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How much pus cells in sperm is normal? Should you treat pus cells in semen?

Men’s Health Blogs How much pus cells in sperm is normal? Should you treat pus cells in semen? Hey guys! In this short 2 min blog post, we will quickly understand what to do if you notice pus cells in semen. Watch the video below Okay, so you are trying for a child desperately for the last 2 or 3 years. Sadly a pregnancy is just not happening. Moreover, your andrologist or male fertility specialist punished you with a battery of expensive tests. Among these tests is the famed ‘semen analysis test‘ or sperm test. The D-Day comes, you get your report and you are SHOCKED. You notice the ONE THING you do NOT want to see in your goddamn report…. PUS CELLS and numerous pus cells, so many damn PUS CELLS competing with your sperm for honor and space (I know the joke sounds cheesy). And you are going like MAD. Your fertility specialist says that, your pus cells in the semen are the reason your sperms motility is so low Moreover, its the pus cells in your goddamn sperm that causing infertility. What should you do? The answer is below.   How much pus cells in sperm is normal? Well on average that is, if you look at the average semen analysis report, you should see anywhere between 1-2 cells per high power field. The most important thing to understand here is that, these pus cells, also called as ’round cells’ can be of 2 types. The first type of round cells is the typical ‘White blood cell’ or so called ‘pus cells’ that is seen…..if their is an infection. Secondly, the next type of round cell can be simply an immature spermatogonial cell. Either way, in a typical sperm test, both cells are considered as ’round cells’. So DO NOT hit the PANIC button, once you notice pus cells along with your sperm. To make things easy, I am going to systematically give you a treatment strategy for those damn pus cells. The strategy will be based on what should be done, depending on the number of pus cells seen per high power field. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call 2-4 pus cells in sperm For both 1-2 and 2-4 pus cells seen in your semen analysis report, no active treatment is required. However, the one exception is, if their are clinical symptoms like burning sensation while passing urine and/or pain while ejaculation, treatment will be required. To summarize here is what you should do Step 1 – Repeat your semen analysis and see if you get the same 2-4 cells per high power field Step 2 – If Yes, and you also have symptoms, take antibiotics after doing a semen culture and sensitivity Lastly, Step 3- if No, and you have no symptoms, then no further treatment is required Ok, now to the next part 4-6 pus cells in semen Step 1: Once again, repeat the sperm test Step 2: You need to do a leuco-screen test. This will differentiate whether the pus cells are immature sperm cells or plain pus cells Step 3: If the round cells are immature sperm cells, no further treatment is required Step 4: Fourthly, if the round cells are pus cells and you have no symptoms, no further treatment is the recommendation Lastly, Step 5: Pus cells with symptoms, then please do a semen culture and sensitivity and follow up with antibiotics 8-10 pus cells in semen Here again, follow the steps below Step 1: Repeat semen analysis Secondly, Step 2: Next leuco-screen test Thirdly, Step 3: If report shows immature cells, no further treatment Lastly, Step 4: However, if they are pus cells and you have symptoms, semen culture followed up with a course of antibiotics is definitely required Now to the last part of the discussion. What should you do if you notice the below finding in your report?   Subscribe to our Newsletter 20-25 pus cell seen in semen Step 1: Repeat your sperm test once again Secondly Step 2: Do a leuco-screen test Thirdly, Step 3: Do a trans-rectal ultrasound of your prostate and seminal vesicles to rule out infections Fourthly Step 4: Antibiotic course if semen culture shows growth of pathogenic organisms So, thats about it guys I hope you found this article of some value. Do of course visit an andrologist or sexologist near you A very important point to bear in mind is that, if you notice pus cells in semen, a treatment is only required if and when you have certain symptoms. Some of these symptoms are namely 1. Burning pain while passing urine 2. Also, the presence of burning pain while ejaculation 3. Pus discharge from the organ 4. Foul smelling semen and the presence of blood in semen (hematospermia) Unless otherwise, you dont have any of the aforementioned symptoms along with pus cells, a general rule of the thumb is that, you do NOT need any major treatment. So, thats about it! I hope you found this article useful and informative. Please share this article with all your friends and loved ones Kindly drop in your comments, I will do my best to respond to all of them. Keep watching this space for more interesting articles. References Sigman M, Lopes L. The correlation between round cells and white blood cells in the semen. The Journal of urology. 1993 May 1;149(5):1338-40. Solis EA, Gatti VN, Bouvet BR, Brufman AS, Provenzal C, Feldman R. Round cells in semen and genital infections. Archivos espanoles de urologia. 200  Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Comment (8) Godwin says: February 11, 2024 at 10:03 pm Edit Doctor I want to ask please What are the remedies, treatments and medications for Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: February 16, 2024

How to get rid of blue balls? Blue Balls Treatment explained

Men’s Health Blogs How to get rid of blue balls? Blue Balls Treatment explained Have you ever suffered from an ‘irritating pain in the balls’? A pain that comes and goes, a dull aching pain in your balls? A pain that you just cant seem to get rid off?. How to get rid of blue balls? Yup, that pain is due to something called the ‘blue ball syndrome’. Men with ‘blue ball syndrome’ constantly suffer from pain in the testis. In patients with blue ball syndrome, patients usually come to the clinic with severe or moderate to dull aching pain in their balls. As a funny saying goes – ‘A man will experience at least 1 episode of blue balls’ The pain of blue balls, can be local to one point in the testis or diffuse and spread around both testis. Moreover, in some instances the pain may radiate to penis as well. How to get rid of blue balls? Blue balls in the medical literature is termed as ‘epidydimal hypertension’. This conditions is more common in the age group of 14 to 25 year old men. More interestingly, it seems to occur to young men after sexual arousal. Why do blue calls occur? Interestingly, blue balls seem to occur to younger men and more specifically after a period of sexual arousal. Now, normally, sexual arousal should end with ejaculation. But, if the individual does not get the opportunity to engage in sexual intercourse with his partner, blue balls can result. In some men, who are single & who strictly avoid masturbation, blue balls can result. The pain of blue balls probably results from ‘neural impulses’ going back from the distended spermatic chord, epidydimis and other male reproductive tract structures (to put it simply ‘the piping tubes’ that carry sperm outside the body) Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call 2 Quick treatments to get rid of Blue Ball Syndrome So here is a typical scenario…. You are young and horny as hell, you looked at the porn and want to jerk off. (Pss….visit a sexologist) But you end up with pain and moreover your girlfriend is not in town. What should you do relieve the pain? How to do you get rid of blue balls? Guys, the simplest treatment you can do, is apply ice packs or ice gel packs to your balls. Ice causes ‘cold stress’ which trigger’s vasoconstriction. The flow from that region gets diverted and pain reduces (akin to applying ice after injury) I have personally seen excellent success with treating blue balls just using ice. The 2nd treatment approach to get rid of blue balls is…. By adopting the ‘Vasalva Maneuver’ the pain of blue ball can be brought down. So how do we do it? Firstly, Step 1 : Pinch your nostrils Next, Step 2: Mouth tight shut Lastly, Step 3: Blow or forcibly exhale through your nose. You should feel your ear pop. Its as simple as that. Do this about 5 to 10 times. However, if you have severe pain, you must visit your andrologist near you. Since, one must rule out testicular torsion at all costs. I hope you liked reading this short blog post. Will catch up with you with lots of more interesting content. For now, ciao References Rockney, Randy, and Anthony J. Alario. “Blue balls.” Pediatrics 108.5 (2001): 1233-1234. Subscribe to our Newsletter Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah

What to do if you cant ejaculate? Delayed ejaculation & its treatment explained

Men’s Health Blogs What to do if you cant ejaculate? Delayed ejaculation & its treatment explained In this post, we are going to go through quickly about ‘what to do if you cant ejaculate’. More specifically, we will briefly look at delayed ejaculation and delayed ejaculation treatment. You can also watch the video below In this post, we are going to go through quickly about ‘what to do if you cant ejaculate’. More specifically, we will briefly look at delayed ejaculation and delayed ejaculation treatment. You can also watch the video below The last thing any man or (his better half) wants to experience in their sex lives, is ‘the inability to cum’. Its frustating, unfulfilling and bloody irritating. So, what to do if you cant ejaculate? Lets first science the shit out of the topic. Now, delayed ejaculation (DE) is also called inhibited ejaculation. In this condition, men are unable to ejaculate after penetration of the vagina, in partnered sex. The important point to note here is the ‘average ejaculatory latency time’ which is about 4 to 10 mins. Interestingly this 4 to 10 minute time is also the ‘average duration of sex’ in most couples. So, technically, how long should sex last? about 4 to 10 mins post penetration. However, in delayed ejaculation, the sex lasts really long. Men who fail to ejaculate, keep thrusting their partners from anywhere between 30 to 60 minutes, but do not ejaculate. Thus these men in principle do not achieve their orgasm. This causes tremendous sexual frustration, depression and distress to the male. But, when it comes to the female partner, the distress and stress results from the consequent infertility issues. Since men with delayed ejaculation suffer due to the inability to deposit sperm in the vagina, infertility results, thereby affecting the relationships. Not just that, female partners of men who cant ejaculate also suffer from poor self esteem issues, disturbed body image problems and a range of other psychological problems. They think that, they are probably not ‘attractive’ and thereby their unable to make their partner come. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call So what should you do if you cannot ejaculate? Keep Reading! The problem of delayed ejaculation is seen in about 4 to 8% of men presenting to male fertility clinic with sexual health issues. Now, here comes the icing on the cake. A large proportion of men with DE, seem to suffer from DE due masturbatory behavior. Men who engage in masturbation are frequently ‘auto-sexual’ or more specifically auto-sexually oriented. Can masturbation cause delayed ejaculation? Hell yeah it can. For these men, unfortunately, are compelled to take their hand and stimulate their organ. The thrusting force generated from their hand actually offers much greater gratification than the ‘vagina’s’ (of their partners) Moreover, men with delayed ejaculation also suffer from an idiosyncratic masturbation style called as ‘prone masturbation‘. Individual’s who engage in prone masturbatory practice frequently orgasm or achieve ejaculation by rubbing their organ on the bed or on the floor. The rubbing of course helps the individual get a tremendous high triggering an ejaculatory response. Other yet equally important causes of DE include 1. Major pelvic and abdominal surgeries 2. High Prolactin 3. Low Testosterone 4. Genito-urinary tract infections (from stds like chlamydia and gonorrhea et cetera)* 5. Mullerian cysts and prostatic utricles *Whats interesting to note here is that, specifically with STD’s the patient will have burning sensation while ejaculation. Thus, the pain will eventually inhibit the ejaculation completely Subscribe to our Newsletter What can you do immediately if you cant ejaculate? The best thing you can do for yourself is to visit a sexologist near you A thorough psychological and psycho-sexual evaluation is a definite must. Most importantly, a point of interest would be to get the individual evaluated on their sexual orientation. Many men suffer from conflicts regarding their sexual orientations. In men with DE, the said patient may be in a heterosexual relationship but would rather prefer to be homosexual. This conflict in the psyche can in itself cause and inhibition of the ejaculation (or ejaculatory response). Next, a thorough evaluation of the male sex hormones is also definitely required. Ultimately, treatment depends on the cause. If the issues are psychological. Treatment options include 1. Cognitive behavioral therapy or 2. REBT therapy combined with psychosexual therapy If the issues are organic (a bodily physiological problem) Hormonal therapy can be done. For example for men with elevated prolactin, medications to reduce prolactin can be given. Similarly for men with hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (where no sperm in the semen is seen) hormonal injections with testosterone replacement therapy is recommended. Fundamentally the END-GOAL is to help the patient achieve a normal antegrade ejaculation. Some medications which we have used in our practice include medications like 1. Tab Cabergoline 0.5 mg twice a week for 8 weeks 2. Midrodine Hydrochloride and Ephredine. So, that about summates the post on ‘what to do if you cant ejaculate’. I hope you found this post interesting and useful. Do drop in your comments below. I will see you in this space with more interesting content to read Cheers! References Abdel-Hamid IA, Ali OI. Delayed ejaculation: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment. The World Journal of Men’s Health. 2018 Jan 1;36(1):22-40. Althof SE. Psychological interventions for delayed ejaculation/orgasm. International journal of impotence research. 2012 Jul;24(4):131-6. Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ

Male Fertility Tips To Get Pregnant Fast – 5 Quick Actionable strategies to implement

Men’s Health Blogs Male Fertility Tips To Get Pregnant Fast 5 Quick Actionable strategies to implement Hey guys! you are going to find this post both fun to read & easy as a pie to follow. Let get to the crux of the topic without wasting time. So, we are going to quickly discuss on male fertility tips to get pregnant fast (I mean super fast from a biological perspective). Watch the short below. It wont take a more than a minute of your time. Okay, you must be a newly wed or you are in a long term relationship with your girlfriend or whatever. You are ready to take that next big step to have a baby? [most people do not understand that they are screwing themselves over when they decide on having a child :-)]. However, since you are dead serious on this goal, you must be married for a year or two. Since social pressure from your relatives (specifically the damn in-laws) builds up rampantly. During this time, sexual intercourse which was once heavenly becomes a chore. In principal, sex happens just to have a child. You start tracking your partners ovulation days, her fertile window and plan intercourse. But still a pregnancy simply just does not seem to happen. Am I right? (I know I am). Both you and your partner are damn frustrated. It gets frustrating, trust me!. So, then what are the male fertility tips to get pregnant fast? The answer lies below in 5 quick actionable strategies to get your partner pregnant. FAST Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Male fertility tips to get pregnant fast – 5 actionable strategies you should implement right now Tip 1 : Having frequent sex Regular sex can help. But do not at any cost make it mechanical. If sexual intercourse happens with all the planning around your partners fertile window, you are not going to get her pregnant. How much sex to get pregnant then? Remember its roughly 3 times per week. Studies suggest that when sexual intercourse happens at the rate of 3 times per week, their is roughly a 60 to 70 percent chances of getting your partner pregnant in the next 8 months. Yup that is roughly 8 months. When the frequency of intercourse falls to less than 3 per week, consequently the chances of pregnancy also drop. On average, the chance of getting your partner pregnant is roughly varies from 4% to 6% per month, when you have sex 3 times per week. So have fun, while you are at it. Making babies, no big deal as such. Tip 2 : Take the famed ABC Juice ABC juice (Expanded as Apple, carrot and beetroot juice) is an excellent natural anti-oxidant. Remember to take lots of it. Take the ABC juice everyday. Regular intake of ABC juice helps improve sperm motility fast,  increase sperm concentration and also boosts overall male fertility. One of the best home remedies to improve male fertility is taking a combination of ABC juice, lemon juice and orange juice. I would recommend taking each of these juices on an alternative day to boost male fertility. This is probably on of the best male fertility tips to get pregnant fast. Tip 3: Improve your erection Now, you are going to find this tip interesting. The tip is a double treat, both for you and your partner. Remember having a good erection, is paramount to satisfactory sexual intercourse. You cant argue with that right? However, the better and harder your penis. The larger the amount of semen deposited in the vagina. Now to put in simple words. More semen = more sperm (i.e the total number of sperm deposited per ejaculate is higher). So you definitely need to treat erectile dysfunction if you have it and also improve your existing hardness of your organ. Trust me, its worth it.  A simple way to improve erection is by going for a walk and hitting 10,000 steps per day. Try to use a pedometer and keep track of your steps. Or hit a daily target of 6 km/day while walking. Subscribe to our Newsletter Tip 4: Restful sleep and avoid night-shift jobs Its not worth working nights. Simple as that. We are not biologically designed to function with full potential in the nights. Quit your night shift work. In my experience as an andrologist and sexologist, I have seen a large number of patients suffer from numerous fertility & sex related problems due to night work only. Patients working in nights frequently suffer from low sperm concentration, low sperm motility and also decreased erectile dysfunction. They also have low sex interest and feel fatigued all the time. So please quit working at nights and ensure you get 6 to 8 hours of restful sleep. Trust me, it will make all the difference. Tip 5: Quit Smoking & Alcohol Lastly, definitely quit smoking and alcohol. Its just not going to help you, since it kills your sperm and it also kills your erectile functions. To conclude, in order to improve your overall male fertility, following simple lifestyle changes is all that is required. Take it easy and relax. Do not worry. Keep trying and you will achieve your goals of fatherhood. I will see you soon with another blog post References Begot I, Peixoto TC, Gonzaga LR, Bolzan DW, Papa V, Carvalho AC, Arena R, Gomes WJ, Guizilini S. A home-based walking program improves erectile dysfunction in men with an acute myocardial infarction. The American Journal of Cardiology. 2015 Mar 1;115(5):571-5. Pasqualotto FF, Lucon AM, Sobreiro BP, Pasqualotto EB, Arap S. Effects of medical therapy, alcohol, smoking, and endocrine disruptors on male infertility. Revista do Hospital das Clínicas. 2004;59:375-82. Deng N, Kohn TP, Lipshultz LI, Pastuszak AW. The relationship between shift work and men’s health. Sexual medicine reviews. 2018 Jul 1;6(3):446-56. 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No sperm when i ejaculate? Whats wrong? No sperm comes out? – What to do? Quick solution

Men’s Health Blogs No sperm when i ejaculate? Whats wrong? No sperm comes out? What to do? Quick solution No sperm when i ejaculate? No sperm when i ejaculate? It’s probably a shocking thing for you to see. Oh god!, my sperms are not coming out. I am done, I can never have a child anymore (you will get a range of thoughts when you find… semen on ejaculation). Oh No…. Rightly so. You ought to be panicked. However, never worry too much, because in this short post I am going to give you a quick solution. On to the good stuff then. You can watch the video below as well Now, Lets analyze the issue together. The most common cause of no sperm coming out or no semen coming out during sex is fundamentally ‘erectile dysfunction‘. As a practicing andrologist and sexologist, I have seen in my practice that this is probably the most common reason for patients suffering from no sperm coming out (also called as an-ejaculation). Please do understand that erectile dysfunction is treatable. One must assess the cause of erection problems and then give the relevant treatment. Secondly, the next most common cause of ‘no sperm when i ejaculate’ is due to ‘Ejaculatory dysfunction’. Now, what causes ‘ejaculatory dysfunction?’. Well, its a condition called ‘Retrograde ejaculation’ In patients with retrograde ejaculation, semen goes backward into the urinary bladder, instead of coming out forward through the urethra. Technically, the patient with retrograde ejaculation can satisfy his partner. That means, he is able to penetrate, sustain his erection, and achieve orgasm. But, the semen alone wont come out. It will go back into the urinary bladder thereby mixing with urine. This is depicted in the image below Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Unraveling the Mysteries of the Bent Penis Secondly, the next most common cause of ‘no sperm when i ejaculate’ is due to ‘Ejaculatory dysfunction’. Now, what causes ‘ejaculatory dysfunction?’. Well, its a condition called ‘Retrograde ejaculation’ In patients with retrograde ejaculation, semen goes backward into the urinary bladder, instead of coming out forward through the urethra. Technically, the patient with retrograde ejaculation can satisfy his partner. That means, he is able to penetrate, sustain his erection, and achieve orgasm. But, the semen alone wont come out. It will go back into the urinary bladder thereby mixing with urine. This is depicted in the image below This happens since, for such patients, the internal sphincter does not close. Imagine a non-functioning valve, that does not close properly. What do you think happens to the flow? (Think….) Yup their will be leakages or back-flow. The same thing happens in patients with retrograde ejaculation. So, why does the valve or sphincter not close? The first clinical condition to rule out in such patients is ‘diabetes mellitus’. Next, one must rule out intake of ‘antidepressant medications’. In an estimated 60% of patients who take these medications, their will be either erectile dysfunction or ejaculatory dysfunction. Other causes include conditions like prostate injury, spinal cord injury, prostrate surgeries, large abdominal procedures can all ultimately result in no sperm coming out on ejaculation. Subscribe to our Newsletter So what is the treatment? Firstly, we do semen analysis test. We specifically do a ‘post orgasm’ urine sample examination. This is to see if sperms are mixing and coming out with urine. We also do a hormone analysis in parallel. Next we stop the antidepressant medications and also treat diabetes if presently. Consequently, we give the patient, sympathomimetic drugs (e.g midrodrine hydrochloride, imipramine and Chlorpheniramine maleate). These molecules are given for 3 to 6 month, and the treatment success rates is about 65 to 70 percent. That is if 100 individuals present to the clinic with the condition ‘no sperm comes out when i ejaculate’ 65 of 100 will respond very well to the medications. Eventually, these patients will be able to see their ‘sperms or semen coming out’. Lastly, another important point to bear in mind is that, men with ‘retrograde ejaculation’ or erectile dysfunction definitely suffer from infertility. This is because semen does not get deposited in the vagina. So, if and when should you suffer from this condition, remember to visit an andrologist near you Get a proper evaluation and a right treatment. I hope you found this blog post informative. Keep watching this space for more! Cheers and I will see you soon with more interesting content. References Jefferys A, Siassakos D, Wardle P. The management of retrograde ejaculation: a systematic review and update. Fertility and sterility. 2012 Feb 1;97(2):306-12. Ohl DA, Quallich SA, Sønksen J, Brackett NL, Lynne CM. Anejaculation and retrograde ejaculation. Urologic Clinics of North America. 2008 May 1;35(2):211-20. Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Comment (7) Godwin says: February 11, 2024 at 10:03 pm Edit Doctor I want to ask please What are the remedies, treatments and medications for Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: February 16, 2024 at 9:59 am Edit Please do call me on 9790783856 Reply Raheel says: October 12, 2023 at 12:37 am Edit Hii dr. Shah, i hope you are fine and this comment will reach out to you. I am facing this prone masturbation issue since 3 to 4 years now. When i fall asleep during midnight prone masturbation is happening and as a result ejaculation is taking place. Please i request you to tell me how to abstain or avoid prone masturabtion & to which counsellor should i meet to tackle this. I am unable to stop prone masturbation, i am depressed. Please help me Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: October 13, 2023 at 3:59 pm Edit Please drop me a call on 9790783856 Reply Chethan says: September 24, 2023 at 9:12 am Edit Hello sir my semen analysis shows 8-10

Lump in my balls? Quick Pointer’s on lump in testicles

Men’s Health Blogs Lump in my balls? Quick Pointer’s on lump in testicles Have you ever wondered with the question ‘lump in my balls’? Could it be some freaking cancer. Am i done for? What should I do about these lumps in testicles? In short blog post we will go through some very concise facts on ‘testicular lumps’. You can watch the whiteboard video below (if you feel lazy to read) On to the good stuff then!. So when you notice a ‘lump in the testicle’ what matters most is the position of the lump. Position, position and position. It matters that much. The fist question to ask is ‘Where is the lump in my balls located?’ Is it on the skin? Is it deep inside my balls (in the tissue that is). Exactly where? The next question to ask is…. ‘How many lumps in my balls are their?’ Is their a single lump? Are their multiple lumps? Is it on 1 testicle or is it on both testicles? So a preliminary diagnosis can definitely be done, by answering these questions. If you notice lumps in the skin as depicted in the image below, please remember that these lumps are nothing but ‘Sebaceous cysts’. Check out the image below The good news is that, these sebaceous cysts do not require any ‘medical intervention’. You heard that right. You dont have to worry about it at all! However, should these cysts become big, they may give your private parts an ungainly appearance and just may be your partner may notice it. In these instances, a surgical excision (removal of the cyst) can be done. The second most common type of lump, men have is called ‘The worm lump’ or more specifically, these lumps have a ‘bag of worms’ like feel. These lumps are called ‘Varicoceles’. Check the image below. Here again, the varicocele is nothing but a dilatation of the blood vessels specifically the veins (that run over the spermatic cord). These varicoceles do not require any treatment. However, a large number of andrologists argue on this topic, and routinely suggest varicocele surgery for patients in order to improve sperm count, sperm motility and sperm shape. But, in case the varicocele is associated with pain, a treatment will definitely be required. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Coming to the next type of testicular lump… Its called the Epidydimis. The Epidydimis, serves as for sperm storage. Its a small structure present above the testis. The interesting thing here is that, lumps in the epidydimis can be either 1. A spermatocele 2. A block (due to sexually transmitted infections) or 3. Due to an Epydidimal infection The image below depicts a lump in the Epydidimis. All big size epydidimal lumps with pain definitely need an ultrasound imaging. A semen analysis test is recommended in case the lump is present on both sides. However, small lumps such as epidydimal cysts less than <1 cm do not need any treatment (more so, if they are located on just 1 side) Lastly, lets talk on cancer lumps in testis the final type of testicular lump is caused by testicular cancer. Only an estimated 1% of patients with male infertility suffer from carcinoma. The lumps of cancer are usually located much deeper in the testis. Check out the image below The most common type of these cancers in the testis are called ‘seminoma’s’ (not samosa’s:-)). That was a cheesy joke. I know As one would expect, the testicular lumps definitely need intervention (no running away) When a patient presents to the clinic, with a testicular lump inside the sac, we recommend a scan. Subscribe to our Newsletter The most common type of these cancers in the testis are called ‘seminoma’s’ (not samosa’s:-)). That was a cheesy joke. I know As one would expect, the testicular lumps definitely need intervention (no running away) When a patient presents to the clinic, with a testicular lump inside the sac, we recommend a scan. Moreover, if its a testicular tumor (usually a seminoma) either the testis should be removed or chemotherapy is initiated. Consequently, the good news is testis cancers have excellent 5 year survival rates. The US preventive task force in fact does not even recommend routine screening for such cancers. All said and done, keep your mind cool and get the right treatment. You will do well. No worries. Period. Lastly, to conclude. If you do have a lump. Remember to definitely visit an andrologist and/or sexologist near you for a proper evaluation. Hope you found the info useful Keep watching this space for more. Cheers! References Lin K, Sharangpani R. Screening for testicular cancer: an evidence review for the US Preventive Services Task Force. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2010 Sep 21;153(6):396-9. Stonier T, Simson N, Challacombe B. Diagnosing testicular lumps in primary care. The Practitioner. 2017 Apr 1;261(1803):13-7. Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ

Can i use saliva as lube? 2 Facts on using saliva as lube

Men’s Health Blogs Can i use saliva as lube? 2 Facts on using saliva as lube Welcome to Dr Shahs Clinic, in this quick video we are going to answer the question ‘Can i use saliva as lube?’. We will explore the magic of combining sex with saliva (we will see how magical it is!). Jokes apart let move on to the more serious stuff. Doc, can i use saliva as lube?, this is probably the single most common question I get. Its not surprising. An estimated 40% of couples use lubricants (saliva, KY jelly) or otherwise some ridiculous flower scented concoctions. Don’t get me wrong though. Using lubes definitely adds to pleasure for most couples. I mean people use saliva while masturbating, partnered sex, mutual masturbation and what not? Lubes of various varieties are also put into the mix. Moreover, saliva as lube is utilized in men with erectile dysfunction and in women with vaginal dryness However, there are some instances where you probably do not want to use saliva as lube. The best instance being ‘when trying for a child’. Saliva can basically give your sperms a knock-out punch. Studies done as early as the 1980’s have shown that saliva reduces sperm motility by 50% within just 5 mins of exposure. Not just that, by 15 mins of coming in contact with saliva, the sperm motility basically drops to zero. This is because saliva contains numerous substances that can technically ‘kamikaze’ your sperm. So, unless you are planning to use saliva as contraception method (not the best of course) you are probably better off not using saliva a lube when trying to conceive. Moreover, their are few more studies with some interesting observations. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Can saliva kill sperm? Oh yeah. Saliva is a sperm terminator In a few other studies, under the light microscope, scientist’s tried placing drops of sperm and drops of saliva beside one another. What did they find? Here again, sperm motility fell withing 5 mins of exposure and in about 15 mins the total sperm motility dropped to ‘0’. Interestingly, the sperms exhibited a kind of ‘shaking movement’ when exposed to saliva (sperms can get scared as well, have some mercy) Moreover, from the context of sexual hygiene, things get a bit more serious. Say….you are single and in a ‘not so committed’ relationship (in other words you do not know if you are going to marry the person), in these specific scenarios, you better watch out for STD’s And boy oh boy, saliva does transmit STI (sexually transmitted infections). In fact saliva can transmit a variety of sexually transmitted infections. Some common infections that can spread to your partner via saliva include 1. Herpes Simplex Virus leading to genital warts 2. Gonorrhea (by kissing and oro-genital sex) 3. Chlamydia (again by oral-penile sex) Subscribe to our Newsletter A beautiful study conducted in Australia called the HIM study has shown clearly that both Gonorrhea and Chlamydia can transmit through saliva. On an average, upon stimulation, via kissing and during oro-genital sex, saliva production in a man can reach 4-5 ml per minute (similar to that of eating food or chewing) thus aiding transmission of std’s. So should you use saliva as lube during sex? Well be careful and be damn cautious. The last thing you want is to end up with a damn STD. Trust me, it takes you out. Most importantly, I am sure you do not want your partner to end up with genital ulcers or lesions post sex. is a bit unfair right? So, exercise caution and avoid using saliva as lube. Should you definitely need to use a lube, use K-Y jelly or coconut oil as lube (more so when fertility is not a goal). I hope you found this blog post on ‘can i use saliva as lube’ informative. Please do ask your questions below. This is Dr Shah, Consultant Andrologist and Sexologist. I will see you soon with another interesting post References Chow EP, Fairley CK. The role of saliva in gonorrhoea and chlamydia transmission to extragenital sites among men who have sex with men: new insights into transmission. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2019 Aug;22:e25354. Templeton DJ, Jin F, McNally LP, Imrie JC, Prestage GP, Donovan B, Cunningham PH, Kaldor JM, Kippax S, Grulich AE. Prevalence, incidence and risk factors for pharyngeal gonorrhoea in a community-based HIV-negative cohort of homosexual men in Sydney, Australia. Sexually transmitted infections. 2010 Apr 1;86(2):90-6. Tulandi T, Plouffe Jr L, McInnes RA. Effect of saliva on sperm motility and activity. Fertility and sterility. 1982 Dec 1;38(6):721-3. Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ

Does Masturbation Cause Erection Problems?

Men’s Health Blogs Does Masturbation Cause Erection Problems? A very common question I keep getting from my patients as a sexologist is ‘does masturbation cause erection problems?’ Doctor, does masturbation cause sexual disorders?. I mean, doc, how many times can we masturbate in day? Is their a male masturbation limit?. Fortunate are those who seek the truth in everything one hears and speaks. While this is NOT my saying, Its something, you must remember when you are actively googling about masturbation. Today their is a shit load of inaccurate, non-scientific and invalidated information on masturbation. So very sad indeed. Today many professionals and self-proclaimed sexperts are claiming masturbation to be a very normal part of human development. These andrologist and sexologists are in-fact recommending to do masturbation DAILY. Even 5 times/day is these days being sanctified as normal. Some experts go so far to say to state that regular masturbation even reduces prostate cancer. Crap! Crap and double crap. So does masturbation cause more harm than good? Is it really recommended to masturbate regularly? What is the truth?. Today a range of studies have explored and are exploring the link between masturbatory practices and erectile dysfunction Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Does masturbation cause sexual disorders? Does masturbation cause erection problems? The answer is YES, it does. Masturbation has been linked with a range of sexual disorders. They are 1. Erectile Dysfunction 2. Premature Ejaculation 3. And Retarded Ejaculation In a study by Lipsith et al, a beautiful publication that I would encourage you to read, the authors have given a proposed framework on exactly how masturbation leads to the development of erectile dysfunction. A normal adult goes to 3 important phases of sexual development. During the 1st phase or years near to puberty, young adults explore their genitals, masturbate and watch erotica (porn). In the stage 2, as the young adult gets older, he gets involved with women and eventually explores partnered sex. But, the catch is that, masturbation is still very much a part of his sexual outlets. Consequently, in stage 2 their is both masturbation + heterosexual sexual exposure. Lastly, in stage of sexual development, should things go normally for men, their is the establishment of stable sexual relationship with partners. Masturbatory behavior slowly reduces in frequency. However, in a small proportion of men ‘masturbation fixation’ occurs.  Once the masturbation fixation establishes itself, the man will get so addicted to porn and sexual content, so much so that, he will not be able to get any arousal with his stable partner or married partner….ever. Eventually, these men develop erectile dysfunction of a psychogenic nature. They can never let go of the ‘habit of masturbation’. So, does masturbation cause erectile dysfunction? it does. Men who can let go of the masturbatory practices at an appropriate age, end up developing erectile disorder and other sexual disorders with their stable partners. Subscribe to our Newsletter Interestingly, these men will maintain good erectile function in isolation with porn. Why? This is because their no female partner to judge these men while they silently jerk-off to a ‘harem of women’ on screen. The visual erotica that porn provides is damn bloody exciting. It also discreet and you get variety. I mean who seriously wants f#$k the same women over and over again? When you get so many women naked on screen, that is exactly what your inner-brain (reptilian part of it) craves for. The saddest thing, these men can never have sexual intercourse with their partners. They eventually suffer in silence for years and also end up with multiple broken relationships. To conclude, masturbation is like a walking stick You must know when to give it up or at-least reduce the frequency of it. I hope you enjoyed reading this short post on ‘does masturbation cause erection problems’?. Keep watching this space for more. This is Dr Shah consultant andrologist and sexologist in chennai. See you soon on the next post References Lipsith J, McCann D, Goldmeier D. Male psychogenic sexual dysfunction: The role of masturbation. Sexual and Relationship Therapy. 2003 Nov 1;18(4):447-71. Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ

Does Masturbation cause Infertility?

Men’s Health Blogs Does Masturbation cause Infertility? Masturbation, masturbation and masturbation. Seems like everyone is hooked on it. This is Dr Shah, consultant andrologist in chennai, and in this short blog post lets answer the question if ‘does masturbation cause infertility?’ Many young men, engage in masturbatory behavior. Not just that, these days, across the media and even the scientific community, the habit of masturbation is being now accepted as a normal part of adult sexual development. Moreover, it is extremely saddening to see, many professionals in the filed encourage the practice of masturbation among young adults. How on earth do you think it’s okay to masturbate 2 or 3 times per day?. Sadly today, these are things that are encouraged Furthermore, lets not forget the advent of pornography that basically made us men ‘ejaculate on computers or mobile screens’ Yuk, yuk, yuk However, the biggest issue we tend to miss is that, once the man gets addicted to porn and nude women on screens, he is in ‘wonderland’. And wonderland is a fun place to be in. Thing about it? Sounds motivating, right?. Secondly wonderland is a place no man wants to leave ever. Thus the vicious cycle of porn addiction begins, he starts ignoring his stable married partner and engages with ‘sex on screen’. Hell yeah. Eventually, the man will not get desire or even any mood from his partner and will avoid intercourse. Consequently, the avoidance of intercourse with his stable partner leads to infertility. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Thus, does masturbation cause infertility? Of course it does, but not in the manner most men think so. From a neurological perspective, the visual erotica and visual inputs that porn gives to the man is something, his boring wife can never ever give. This is what maintains the cycle of addiction. With masturbation, the biggest advantage is that, you have no one (I meant no partner) to judge you in anyway. You get an ‘awesome harem of women to fuck with all in myriad ways’ right on your screen. Think for a moment, what tastes better? Is it dosa or idli? Or is it a full fat buffet breakfast with muffins, french fries combined with sausages. The answer is obvious, its the buffet. We tend to pick that which grabs our attention (anytime and all the time). That is what masturbation ultimately does to men. It makes them dependent and addicted to a fantasy land. Subscribe to our Newsletter Masturbation addiction is a genuine pesky problem that ultimately leads to infertility. Another area where masturbation can cause infertility is by a special style of masturbation called ‘prone masturbation‘. Men who engage in this practice are called “Prone Masturbators” (like terminators). Dumb-ass jokes apart, this habit develops in individuals close to the time of puberty, where the child starts exploring his genitals (fiddling with them) and eventually rubbing them on the bed, pillows and achieving their orgasm with of course ejaculation. Furthermore, the practice of rubbing the organ, in the toilet seat, sink and bathroom floor gives the ‘prone masturbator’ the necessary friction and pleasure to achieve an orgasm. Consequently, men who eventually get addicted to the habit of prone masturbation, develop erectile dysfunction when they are trying sex with their partners. The net result? Infertility again! To conclude, I hope you enjoyed this short blog post on ‘does masturbation cause infertility’. Keep watching this space and stop watching PORN and avoid masturbation at all costs. In the end, its not worth it (and definitely not worth losing your marriage over masturbation addiction). This is Dr Shah, consultant sexologist in chennai. Catch up with you soon References Pottinger AM, Carroll K, Mason G. Male attitude towards masturbating: an impediment to infertility evaluation and sperm parameters. Andrologia. 2016 Sep;48(7):774-8. Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ

How long to lie down after sex to get pregnant?

Men’s Health Blogs How long to lie down after sex to get pregnant? So, you are trying for a child? And probably one of the biggest questions that could be running in your mind now is ‘how long to lie down after sex to get pregnant’?. In this short blog post we are going to answer this very question and a few other relevant questions. To quickly elaborate, most women may find that semen back-flows from their vaginal opening after intercourse with their partners. This is something they dread, since most women (and men) get agitated or worried when they see a large portion of the ejaculate leak out. Moreover, not just that, they think the sperms are lost and pregnancy wont ever happen. As a sexologist, this is common worry I see with my patients However, this is far from the truth. Studies on rodent models and guinea pigs show that, semen coagulates and forms a plug, prevent too much back flow. This allows the sperm to swim from the plug upwards towards the egg. Furthermore in humans as well a loose gelatinous plug is formed and this protects the sperm from the harsh acid like vaginal environment. The plug also allows the sperm rich fraction to stay in close to the cervical opening. To elaborate, the semen deposited in the vagina will flow back (because semen does liquefy 15 to 20 mins post ejaculation), but the sperm rich fraction which is usually just 1% of the entire ejaculate is deposited in the vagina. Consequently, from the sperm rich fraction, the motile sperms will swim rapidly upwards into the uterus, aided by uterine contractions to reach the egg. The reason a women’s orgasm is important is simply because, the uterine contractions propel the motile spermatozoa upwards rapidly towards the egg!. So, should you worry about sperm back flow? The answer is definitely a big NO. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call How long should you lie down after sex to get pregnant? More importantly what to do after sex to conceive? The answer is basically to lie down for at-least 5 to 10 minutes. Don’t keep lying down though for hours together, unless of course you are having intercourse at night. The time that you need to give the spermatozoa to swim from the anterior vagina to the egg is just about ‘5 minutes’. Nothing more and nothing less. Secondly another important fact to bear in mind, is never to flush wash the vaginal region post intercourse with a hand held faucet. Most women tend to do that, this automatically will immobilize the spermatozoa and in some instances reduce the chances of a pregnancy. Subscribe to our Newsletter Thirdly, after sex which side to sleep? That does really matter, sleep on any side peacefully. Really that does not count. Now that you understand a bit about sperm transport, the next time your friend asks you ‘how long should i lay on my back while trying to conceive?’ You have the correct answer. About 5 mins. That’s it. I hope enjoyed reading this short blog post. This is Dr Shah, consultant andrologist in chennai, keep watching this space for more References article/12/1/23/607817?login=true Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Comment (4) Godwin says: February 11, 2024 at 10:03 pm Edit Doctor I want to ask please What are the remedies, treatments and medications for Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: February 16, 2024 at 9:59 am Edit Please do call me on 9790783856 Reply Raheel says: October 12, 2023 at 12:37 am Edit Hii dr. Shah, i hope you are fine and this comment will reach out to you. I am facing this prone masturbation issue since 3 to 4 years now. When i fall asleep during midnight prone masturbation is happening and as a result ejaculation is taking place. Please i request you to tell me how to abstain or avoid prone masturabtion & to which counsellor should i meet to tackle this. I am unable to stop prone masturbation, i am depressed. Please help me Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: October 13, 2023 at 3:59 pm Edit Please drop me a call on 9790783856 Reply Chethan says: September 24, 2023 at 9:12 am Edit Hello sir my semen analysis shows 8-10 hpf pus cells present in semen and liquification time is >90 min and viscosity has increased. Overall results says NORMOZOOSPERMIA WITH GENITAL TRACT INFECTION WITH INCREASED VISCOSITY. Do i require treatment? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: January 24, 2024 at 3:52 pm Edit Please call me on 9790783856 Reply Will says: September 12, 2023 at 7:34 am Edit Hi, for the past few weeks there has been semen or prostate fluid in my urine almost every night. This is not from retrograde, neither from medication. This is really draining my energy. How can I stop this please help. Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: September 14, 2023 at 6:01 pm Edit Hi will, I can help. Please drop me a call on +919790783856 Reply Chloe says: September 10, 2023 at 2:43 am Edit I had a depo injection on January or I think it’s February as I remembered and I’ve not took it since I only took once in my life. Can I still get pregnant right now on September 9 can I still make a baby I do have periods but can I still have a baby this time of the month because I have not read the projection ages. Last time I took it was on January was either February as I remembered how long does it take to get a depot out of my system mental maths I don’t know? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: September 14, 2023 at 6:01 pm Edit You can