery: a review. International journal of impotence research. 2008 Nov;20(6):519-29. Wiygul J, Palmer LS. Micropenis. The Scientific World Journal. 2011 Jul 28;11:1462-9. Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Comment (2) Godwin says: February 11, 2024 at 10:03 pm Edit Doctor I want to ask please What are the remedies, treatments and medications for Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: February 16, 2024 at 9:59 am Edit Please do call me on 9790783856 Reply Raheel says: October 12, 2023 at 12:37 am Edit Hii dr. Shah, i hope you are fine and this comment will reach out to you. I am facing this prone masturbation issue since 3 to 4 years now. When i fall asleep during midnight prone masturbation is happening and as a result ejaculation is taking place. Please i request you to tell me how to abstain or avoid prone masturabtion & to which counsellor should i meet to tackle this. I am unable to stop prone masturbation, i am depressed. Please help me Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: October 13, 2023 at 3:59 pm Edit Please drop me a call on 9790783856 Reply Chethan says: September 24, 2023 at 9:12 am Edit Hello sir my semen analysis shows 8-10 hpf pus cells present in semen and liquification time is >90 min and viscosity has increased. Overall results says NORMOZOOSPERMIA WITH GENITAL TRACT INFECTION WITH INCREASED VISCOSITY. Do i require treatment? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: January 24, 2024 at 3:52 pm Edit Please call me on 9790783856 Reply Will says: September 12, 2023 at 7:34 am Edit Hi, for the past few weeks there has been semen or prostate fluid in my urine almost every night. This is not from retrograde, neither from medication. This is really draining my energy. How can I
Why is there blood in my sperm ? Hematospermia explained

Men’s Health Blogs Why is there blood in my sperm ? Hematospermia explained Why is there blood in my sperm? In this informative video and post, we aim to address a commonly asked question: Why do some individuals notice blood in their semen? Why is there blood in my sperm? Join me as we explore the details of this phenomenon, its causes, and when to seek medical attention. Unveiling Hematospermia: Definition and Diagnosis Hematospermia, also known as blood in semen, is a clinical condition that prompts concern among patients. It refers to the presence of blood in semen or blood mingling with sperm upon ejaculation. Various underlying conditions warrant testing and evaluation to accurately diagnose hematospermia. To understand why there is blood in my sperm, an accurate knowledge of the conditions is necessary. Underlying Conditions and Differential Diagnosis When diagnosing hematospermia, we must rule out several conditions, including sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. Additionally, we must assess you for prostatic abscess, prostatic cysts, renal and liver abnormalities, as well as bleeding disorders. As a sexologist, sti testing is particularly more important. These evaluations are essential, as these conditions often correlate with hematospermia (blood in semen). Why is there blood in my sperm? (Hematospermia: the Impact of Age) Is the presence of blood in semen a cause for alarm? For any normal human being, it is! It’s traumatizing to see blood mixed with sperm. Why is there blood in my sperm However, the scientific answer is different. The answer varies with age. For individuals under 40 years old, observing blood in semen on one or two occasions is usually considered benign. While comprehensive testing and ultrasounds are advisable, there’s typically no need for major investigations. This transient occurrence is likely to resolve on its own. Blood in semen frequently goes away on its own over a median period of 6 months to 8 months in young men under 40. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call I am over 40, should I be worried when I see blood in my semen? However, for those over 40 years old, with a family history of prostate cancer, the presence of blood in semen demands more attention. In such cases, prostate malignancy must be definitively ruled out. Why is there blood in my sperm Endorectal MRI emerges as the gold standard for identifying the source of bleeding within the male reproductive tract. It’s a crucial step in assessing potential prostate cancer. To conclude if you are over 40, never ever ignore blood in semen and definitely get a check-up done with your andrologist. Subscribe to our Newsletter Key Takeaways: Understanding Hematospermia In summary, the significance of blood in semen varies with age and frequency. Individuals under 40 experiencing isolated incidents need not overly worry, as it commonly resolves. Yet, those above 40, especially with prostate cancer risk factors, should pursue thorough investigations to exclude malignancy. Conclusion: Empowering Informed Choices I hope this video has provided insights into hematospermia, assuaging any alarm you might feel upon observing blood in your semen. Remember, you’re welcome to seek clarification or share your doubts in the comments below. Feel free to like, subscribe, and share this video with those seeking clarity on this topic ‘why is there blood in my sperm’. This is Dr. Shah, signing off with best wishes and healthful regards. References Stefanovic KB, Gregg PC, Soung M. Evaluation and treatment of hematospermia. American family physician. 2009 Dec 15;80(12):1421-7. Leocádio DE, Stein BS. Hematospermia: etiological and management considerations. International urology and nephrology. 2009 Mar;41:77-83. Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
When you ejaculate how much sperm comes out?

Men’s Health Blogs When you ejaculate how much sperm comes out? In this video and post, the question we are going to answer is, when you ejaculate, how many sperms are actually released? More specifically when you ejaculate how much sperm come out? Now many people have a common doubt that when ejaculation happens, are the sperms being properly deposited in the vagina? Understanding the intricacies of this process is crucial, especially for those curious about sperm deposit and conception probabilities. So, let’s delve into the science behind ejaculation and its implications for fertility. How many sperms are going to be deposited in the vagina? To understand this, you must understand the physiology of ejaculation. So when ejaculation happens, the important point to know here is that the first few drops of semen contains the sperm rich fraction. That means the first one or two drops of the semen contain most of the spermatozoa, representing a significant proportion. So that means ejaculation should happen in the vagina strictly and you cannot partially ejaculate outside and then have a partial ejaculation inside. Furthermore, following penetration of your partner or loved one, it’s essential to ensure that you withdraw the organ only after complete ejaculation has occurred Why?? Because during the process of ejaculation, when you have an orgasm, the first one or two drops of the semen contains the sperm rich fraction, SRF. Termed SRF, the sperm-rich fraction essentially indicates that those drops contain the highest number of spermatozoa. And it’s very interesting because when patients collect a sample in a sperm testing laboratory, normally when we see a report, if we notice low semen volume, if we notice a low count,we ask the patient, did the patient spill the first 2-3 drops of the semen on the floor at the time of collecting the sample? As a result, if the answer to the question is yes, we conclude that the report indicates a low semen volume. Given that a significant portion of motile sperm is lost in the spilled drops of semen, the low sperm count report could be inaccurate.. Thus, what’s important to understand here is that the first couple of drops of the semen contains the highest fraction of motile spermatozoa. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Some patients also have the question that after I withdraw the organ, I see the semen back flowing. So, when you ejaculate how much sperm comes out? That’s completely fine. Remember when you ejaculate intra-vaginally, as early as 2-3 minutes after ejaculation, the spermatozoa are going to rapidly swim up and reach the Fallopian tube. What happens after about 10 minutes of ejaculation is that basically the semen is going to liquefy. The liquefaction time is where the coagulated thick semen becomes watery and it becomes thin and watery. So because it becomes liquefied, that is because it loses its viscosity or it becomes liquefied by nature, what’s going to happen? It will flow back down the vaginal canal, and this back flow of semen is termed “effluem-seminis.” That is a physiological process, 99-100% of couples will note that after ejaculation, in 5-7 minutes, semen back flows. The Crucial Initial Phase (Where semen = Gold). When you ejaculate how much sperm comes out? However, the pivotal factor remains the initial phase of ejaculation—specifically, during orgasm. Proper deposition of the first portion of ejaculate into the vagina significantly heightens the chances of pregnancy. The rapid expulsion of the initial 2-3 drops during a man’s orgasm holds particular importance. The depositing these drops in the vagina significantly increases the likelihood of pregnancy. Subscribe to our Newsletter This is more so if the woman is close to her ovulation period or the ovulation window. So I hope you found this video useful and informative and please like, comment and subscribe. Here is one more bonus point here for you is that when you ejaculate, how many sperms actually comes out? That’s not the right question because in fundamental you need to know what is your sperm concentration per ml. The normal sperm concentration per ml can range anywhere from 13 million per ml to 16 million per ml. I hope this answers the question with some clarity. Please like, comment and subscribe and share this video with all your friends. This is Dr. Shah, consultant andrologist and sexology doctor in chennai I’ll see you back with another video. Bye for now. I hope you enjoyed reading this article on ‘when you ejaculate how much sperm comes out’ References King R, Dempsey M, Valentine KA. Measuring sperm backflow following female orgasm: a new method. Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology. 2016 Jan 1;6(1):31927. Doyle JB. The Cervical Spoon: A New Method of Semen Sampling and Assaying Spermigration; a Preliminary Report. The Journal of Urology. 1948 Dec;60(6):986-9. Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ