Tips, Tricks & Insights for Improving Male Fertility & Sexual Health
விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனைக்காக ஆண்கள் ஏன் சிகிச்சை பெற வேண்டும்..?
விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனைக்காக ஆண்கள் ஏன் சிகிச்சை பெற வேண்டும்..? விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனைக்காக ஆண்கள் ஏன் சிகிச்சை பெற வேண்டும்..? Subscribe விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனைக்காக ஆண்கள் ஏன் சிகிச்சை பெற வேண்டும்..?…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Delay Spray- பயன்படுத்துவது எப்படி..
Delay Spray- பயன்படுத்துவது எப்படி.. Delay Spray- பயன்படுத்துவது எப்படி.. Subscribe Delay Spray- பயன்படுத்துவது எப்படி.. …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
சுயஇன்பத்தால் ஏற்படும் மன பிரச்சனைகள்..!
சுயஇன்பத்தால் ஏற்படும் மன பிரச்சனைகள்..! சுயஇன்பத்தால் ஏற்படும் மன பிரச்சனைகள்..! Subscribe சுயஇன்பத்தால் ஏற்படும் மன பிரச்சனைகள்..!…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
சுயஇன்பம் ஆண் ஹார்மோன்களைக் குறைக்குமா..
சுயஇன்பம் ஆண் ஹார்மோன்களைக் குறைக்குமா.. சுயஇன்பம் ஆண் ஹார்மோன்களைக் குறைக்குமா.. Subscribe சுயஇன்பம் ஆண் ஹார்மோன்களைக் குறைக்குமா.. …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
திருமணத்திற்கு முன்பு செய்ய வேண்டிய முக்கியமான பரிசோதனைகள்..?
திருமணத்திற்கு முன்பு செய்ய வேண்டிய முக்கியமான பரிசோதனைகள்..? திருமணத்திற்கு முன்பு செய்ய வேண்டிய முக்கியமான பரிசோதனைகள்..? Subscribe திருமணத்திற்கு முன்பு செய்ய வேண்டிய முக்கியமான பரிசோதனைகள்..?…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
திருமணத்திற்கு பின் சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் வரும் பிரச்சனைகள்
திருமணத்திற்கு பின் சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் வரும் பிரச்சனைகள் திருமணத்திற்கு பின் சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் வரும் பிரச்சனைகள் Subscribe திருமணத்திற்கு பின் சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் வரும் பிரச்சனைகள்…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
விந்து முந்துதலை குணப்படுத்த மருந்தில்லா இரண்டு வழிகள்
விந்து முந்துதலை குணப்படுத்த மருந்தில்லா இரண்டு வழிகள் விந்து முந்துதலை குணப்படுத்த மருந்தில்லா இரண்டு வழிகள் Subscribe விந்து முந்துதலை குணப்படுத்த மருந்தில்லா இரண்டு வழிகள்…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
குப்புற படுத்துக்கொண்டு சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் வரும் பிரச்சனைகள்
குப்புற படுத்துக்கொண்டு சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் வரும் பிரச்சனைகள் குப்புற படுத்துக்கொண்டு சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் வரும் பிரச்சனைகள் Subscribe குப்புற படுத்துக்கொண்டு சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் வரும் பிரச்சனைகள்…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
முடி உதிர்வு பிரச்சனைக்கு போடும் மாத்திரைகளின் பக்க விளைவுகள்
முடி உதிர்வு பிரச்சனைக்கு போடும் மாத்திரைகளின் பக்க விளைவுகள் முடி உதிர்வு பிரச்சனைக்கு போடும் மாத்திரைகளின் பக்க விளைவுகள் Subscribe முடி உதிர்வு பிரச்சனைக்கு போடும் மாத்திரைகளின் பக்க விளைவுகள்…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Testosterone ஐ அதிகரிக்க மூன்று வழிகள்
Testosterone ஐ அதிகரிக்க மூன்று வழிகள் Testosterone ஐ அதிகரிக்க மூன்று வழிகள் Subscribe Testosterone ஐ அதிகரிக்க மூன்று வழிகள்…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
வயகரா பயன்படுத்தியவுடன் மது அருந்தலாமா
வயகரா பயன்படுத்தியவுடன் மது அருந்தலாமா வயகரா பயன்படுத்தியவுடன் மது அருந்தலாமா Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக் யூ டியூப் சேனளுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன். இந்த வீடியோவில் வயாகரவுடன் மது அருந்தலாமா என்ற கேள்விக்கு சுருக்கமான பதில் பார்க்க போறோம். நிறைய ஆண்கள் பொதுவாகவே தாம்பத்ய உறவில் ஈடுபடும் முன் மது அருந்துவார்கள். அப்படி மது அருந்தும் பொழுது சில நேரங்களில் அது அவர்கள் உணர்ச்சியை தூண்டும் மேலும் மன அழுத்தத்தை குறைக்கும். ஆனால் பொதுவாகவே மது விறைப்பு தன்மையை குறைக்கும். அந்த விறைப்பு தன்மையை அதிகரிக்க 25 கிராம் வயாகரா…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
வயாகராவின் பக்க விளைவுகள்
வயாகராவின் பக்க விளைவுகள் வயாகராவின் பக்க விளைவுகள் Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக் யூ டியூப் சேனல் உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறது இந்த வீடியோவில் வயகரா மாத்திரைகளோட பக்க விளைவுகள் என்ன என்பதை பார்க்க போகின்றோம் நமது நண்பர்கள் அனைவரும் நம்மிடம் சொல்வது என்னவென்றால் விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனைகள் இருக்கிறது என்றால் உடனே மருந்தகம் சென்று மாத்திரைகள் வாங்கி போட சொல்லுவார்கள். முதலில் வயகரா போடுவதால் என்ன மாதிரியான பிரச்சனைகள் வரும் முதலாவது வயகரா போட்டு உடலுறவு நாம் செய்யும் பொழுது …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
விந்து வெளியேறும் வேகம் குறைவாக இருப்பதற்கான காரணங்கள் என்னென்ன
விந்து வெளியேறும் வேகம் குறைவாக இருப்பதற்கான காரணங்கள் என்னென்ன விந்து வெளியேறும் வேகம் குறைவாக இருப்பதற்கான காரணங்கள் என்னென்ன Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக் யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கின்றேன். இந்த வீடியோவில் நாம் ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை பார்க்க போகின்றோம் பொதுவாகவே பல பேர் நம்மிடம் கேட்பது டாக்டர் எனக்கு விந்து வெளியேறுகின்ற வேகம் அதாவது Ejaculation speed மிகவும் குறைவாக இருக்கின்றது டாக்டர் என்று பலபேர் கூறுவார்கள் அதற்கான காரணம் என்ன என்பதை நாம் இந்த வீடியோவில் பாப்போம். பொதுவாக நமக்கு விந்தானது சரியான வேகத்தில் வெளியில் வரவில்லை என்றால் நமக்கு…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் நரம்பு தளர்ச்சி ஏற்படுமா?
சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் நரம்பு தளர்ச்சி ஏற்படுமா? சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் நரம்பு தளர்ச்சி ஏற்படுமா? Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷா மேற்கண்ட பதிவில் நரம்பு தளர்ச்சி பற்றி பேச போகிறோம். தற்போது ஒவொரு ஆண்களும் மருத்துவமனைக்கு வரும் பொழுது சுயா இன்பத்திற்கு அடிமை ஆகி இருப்பவர்கள் மேலும் அவர்களுக்கு சோர்வாகவும் மேலும் ஆண்குறி சுருக்கத்துடன், விறைப்புத்தன்மை சரியாக இல்லாமல், விந்து முந்துதல் மற்றும் உடலுறவில் முழுமை இல்லாமல் இருக்கும். அவர்களுடைய தாம்பத்திய உறவில் நிறைய பிரச்சனைகள் இருக்கா கூடும்.பொதுவாக ஒரு நிறைவு இல்லாதது போலவே எப்போதும் இருப்பார்கள். மேலும் ரொம்பா …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
குழந்தை பிறந்ததிற்கு பிறகு எத்தனை நாட்களில் உடலுறவில் ஈடுபடலாம்
குழந்தை பிறந்ததிற்கு பிறகு எத்தனை நாட்களில் உடலுறவில் ஈடுபடலாம் குழந்தை பிறந்ததிற்கு பிறகு எத்தனை நாட்களில் உடலுறவில் ஈடுபடலாம் Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக் யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறது இந்த வீடியோவில் ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை பார்க்க போகின்றோம் குழந்தை பிறந்தபிறகு எத்தனை நாட்கள் கழித்து உடலுறவு வைக்கலாம் என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை பார்க்க போகின்றோம் இப்பொழுது உங்களுக்கு நல்ல முறையில் குழந்தை பிறந்த பிறகு ஒரு மூன்று மாத காலம் கண்டிப்பாக நேரம் குடுக்க வேண்டும் ஏனென்றால் குழந்தை சுக பிரசவமாக பிறந்தால் அந்த குழந்தையின் தலை பெரியதாக …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Finasteride போன்ற Hair Fall Medication எடுத்துக்கொள்வதால் ஏற்படும் பக்கவிளைவுகள் என்னென்ன?
Finasteride போன்ற Hair Fall Medication எடுத்துக்கொள்வதால் ஏற்படும் பக்கவிளைவுகள் என்னென்ன Finasteride போன்ற Hair Fall Medication எடுத்துக்கொள்வதால் ஏற்படும் பக்கவிளைவுகள் என்னென்ன Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷா’ஸ் கிளினிக் அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறோம். ஃபினாஸ்டெரய்ட் மற்றும் முடி உதிர்தல் போன்ற பிரச்சனைகளுக்கு நாம் எடுத்து கொள்ளும் மருந்துகள் மூலம் ஏற்படும் பக்க விளைவுகள் பற்றி நாம் சுருக்கமாகா இந்த காணொளி பதிவில் தெரிந்து கொள்வோம். முடி உதிர்தல் பிரச்னை உள்ள ஆண்கள் ட்ரிக்கோலோஜிஸ்ட் மருத்துவரின் ஆலோசனைப்படி ஃபினாஸ்டெரய்ட், டியுடாஸ்டெரைய்டு, மைனாக்ஷிடில் போன்ற மருந்துகளை வழங்குவர். மேலும் ட்ரிக்கோலோஜிஸ்ட் மருத்துவர்கள் மேற்கண்ட அந்த …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
ஆண்குறியின் நீளத்தை அதிகரிக்க முடியுமா
ஆண்குறியின் நீளத்தை அதிகரிக்க முடியுமா? ஆண்குறியின் நீளத்தை அதிகரிக்க முடியுமா? Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் பாக்க போறோம் இந்த வீடியோவில் ஆண்குறியின் அளவை அதிகப்படுத்தலாமா என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை பார்க்கப்போகின்றோம் பொதுவாகவே ஆண்களுக்கு ஆண்குறியை பற்றிய கவலை கண்டிப்பாக இருக்கும் ஏனென்றால் அவர்கள் காலை நேரத்தில் கழிவறைக்கு செல்லும்பொழுது அவர்களுடைய ஆண்குறியை பார்த்திருப்பார்கள் இல்லையென்றால்…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
விந்தணுக்களின் தரத்தை எவ்வாறு அதிகரிப்பது
விந்தணுக்களின் தரத்தை எவ்வாறு அதிகரிப்பது விந்தணுக்களின் தரத்தை எவ்வாறு அதிகரிப்பது Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக் யுடியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கின்றேன். இத வீடியோல நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை பார்க்க போகின்றோம் விந்தணுக்களின் தன்மையை அதிகரிப்பது எப்படி How to increase sperm quality? என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை நாம இப்ப பார்க்க போகின்றோம். இதற்காக ஐந்து முதல் ஆறு வகையான விஷயங்களை இந்த வீடியோவில் நாம் இப்பொழுது பார்க்கலாம். முதலாவதாக நடை பயிற்சி அல்லது ஓட்டம் இவை தான் மிக முக்கியமான ஒன்று ஒரு நாளைக்கு நாம் ..Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
இரவு நேரத்தில் விந்து வெளியேறுவது உடல்நலத்திற்கு நல்லதா? கெட்டதா?
இரவு நேரத்தில் விந்து வெளியேறுவது உடல்நலத்திற்கு நல்லதா? கெட்டதா? இரவு நேரத்தில் விந்து வெளியேறுவது உடல்நலத்திற்கு நல்லதா? கெட்டதா? Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக் யூடியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இந்த வீடியோவில் நாம் ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை பார்க்க போகின்றோம். இரவு நேரத்தில் விந்து வெளிப்படுவது சரியா தவறா என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் பார்க்க போகின்றோம். பொதுவாகவே இளம் வயதுள்ள ஆண்களுக்கு இரவில் விந்து வெளிப்படுதல் என்பது சாதாரணமாகவே நடக்கும் ஏனென்றால் இரவு நேரத்தில் பதினெட்டு வயது மேலுள்ள ஆண்களுக்கு இது போன்ற நிகழ்வுகள் சாதாரணமாகவே நடைபெறும். இதை …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Night Shift வேலை பார்ப்பதால் ஆண்களுக்கு ஆண்மைக்குறைவு மற்றும் மலட்டுத்தன்மை ஏற்படுமா
Night Shift வேலை பார்ப்பதால் ஆண்களுக்கு ஆண்மைக்குறைவு மற்றும் மலட்டுத்தன்மை ஏற்படுமா? Night Shift வேலை பார்ப்பதால் ஆண்களுக்கு ஆண்மைக்குறைவு மற்றும் மலட்டுத்தன்மை ஏற்படுமா? Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இன்னைக்கு நாம நைட் ஷிபிட் வேலை பார்ப்பது அல்லது இரவு வேலை பார்பதுனால ஆண்மை குறைவு அல்லது ஆண் மலட்டுதன்மை ஏற்படுத்துமா ? என்ற கேள்விக்கு சுருக்கமான பதில் பார்க்க போறோம். இந்த வீடியோல ஏன் இந்த தலைப்பு தேர்வு பண்ணிருக்கான் என்றால் என்னுடைய பதினைந்து சதவீத வருகையாளர்கள் இரவு நேர வேலை செய்பவர்கள் அல்லது தகவல் தொழில்நுட்பம் துறையில் இரவு வேலை செய்பவர்கள். இந்த …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
உங்கள் மனைவிக்கு உடலுறவில் ஆர்வம் இல்லையா
உங்கள் மனைவிக்கு உடலுறவில் ஆர்வம் இல்லையா? உங்கள் மனைவிக்கு உடலுறவில் ஆர்வம் இல்லையா? Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூடியூப் சேனல்க்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கின்றேன் இந்த வீடியோல ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் பார்க்க போகின்றோம் என்னுடைய மனைவிக்கு படுக்கையில் மரக்கட்டை போல் இருக்கின்றார்கள் அவர்களுக்கு எந்த விதமான உணர்ச்சிகளும் ஏற்படவில்லை குடும்ப வாழ்க்கையில் அவர்கள் சுத்தமாக ஆர்வம் காட்டவில்லை அதற்கான தீர்வு மற்றும் காரணங்களை இந்த வீடியோல நாம பார்க்க போகின்றோம் உங்கள் ஒரு சிலருடைய மனைவிக்கு இது போன்ற …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
மாதவிடாய் நேரத்தில் உடலுறவு வைக்கலாமா கூடாதா
மாதவிடாய் நேரத்தில் உடலுறவு வைக்கலாமா கூடாதா மாதவிடாய் நேரத்தில் உடலுறவு வைக்கலாமா கூடாதா Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் பாக்க போறோம் மாதவிடாய் நேரத்தில் உடலுறவு வைக்கலாமா ? கூடாதா ? என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் இந்த வீடியோவில் நாம் பார்க்க போகின்றோம் பொதுவாக இந்த கேள்விக்கான பதில் மாதவிடாய் நேரத்தில் உடலுறவு வைக்கலாமா என்றால் வைக்க கூடாது என்பது தான் சரியான பதிலாக இருக்கும் ஏனென்றால் அதற்கு இரண்டு காரணங்களை நாம் …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
ஆணுறுப்பு வளைந்திருப்பதால் என்னென்ன பிரச்சனைகள் ஏற்படும்
ஆணுறுப்பு வளைந்திருப்பதால் என்னென்ன பிரச்சனைகள் ஏற்படும் ஆணுறுப்பு வளைந்திருப்பதால் என்னென்ன பிரச்சனைகள் ஏற்படும் Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் பாக்க போறோம் ஆண் உறுப்பு வளைந்து இருந்தால் அதன் முலையுமா வரக்கூடிய பிரச்சனைகள் என்ன, என்ன என்ன பிரச்சனைகள் ஏற்ப்படும் செக்ஸ்சுவல் இன்டெர்கோஸ் பண்ணும்போது இந்த ஆண் உறுப்பு வளைந்து இருப்பதனால் என்ன டிபிகல்ட் வரும் ஆண்களுக்குனு இந்த விடியோல ஷார்ட் அண்ட் ஸ்வீட் ஆஹ் பதில் பாக்க போறோம் சோ சராசரியா வந்து பாதிக்கனா…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
திருப்தியான உடலுறவில் ஈடுபடுவது எப்படி
திருப்தியான உடலுறவில் ஈடுபடுவது எப்படி திருப்தியான உடலுறவில் ஈடுபடுவது எப்படி Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் பாக்க போறோம் திருப்தியான உடலுறவில் ஈடுபடுவது எப்படி என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் இந்த வீடியோல பார்க்க போகின்றோம் பொதுவாகவே திருமணமான தம்பதியினர் உடலுறவில் எதனை முறை ஈடுபட வேண்டும் எவ்வாறு ஈடு படவேண்டும் என்பதை பற்றி அறிவியல் பூர்வமாக இந்த வீடியோல நாம் இப்பொழுது பார்க்க போகின்றோம். சில தம்பதியினர்…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
மனைவியை திருப்தியடையவைப்பது எப்படி
விறைப்புத்தன்மையை அதிகரிக்கும் வழிகள் என்னென்ன? விறைப்புத்தன்மையை அதிகரிக்கும் வழிகள் என்னென்ன? Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் பாக்க போறோம் விறைப்புத்தன்மையை அதிகரிக்கும் வழிகள் என்னென்ன என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் இந்த வீடியோல நாம பார்க்க போகின்றோம். பொதுவாக ஆண்களுக்கு விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனை என்றால் என்னவென்றால் ஒரு ஆணுக்கு ஆணுறுப்பை பெண் உறுப்புக்குள் செலுத்தியவுதே விறைப்புத்தன்மை போய்விடும் அப்படி இல்லாமல் சில ஆண்களுக்கு…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
விறைப்புத்தன்மையை அதிகரிக்கும் வழிகள் என்னென்ன
விறைப்புத்தன்மையை அதிகரிக்கும் வழிகள் என்னென்ன? விறைப்புத்தன்மையை அதிகரிக்கும் வழிகள் என்னென்ன? Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் பாக்க போறோம் விறைப்புத்தன்மையை அதிகரிக்கும் வழிகள் என்னென்ன என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் இந்த வீடியோல நாம பார்க்க போகின்றோம். பொதுவாக ஆண்களுக்கு விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனை என்றால் என்னவென்றால் ஒரு ஆணுக்கு ஆணுறுப்பை பெண் உறுப்புக்குள் செலுத்தியவுதே விறைப்புத்தன்மை போய்விடும் அப்படி இல்லாமல் சில ஆண்களுக்கு…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
உடலுறவின் போது தேங்காய் எண்ணெய் (Lubrication) பயன்படுத்தலாமா?
உடலுறவின் போது தேங்காய் எண்ணெய் (Lubrication) பயன்படுத்தலாமா? உடலுறவின் போது தேங்காய் எண்ணெய் (Lubrication) பயன்படுத்தலாமா? Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் பாக்க போறோம் உடலுறவின் பொழுது தேங்காய் எண்ணெய் பயன்படுத்தலாமா என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் நாம இப்பொழுது பார்க்க போகின்றோம் பல புதுமண தம்பதியினர் அனைவரும் திருமணமாகிய பிறகு உடலுறவில் எந்தவொரு வழியும் இல்லாமல் இருப்பதற்காக உடலுறவின் பொழுது தேங்காய் எண்ணெய் பயன்படுத்துகின்றனர். இது சரியானதா…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
விந்து பரிட்சை என்றால் என்ன விந்து பரிட்சை யாருக்கெல்லாம் செய்யவேண்டும்
விந்து பரிட்சை என்றால் என்ன விந்து பரிட்சை யாருக்கெல்லாம் செய்யவேண்டும் விந்து பரிட்சை என்றால் என்ன விந்து பரிட்சை யாருக்கெல்லாம் செய்யவேண்டும் Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் பாக்க போறோம் விந்து பரிட்சை என்றால் என்ன? விந்து பரிட்சை யாருக்கெல்லாம் செய்யவேண்டும்? என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் நாம இப்ப பார்க்க போகின்றோம். விந்து பிரச்சனை என்றால் என்னவென்றால் ஒரு ஆணுக்கு உயிரணுக்கள் விந்தணுக்களில் எவ்வளவு இருக்கின்றது. துடிப்புள்ள உயிரணுக்கள் எவ்வளவு இருக்கின்றது உயிரணுக்களின் அளவுகள் உயிரணுக்களின் …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
விந்தணுக்களின் அளவை அதிகரிப்பது எப்படி
விந்தணுக்களின் அளவை அதிகரிப்பது எப்படி? விந்தணுக்களின் அளவை அதிகரிப்பது எப்படி? Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் பாக்க போறோம் விந்தின் அளவை இவாறு அதிகரிப்பது என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் நாம இப்ப பார்க்க போகின்றோம். பொதுவாகவே ஒரு ஆணுக்கு ஒரு மிலி விந்தணுக்களில் பதினைந்து இலட்சம் உயிரணுக்கள் இருக்கிறது என்று வைத்துக்கொள்வோம் மற்றொரு ஆணை கணக்கில் எடுத்துக்கொள்வோம் அந்த ஆணின் உயிரணுக்களில் இரண்டு மில்லி …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
துடிப்புள்ள உயிரணுக்களின் எண்ணிக்கையை அதிகரிப்பது எப்படி
துடிப்புள்ள உயிரணுக்களின் எண்ணிக்கையை அதிகரிப்பது எப்படி? துடிப்புள்ள உயிரணுக்களின் எண்ணிக்கையை அதிகரிப்பது எப்படி? Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் பாக்க போறோம் துடிப்புள்ள உயிரணுக்களின் எண்ணிக்கையை அதிகரிப்பது எப்படி என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் நாம இப்ப பார்க்க போகின்றோம் பொதுவா ஒரு தம்பதியினர் இயற்கையாக கருத்தரிப்பதற்கு நீங்கள் முயற்சி செய்கின்றீர்கள் என்றால் உங்களுக்கு முக்கியமாக துடிப்புள்ள உயிரணுக்கள் மிகவும் முக்கியமானது. இந்த துடிப்புள்ள உயிரணுக்கள் …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
உயிரணுக்களின் எண்ணிக்கையை இயற்கையாக அதிகரிப்பது எப்படி?
உயிரணுக்களின் எண்ணிக்கையை இயற்கையாக அதிகரிப்பது எப்படி? உயிரணுக்களின் எண்ணிக்கையை இயற்கையாக அதிகரிப்பது எப்படி? Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் பாக்க போறோம் உயிரணுக்களின் எண்ணிக்கையை இயற்கையாக அதிகரிப்பது எப்படி என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் நாம இப்ப பார்க்க போகின்றோம். உயிரணுக்களின் எண்ணிக்கையை அதிகரிப்பதற்கு முக்கியமாக நாம் செய்யவேண்டிய ஒன்று புகை பழக்கத்தை விடுவதாகும் ஏனென்றால் புகை பிடிப்பவர்களுக்கு உயிரணுக்களின் உரைப்பது என்பது …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
குழந்தையின்மை என்றால் என்ன
குழந்தையின்மை என்றால் என்ன? குழந்தையின்மை என்றால் என்ன? Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் பாக்க போறோம் குழந்தையின்மை என்றால் என்ன என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை பார்க்க போகின்றோம் இப்பொழுது நமது மருத்துவமனைக்கு வருகின்ற பலர் ஒரு வருடம் இரண்டு வருடம் திருமணமாகி குழந்தையில்லாமல் இருப்பவர்கள் வருகின்றனர் இது போன்றவர்கள் எந்த மாதிரியான பிரச்சனைகளை சந்திப்பார்கள் என்றால் அவர்கள் குடும்பத்தில் அவர்கள் …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
ஆண்மைக்குறைவுக்கான அறிகுறிகள் என்னென்ன
ஆண்மைக்குறைவுக்கான அறிகுறிகள் என்னென்ன ஆண்மைக்குறைவுக்கான அறிகுறிகள் என்னென்ன Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் பாக்க போறோம் ஆண்மைகுறைவிற்கான அறிகுறிகள் என்ன ஆண்மை குறைவிற்கான அறிகுறிகள் என்ன என்பதை தான் இந்த வீடியோவில் அறிவியல் பூர்வமாக நாம பார்க்க போகின்றோம். முதலாவதாக ஆண்மைகுறைவிற்கான அறிகுறிகள் என்ன வென்றால் திருமணமான தம்பதியினர் ஒருவருடம் ஆனா பிறகும் இயற்கையாக கருத்தரிக்க வில்லை என்றால் முதலில் அந்த …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
ஆண்மைக்குறைவு அல்லது ஆண்மலட்டுத்தன்மை ஏற்படுவதற்கான காரணங்கள் என்னென்ன
ஆண்மைக்குறைவு அல்லது ஆண்மலட்டுத்தன்மை ஏற்படுவதற்கான காரணங்கள் என்னென்ன ஆண்மைக்குறைவு அல்லது ஆண்மலட்டுத்தன்மை ஏற்படுவதற்கான காரணங்கள் என்னென்ன Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் பாக்க போறோம் ஆண்மை குறைவு என்றால் என்ன ஆண் மலட்டுத்தன்மை என்பது எதனால் ஏற்படுகிறது அதற்கான காரணங்கள் என்ன என்பதை இந்த வீடியோவில் நாம் பார்க்க போகின்றோம். என்ன விதமான நச்சுக்கள் என்ன விதமான நோய்களால் ஆண்களுக்கு மலட்டுத்தன்மை பிரச்சனை ஏற்படுகிறதஹு என்று பார்த்தால் பொதுவாக நமது மருத்துவமனைக்கு …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
விந்து கட்டியாக இருப்பது ஆண்மைகுறைவின் அறிகுறியா
விந்து கட்டியாக இருப்பது ஆண்மைகுறைவின் அறிகுறியா விந்து கட்டியாக இருப்பது ஆண்மைகுறைவின் அறிகுறியா Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் பாக்க போறோம் ஒரு ஆணுக்கு உயிரணுக்கள் விந்து கட்டியாக இருந்தால் ஆண்மை குறைவு ஏற்படுமா என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலைத்தான் பார்க்க போகின்றோம். விந்தணுக்கள் கட்டியாக இருந்தால் அது ஆண்மைக்குறைவுக்கான அடையாளமா என்பதை இந்த வீடியோல பார்க்க போகின்றோம். உயிரணுக்களின் தன்மை பொறுத்து அது கட்டியாக இருக்கிறதா …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
விந்து பரீட்சை என்றால் என்ன? – யாருக்கு விந்து பரீட்சை எடுக்க வேண்டும்?
விந்து பரீட்சை என்றால் என்ன? விந்து பரீட்சை என்றால் என்ன? – யாருக்கு விந்து பரீட்சை எடுக்க வேண்டும்? Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் பாக்க போறோம் விந்து பரீட்சை என்றால் என்ன விந்து பரீட்சை யாருக்கெல்லாம் செய்யவேண்டும் என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் இந்த வீட்டிலோ பார்க்க போகின்றோம் இப்பொழுது புதுமண ஆகிய தம்பதிகள் ஒரு வருடம் அல்லது அதற்கும் அதிகமாக இயற்கையாக கருத்தரிக்காமல் இருக்கிறார்கள் என்றால் அவர்களுக்கு குழந்தை இல்லை என்றால் முதலில் அந்த …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனைக்கு பயன்படுத்தப்படும் மாத்திரைகளால் ஏற்படும் பக்க விளைவுகள்
விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனைக்கு பயன்படுத்தப்படும் மாத்திரைகளால் ஏற்படும் பக்க விளைவுகள் விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனைக்கு பயன்படுத்தப்படும் மாத்திரைகளால் ஏற்படும் பக்க விளைவுகள் Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் பாக்க போறோம் அது என்னனா விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனைக்கு நாம பயன்படுத்தும் மாத்திரைகளால் என்ன விதமான பக்க விளைவுகள் ஏற்படும் என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் நாம இப்ப பார்க்க போகின்றோம். பொதுவாகவே எல்லாரும் பண்ற தவறு என்னவென்றால் விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனை வந்தவுடனே மருத்துவரை பார்க்காமல் அவர்களாகவே சென்று …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
உடலுறவு பற்றி தெரியாத விஷயங்கள்
உடலுறவு பற்றி தெரியாத விஷயங்கள் உடலுறவு பற்றி தெரியாத விஷயங்கள் Subscribe உடலுறவு பற்றி தெரியாத விஷயங்கள்…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
விந்து கட்டிப்படுதல் ஆண்மைகுறைவின் அறிகுறியா?
விந்து கட்டிப்படுதல் ஆண்மைகுறைவின் அறிகுறியா? விந்து கட்டிப்படுதல் ஆண்மைகுறைவின் அறிகுறியா? Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் பாக்க போறோம் விந்து நீர்த்துபோதல் பிரச்சனையால் ஆண்மைக்குறைவு ஏற்படுமா என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் நாம இப்ப பார்க்க போகின்றோம். விந்து தண்ணியாக வந்தால் ஆண்மை குறைவு ஏற்படுமா என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் நாம பார்க்க போகின்றோம். பொதுவாக ஒரு ஆணுக்கு விந்தணுக்கள் எப்படி உருவாகிறது என்பதை நாம பார்க்க போகின்றோம். …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
விந்து நீர்த்துபோதல் பிரச்சனையால் ஆண்மைக்குறைவு ஏற்படுமா
விந்து நீர்த்துபோதல் பிரச்சனையால் ஆண்மைக்குறைவு ஏற்படுமா? விந்து நீர்த்துபோதல் பிரச்சனையால் ஆண்மைக்குறைவு ஏற்படுமா? Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் பாக்க போறோம் விந்து நீர்த்துபோதல் பிரச்சனையால் ஆண்மைக்குறைவு ஏற்படுமா என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் நாம இப்ப பார்க்க போகின்றோம். விந்து தண்ணியாக வந்தால் ஆண்மை குறைவு ஏற்படுமா என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் நாம பார்க்க போகின்றோம். பொதுவாக ஒரு ஆணுக்கு விந்தணுக்கள் எப்படி உருவாகிறது என்பதை நாம பார்க்க போகின்றோம். …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
இயற்கையாக கருத்தரிக்க, ஒரு ஆணின் விந்தணு எந்த வடிவத்தில் இருக்க வேண்டும்?
இயற்கையாக கருத்தரிக்க, ஒரு ஆணின் விந்தணு எந்த வடிவத்தில் இருக்க வேண்டும்? இயற்கையாக கருத்தரிக்க, ஒரு ஆணின் விந்தணு எந்த வடிவத்தில் இருக்க வேண்டும்? Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை அறிவியல் பூர்வமாக பாக்க போகின்றோம். ஒரு ஆணுக்கு உயிரணுக்களின் எண்ணிக்கை வடிவம் எவ்வளவு இருந்தால் இயற்கையாக கருத்தரிக்கும் என்ற கேள்விக்கு உண்டான பதிலை தான் நாம இப்ப பார்க்க போகின்றோம். நிறைய ஆண்கள் நம்மகிட்ட கேக்கின்ற கேள்வி என்னவென்றால் விந்து பரிசோதனை செய்த பிறகு விந்தின் வடிவத்தை பார்த்துவிட்டு நிறைய…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
சராசரியாக ஒரு ஆணுக்கு விந்து அளவு எவ்வளவு இருக்க வேண்டும்
சராசரியாக ஒரு ஆணுக்கு விந்து அளவு எவ்வளவு இருக்க வேண்டும் சராசரியாக ஒரு ஆணுக்கு விந்து அளவு எவ்வளவு இருக்க வேண்டும் Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் பாக்க போறோம். ஆண்களுக்கு விந்து அளவு எவ்வளவு இருக்கனும் சராசரியா விந்தின் அளவு எவ்வளவு இருந்தால் ஆண்களுக்கு இயற்கையாக கருத்தரிக்கும் என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் நாம பார்க்க போகின்றோம். சராசரியாக விந்தின் அளவு எவ்வளவு இருக்க வேண்டும் என்று உலக சுகாதார துறை சொல்கிறார்கள் என்றால் ஒரு மிலி இருந்து இரண்டு மிலி அளவு …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
இயற்கையாக கருத்தரிப்பதற்கு துடிப்புள்ள உயிரணுக்கள் எவ்வளவு தேவை?
இயற்கையாக கருத்தரிப்பதற்கு துடிப்புள்ள உயிரணுக்கள் எவ்வளவு தேவை? இயற்கையாக கருத்தரிப்பதற்கு துடிப்புள்ள உயிரணுக்கள் எவ்வளவு தேவை? Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் பாக்க போறோம். இயற்கையாக கருத்தரிப்பதற்கு துடிப்புள்ள உயிரணுக்கள் எவ்வளவு தேவை என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் நாம இப்ப பாக்க போகின்றோம். பொதுவாகவே ஒரு ஆணுக்கு முப்பத்தி இரண்டு சதவிகிதம் விந்தணுக்களில் துடிப்பு இருந்தால் தான் இயற்கையாகவே கருத்தரிப்பதற்கான வாய்ப்புகள் என்பது அதிகமாக இருக்கும். துடிப்புள்ள உயிரணுக்கள் அவர்களுடைய விந்துகளில் அதிகமாக இருந்தால் தான் அவர்கள் மனைவியால் …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
இயற்கையாக கருத்தரிக்க ஆண்களின் விந்தணு எண்ணிக்கை எவ்வளவு இருக்க வேண்டும்
இயற்கையாக கருத்தரிக்க ஆண்களின் விந்தணு எண்ணிக்கை எவ்வளவு இருக்க வேண்டும் இயற்கையாக கருத்தரிக்க ஆண்களின் விந்தணு எண்ணிக்கை எவ்வளவு இருக்க வேண்டும் Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் பாக்க போறோம் இயற்கையா கருத்தரிக்கிறதுக்கு ஆண்களின் உயிரணுக்கள் எவ்வளவு தேவை என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் நாம இப்ப பாக்க போகின்றோம். அறிவியல் ரீதியா நாம பார்த்தோம் என்றால் 2010 -ல் world Health Organization ஆராய்ச்சி ஒன்றை செய்தார்கள். ஆராய்ச்சியில் …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனைக்கு போடும் மாத்திரைகளால் உயிரணு உற்பத்தி பாதிக்குமா?
விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனைக்கு போடும் மாத்திரைகளால் உயிரணு உற்பத்தி பாதிக்குமா? விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனைக்கு போடும் மாத்திரைகளால் உயிரணு உற்பத்தி பாதிக்குமா? Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக் யூடியூப் சேனல் உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறது இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதில பாக்க போகின்றோம் அது என்னனா விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனைக்கு போடும் மாத்திரைகளால் உயிரணு உற்பத்தி பாதிக்குமா என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் நாம பாக்க போகின்றோம். இந்த கேள்வி நம்ம மருத்துவமனைக்கு வருகின்ற பல பேர் நம்ம கிட்ட ஒரு சந்தேகத்தோடு கேப்பாங்க. மாத்திரைகள் போடுவதால் உற்பத்தி எதுவும் …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
விறைப்புத்தன்மை குறைபாடு பிரச்சனைக்கு என்னென்ன மாத்திரைகள் பயன்படுத்தலாம் ?
விறைப்புத்தன்மை குறைபாடு பிரச்சனைக்கு என்னென்ன மாத்திரைகள் பயன்படுத்தலாம் ? விறைப்புத்தன்மை குறைபாடு பிரச்சனைக்கு என்னென்ன மாத்திரைகள் பயன்படுத்தலாம் ? Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக் யூடியூப் சேனல் உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறது இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதில பாக்க போகின்றோம் அது என்னனா விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனைக்கு எந்த மாத்திரைகள் உபயோகித்தால் சரியாக இருக்கும் என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் நாம இப்ப பாக்க போகின்றோம். முதலில் விறைப்புத்தன்மைக்கான காரணம் என்ன என்பதை தான் நாம இப்ப பாக்கணும் அவை உடல் ரீதியான பிரச்சனைகளை அல்லது மன …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனைக்கான தீர்வுகள் என்னென்ன
விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனைக்கான தீர்வுகள் என்னென்ன விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனைக்கான தீர்வுகள் என்னென்ன Subscribe விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனைக்கான தீர்வுகள் என்னென்ன? …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
விறைப்புத்தன்மை குறைபாடு உள்ள ஆண்களுக்கு என்னென்ன பரிசோதனைகள் செய்ய வேண்டும்
விறைப்புத்தன்மை குறைபாடு உள்ள ஆண்களுக்கு என்னென்ன பரிசோதனைகள் செய்ய வேண்டும் விறைப்புத்தன்மை குறைபாடு உள்ள ஆண்களுக்கு என்னென்ன பரிசோதனைகள் செய்ய வேண்டும் Subscribe இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதில பாக்க போகின்றோம் அது என்னனா விறைப்புத்தன்மை உள்ள ஆண்களுக்கு என்ன பரிசோதனை பண்ணனும் எதுக்காக பண்ணனும் அப்படிங்கிற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் நாம இப்ப பாக்க போகின்றோம். எதுக்குன்னா எனக்கு ரொம்ப மன வருத்தமா இருக்குது பல விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரட்சனை உள்ளவர்கள் மருத்துவரிடம் செல்லும்போது …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனையால் குழந்தையின்மை ஏற்படுமா?
விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனையால் குழந்தையின்மை ஏற்படுமா? விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனையால் குழந்தையின்மை ஏற்படுமா? Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக் யூடியூப் சேனல் உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறது இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதில பாக்க போகின்றோம் அது என்னனா விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனையால் குழந்தையின்மை ஏற்படுமா என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் நாம இப்ப பாக்க போகின்றோம். இந்த விஷயத்தை நாம இரண்டுவிதமாக பாக்கணும். முதலாவது ஒரு ஆணுக்கு …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
ஆண்களுக்கு விறைப்பு தன்மை பிரச்சனை ஏற்படுவதற்கான காரணங்கள் என்னென்ன?
ஆண்களுக்கு விறைப்பு தன்மை பிரச்சனை ஏற்படுவதற்கான காரணங்கள் என்னென்ன? ஆண்களுக்கு விறைப்பு தன்மை பிரச்சனை ஏற்படுவதற்கான காரணங்கள் என்னென்ன? Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக் யூடியூப் சேனல் உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறது இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதில பாக்க போகின்றோம் அது என்னனா ஒரு ஆணுக்கு எப்பொழுது விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரட்சனை என்பது வரும். ஒரு ஆண் விறைப்பு ஏற்பட்டு பெண் உறுப்புக்குள்ள செலுத்திய பிறகு அல்லது பெண் உறுப்புக்குள்ள செலுத்திய பிறகு சரியான உடலுறவு கொள்ள முடியவில்லை என்றால் அவருக்கு விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரட்சனை இருக்கிறது …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
ஆண்களுக்கு ஏற்படும் விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனைகள் – 2
ஆண்களுக்கு ஏற்படும் விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனைகள் – 2 ஆண்களுக்கு ஏற்படும் விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனைகள் – 2 Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக் யூடியூப் சேனல் உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறது இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதில இந்த வீடியோ சீரிஸ்ல நாம பாக்க போறோம் அது என்னனா ஒரு ஆணுக்கு வந்து வெறுப்பு தன்மைகிறது எப்படி உருவகிறது என்ன என்ன ப்ரோஸ்ஸ்ஸ் உடல் நல்ல இருக்கிறது ஷார்ட் அண்ட் ஸ்வீட் ஆஹ் சிம்பிள் ஆஹ் நான் உங்களுக்கு சொல்ல போறாங்க சோ என்ன விசியம் னு பாதிக்கான எல்லா ஆணுக்கும் சரி ஒரு …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
ஆண்களுக்கு ஏற்படும் விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனைகள்
ஆண்களுக்கு ஏற்படும் விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனைகள் ஆண்களுக்கு ஏற்படும் விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனைகள் Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக் யூடியூப் சேனல் உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறது இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதில இந்த வீடியோ சீரிஸ்ல நாம பாக்க போறோம் அது என்னனா விறைப்பு தன்மை பிரச்சனை ஆண்களுக்கு ஏன் விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனை வருது இந்த விறைப்புத்தன்மை என்றால் என்ன அதன் அறிகுறிகள் என்ன அதன் விளைவுகள் அதற்கான மருத்துவம் இதை பற்றி நாம ரொம்ப தெளிவா இந்த வீடியோல நாம இப்ப பாக்க …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
திருமணம் ஆனதும் எத்தனை முறை உடலுறவில் ஈடுபடலாம்?
திருமணம் ஆனதும் எத்தனை முறை உடலுறவில் ஈடுபடலாம்? திருமணம் ஆனதும் எத்தனை முறை உடலுறவில் ஈடுபடலாம்? Subscribe இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதில பாக்க போறோம் அது என்னனா மனைவியை திருப்தியா வைக்கணும்னா நாம எத்தனை தடவை உடலுறவு வைக்க வேண்டும் என்ற கேள்விக்கு பதிலை தான் நாம இப்ப பார்க்க போகின்றோம் ஒவ்வொரு பார்ட்னர்ஸ்க்குள்ள இருக்குற லெவல் ஆப் comfort ஒரு தம்பதியினருக்கு மற்றொரு தம்பதியினருக்கு இருக்குற Physical comfort unique ஆக இருக்குங்க. …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
திருமணத்திற்கு முன் கண்டிப்பாக செய்ய வேண்டிய பரிசோதனைகள் என்னென்ன
திருமணத்திற்கு முன் கண்டிப்பாக செய்ய வேண்டிய பரிசோதனைகள் என்னென்ன திருமணத்திற்கு முன் கண்டிப்பாக செய்ய வேண்டிய பரிசோதனைகள் என்னென்ன Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக்கோட யூ டியூப் சேனலுக்கு உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறேன் இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் பாக்க போறோம் திருமணத்திற்கு முன்பு ஆண்கள் பெண்கள் செய்யவேண்டிய பரிசோதனைகள் என்ன என்றுதான் பாக்க போகின்றோம் பொதுவாக பெண்கள் செய்யவேண்டிய பரிசோதனைகள் என்னவென்றால் சர்க்கரை நோயின் அளவு உடல் கொழுப்பு இரத்தத்தின் அளவு முக்கியமாக …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
உடலுறவில் ஆண், பெண் தெரிந்து கொள்ளவேண்டிய ரகசியங்கள்
உடலுறவில் ஆண், பெண் தெரிந்து கொள்ளவேண்டிய ரகசியங்கள் உடலுறவில் ஆண், பெண் தெரிந்து கொள்ளவேண்டிய ரகசியங்கள் Subscribe இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதில பாக்க போறோம் அது என்னனா இயற்கையாகவே கருத்தரிப்பது எப்படி என்ற கேள்விக்கான பதிலை தான் நாம இப்போ பாக்க போகின்றோம் முதலாவது நாம் பார்க்கப்போவது ஆண்களுக்கு ஆண்கள் முக்கியமாக செய்யவேண்டிய விஷயங்கள் என்ன வென்றால் குடிப்பழக்கம், புகை பிடித்தல் போன்ற பழக்கங்களை கைவிட வேண்டும். …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
சிறுநீரில் விந்து வருவது ஆபத்தானதா?
சிறுநீரில் விந்து வருவது ஆபத்தானதா? சிறுநீரில் விந்து வருவது ஆபத்தானதா? Subscribe இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதில பாக்க போறோம் அது என்னனா சிறுநீரில் விந்து வெளியேறுதல் ஆபத்தா நம்ம கிளினிக் வருகிற நிறைய பேருக்கு இந்த சந்தேகம் இருக்குதுங்க சிறுநீர் கழிக்கும்போது விந்து வெளியேறதுங்க அதனால எனக்கு ஆண்மை குறைவு பிரச்சனை எதுவும் வருமா அப்டினு பல பேரு பல கேள்விகளை கேக்குறாங்க இதுக்கு நாம அறிவியல் பூர்வமான ஆதாரங்களை …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
எத்தனை நாட்களுக்கு ஒருமுறை உடலுறவில் ஈடுபட்டால் ஆரோக்யமாக வாழலாம்?
எத்தனை நாட்களுக்கு ஒருமுறை உடலுறவில் ஈடுபட்டால் ஆரோக்யமாக வாழலாம்? எத்தனை நாட்களுக்கு ஒருமுறை உடலுறவில் ஈடுபட்டால் ஆரோக்யமாக வாழலாம்? Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக் யூடியூப் சேனல் உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறது இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதில பாக்க போறோம் அது என்னனா எத்தனை நாட்களுக்கு ஒருமுறை உடலுறவில் ஈடுபட்டால் ஆரோக்யமாக வாழலாம். நம்ம மருத்துவமனைக்கு வருகின்ற பல பேரு நம்ம கிட்ட கேக்குற கேள்வி இதாங்க வாரத்திற்கு எத்தனை முறை உடலுறவில் ஈடுபட்டால் ஆரோக்யமாக வாழலாம் இதுக்கு சரியான அறிவியல் …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
குழந்தையின்மை என்றால் என்ன
குழந்தையின்மை என்றால் என்ன ? குழந்தையின்மை என்றால் என்ன ? Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக் யூடியூப் சேனல் உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறது இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதில பாக்க போறோம் அது என்னனா குழந்தையின்மை பிரச்சனை அப்டினா என்ன என்ற கேள்விக்கு தான் நாம பதில் பாக்க போறோம் கல்யாண செய்த தம்பதியினருக்கு ஒரு வருடம் ஆகியும் குழந்தையின்மை பிரச்சனை இருந்துச்சுன்னா மருத்துவ ரீதியா அவங்களுக்கு …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
கருத்தரிப்பதற்கு எத்தனை முறை உடலுறவில் ஈடுபட வேண்டும்?
கருத்தரிப்பதற்கு எத்தனை முறை உடலுறவில் ஈடுபட வேண்டும்? கருத்தரிப்பதற்கு எத்தனை முறை உடலுறவில் ஈடுபட வேண்டும்? Subscribe இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதில பாக்க போறோம் அது என்னனா எத்தனை முறை உடலுறவு செய்தால் கருத்தரிக்கிற வாய்ப்புகள் அதிகம் அதுதான் கேள்வி அதற்கான பதிலை தான் நாம இப்ப பாக்க போறோம். நிறைய திருமணம் ஆன தம்பதிகள்…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
உடலுறவிற்கு பிறகு பெண் உறுப்பிலிருந்து விந்து வெளியே வரலாமா?
உடலுறவிற்கு பிறகு பெண் உறுப்பிலிருந்து விந்து வெளியே வரலாமா? உடலுறவிற்கு பிறகு பெண் உறுப்பிலிருந்து விந்து வெளியே வரலாமா? Subscribe இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதில பாக்க போறோம் அது என்னனா உடலுறவுக்கு பிறகு பெண் உறுப்பில் இருந்து விந்து வெளியேறினால் பிரச்சனையா இல்லையா நம்ம கிளினிக்க்கு வருகிற நிறைய பேரு கேக்கின்ற கேள்வி இதான் இது ரொம்ப …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
ஆணுறுப்பு வளைந்து இருந்தால் பிரச்சனையா?
ஆணுறுப்பு வளைந்து இருந்தால் பிரச்சனையா? ஆணுறுப்பு வளைந்து இருந்தால் பிரச்சனையா? Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக் யூடியூப் சேனல் உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறது இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதில பாக்க போறோம் ஆணுறுப்பு வளைந்து இருந்தால் அதனால் ஆண்மை குறைவு பிரச்சனை வருமா நெறய பேரு இந்த பயத்துனால தான் டாக்டர்களை பாக்க போவாங்க உண்மையான காரணம் எனன …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
விந்துமுந்துதலுக்கு பயன்படுத்தும் மாத்திரைகளால் பக்கவிளைவுகள் ஏற்படுமா?
விந்துமுந்துதலுக்கு பயன்படுத்தும் மாத்திரைகளால் பக்கவிளைவுகள் ஏற்படுமா? விந்துமுந்துதலுக்கு பயன்படுத்தும் மாத்திரைகளால் பக்கவிளைவுகள் ஏற்படுமா? Subscribe வணக்கம் டாக்டர் ஷாஸ் கிளினிக் யூடியூப் சேனல் உங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறது இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதில பாக்க போறோம் விந்து முந்துதல் பிரச்சனைக்கு நாம போடுற மாத்திரைகள் பக்க விளைவுகளை ஏற்படுத்துமா இதுக்கு பல ஆராய்ச்சியாளர்கள் நெறய சோதனைகளை செய்துள்ளனர் அத பத்தி தான் …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
விந்து முந்துதல் பிரச்சனைக்கு பயன்படுத்தும் மாத்திரைகளால் ஆண்மை குறைவு ஏற்படுமா?
விந்து முந்துதல் பிரச்சனைக்கு பயன்படுத்தும் மாத்திரைகளால் ஆண்மை குறைவு ஏற்படுமா? விந்து முந்துதல் பிரச்சனைக்கு பயன்படுத்தும் மாத்திரைகளால் ஆண்மை குறைவு ஏற்படுமா? Subscribe இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதில பாக்க போறோம் அது என்னனா விந்து முந்துதல் பிரச்சனைக்கு மாத்திரை போடுறதுனால எதாவது பிரச்சனை வருமா அப்படிங்கிற பயம் இன்னைக்கு நெறய பேருக்கு இருக்கு அத பத்தி தான் பாக்க …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
விந்துமுந்துதல்-க்கு ஸ்ப்ரே பயன்படுத்தலாமா?
விந்துமுந்துதல்-க்குஸ்ப்ரே பயன்படுத்தலாமா? விந்துமுந்துதல்-க்கு ஸ்ப்ரே பயன்படுத்தலாமா? Subscribe இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதில பாக்க போறோம் அது என்னனா விந்து முந்துதல் பிரச்சனைக்கு ஸ்பிரேய யூஸ் பண்ணலாமா கூடாதாங்கிற பத்தி தான் பாக்க போறோம். நீங்க இப்ப பதிங்க இணையத்துல நெறய ஸ்பிராய் வந்து விக்கிறாங்க விந்து முந்துதல் பிரச்சனைக்கு இதோட விலை…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
விந்து முந்துதல் ஆங்கில முறையில் தீர்வு
விந்து முந்துதல் ஆங்கில முறையில் தீர்வு விந்து முந்துதல் ஆங்கில முறையில் தீர்வு Subscribe இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதில பாக்க போறோம் அது என்னனா விந்து முந்துதல் பிரச்சனைக்கு ஆங்கில மருந்து மூலம் எப்படி சரி செய்வது என்பதை பத்தி தான் பாக்க போறோம் ரொம்ப முக்கியமான வீடியோங்க கடைசி வரை பாருங்க. இந்த வீடியோ எதுக்குன்னா பொதுவா ஆண்கள் பாத்தீங்கன்னா விந்து முந்துதல் பிரச்சனைக்கான நிறைய மாத்திரைகள் வாங்கி போடுறாங்க அது என்ன மாத்திரைகள்…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
விந்து முந்துதல் பிரச்சனைக்கு நான்கு எளிமையான தீர்வுகள்
விந்து முந்துதல் பிரச்சனைக்கு நான்கு எளிமையான தீர்வுகள் விந்து முந்துதல் பிரச்சனைக்கு நான்கு எளிமையான தீர்வுகள் Subscribe விந்து முந்துதல் பிரச்சனைக்கு நான்கு எளிமையான தீர்வுகள்…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
விந்து முந்துததால் குழந்தையின்மை ஏற்படுமா?
விந்து முந்துததால் குழந்தையின்மை ஏற்படுமா? விந்து முந்துததால் குழந்தையின்மை ஏற்படுமா? Subscribe இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கான பதில பாக்க போறோம் அது என்னனா விந்து முந்துதல் பிரச்சனையால் குழந்தையின்மை ஏற்படுமா என்பது தான். கண்டிப்பா விந்து முந்துதல் பிரச்சனையால் குழந்தையின்மை ஏற்படுவது இல்லைங்க.ஒரு சிலருக்கு விந்து முந்துதல் ரொம்ப அதிகமாகவே இருக்கும் 30 நொடிக்குள்ள அல்லது 20 நொடிக்குள்ள இல்லேன்னா 5 நொடிக்குள்ளயே…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
விந்து முந்துதலின் காரணங்கள் என்னென்ன
விந்து முந்துதலின் காரணங்கள் என்னென்ன விந்து முந்துதலின் காரணங்கள் என்னென்ன Subscribe போன வீடியோல விந்து முந்துதலோட அறிகுறிகள் பாத்தோம் இந்த வீடியோல விந்து முந்துதலுக்கான காரணத்தை அறிவியல் பூர்வமாக பாக்க போறோம். ஒரு சில ஆண்களுக்கு நா முன்னாடியே சொன்ன மாரி விந்து முந்துதல் பிரச்சனை வாழ்நாள் முழுவதுமே இருக்கும். அவர்கள் சுய இன்பம் செய்வதால் இருக்கும் வேற ஒரு பொண்ணோட உடலுறவு செய்வதால் இருக்கும் இதற்கு அறிவியல் பூர்வமான காரணம் என்னனு பாத்தா இந்த மாதிரியான ஆண்களுக்கு மூலையில் கெமிக்கல் ஒன்று…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
விந்து முந்துதல் பிரச்சனையின் அறிகுறிகள் என்ன?
விந்து முந்துதல் பிரச்சனையின் அறிகுறிகள் என்ன? விந்து முந்துதல் பிரச்சனையின் அறிகுறிகள் என்ன? Subscribe வணக்கம் நான் டாக்டர் ஷா. போன வீடியோவில் விந்து முந்துதல் பத்தியும் அதன் வகைகளை பற்றியும் பார்த்தோம். இன்று அதன் அறிகுறிகள் என்னனு பார்ப்போம். ஒரு சில ஆண்களுக்கு உள்ள செலுத்துன ஒரு நிமிடத்தில் வந்துடும். சிலருக்கு 5 ஷாட்ல வந்துடும். இது ஒரு வகை. இன்னொரு வகையான ஆண்களுக்கு உள்ள செலுத்தும் முன்பே வந்துடும்…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
விந்து முந்துதல் என்றால் என்ன?
விந்து முந்துதல் என்றால் என்ன? விந்து முந்துதல் என்றால் என்ன? Subscribe நான் உங்கள் ஷாஸ் ஆண்மை குறைவு மற்றும் ஆண் மலட்டு தன்மை மருத்துவர். இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கு பதில் பக்க போறோம் அது என்னவென்றால் விந்து முந்துதல் பிரச்சனை இந்த பிரச்சனை 70 முதல் 80 சத விகித ஆண்களுக்கு வாழ்க்கையில் கண்டிப்பாக ஒரு முறையாவது வந்திருக்கும். சில பேருக்கு திருமணத்துக்கு முன் வந்துருக்கலாம் சிலருக்கு அதன் பிறகு வந்துருக்கலாம். ஆனால் இது பொதுவான பிரட்சனை தான் எதனால் விந்து முந்துதல்…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
மாதவிடாய் நேரத்தில் பெண்கள் சுயஇன்பம் செய்யலாமா?
மாதவிடாய் நேரத்தில் பெண்கள் சுயஇன்பம் செய்யலாமா? மாதவிடாய் நேரத்தில் பெண்கள் சுயஇன்பம் செய்யலாமா? Subscribe இந்த வீடியோவில் பெண்கள் மாதவிடாய் நேரத்தில் சுயஇன்பம் செய்யலாமா? என்ற கேள்விக்கு விளக்கமளிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. இந்த டாபிக்கை எடுப்பதற்கு முக்கியமான காரணம் நமது கிளினிக் – க்கு வரும் ஆண்களும் மற்றும் பெண்களும் இந்த கேள்வியை முன்வைத்தார்கள். இதற்கு சயின்டிபிக் ரீதியாக பதில் அளிக்கிறேன். ஜெனரல் ஆப் பெமினிசும் அண்ட் சிக்கோலஜி ல இது பற்றி ஒரு ஆய்வு மற்றும் சர்வே எடுத்துள்ளார்கள். அரிஸோனாவில் 40 பெண்களை வைத்து இந்த ஆய்வு மேற்கொள்ளப்பட்டது…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் ஆண் உறுப்பு சுருங்குமா?
சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் ஆண் உறுப்பு சுருங்குமா? சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் ஆண் உறுப்பு சுருங்குமா? Subscribe இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கு பதில் பாக்க போறோம் அது என்னனா சுய இன்பம் செய்தால் ஆண்குறி சுருங்குமா இந்த கேள்வியை நம்ம கிளினிக் வர நெறய பெரு கேக்குறாங்க. டாக்டர் நா சுய இன்பம் பண்றேன் அதுனால என்னோட ஆண்குறி சுருங்கிருச்சு அப்டினு நெறய பெரு கேக்குறாங்க. அவங்க நம்ம கிளினிக் வரதுக்கு முன்னாடியே அவங்க மனசுல அந்த விஷயம் ஆழமா பதிஞ்சுருச்சு….Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
திருமணமான பெண்கள் சுயஇன்பம் செய்வார்களா?
திருமணமான பெண்கள் சுயஇன்பம் செய்வார்களா? திருமணமான பெண்கள் சுயஇன்பம் செய்வார்களா? Subscribe இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கு பதில் பாக்க போறோம் அது என்னனா திருமணமான பெண்கள் சுய இன்பம் செய்கிறார்களா இல்லையா இந்த கேள்விக்கான பதிலதான் பாக்க போறோம். உலகெங்கிலும் உள்ள 60 லிருந்து 70 சதவிகித பெண்கள் வாழ்க்கையில ஒரு முறையாவது சுய இன்பம் செய்திருப்பார்கள். இது சம்பந்தமான நிறைய ஆராய்ச்சி குறிப்புகள் வெளிவந்துள்ளன அதை தான் நாம இப்ப பாக்க போறோம். பொதுவாக இந்தியாவில் உள்ள பெண்கள்…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
பெண்கள் சுயஇன்பம் செய்கிறார்களா?
பெண்கள் சுயஇன்பம் செய்கிறார்களா? பெண்கள் சுயஇன்பம் செய்கிறார்களா? Subscribe இன்னைக்கு நாம ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கு பதில் பாக்க போறோம். பெண்கள் சுய இன்பம் செய்வது சரியா தவறா அவர்கள் சுய இன்பம் செய்கிறார்களா இல்லையா. இது மிகவும் முக்கியமான கேள்வி என்பதால் இதற்கு அறிவியல் பூர்வமான ஆதாரங்களை தான் நாம் இப்பொழுது பார்க்கப்போகிறோம்.விஞானி ஒருவரப்பி 2020 ஆம் ஆண்டு ஒரு ஆராய்ச்சி ஒன்றை நடத்தினார் அது என்ன வென்றால் திருமணம் ஆன ஆகாத பெண்கள் மீது அந்த ஆய்வு நடத்தப்பட்டது. பெண்கள் சுய இன்பம் ஏன் செய்கிறார்கள்…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் விந்துமுந்துதல் பிரச்சனை வருமா?
சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் விந்துமுந்துதல் பிரச்சனை வருமா? சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் விந்துமுந்துதல் பிரச்சனை வருமா? Subscribe இப்பொழுது நாம முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கு பதில் பாக்க போறோம். சுய இன்பம் செய்தால் விந்து முந்துதல் ஏற்படுமா. கண்டிப்பாக ஒரு சிலருக்கு ஏற்படும் பத்திலிருந்து பதினோரு சதவிகித பேருக்கு கண்டிப்பாக ஏற்படும் சுய இன்பம் செய்பவர்களுக்கு ஒரு விதமான மன வருத்தம் ஏற்படுகிறது அவ்வாறு மன வருத்தம் ஏற்படுவதினால் அவர்களுக்கு சரியான விறைப்பு தன்மை கிடைப்பதில்லை. அப்போது அவர்களுக்கு சுய இன்பம் பற்றிய நினைவுகளே ஏற்படுகிறது…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் நரம்புதளர்ச்சி வருமா?
சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் நரம்புதளர்ச்சி வருமா? சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் நரம்புதளர்ச்சி வருமா? Subscribe இன்னைக்கு ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கு நாம பதில் கண்டுபிடிக்க போறோம். கேள்வி என்னனா சுய இன்பம் செய்தால் நரம்பு தளர்ச்சி வருமா?. இந்த கேள்விக்கான பதிலை பார்ப்பதற்கு முன் ஒரு ஸ்டடி பத்தி நாம பாக்க போறோம். சீனாவில் சியாங் ஆராய்ச்சி நிறுவனத்தில் ஆய்வு செய்தார்கள். 143 பேரை வைத்து ஆய்வு செய்தார்கள் அது என்ன வென்றால் அவர்களை ஒரு மாதத்திற்கு 6 லிருந்து 9 முறை சுய இன்பம் செய்ய வைத்தார்கள்…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனை வருமா
சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனை வருமா சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் விறைப்புத்தன்மை பிரச்சனை வருமா Subscribe இந்த வீடியோவில் உங்களுக்கு ஒரு முக்கியமான கேள்விக்கு பதில் கிடைக்க போகிறது. சுய இன்பம் செய்தால் விறைப்பு தன்மை பிரச்சனை வருமா இந்த கேள்விக்கான பதிலை இப்பொழுது நாம் பார்க்க போகிறோம். இப்பொழுது முக்கால் வாசி ஆண்கள் சுய இன்பம் செய்கிறார்கள். ஆனால் குறிப்பிட்ட சில ஆண்கள் சுய இன்பம் அதிகமாக செய்கிறார்கள். அவ்வாறு செய்யும் போது அவர்களால் தனது மனைவியுடனோ முழுவதுமாக உடலுறவில் ஈடு பட முடியவில்லை….Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் எதிர்ப்பு சக்தி அதிகரிக்குமா?
சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் எதிர்ப்பு சக்தி அதிகரிக்குமா? சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் எதிர்ப்பு சக்தி அதிகரிக்குமா? Subscribe சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் எதிர்ப்பு சக்தி அதிகரிக்குமா இந்த கேள்விக்கு நிறைய மருத்துவர்கள் கூறுவது சுயஇன்பம் செய்தால் எதிர்ப்பு சக்தி அதிகரிக்கும் என்பது ஆனால் அதற்கு எந்த விதமான அறிவியல் பூர்வ நிருபணம் இல்லை SN கிளினிக் ஜெர்மனியில் டாக்டர் பிளிப் என்பவர் 11 பேரை சுய இன்பம் செய்ய வைத்தார் அதன்பிறகு 45 நிமிடம் கழித்து அவர்கள் ரத்தத்தை சோதனை செய்ததில்….Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
சுயஇன்பதால் உயிரணுக்கள் எண்ணிக்கை குறையுமா?
சுயஇன்பதால் உயிரணுக்கள் எண்ணிக்கை குறையுமா? சுயஇன்பதால் உயிரணுக்கள் எண்ணிக்கை குறையுமா? Subscribe சுயஇன்பம் அதிகமாக செய்வதால் உயிரணுக்கள் குறையுமா என்ற கேள்வி பலர் மனதிலும் இருக்கும். அதற்கான பதில் என்னவென்றால், கண்டிப்பாக குறையாது. இது பற்றி ஒரு ஆய்வறிக்கை உள்ளது. நான் பீ அல்டிரெட் என்ற மருத்துவர் மேற்கொண்ட ஆய்வில் உயிரணுக்கணுக்களின் சதவீதம் குறைவதில்லை என்று நிரூபித்துள்ளார்….Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
குப்புற படுத்துக்கொண்டு சுயஇன்பம் செய்யலாமா?
குப்புற படுத்துக்கொண்டு சுயஇன்பம் செய்யலாமா? குப்புற படுத்துக் கொண்டு சுயஇன்பம் செய்யலாமா? Subscribe குப்புற படுத்துக்கொண்டு சுயஇன்பம் செய்வது தவறா? அப்படி செய்வதால் ஏற்படும் பின்விளைவுகள் பற்றியும், கட்டுப்பாடற்ற சுயஇன்ப பழக்கத்தில் இருந்து விடுபடும் வழிமுறைகள் பற்றியும் இந்த காணொளியில் விளக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. பொதுவாக குப்புற படுத்துக்கொண்டோ தலையணை….Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் ஆண்மைக்குறைவு ஏற்படுமா?
சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் ஆண்மைக்குறைவு ஏற்படுமா? சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் ஆண்மைக்குறைவு ஏற்படுமா? Subscribe சுயஇன்பம் பற்றிய தவறான செய்திகள் இன்று சமூக வலைத்தளங்களில் பரப்பப்படுகின்றன. படித்த டாக்டர்கள், படிக்காத டாக்டர்கள், போலி டாக்டர்கள் என்று பலராலும் இதுபோன்ற செய்திகள் பரப்பப்படுகின்றன. இதில் எது உண்மை? சுயஇன்பம் செய்வதால் ஆண்மை குறைவு ஏற்படுமா?…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
சுய இன்பம் சரியா? தவறா? – முழு விளக்கம்
சுய இன்பம் சரியா? தவறா? முழு விளக்கம் சுய இன்பம் சரியா? தவறா? – முழு விளக்கம் Subscribe சுய இன்பம் தவறா? சுய இன்பம் செய்வது உடல்நலத்திற்கு தீங்கானதா? மேலும் சுய இன்பம் பற்றிய உங்கள் அனைத்து கேள்விகளுக்கும் இந்த பதிவு தீர்வாக அமையும். தற்போது சுயஇன்பம் பற்றிய பல தவறான எண்ணங்கள் பரப்பப்படுகின்றன. சுயஇன்ப பழக்கம் தவறானதா? சரியானதா? சுயஇன்பம் கட்டுப்பாடற்ற நிலைக்கு செல்லும் போது கண்டிப்பாக மனரீதியாகவும் உடல்ரீதியாகவும் பிரச்சனைகள் வர துவங்கும்…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
10 Tips to get pregnant with irregular periods
10 Tips to get pregnant with irregular periods How to get pregnant quickly with irregular periods | 10 Tips to get pregnant with irregular periods Subscribe This video contains awesome tips on “How to get pregnant quickly with irregular periods. Irregular periods can severely diminish your chances of trying to get pregnant naturally, since women with irregular periods will not have a monthly release of their egg. One the commonest causes of irregular periods is PCOS. If you really want to know – how to get pregnant with PCOS?, you should take 4 minutes of your time to watch this video…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Facts of male infertility treatment you must know
Male infertility ? | Facts of male infertility treatment you must know Male infertility ? | Facts of male infertility treatment you must know Subscribe Male infertility and male fertility problems are drastically rising all around the globe. On average infertility in men affects over 7% of the global male population. The causes of male infertility are 1. Low sperm count 2. Low sperm motility 3. Hormonal deficiencies 4. Genetic disorders in sperm production 5. Obstruction in the male genital tract leading to low sperm production 6. Sexual dysfunction like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation leading to infertility issues…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
What is the normal Sperm analysis test for men
Semen Analysis – What is the normal Sperm analysis test for men ? | Sperm analysis FACTS Semen Analysis – What is the normal Sperm analysis test for men ? | Sperm analysis FACTS Subscribe Semen Analysis test or sperm analysis test, is the gold standard investigation of choice for male infertility assessment. The semen test or sperm test gives the following useful information about a man’s semen and also helps us understand as to why he has difficulty in fathering a child. The three most important parameters of a semen analysis are as follows 1. Sperm count 2. Sperm motility 3. Sperm morphology What is normal sperm count…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
SHOCKING TIPS to treat infertility
How to treat infertility naturally ? | How to treat infertility ? SHOCKING TIPS to treat infertility How to treat infertility naturally ? | How to treat infertility ? SHOCKING TIPS to treat infertility Subscribe Fertility treatments are not very complex. Treatment for infertility/remedies for infertility can be successfully achieved by following simple lifestyle modifications. Part 1 – How to treat infertility in male ? Male infertility treatment begins with the following simple measures a. Walking 30 mins everyday b. Avoiding excess cell phone usage c. avoiding keeping the laptop on the lap d. simple home remedies for infertility in male includes wearing loose inner garments, eating fruits and vegetable rich diet that contain antioxidants …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Steps to prevent sperm leakage after intercourse
Steps to prevent sperm leakage after intercourse | Tips to prevent sperm leakage after intercourse Steps to prevent sperm leakage after intercourse | Tips to prevent sperm leakage after intercourse Subscribe So what are causes of sperm leakage? and what are steps to prevent sperm leakage?. First of all you must understand that sperm leakage after sex affects all couples. Sperm or semen back flow after sexual intercourse is a completely natural process. Rather than sperm, it is the semen that backflows, while the sperm being a motile cell attaches to the vaginal wall and continues to swim up towards the egg. Sperm leakage medicines are a hoax so please do not fall for such treatment scams that claim to stop …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Low sperm motility treatment
Sperm motility | what is normal sperm motility? | low sperm motility treatment Sperm motility | what is normal sperm motility? | low sperm motility treatment Subscribe Ever wondered what is the normal sperm motility or the motility of sperm or sperm motility percentage for a pregnancy? Even top medical scientists and doctors are still searching the answer to the exact question on what is normal sperm motility? Sperm motility percentages/sperm motility range chart can be divided into three types as per the WHO 1. Progressive motile sperm 2. Non progressive motile sperm 3. Immotile sperm The number of progressively motile sperm is most important and a value from 35 to 40% of progressive sperm motility rate is usually enough to father a child…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
What is normal sperm count in men to be fertile?
What is normal sperm count in men ? | What is normal sperm count in men to be fertile? THE TRUTH What is normal sperm count in men ? | What is normal sperm count in men to be fertile? THE TRUTH Subscribe When a semen analysis shows sperm count less than 15 million/ml persistently that is considered as low sperm count. A simple semen analysis (sperm count test) can give a bucket load of information on assessing why conception is not taking place. A man may not be able to father a child if he has 1. A low sperm count 2. Low sperm motility 3. Poor sperm shape 4. Or a very low semen volume It’s important never to blame…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
How to increase sperm volume ?
How to increase sperm volume ? | How to increase semen volume? | Semen Volume – the TRUTH How to increase sperm volume ? | How to increase semen volume? | Semen Volume – the TRUTH Subscribe Semen volume normal values range from about 1.3 ml to 2.0 ml, a very low semen volume less than 0.5 ml is suggestive of a major problem in the male reproductive tract. More than semen volume, it is the number of sperm present in a unit volume of semen that matters more. Thus the semen analysis test can give accurate information on semen volume and sperm parameters. Semen analysis remains the gold standard test of choice for male infertility testing. Today male infertility is well on the rise and affects over…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Semen Analysis test
Semen analysis | Sperm Test | Semen Analysis test | Sperm test for men Semen analysis | Sperm Test | Semen Analysis test | Sperm test for men Subscribe Semen analysis remains the gold standard test of choice for male infertility testing. Today male infertility is well on the rise and affects over 7% of men. When a couple presents to the fertility clinic for an infertility evaluation we frequently see male fertility issues in atleast 60% of couples. A simple semen analysis can give a bucket load of information on assessing why conception is not taking place. A man may not be able to father a child if he has 1. A low sperm count 2. Low sperm motility 3. Poor sperm shape 4. Or a combination of the above factors…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Does masturbation lead to sperm loss?
Masturbation | Does masturbation lead to sperm loss? Masturbation | Does masturbation lead to sperm loss? Subscribe Masturbation is simply defined as the process of self-stimulation for achieving sexual pleasure. Today sadly masturbation and the subject of it discussion has become a social taboo. Masturbation in many cultures is considered a sin! and the very topic has a lot of associated negativity with that goes with it. One of the most popular myths surrounding masturbation is that, masturbating men lose their fertility and lose their manliness. Many men especially in India are led to believe that masturbating regualarly is a bad habit and the act itself results in loss of sperms or a low sperm count . They believe that masturbation is the reason for their infertility!. But this is far from the truth. Masturbating and/or masturbation does not affect a man’s sperm output. The reason for this is simple. Sperm production is a 24/7 process that begins from the time a mans achieves puberty till the time he dies…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Infertility treatment in men
Infertility causes ? | Infertility treatment? | Infertility treatment in men : learn the FACTS Infertility causes ? | Infertility treatment? | Infertility treatment in men : learn the FACTS Subscribe Infertility causes serious problems for couples trying for a child. This video will give awesome info about infertility causes and treatments to couples trying to get pregnant. Infertility affects at least 1 in 6 couples trying to get pregnant. Worldwide infertility is now a well-recognized pandemic and affects an estimated 15% of couples actively trying to get pregnant. Infertility is defined as the inability to achieve a pregnancy after one or two years of unprotected sexual intercourse. Infertility is of two types. Primary infertility and secondary infertility. Primary Infertility – couple is said to suffer from primary infertility if they are unable to achieve their first pregnancy Secondary Infertility – a couple is said to suffer from secondary infertility if they have achieved a pregnancy in the past. …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
What causes erectile dysfunction in older males?
What causes erectile dysfunction in older males? What causes erectile dysfunction in older males? Subscribe What causes erectile dysfunction in older males? Older men especially beyond 40 years of age, frequently report erectile dysfunction. Common causes of erectile dysfunction in older men includes chronic health conditions like diabetes, cholesterol and hypertension. Erectile dysfunction in old men however, is a very important market of cardiac disease. Men who develop erectile disorders eventually get heart attacks about 8 years post erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction in older men must never be ignored. …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Erectile Dysfunction in Young Men?
What causes Erectile Dysfunction in Young Men? What causes Erectile Dysfunction in Young Men? Subscribe what causes erectile dysfunction in young men? …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Does Masturbation Reduce Testosterone
Does Masturbation Reduce Testosterone Does Masturbation Reduce Testosterone Subscribe So does masturbation reduce testosterone? Now in this quick video, we’re going to answer, So watch the video till end. This is a very important topic. I know most of you have this doubt. You want to know the actual answer to this question with scientific validation. Now remember, when you look at visual erotica, that is you look at appealing women on a screen, you look at models on the screen, you look at anything that’s even remotely sexual on the screen, what’s going to happen first is in your bloodstream, testosterone is going to go up. It’s going to spike. So studies, have found that if you take a group of men and show them visual erotica, that is you show them sex videos or you show them single women who are engaging in self-stimulatory sexual behaviour …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
4 symptoms of low testosterone
Low testosterone symptoms : 4 symptoms of low testosterone you must know Low testosterone symptoms : 4 symptoms of low testosterone you must know Subscribe Now remember testosterone is the male sex hormone and it has a variety of functions. Now when your testosterone goes low, men frequently notice a couple of symptoms. Tip number 1 is you may notice a decrease in your libido. That is in general you may not approach your intimate partner for sexual intercourse. You probably will avoid intercourse and you will also not have a recurrent frequency of sexual thoughts running in your head and you will also notice that your overall desire is quite less. So that’s one of the cardinal symptoms of low testosterone, sexual disinterest broadly speaking of course…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Delay Sprays for Premature Ejaculation
Delay Sprays for Premature Ejaculation – When to Use? & When NOT TO? Delay Sprays for Premature Ejaculation – When to Use? & When NOT TO? Subscribe Delay sprays for premature ejaculation are rampantly used by individuals to prolong sexual timing or ejaculation delay. Delay sprays are simple mixtures of anesthetic agents and cause local numbness. They do not reduce the fundamental cause of pe or pme. So, the disease condition remains persistent for the patient without any relief…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Problems due to masturbation after Marriage
Masturbation? Are you still doing it? Problems due to masturbation after Marriage Masturbation? Are you still doing it? Problems due to masturbation after Marriage Subscribe Masturbation? Are you still on to it? This video will open your eyes. Masturbation is not something you should do lest you become a monkey running around a banana all the time. In this video, we science the logic behind why masturbation can mess your post marital life. In this video we discuss 2 major points that may you stick to the habit of masturbation and worse still keeps you addicted to it…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Quick 3 treatment strategies that work
Prone masturbation part 2 : Quick 3 treatment strategies that work Prone masturbation part 2 : Quick 3 treatment strategies that work Subscribe Prone masturbation is practiced by a small proportion of men. Men who engage in prone masturbation frequently suffer from erectile dysfunction with penetrative sexual intercourse. They are also exceedingly lonely and suffer in silence. Prone masturbation is a behavior that can be managed by 3 treatment strategies as explained in this video…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
What causes erectile dysfunction during intercourse?
What are the causes of Erectile Dysfunction? What causes erectile dysfunction during intercourse? What are the causes of Erectile Dysfunction? What causes erectile dysfunction during intercourse? Subscribe I quickly go over most of the common causes of erectile dysfunction. A man is said to have erectile dysfunction if he is unable to sustain his erection for penetrative sex. Men with erectile disorder or erectile dysfunction frequently have a range of underlying medical conditions that can lead to ED. The causes of ED are usually divided into 2 types. One set of causes are psychogenic and the other are organic. Men with psychogenic causes frequently suffer from anxiety, depression, small size worries and numerous other interpersonal relationship issues. On the other hand, men with organic causes of erectile dysfunction suffer from conditions like diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol and a range of other organic health conditions. Men with erectile dysfunction are at an increased risk of developing coronary artery disease as well…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
What is Erectile Dysfunction ?
What is Erectile Dysfunction ? Some things No one ever tells you! What is Erectile Dysfunction ? Some things No one ever tells you! Subscribe If a man is unable to sustain his erection either during foreplay or after penetration, he is said to suffer from ED. Their are close to 250 factors that cause ED in men. However, its important to note that, ED may be because of a range of factors such interpersonal relationship problems to conditions like diabetes mellitus, hypertension and host of other disease conditions. Today we are seeing a pandemic of younger patients presenting to the clinic with erectile dysfunction. While erectile dysfunction is something we commonly seen in older men, erectile dysfunction is now frequently being seen in younger individuals as well…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
When you ejaculate how much sperm comes out?
When you ejaculatehow much sperm comes out? When you ejaculate how much sperm comes out? Subscribe when you ejaculate how much sperm comes out’. Now, during ejaculation the 1st portion of the ejaculate is frequently called as the sperm rich fraction. Now the sperm rich fraction, contains most of the motile moving sperm. Technically, if the sperm rich fraction is deposited properly in the vagina, then, when you ejaculate, getting your partner pregnant should not be a problem…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
7 tips to increase sperm quality super fast
How to increase sperm quality?7 tips to increase spermquality super fast How to increase sperm quality? 7 tips to increase sperm quality super fast Subscribe These are some very important questions to answer when one is trying for a child naturally. In the context where you are clear that natural conception is the way forward, improving your sperm quality is probably the most important thing to do right now. Watch the video till the end to discover 7 tips that can help improve sperm count, improve sperm motility & also sperm quality really fast…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Does Night-Shift work reduce Semen?
Does Night- Shift work reduce Semen? Does Night-Shift work reduce Semen? Subscribe In one word, night work can have severe effects on male fertility. Some of the negative effects of night work on male infertility include its effect on sperm count, sperm motility, sperm shape, semen volume. Moreover working in the night also reduces erectile dysfunction, causes low desire and also drastically reduces in general overall sex interest. Not just that, night work is associated cardiovascular mortality, obesity, systemic hypertension and a range of other health related problems…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Does masturbation reduce prostate cancer?
Does masturbation reduce prostate cancer? Lets science the TRUTH Does masturbation reduce prostate cancer? Lets science the TRUTH Subscribe Masturbation is a fairly common practice. While its definitely not recommended, it is sad to see many medical experts claim that it has a protective effect against prostate cancer. As we age, the risk of prostate cancer in general increases for all men. However, with age, the frequency of masturbation also decreases. Moreover, recent studies have suggested that masturbation seems to have no protective effect in terms of preventing prostate cancer…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
When is the best time for sex
Early morning sex When is the best time for sex Early morning sex ? When is the best time for sex ? Subscribe So, when is the best time to have sex? Is sex in the morning better? Or is sex in the evening better?. The advantage with early morning intercourse is that, the brains anxiety systems are shut down and basically you are fresh and rested. In the evening once you are back from work, sexual intercourse can be difficult since, most working couples suffer from a fluster of thoughts, due to work and stress…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Azoospermia – No sperm in semen
Azoospermia No sperm in semen Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment Azoospermia (No sperm in semen) Subscribe Azoospermia affects an estimated 1% of all men. A man is said to suffer from Azoospermia, if his semen sample shows no sperm in the ejaculate. A minimum of 2 reports must confirm no sperm seen in the semen. If 100 men visit a male infertility clinic for azoospermia, then an estimated 10% of them will have ‘no sperm seen’. The symptoms of azoospermia include, low hair growth in the beard or mustache, poor male patter of body…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
No sperm when i ejaculate
No sperm when i ejaculate whats wrong No sperm when i ejaculate ? Whats wrong ? No sperm comes out ? – What to do ? Subscribe No sperm or semen in ejaculate whats wrong with me? Its probably a scary question to ask yourself. The reason for the same is Ejaculatory dysfunction. Common causes for ejaculatory dysfunction include Diabetes mellitus, antidepressant drug use, alpha -1 blocker medication use. Erectile dysfunction also is a cause of ejaculatory dysfunction. In retrograde ejaculation, semen goes backward into the urinary bladder instead of going forward…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Can Hernia cause Male Infertility
Can Hernia cause Male Infertility Can Hernia cause Male Infertility ? Subscribe The answer is not a straight yes, its the hernia repair that can lead to male infertility issues. Hernia repair involves the use of a mesh that can cause damage to the blood supply of the testis. This can thereby lead to low sperm count, low sperm motility, low testosterone and also reduced blood flow to the testis. Thus, hernia surgery should definitely be avoided in the event the man is trying for a child…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Total sperm motility
Total sperm motility Total sperm motility – How to self assess total sperm motility ? Subscribe In this video we are going to discuss in depth about total sperm motility. Sperm motility or the percentage of progressive sperm motility is an important metric by which clinical information about a mans fertility can be obtained. Men who father children within the first year of marriage usually have a progressive sperm motility of 32%. The total sperm motility on the other hand can be calculated by multiplying the semen volume by sperm concentration and by the percentage of progressively motile sperm…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Safe days to avoid pregnancy
Safe days to avoid pregnancy Safe days to avoid pregnancy Subscribe In this short video, we are going to quickly go over the 2 step method for avoiding an unwanted pregnancy. If you are newly married or newly entering into a relationship, this is what you must learn in order to prevent pregnancies. The method is based on the simple logic that closer to the time of egg release, cervical secretions or wetness in the vagina can increase leading to an increase in overall fertility…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Early Morning Erection
Early Morning Erection & Morning Wood Early Morning Erection & Morning Wood Subscribe In this video, I briefly reveal various well known scientific facts about early morning erection also popularly know as the morning wood. The morning wood or early morning erection occurs in infants, children and adult men particularly during the REM dream sleep phase of the sleep cycle. Men experience repeated erections at-least 4 to 5 times per night. These erections are physiological and help maintain the penile health in general. In some men with long standing illnesses, this erection is lost. Thus these men may suffer from true erectile dysfunction. The morning wood is frequently a marker of men’s health …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Does cycling affect male fertility
Does cycling affect male fertility Does cycling affect male fertility ? Subscribe In this quick video, I quickly go through and analyze whether cycling affects male fertility. To summarize the answer, cycling only affects male fertility if done aggressively. In men who perform endurance cycling on a daily basis, cycling reduces sperm count, cycling also reduce sperm motility and sperm morphology. However, in individuals who only cycle in a recreational manner, no such effect of reduction in semen parameters in seen…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Blue ball syndrome – 2 Quick treatments
Blue ball syndrome – 2 Quick treatments you should know Blue ball syndrome – 2 Quick treatments you should know Subscribe Blue ball syndrome is characterized by pain that radiates to one testis or both sides. Patients complaint of pain usually after sexual arousal. This condition is seen commonly among younger men. Many men resort to masturbation to relieve the pain from blue balls. However, a simple treatment of the condition involves the application of ice packs to the balls. Moreover, another technique to cure the condition involves utilizing whats called as the vasalva technique…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Delayed ejaculation & its treatment
What to do if you cant ejaculate What to do if you cant ejaculate ? Subscribe Delayed ejaculation or inhibited ejaculation affects close to 4 to 8 percent of men. Patients with delayed ejaculation issues suffer from a range of issues that can wreck their relationships. A man is said to suffer from delayed ejaculation if he is unable to ejaculate 25 to 30 mins post penetration. Their are multiple reasons for delayed ejaculation, some of which can center around psychological and some around hormones…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Total sperm count
Total sperm count – Explained in depth Total sperm count – Explained in depth Subscribe The normal total sperm count for men is 22.5 million/ml. This can be calculated by multiplying the sperm concentration and semen volume. If the normal sperm concentration is 15 million per ml and volume is 1.5 ml, then once multiplied this gives a value of 22.5 million/ml. The total sperm count is a more valuable metric than sperm concentration per ml. Never panic looking at the sperm concentration or semen volume alone in isolation. Always multiply the sperm concentration and semen volume to calculate the total sperm count of the sample. For patients whose total sperm count is more than 22.5 million per ejaculate, the chances of pregnancy is more in the 1st year or second…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Why is my semen green
Why is my semen green Why is my semen green ? Subscribe In this short video, I go through the top 3 or 4 causes of green color semen. While green color semen is quite rare, it is not surprising to note that sometimes that you can see green semen in your ejaculate. However, green semen is not something to panic about…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
10 Quick Facts on the Pull out method
Withdrawal method of contraception – 10 Quick Facts on the Pull out method Withdrawal method of contraception – 10 Quick Facts on the Pull out method Subscribe The withdrawal method of pregnancy prevention is among the oldest birth control technique in practice. Global usage rate among couples range from anywhere between 13 to 40 percent. This withdrawal method is frequently combined with other birth control strategies in general. The success rate in terms of pregnancy prevention approaches about 96%. This suggests that the withdrawal method may be as good as using a condom for protection…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Balloon masturbation – Eye opening facts
Balloon masturbation Balloon masturbation – Eye opening facts you should know Subscribe Individuals who engage in balloon masturbation are called looners. Balloon masturbation is a ‘sexual fetish’ which is basically a deviation from normal sexual behavior. Looners or individuals who masturbate using a balloon achieve immense sexual pleasure ranging from a built up of desire to orgasm and ejaculation either simply by blowing balloons or popping them…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
2 Facts on using saliva as lube
Can i use saliva as lube? 2 Facts on using saliva as lube Can i use saliva as lube? 2 Facts on using saliva as lube Subscribe The answer is straightforward, please DO NOT use saliva as a lubricant since saliva contains substances that can significantly reduce sperm motility. Studies done with incubating saliva with sperm show a significant reduction in sperm motility as early 5 mins of contact. Can saliva kill sperm? Yes it can! for sure. saliva can also kill sperm. Saliva as lubricant while trying to conceive is NOT Recommended…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Prone masturbation – its ILL effects
Prone masturbation – its ILL effects & Why youshould quit today Prone masturbation – its ILL effects & Why you should quit today Subscribe Prone masturbation or masturbation while rubbing the penis on the floor or rubbing the organ on the bed has numerous pitfalls. Most individuals pick up this prone masturbatory behavior at a very early age especially during the age of 13 to 15 years. Moreover, most of them tend to do prone masturbation for a very long period of time. Eventually with prone masturbation what basically happens is that men start rubbing their penis vigorously on the bathroom floor or sometimes even the toilet seat. Masturbation in this manner gives them tremendous excitement and pleasure. Furthermore with this type of masturbation, when it carries into adulthood, men develop erectile dysfunction, delayed ejaculation and also tend to get addicted to the behavior…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Can masturbation cause watery sperm
Can masturbation cause watery sperm Can masturbation cause watery sperm ? Does masturbation cause watery semen ? Subscribe In this video I am going to discuss on whether masturbation can cause watery sperm.Many of my patients who come to my clinic, asked me the question, dear doctor does excessive sperm release lead to watery semen?Does masturbation lead to watery semen?And what is the normal frequency of masturbation.Now, it is important to understand that seven is made out of secretions from three male accessory sex organs.These are, namely the prostate…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Effects of Excessive Masturbation
Effects of excessive sperm release | Effects of Excessive Masturbation Effects of excessive sperm release | Effects of Excessive Masturbation Subscribe Many doctor’s today easily say that regular masturbation has no ill effects as such. That daily releasing of sperm or masturbation excessively really does not harm. But is that true? I do not think so! The Effects of excessive sperm release or excessive masturbation are very detrimental to a mans overall sexual health. These include the development of masturbation causing sexual disorders like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low libido and masturbation addiction. The effects of daily sperm release or masturbation can wreck your stable partner relationship and destroy your sexual health completely…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Can masturbation cause delayed ejaculation
Can masturbation cause delayed ejaculation Can masturbation cause delayed ejaculation Subscribe Masturbation is associated with a range of issues from erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and most importantly delayed ejaculation. Men develop delayed ejaculation due to ‘PRONE MASTURBATION’ a behavior were men frequently rub their organ on a hard surface thereby causing friction and arousal consequently ejaculation. However, prone masturbation can lead to delayed ejaculation. In men who develop delayed ejaculation in the long run ultimately, infertility and long standing erectile dysfunction develops…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Can Masturbation cause Premature Ejaculation?
Can Masturbation cause Premature Ejaculation? Can Masturbation cause Premature Ejaculation? Subscribe Masturbation is frequently practiced by young adults. Masturbation as a behavior can lead to a variety of sexual health issues. Most important of them is premature ejaculation. Over 85% of my patients report developing premature ejaculation with their partners. This is more so with individuals who regularly masturbate to porn or erotic material. I strongly recommend you abstain from masturbating since, masturbation and pornography is linked with not just premature ejaculation, but also erectile dysfunction, low sex interest and a host of other issues…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Does masturbation cause erection problems?
Does masturbation cause erection problems? Does masturbation cause sexual disorders? Does masturbation cause erection problems? Does masturbation cause sexual disorders? Subscribe Many individuals involve themselves in masturbation. It is very sad and upsetting to see some of our medical professionals encouraging masturbation. Excessive masturbation can lead to a range of sexual disorders. Excessive masturbation can result in erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and retarded ejaculation. There is now emerging evidence in the scientific literature to suggest a very strong association between masturbation and erectile dysfunction. Furthermore, to clarify, most men let go of masturbation after a particular age, however some men still hold on to the habit of masturbation. This can wreck havoc in the lives of your wives, partners and girlfriends!. Most men seem to forget that they are slowly losing their minds to the habit, moreover ….Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
How many times masturbation can be done in day
How many times masturbation can be done in day How many times masturbation can be done in day ? Subscribe Is their a male masturbation limit? Should you masturbate at all? In this video we discuss on the origins of masturbation along with it host of eye popping facts about male masturbatory behavior. Masturbation as a habit originated somewhere as early as ancient egypt. Egyptians performed masturbation rituals along with the pharaohs. However, masturbation has largely been condemned across religions alike as being a shameful and sinful behavior. My own observation with 1000’s of patients suggests that masturbation…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Does masturbation cause infertility?
Does masturbation cause infertility? Does masturbation cause infertility? Subscribe This is because masturbation is a major behavioral problem today that today’s youth face. With the advent of pornography a large number of youngsters are affected by masturbatory addiction. Masturbation can lead to infertility in 2 conditions. One if the patient engages in masturbation and gets addicted to masturbation as a habit and number 2 if the patient is addicted to a habit called as ‘prone masturbation’. In both these scenarios, masturbation can lead to infertility….Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Lump in my balls
Lump in my balls Lump in my balls ? Quick facts on lump in testicles Subscribe In this video we are going to discuss on a common question which is lump in my balls. The common causes of lumps in balls or a lump in the testicles are 1. Sebaceous cysts 2. Varicoceles 3. Epidydimal obstructions and 4. Lastly Testicular cancers…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Does penis stretching work?
Does penis stretching work? The Truth about Penis stretching exercises Does penis stretching work? The Truth about Penis stretching exercises Subscribe Penis stretching involves a range of exercises called ‘Jelqing’. These penis stretching exercises are however largely not proven. In the video above I explain everything under the sun about penis stretching…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Does penis lengthening work
Does penis lengthening work Does penis lengthening work ? Subscribe Do you constantly worry about your organ size? Does the size of your penis get to your head? I believe you should not worry about it. This is because over 55% of men who worry about their organ size actually do not have a small penis in the first place. Moreover penis size is not THE THING based on which women select men. Surgical interventions for increasing penis size do not work and I strongly do NOT recommend them to men looking to improve penis size…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
7 tips to produce healthy sperm for pregnancy
How to make sperm healthy? 7 tips to producehealthy sperm for pregnancy How to make sperm healthy? 7 tips to produce healthy sperm for pregnancy Subscribe Have you ever wondered on how to make sperm healthy? or how to produce healthy sperm for pregnancy. Some quick tips you can follow right now for healthy sperm include 1. 45 – 60 mins of walking per day 2. 6-8 hours of sleep 3. Folic Acid supplementation and much much more!…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
How to keep your penis clean
How to keep your penis clean How to keep your penis clean ? Subscribe So how do you keep your penis clean? How do you maintain genital hygiene? This largely depends on whether your penis is circumcised or uncircumcised. If your penis is circumcised, then there is nothing much to worry with respect to cleaning your penis. However, if the penis is uncircumcised and the foreskin over the organ intact, cleaning the penis regularly is a must. The recommendation in general is to clean the penis at-least twice a day for proper genital hygiene…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Penis size to get pregnant?
Penis size to get pregnant? Penis size to get pregnant? Subscribe The average penis size to get pregnant from older studies suggested a mean erect length of about 16.77 cm. However, we now know that the actual penis size to get pregnant is near to about 5 to 5.5 inches roughly. Some conditions of the penis that can interfere with pregnancy are buried penis and small penis. Both these conditions are tricky and severely interfere with a pregnancy…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Sperm motility percentage for pregnancy
Sperm motility percentage for pregnancy Sperm motility percentage for pregnancy Subscribe In this video, we are going to discuss about the sperm motility percentage for pregnancy, As per the WHO 2010 andrology manual the normal sperm motility percentage needed for pregnancy is 32%. Moreover, the range of sperm motility in which pregnancies can happen is anywhere between 31 to 36 percent. Furthermore, while patients with sperm motility less than 32% can father children in the 2nd or 3rd year, for all practical purposes sperm motility of 32% refers to those patients were pregnancies can happen in the 1st year of marriage…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Semen analysis test procedure
Semen analysis test procedure Semen analysis test procedure Subscribe The semen analysis test procedure or semen test is the gold standard test for male infertility testing. Before doing a semen analysis a 1 day sexual abstinence is usually recommended. Collection of the semen sample is usually done with dry hands without lubricants. Typically after semen sample collection, the semen sample is allowed to liquefy following which an estimation of semen volume, pH and viscosity is done. Moreover, after this step the sperm concentration, followed an estimation of sperm motility and lastly sperm morphology is done in the semen analysis test procedure….Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
How to improve sperm morphology
How to improve sperm morphology How to improve sperm morphology ? Subscribe In this video we will discuss about normal sperm morphology. The normal sperm morphology for pregnancy is 3 to 4 percent. In this video, I will give you 5 quick tips on improving low sperm morphology which you can do right now. How to improve sperm morphology…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Normal testis size for fertility
What is the normal testis size for men? Normal testis size for fertility What is the normal testis size for men? Normal testis size for fertility Subscribe The normal testis size for fertility in men is about 4 to 18 cc. Small testis size in men indicated problems with sperm production and is suggestive of Klinefelters syndrome, hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism and other conditions like testicular failure. …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
What is the normal sperm morphology for fertility in men?
What is the normal sperm morphology for fertility in men? What is the normal sperm morphology for fertility in men? Subscribe In this video I explain about what is normal sperm morphology for pregnancy or the normal sperm morphology for fertility in men. The WHO 2010 manual recommends a normal sperm morphology of 3 to 4 percent for pregnancy to happen naturally in the 1st year of marriage. …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
What is the normal sperm motility for fertility in men
What is the normal sperm motility for fertility in men What is the normal sperm motility for fertility in men ? Subscribe In this video, I would like to tell you a bit about the normal sperm motility for fertility in men. The normal sperm motility for fertility in men is 32%. The sperm motility specifically refers more to sperm progressive motility needed for pregnancy to occur within the 1st year of marriage. The normal sperm motility for fertility in men can range from 31% to 36%. When sperm motility is low, the individual is said to suffer from asthenozoospermia (also called as low sperm motility)…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
What is the normal sperm count for fertility in men?
What is the normal sperm count for fertility in men? What is the normal sperm count for fertility in men? Subscribe What is the normal sperm count for fertility in men? What is the normal sperm count of a man? The normal sperm count of a man to be fertile is about 15 million per ml of semen as per the WHO 2010 Andrology laboratory guideline values. The WHO 2010 normal sperm count ranges have been derived from studying close to 3000 european men and assessing their semen parameters atleast twice. In indian men, the normal sperm count for fertility is seen at even lower values of 10 million/ml. However, for all practical purposes, we use the sperm count value of 15 million per ml as a cut-off value of normal sperm count. Moreover, the total sperm count in the ejaculate is equally more important. …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
How to make sperm strong for pregnancy
How to make sperm strong for pregnancy How to make sperm strong for pregnancy ? Subscribe In this video, I would like to share with you quick tips on making your sperm strong for pregnancy. I would also like share with you tips on what foods will help you make sperm stronger for pregnancy…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Computer Assisted Semen Analysis
Computer Assisted Semen Analysis – The Final Word Computer Assisted Semen Analysis – The Final Word Subscribe Computer Assisted Semen Analysis also called as computer assisted sperm testing involves placing a single drop of semen under the microscope following which the system automatically detects the number of sperms, the sperm motility and sperm morphology. However, CASA or computer assisted semen testing is not recommended by the WHO 2010 Andrology Laboratory Guidelines. CASA also has numerous pitfalls, as the system cannot correctly detect ‘Azoospermia’ because of poor sensitivity….Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Is semen hyperviscocity a problem
Hyper viscosity of sperm – Is semen hyperviscocity a problem Hyper viscosity of sperm – Is semen hyperviscocity a problem? Subscribe Hyperviscosity of sperm or hyper viscous semen is a problem that affects a small proportion of men with male factor infertility. A man is said to have hyper viscous semen if the sample does not fall off drop by drop. In men with hyper viscous semen, the sperm motility will be largely less. That is a major problem. An imbalance between the male accessory gland secretion can cause semen hyperviscosity. In some individuals, a combination of semen hyperviscosity and delayed liquefaction is seen…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Delayed liquefaction of sperm
Delayed liquefaction of sperm Delayed liquefaction of sperm – Explained Subscribe Delayed Liquefaction of sperm explained Semen undergoes liquefaction usually within 20 to 30 minutes. However, in some samples, the liquefaction of semen can be prolonged to more than an hour. In these cases, the patient is said to suffer from delayed liquefaction of sperm. Delayed liquefaction of sperm can occur due to an imbalance in the male accessory gland secretion. If you notice delayed liquefaction of sperm, basically what happens is that in such samples the sperm motility is grossly impaired. Another important point to bear in mind is that in patients with delayed liquefaction of sperm, it is wise to repeat the semen analysis test in an independent laboratory…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Sexless marriage treatment
Sexless marriage – treatment part 2 Sexless marriage treatment part 2 Subscribe In this video on sexless marriage treatment part 2, we are going to discuss on why sexless marriages occur in the first place. Sexless marriages are notorious and they destroy relationships in general. Sexless marriage treatment strategies depends purely on the cause of sexless marriages. Different conditions that can result in sexless marriage…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Sexless marriage
Sexless marriage – Part 1 Sexless marriage – Part 1 Subscribe Sexless marriages are in general very hard for all couples. In this video, I will tell you in depth about all the causes of sexless marriage in both men and women. In part 1 of this video, we define and understand sexless marriages along with its impact on couple relationship in general. We also briefly look at the various management options for couples facing sexless marriage…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Abnormal sperm morphology and pregnancy & Teratozoospermia treatment
Abnormal sperm morphology and pregnancy & Teratozoospermia treatment explained Abnormal sperm morphology and pregnancy & Teratozoospermia treatment Subscribe In this video we are going to discuss about abnormal sperm morphology and its relevance with respect to male infertility. A patient is said to have abnormal sperm morphology if the number of normal appearing sperm in his ejaculate is less than 3%. These patients are diagnosed to have teratozoospermia. Moreover, patients with abnormal sperm shape or abnormal sperm morphology frequently have major difficulties in fathering children in the 1st year of marriage…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Low sperm motility causes, symptoms, diagnosis & treatment
Low sperm motility causes, symptoms, diagnosis & treatment Low sperm motility causes, symptoms, diagnosis & treatment Subscribe In this video, we are going to discuss about low sperm motility, low sperm motility causes, its symptoms and treatment for low sperm motility issues. What is the normal sperm motility? A man is said to have normal sperm motility if his percentage of progressive sperm is more than 32% as per the WHO 2010 andrology lab manual. A progressive motile sperm moves from point A to point B. A person is said to have normal sperm motility if his progressive sperm motility is more than 32%…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Semen analysis normal report
Semen analysis normal report explained A-Z Semen analysis normal report explained A-Z Subscribe Semen analysis normal report A-Z explained by Dr Shah. Whats the normal report in a semen analysis or sperm test normal report? In a semen analysis normal report, the estimated normal semen volume should be in the range of 1.3 to 1.7 ml. The sperm concentration in a normal sperm report should be more than 15 million/ml. The progressive sperm motility should be more than 32% and lastly, the normal appearing sperm morphology should be 3% and above. …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Premarital Fertility Testing
Premarital Fertility Testing Part 2 Premarital Fertility Testing Part 2 – Which tests NOT To DO ? Subscribe Premarital fertility testing, which tests you should avoid? There is long battery of tests that are NOT REQUIRED when you are planning to do a premarital fertility assessment. Sadly, today the large corporate players, popular specialists and hospitals have created numerous packages with respect to ‘fertility testing before marriage’. I made this video to reveal all the TESTS that you should say NO to doing…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Premarital fertility testing
Premarital fertility testing part 1 – Which tests to do Premarital fertility testing part 1 – Which tests to do? Subscribe Premarital Fertility testing – What tests are usually done during a premarital fertility assessment? Should premarital fertility testing be done for all men? The answer is definitely a BIG NO. Its not indicated for all men, that is for sure. Premarital fertility assessment is only done for men who have or who are suspected to have 1. Erectile dysfunction 2. Poor bear or hair growth in chest or under the arms 3. Blood in semen 4. Very low semen volume 5. Decreased sex interest 6. Masturbatory behavior that is uncontrolled….Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Whats the difference between semen and sperm
Whats the difference between semen and sperm Whats the difference between semen and sperm ? Subscribe Semen vs sperm, what are the differences between semen and sperm? So, the point to bear in mind is that the sperm is present in the semen. The sperm occupies about 1% of the total seminal volume. The seminal volume is contributed mainly by the prostate, seminal vesicles, cowpers gland and lastly testicular fluid. Most people look at their semen, and form an opinion about color changes and in general changes about its consistency…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Jelly like semen
Jelly like semen Jelly like semen ? Do not worry ever Subscribe Do you notice jelly like semen ? Or jelly like small granules in semen? These small jelly like masses in semen usually do not cause any harm. Most people panic when noticing these in the seminal fluid. Jelly like semen granules in the seminal fluid require NO medical treatment. They are nothing but clumps of non-liquefied mucin bodies.They are NOT associated with infertility and you DO NOT have to visit an Andrologist or fertility specialist for these issues…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Does low sperm count cause miscarriage
Does low sperm count cause miscarriage Does low sperm count cause miscarriage ? Subscribe So, does low sperm count cause miscarriage? The thing is there is a link between low sperm count and recurrent miscarriage. The thing is, we do not know the exact science behind it. In general, in patients were there is a combination of low sperm count and abnormal shaped sperm the incidence of miscarriage is higher. One thing we know for sure is that, in patients were there is a high incidence of DNA damage in the sperm, the risks and chances of miscarriage is higher…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Does low sperm count cause erectile dysfunction
Does low sperm count cause erectile dysfunction Does low sperm count cause erectile dysfunction ? Subscribe Does low sperm count cause impotence? In most instances the answer is NO. But, erectile dysfunction on the other hand can result in low sperm count. This is because when an individual has impotence, ejaculation can be insufficient and low semen volume results. With lower semen volume the sperm count is also low. However in rare instances, low sperm count may be associated with erectile dysfunction or impotence.This is particularly seen in individuals who have seminiferous tubular failure. Please do watch the video for more interesting information. …Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Low sperm count causes, symptoms, diagnosis & treatment
Low sperm count causes, symptoms, diagnosis & treatment Low sperm count causes, symptoms, diagnosis & treatment Subscribe In this video, I am going to tell you everything under the sun about the causes of low sperm count, low sperm count symptoms, low sperm count diagnosis and most importantly low sperm count treatment strategies that are commonly used. What is low sperm count? An individual is said to suffer from a low sperm count problem (also called Oligozoospermia), if his semen analysis or sperm test shows a sperm count less than 15 million per ml. This is as per the WHO 2010 andrology laboratory guideline values…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Is it normal to have one testicle
Is it normal to have one testicle Is it normal to have one testicle ? Subscribe In some testis descent is not complete at birth. What happens is 1 testis is descended while the other remains undescended at birth. Many patients realize this only once they reach adulthood. While one descent functioning testis may be adequate from a fertility perspective, it is important to get a proper assessment of its function before you marry…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
How to collect semen sample
How to collect semen sample How to collect semen sample ? Subscribe So how to collect semen sample? How to collect seminal fluid for analysis? In this video, I will tell you some quick tips to bear in mind while collecting semen for a seminal fluid analysis. Ideally semen collection should be done in a specialized laboratory called the ‘Andrology Laboratory’ which is usually present inside the fertility clinic. The semen sample is collected by masturbation typically in a place called the ‘semen collection room’ which is located adjacent to the andrology lab…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
What does swelling in the testicles indicate
What does Swelling in the testicles indicate? What does swelling in the testicles indicate ? Subscribe A swollen testicle, a lump in the testicle or painful testicles are all conditions no one really wants to live with. In this short video, I am going to share with you 6 conditions that can lead to testicular pain and scrotal swelling. Remember most of these conditions can be easily treated…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Is it normal for one testicle to be bigger than the other
One testicle to be bigger than the other Is it normal for one testicle to be bigger than the other ? Subscribe In this video we are going to discuss on why one testis is larger than the other? So, genital asymmetry is something that is seen in most animals and lower species. Hence if you notice your one side testis bigger than the other side, as long as the difference is minor, usually there is nothing much to worry about. However, in some individuals, these differences in testis size can be very large. In these conditions, visiting an andrologist near you for a proper physical examination is probably the best thing to do…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
How to do a testicular self exam
How to do a testicular self exam How to do a testicular self exam ? Subscribe I am going to teach you how to do a testicular self exam. So, the thing is, not all of us are comfortable in visiting an andrologist for male fertility issues. In these instances, doing a testicular self exam can be a life saver. Moreover, a self examination of the testis can help pin-point conditions like 1. Suspected cancer lumps in the organ 2. Testis infections 3. Grade 4 varicocele 4. Hydrocele 5. Testicular failure 6. Testis Torsion…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
why is one testicle lower than the other
why is one testicle lower than the other why is one testicle lower than the other ? Subscribe Most patients wonder as to ‘why is one testicle lower than the other’. Some patients end up worrying about the fact that one testis hangs lower the other and they thing they may have some fertility issue. In this short yet fun video, we will scientifically answer the question as to ‘why the left testis hangs lower than the right’ in context of scientific studies done on genital asymmetry as seen in large proportion of animal species…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Can hot water bath kill sperm production
Can hot water bath kill sperm production Can hot water bath kill sperm production ? Subscribe Well, the answer depends on the duration of exposure. If you immerse yourself in hot water for a prolonged period of time say on average 30 mins per day every day, your sperm count and sperm motility will definitely become less. However, hot water baths are not always bad, you can take a hot water bath once in 2 weeks or occasionally. But if you are trying for a child studies have clearly shown a 14% reduction in sperm count with 30 minute exposure time. In fact even a 10 minute exposure to hot water can actually raise your scrotal or testis temperature dangerously close to your core body temperature. Thus, if you are trying for a child, I would say please avoid the hot water completely…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Why does the testis move up and down
Why does the testis move up and down Why does the testis move up and down ? Subscribe Why does the testis move up and down ? Why does the testis sag ? Is testis drooping a problem? Why does the testis move? In this video, I am going to explain to you briefly on the testis temperature regulation mechanism. The testis is located in the scrotal sac and its fundamental function is to ensure that the overall testis temperature is maintained 1 to 4 or 4 degree Celsius lesser than the core body temperature. Thus, in hotter conditions the testis will come down to get rid of excess heat, while in colder conditions the testis will go up to conserve heat…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Home collection of semen sample
Home collection of semen sample Home collection of semen sample Subscribe Are you thinking about home collection of semen sample for male fertility testing? So how to collect semen ? more so at home? Collecting sperm at home for testing is something you can definitely do, if you find yourself unable to collect semen at the laboratory. Some men are just not comfortable collecting semen for sperm testing in a laboratory setting. In these situations, a home collection of semen can be recommended. When attempting to collect sperm at home some important tips to bear in mind include…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
How do I know if I am fertile male
How do I know If I am fertile male How do I know if I am fertile male ? Subscribe Well the answer is not a straightforward one. The simplest test you can do to assess male fertility is a semen analysis or a sperm test. A semen analysis test when done right will give you more than adequate information on your sperm count, sperm motility, shape and semen volume. However, sometimes, you may not be in a situation where you want to do a sperm test. In these instances, what you can do is do a self check and see if…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Home test for Male Fertility
Home test for Male Fertility is it worth it Home test for Male Fertility – Is it worth it ? Subscribe Considering a home test for male fertility? This video contains very important information on sperm test for male infertility at home and lots of things people do not normally tell you during home male fertility testing. Did you know that most of the home male fertility tests that claim to check sperm count at home are largely inaccurate? These home based male fertility tests can never match the accuracy of a semen analysis that is taken in an andrology laboratory. None of sperm count tests at home give an accurate estimation of a mans fertility potential…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Male Fertility Testing
Male Fertility Testing Explained Male Fertility Testing Explained Subscribe Worried about Male fertility? How do you test for infertility in a male? What is male fertility testing. In this short video, I will explain and give you a brief overview about the various tests for male infertility. The most basic and most effective male fertility test is called the semen analysis. Its the 1st test you must take if you are looking out for a male fertility test. The normal sperm test results for a fertile male are derived from the WHO 2010 Andrology laboratory guideline values…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Do varicoceles cause infertility
Do varicoceles cause infertility Do varicoceles cause infertility ? Subscribe So, do varicoceles cause infertility? The answer is much more complex than you think. Varicoceles for long have been associated with low sperm count, low sperm motility and a host of seminal parameter impairments. Today, a large number of fertility specialists and urologists actively advocate varicocele surgery for a range of male infertility issues. It is indeed saddening to see this. The clinical evidence is quite clear, in the sense, that varicocele surgeries do not cause infertility issues. Moreover, clinical pregnancy rates after varicocele surgeries do not increase anyway…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Does varicocele surgery improve sperm motility
Does varicocele surgery improve sperm motility Does varicocele surgery improve sperm motility ? Subscribe To cut the crap, the answer in one word is NO. Minimal improvements in sperm motility after varicocele surgery does not justify doing the procedure. Moreover, varicocele surgeries are clearly not recommended by the UK NICE guidelines. Varicocele surgeries does not improve the overall pregnancy rates. Large studies have noted a small 9.68% percent improvement in sperm motility after varicocele surgery, this small change can also be due to a natural variation in the semen parameters. Thus I strongly recommend staying away from such unwanted procedures. Sometimes its worth taking a second opinion when you are diagnosed with a varicocele…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Does varicocele surgery improve sperm count
Does varicocele surgery improve sperm count Does varicocele surgery improve sperm count ? Subscribe Today a lot of fertility experts are routinely doing varicocele surgeries with a claim on increasing semen parameters. Numerous studies in recent times have suggested that varicocele surgeries does not improve sperm counts significantly. Varicoceles surgeries do not even improve pregnancy rates in anyway. Should you even consider doing a varicocele surgery then?. The answer is NO. Varicocele surgery is not recommended from the purview of fertility management procedures. There are much better fertility procedures and treatments that can be done instead…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Does varicocele surgery improve erectile dysfunction
Varicocele surgery improve erectile dysfunction Does varicocele surgery improve erectile dysfunction ? Subscribe Does varicocele surgery improve erectile dysfunction? A large number of patients are now being subject to varicocelectomy with misleading information on improvements with respect to erectile function post varicocele surgery. This is however far from the truth, varicocele its repair through varicocele surgery and erectile dysfunction have nothing to do with one another. Discovering a varicocele while evaluating for erectile dysfunction is a chance finding at best. Does varicocele cause ed? Not at all. Both the clinical conditions are mutually exclusive from one another, and there is no link between the two. Does varicocele surgery improve erectile dysfunction, the answer is a big fat NO…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Does Varicocele Surgery Improve Fertility
Does Varicocele Surgery Improve Fertility Does Varicocele Surgery Improve Fertility ? Subscribe Does varicocele surgery improve fertility? A varicocele is nothing but a dilatation of the pampniform plexus of veins located in the testis. Sadly, a large number of specialists are strongly advocating varicocele surgeries to improve semen parameters and male fertility. But is doing a varicocele surgery really worth it? Does a varicocele surgery improve male fertility? Does a varicocele surgery improve sperm count and sperm motility? There is a LOT OF TWISTED INFORMATION on the topic. I made this video with a single minded goal to help you NOT fall TRAP to all the garbage out there…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Undescended testis
Undescended testis Undescended testis Subscribe A clinical diagnosis of undescended testis is usually done, when 1 or both testis do not descend into the sac. In patients who are diagnosed with bilateral undescended testis, the overall treatment prognosis is poor, since the testis does not function normally and thereby there is no sperm production. However, in some patients, there is a unilateral undescended testis were in, 1 testis comes down normally at the time of birth, while the other remains in the abdomen. In these patients, the wise thing to do, would be to assess sperm production before marriage. Usually from a fertility view point, 1 healthy functioning testis is adequate…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
What are the permanent causes of male infertility
What are the permanent causes of male infertility What are the permanent causes of male infertility ? Subscribe While male infertility is largely manageable from a medical viewpoint, some causes of male infertility can take a massive toll on a persons health. The permanent causes of male infertility that we commonly see in our clinic include conditions like 1. Bilateral undescended testis 2. Klinefelters syndrome 3. Seminiferous tubular failure 4. 9+0 syndrome 5. Globoozoospermia…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
How to improve sperm quality for ivf
How to improve sperm quality for ivf How to improve sperm quality for ivf ? Subscribe If you are considering an IVF treatment cycle, you must understand that sperm quality is critical for the success of the treatment. So, how to improve sperm quality for ivf? Dr Shah shares close to 8 tips that you can implement right now to improve your sperm quantity significantly. Since the success rates of IVF is seldom beyond 35%, remember that you need to get your best shot at treatment success. Follow these tips diligently to improve your sperm quality for ivf…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
How to improve sperm quality and quantity
How to improve sperm quality and quantity How to improve sperm quality and quantity? Subscribe Worried about sperm quantity or quality? How to improve sperm quality and quantity? How to increase sperm quality and quantity simultaneously? Dr Shah gives 8 actionable steps on ‘how to improve sperm quality and quantity. Follow these 8 steps for 8 weeks to see improvements in both sperm count, sperm motility and overall sperm quality. These lifestyle tips can be applied to anyone trying for a child naturally and these tips can also be utilized by patients who are actually suffering from male infertility or male factor sub-fertility. These tips are very very simple to follow and you should definitely see some improvements in your sperm count and sperm motility…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
What are the signs of male infertility
The signs of male infertility What are the signs of male infertility? Subscribe The commonest sign of male infertility is when you have tried for about 1 year for a child and find that no pregnancy is actually happening. Please remember, pregnancies can sometimes happen in the second year as well. Moreover, a few other male infertility symptoms include 1. Low semen volume 2. Poor hair growth 3. Obesity 4. Female body habitus 5. Erectile dysfunction…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Can male infertility be fixed
Can male infertility be fixed Can male infertility be fixed ? Subscribe So, can male infertility be fixed? Is it even possible? Well truth be told, it really depends on the condition causing the male infertility problems in the first place. While some condition like low sperm, low sperm motility, abnormal sperm morphology can be fixed, with patients who have other severe forms of male infertility like no sperm in the semen, or occasional motile sperm cells seen, a fix is hard. However, there are treatments like ICSI that can be used…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Home remedies for male infertility
Home remedies for male infertility Home remedies for male infertility Subscribe If you are looking for male infertility home remedies, you have come to the right spot. In this video, Dr Shah breaks down 10 quick home remedies for male infertility that you can adopt right now. Most medications for male infertility do not work. Adopting natural cures to male infertility is more permanent, long lasting and works best for most patients suffering from the condition. Most medicines for male infertility do not seem to work efficiently, thus in this video Dr Shah speaks about 10 actionable home remedies for male infertility that you can use right now…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Does wearing tight pants reduce sperm count
Wearing tight pants reduce sperm count Does wearing tight pants reduce sperm count? Subscribe Does wearing tight pants reduce sperm counts? Do tight inner garments lower male fertility ? The answer is largely NO. There is enough scientific evidence to suggest that the type of inner garment or inner wear has no bearing on male fertility potential. Moreover, although higher scrotal temperatures have been reported in V-Cut inner wear versus boxer inner wear, it becomes difficult to make any specific recommendation…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Does penis size really matter
Does penis size really matter Does penis size really matter? Subscribe Does penis size really matter? Should you really be bothered about penis size or the overall size of your organ? I think the answer is no. While penis size has received a lot of historical and cultural importance, the issue with whether penis size is normal or not actually occurs in the young teenage years, when boys compare their penis size with one another. This leads to the development of small penis syndrome Moreover, the mean average penis size is 9-13 cm in the western population, however an average penis size more than 7 cm is considered normal…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Does lubricant affect chances of pregnancy
Does lubricant affect chances of pregnancy Does lubricant affect chances of pregnancy? Subscribe In this video, Dr Shah breaks down the facts behind lubricant usage and its effects with respect to fertility. Lubricant use is associated with decreased chances of fertility. Moreover, lubricant usage also causes decreased sperm motility which can affect pregnancy rates. Lubricant usage is done commonly for vaginal dryness and if you are trying to get pregnant, lubricants can be utilized. However, if fertility is your end goal, please try to refrain from using lubricants…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
How to increase sperm quality in a male
How to increase sperm quality How to increase sperm quality in a male? Subscribe Looking for how to increase sperm quality in a male ? Well if so, then you have stumbled on just the right video. Sperm quality in the male refers to the DNA integrity of the spermatozoa. So, in principle the better the quality of sperm, the better is the chances of pregnancy occurring naturally. Moreover, if the sperm quality in the male is poor, remember the success rates of fertility treatments also declines regardless of the type of fertility therapy employed. So if you are looking to improve sperm quality of your semen, watch the full video and do implement the 4 tips given towards the end of the video…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
How to increase semens volume
How to increase semens volume fast How to increase semens volume fast? Subscribe Most patient I see in my clinical practice ask me this very common question on how to improve semen volume, most of them actually want to know ‘how to improve semen volume fast’ since many patients have already lost a lot of time trying for a child without success. In this video, I break down the importance of sperm concentration per ml as well as the relationship it has with semen volume. In addition, you will get 4 actionable tips to improve sperm quality which includes improving both sperm motility and improving your sperm concentration. Do watch the video till the end!. Do not forget to like, comment and subscribe. I hope you enjoy this video on how to increase semen volume fast…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Why do my balls hurt
Why do my balls hurt Why do my balls hurt? Subscribe So why do my balls hurt? Its a very common question I keep getting from my patients over the year. Your balls better referred to as testicles can hurt because of injury in the testis or due to some infection. While injuries are much rare, the commonest reason as to why your balls hurt could be a medical condition called epidydimo-orchitis. In this condition, there is a bacterial infection of the testis leading to severe pain and discomfort. Another condition that can cause testis pain and/or severe testicular pain is a condition called testis torsion where the testis or balls rotate on itself, strangulating the blood supply to the region. Watch the video for more information on why do my balls hurt…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Coconut oil as lube
Coconut oil as lube Coconut oil as lube? Subscribe Coconut oil is a natural antibacterial containing substance. For patients experiencing pain during penetrative sexual intercourse, coconut oil can be used initially. However, if you are trying for a child, I would advice you stay from coconut oil. This is because if you use coconut oil as lube, it will severely impair the spermatozoa’s motility and thereby reduce the chances of a pregnancy…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Does precum have sperm in it
Does precum have sperm in it Does precum have sperm in it ? Subscribe Precum is also called ejaculatory fluid and its secretion occurs in men during sexual stimulation. So does precum have sperm in it? It definitely does. Small well designed studies have shown the presence of motile sperm in precum that increases the odds of pregnancy from precum. Precum secretions contains fluid secretions from cowpers bland, the glands of littre and other accessory sex organs. The precum pregnancy rate though is very low at the precum pregnancy rate that we know was derived from studies that looked contraception failure from the ‘withdrawal method’ of protection. This is in the range of 4 to 14%…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Why is semen yellow
Why is semen yellow Why is semen yellow? Subscribe In this video I explain the healthy color of semen. Semen is normally whitish gray in color. Yellow semen is not a problem always. The semen is usually made up of constituent fluids from three organs.These are namely the 1. The prostate 2. The seminal vesicles 3. And lastly the testicular fluid The testicular fluid component is the smallest contributing fraction of semen and sperm in semen only occupies 1% to 5% of the total seminal volume. A large proportion of semen is made from contributions of the prostate and seminal vesicles…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Can you get pregnant with precum
Can you get pregnant with precum Can you get pregnant with precum? Subscribe In this video, you will learn the chances of getting pregnant from precum and the percentage of getting pregnant from precum. Precum basically refers to the pre-ejaculatory fluid that is produced by the male’s accessory sex organ called as the cowpers gland. It is equivalent to female lubrication phenomenon, where in men produce precum when sexually aroused. Studies have shown that their is a real risk of pregnancy from precum since precum definitely seems to contain ‘motile spermatozoa’…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Why is there blood in my sperm
Why is there blood in my sperm Why is there blood in my sperm ? Subscribe This is again a fairly common question I get from my patients day in and day out. The presence of blood in semen can be distressing to anyone both mentally and physically. However, do not get alarmed, hematospermia is not always that bad!. If you are young and you notice blood mixing with sperm/semen only 1 or 2 times at best then you mostly have nothing much to worry about. However, on the other hand if repeatedly notice blood in semen then you should be worried, more so if you are over 40 years of age…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Is watery semen normal
Is watery semen normal Is watery semen normal ? Causes of watery sperm & treatment Subscribe Is watery semen normal ? What causes watery semen problems? Does watery sperm mean low sperm count? Most probably no!. there is absolutely no correlation between watery sperm and male infertility. Sadly there seems to be a lot of misleading information on watery semen and its exact implications…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Dhat Syndrome treatment strategies
Dhat Syndrome treatment strategies Dhat Syndrome treatment strategies Subscribe Suffering from Dhat syndrome?. What is Dhat Syndrome? How can Dhat syndrome be treated effectively? Is Dhat syndrome a disease ? or is Dhat syndrome ‘all in the mind’? So here is the thing guys, patients who report developing dhat syndrome complaint of feeling excessively tired, weak and also suffer from erectile dysfunction and primarily attribute it to semen loss either during masturbation or nocturnal emission. The word Dhat originally is derived from the word Dhatus which refers to body fluids. Of all body fluids, semen is considered the most precious. Dhat syndrome is a cultural condition and is more common among Indian and Chinese men, although their are reports in the western culture as well…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Why sperm comes out automatically night
Why sperm comes out automatically night Why sperm comes out automatically night? Subscribe Why sperm comes out automatically at night? How to stop nightfall? What is a nocturnal emission? As a practicing consultant in male infertility and sexual health, I get numerous patients in my clinic who complaint of sperm leakage during sleep also popularly called ‘the nightfall problem’. However, these nightfall issues are common to all men while passing through puberty. The correct terminology for this nightfall or losing of sperm in sleep is called nocturnal emission….Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Is a curved penis normal
Is a curved penis normal Is a curved penis normal ? Subscribe Thats the most common question I each and everyday from my patients. Most men who are in stable relationships worry dreadfully about curved penis or bent penis. More so, when they notice their penis curved upward or downward. Truth be told though is that, most clinically observed curvature in the range of 5 to 30 degrees does not require any medical intervention. Only in the cases were the bent penis angle is greater than 70 degree we usually suspect peyronies disease. Peyronies disease is a medical condition that definitely requires medical or surgical intervention (more in the video above)….Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Buried penis problem & Buried Penis treatment
Buried penis problem & Buried Penis treatment explained Buried penis problem & Buried Penis treatment explained Subscribe So guys, what is a buried penis? What causes buried penis ? and most importantly how do you treat buried penis? A patient is said to have a buried penis if his organ is so deeply embedded in the suprapubic fat that the penis remains hidden from view completely. This condition of buried penis is more commonly seen in obese men and also in some individuals with a condition called hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Semen Culture and Sensitivity
Semen Culture and Sensitivity Semen Culture and Sensitivity – When to do and when NOT to? Subscribe In this video we are going to answer 2 questions. 1. When to do a semen culture and sensitivity? 2. When to NOT do a semen culture and sensitivity? The seminal fluid is made up of a combination of testicular, prostate ,seminal vesicles and a small contribution from epidydimal secretions. Now because semen also comes out of the SAME penile urethra as the urine, when a semen culture and sensitivity is done, you would expect to see some bacterial growth anyway…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Why does sperm come out in the urine
Why does sperm come out in the urine Why does sperm come out in the urine ? Subscribe In this video we are going to discuss about the various causes of sperm leakage in the urine or the common semen leakage problem most men face. Sperm leakage in the urine is fairly common among most men and causes a great deal of distress to a man. A large proportion of men seem to complaint about losing sperm in the urine and report feeling greatly tired, exhausted and also believe their fertility is reduced. This condition of sperm leakage associated with the subjective feeling of exhaustion, fatigue and tiredness is seen in a condition called Dhat syndrome. For these men often treatment of the sperm leakage issues can help in improving their overall wellness…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Infertility specialist in Chennai – 9 tips
Infertility specialist in Chennai Infertility specialist in Chennai – 9 tips on choosing a Fertility clinic Subscribe Searching for an infertility specialist in Chennai?. This is Dr Shah here and I am a practicing fertility specialist in chennai. In this video I am going to share with you 9 quick tips to bear in mind before finalizing a fertility clinic in chennai. As a practicing IVF specialist in chennai for the last half a decade, I have personally helped 1000’s of couples overcome their fertility issues naturally while avoiding expensive IVF treatments…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
What causes male infertility
What causes male infertility What causes male infertility? Subscribe Male infertility is rampantly rising all over the globe. Today male infertility and problems with sexual health affect close to over 7% of all men, an incidence greater than diabetes mellitus. Not just that close to 40% of all fertility problems affecting couples can be solely attributed to the male partner. A variety of causes of male infertility actually requires active treatment. The common causes of male infertility in men include problems like…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
How to improve sperm count naturally
How to improve sperm count naturally How to improve sperm count naturally? Subscribe So if you are looking for suggestions on ‘how to improve your sperm count fast? or on how to improve sperm count naturally?, You have landed on the right page. In this video, I break down the truth on improving sperm count naturally both with a combination of suggestions that involve lifestyle changes as well as medical therapy.I have been a practicing andrologist in chennai for a very long time, the truth is not all patients with low sperm count issues can be treated with medical therapy…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
How to increase sperm motility
How to increase sperm motility How to increase sperm motility? Subscribe If you are looking for quick hacks on ‘how to improve sperm motility fast?’ you are going to love this video. The normal sperm motility for pregnancy ranges from anywhere from between 31% to 36%. For all practical purposes, a sperm motility value of 35% is usually adequate enough for a pregnancy to happen in the first year of marriage. For individuals who have the sperm motility less than 31%, pregnancies can happen later. Their are various causes of low sperm motility…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Small penis size
Small penis size Small penis size | What is normal penis size? Subscribe Worried about small penis size? Does size matter? What is the average penis size? Most probably you should not. In this video, Dr Shah Dupesh, Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist in Chennai breaks down key points about the normal size of the penis. Learn on how to estimate penis size and also about small penis syndrome. The normal estimated penis size for indian men falls anywhere between 6 to 12 cm…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Sexologist in Chennai
Sexologist in Chennai Sexologist in Chennai – Why should you meet one? Subscribe What do sexologists do? Why should you visit a sexologist in chennai ? In this video, Dr Shah Dupesh a Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist in Chennai breaks down all the clinical conditions for which visiting a sexologist is absolutely necessary…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Blog pages – template
Men’s Health Blogs Bent penis: When do you need a treatment? Unraveling the Mysteries of the Bent Penis Hey guys, welcome to Dr. Shah’s Clinic! In this snappy video & post, we’re diving into what’s commonly known as the bent penis. It’s a twisty tale, but don’t worry, we’ll straighten things out! Bent penises can mess with your head Unraveling the Mysteries of the Bent Penis Did you know that penile curvature is as common as finding a left-handed person in a crowd? In the grand spectrum of penis- es across the world, many lean left, right, up, or down, making each one uniquely different. This diversity is like having different types of cars; they all get you to your destination, just with a bit of individual flair. More- over, this curvature doesn’t signal any health issue. It’s like having a preference for a different variety of tea – differ- ent, but totally normal. Tea is still tea. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Hey guys, welcome to Dr. Shah’s Clinic! In this snappy video & post, we’re diving into what’s commonly known as the bent penis. It’s a twisty tale, but don’t worry, we’ll straighten things out! Bent penises can mess with your head Subscribe to our Newsletter Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
Video pages – template
10 Tips to get pregnant with normal periods 10 Tips to get pregnant with normal periods Subscribe How to get pregnant quickly with irregular periods | 10 Tips to get pregnant with irregular periods This video contains awesome tips on “How to get pregnant quickly with irregular periods. Irregular periods can severely diminish your chances of trying to get pregnant naturally, since women with irregular periods will not have a monthly…Read more Related Videos Have more Questions? Consult with our specialist Consult with Dr. Shah
Bent Penis: When do you need a treatment?
Men’s Health Blogs Bent penis: When do you need a treatment? Unraveling the Mysteries of the Bent Penis Hey guys, welcome to Dr. Shah’s Clinic! In this snappy video & post, we’re diving into what’s commonly known as the bent penis. It’s a twisty tale, but don’t worry, we’ll straighten things out! Bent penises can mess with your head Understanding Penile Angle Deviation: When to Stay Calm If you’ve ever gazed downwards and noticed your little buddy leaning a bit to the right or left, don’t hit the panic button yet. A slight deviation in the range of about 5 to 20 degrees is pretty normal. Yes, it’s true (you heard that right) – not every penis can be a bloody straight arrow! In fact, in a large proportion of men, maybe even 60 to 70 percent, some degree of penile curvature is to be expected. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Curvature: The Bendy Norm in Men’s World Did you know that penile curvature is as common as finding a left-handed person in a crowd? In the grand spectrum of penises across the world, many lean left, right, up, or down, making each one uniquely different. This diversity is like having different types of cars; they all get you to your destination, just with a bit of individual flair. Moreover, this curvature doesn’t signal any health issue. As a practicing sexologist doctor in chennai this is a very common problem I see (day in and day out) It’s like having a preference for a different variety of tea – different, but totally normal. Tea is still tea. When Straight Isn’t the Only Way Interestingly, penile curvature can sometimes be advantageous. For some partners, a slight curve might even enhance pleasure, navigating the intimate geography like a skilled explorer. Think of it as having a special edition of a classic model; it has its unique features that makes the ride a bit more intriguing. A typical example would be that of a penis bent ever so slightly upward. These penises definitely manage to hit the women’s G-Zone When to Worry: Spotting Signs of Peyronie’s Disease However, if your penis takes a sharp turn – we’re talking about a 40-degree detour or more – it’s time to consider a pit stop at the doctor’s (sexologists) office. A dramatic curve (>40 degree) might signal Peyronie’s disease, and that’s a road you want to navigate with professional guidance. Navigating the Sharp Curves of Peyronie’s Peyronie’s Disease is like hitting a pothole on the road of sexual health. It can cause significant bending, pain, and sometimes erectile dysfunction. Imagine your penis deciding to mimic the Leaning Tower of Pisa – impressive but not quite right. This condition arises from fibrous scar tissue formation in the organ. Furthermore, peyronies leads to curved penis of a severe degree. Subscribe to our Newsletter The ‘Oh No’ of Extreme Bent Penis Severe curvature can make sex challenging or even painful, like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Pain during sex is also common. Furthermore, you and your partner both may experience significant pain. Men with severe curvature also suffer from erectile dysfunction. Consequently, your sex life will become largely sexless. Seeking immediate help is the way forward. A Doppler to the Rescue: Navigating the Bend If you’re dealing with a substantial curve, a penile Doppler ultrasound is like your GPS – it helps to figure out what’s going on under the hood. This test can reveal if Peyronie’s disease is changing your course (for worse) The Magic Wand of Penile Health: Analyzing a Bent Penis The penile Doppler ultrasound is like waving a magic wand over your manhood. It uses sound waves to create a picture of what’s happening inside. It’s a non-invasive way to peek under the bonnet without any screws loose. This test will show if your penis is just taking a casual stroll down Curvy Lane or if there’s a more serious issue of Peyronie’s disease at play. Conclusion: Steering Clear of the Curves So, if your penis is slightly askew, chances are you’re just part of the majority. But if it’s taking a hard left or right, consult your andrologist. Remember, when it comes to your health, it’s better to be safe than sorry – or, in this case, straighter rather than curvier! Hope you found this article on bent penis as enlightening as it was amusing. Stay tuned for more from Dr. Shah’s Clinic – where we tackle the hard topics with a smile! Drop in your comments below References Penile curvature – ScienceDirect 2000_Hellstrom.pdf ( Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
How to increase Sperm quality: 5 tips to increase sperm quality super fast
Men’s Health Blogs How to increase sperm quality? without resorting to expensive fertility treatments This post is bloody damn important. Most men ponder over ‘how to improve sperm quality’. The one big hurdle men face with such treatments is time. Most treatments aimed at increasing sperm quality require lots & lots of time. However, with fertility treatments, time is our biggest enemy. Late marriage, broken marriages & remarriages all seem to account for the increased social pressure faced by couples. Moreover, fertility treatments are definitely getting expensive year on year. A single IVF cycle can cost upwards of 3.5 lakh. Consequently, its important to stress that simple treatments to improve sperm count and sperm motility is need of the hour. What determines the Sperm Quality? A simple thing to bear in mind is that, sperm quality depends on its DNA. The sperm DNA is compacted into the sperm’s head. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Consequently, the sperms DNA can be easily damaged. Unhealthy lifestyle factors, lack of physical activity, disturbed sleep, smoking, alcohol & poor diet are among the numerous factors that can cause sperm damage. Furthermore, DNA damage can cause an increased risk of miscarriage after a pregnancy. Moreover, increased sperm DNA damage is strongly associated with a delay in achieving a pregnancy. Subscribe to our Newsletter Not just that, hormonal factors, genetic conditions, numerous medical illnesses and surgery also impacts sperm DNA Consequently, our job is to reduce sperm DNA damage and thereby increase overall sperm quality. How to increase sperm quality? Here are 5 simple things you can do right now. Tip 1: Walk Keep walking. Target at least 10,000 steps in a single day. When you hit 10,000 steps per day, eventually your testosterone increases. Give at least 8 weeks of consistent effort to see an increase in sperm quality. Tip 2: Frequent Sex Frequent sexual intercourse for improving sperm quality works like magic. Why? Firstly, with frequent sex, newly produced sperm are not stored for long. They are frequently deposited in female vagina. Furthermore, frequent sex simply improves the chances of the sperm meeting the egg. Since pregnancy rates improve when you have sex 3 times/week continuously versus 1 or 2 times/week Secondly, stored sperm end up getting their DNA damaged. Once again since sperm quality is dependent on DNA quality, its best to engage in frequent sex. Simple and fun right? Tip 3: Drink Juices How to improve sperm quality with diet? Take juices. Simple and sweet too. Some juices that help improve sperm quality include, juices like Orange Juice Lime & Lemon Juice Pomegranate Juice Lastly Apple +Carrot + Beetroot Juice Tip 4: Letrozole In men facing abnormal semen parameters and associated hormonal deficits, we have frequently found that Letrozole works. However, a thorough evaluation of a man’s hormones is a must before starting treatment. Remember to visit an andrologist or sexologist near you for a proper evaluation! Letrozole when given in the right dose improves semen parameters. However, proper blood tests are necessary before a prescription can be made Tip 5: Lyon Bean Extract Another medication we recommend to patients is the velvet bean extract. It helps tremendously. Recommended dose is about 500 mg/day. Numerous scientific studies and publications have suggested a possible benefit of taking this molecule. Since its ayurvedic, its long term use is safe and devoid of side effects. Lyon bean extract improves sperm DNA, sperm motility, morphology by increasing FSH, LH & Testosterone. Thats about it. I hope you found this post useful. Drop in your comments & doubts below & do share this post with all your friends and loved ones. References Sperm DNA fragmentation: mechanisms of origin, impact on reproductive outcome, and analysis – ScienceDirect Circulating sex hormone levels in relation to male sperm quality | BMC Urology ( article-p231.pdf ( The Magic Velvet Bean of Mucuna pruriens – ScienceDirect Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
Masturbation after Marriage: Should you do it?
Men’s Health Blogs Masturbation after marriage: Should you masturbate? or NOT? Masturbation after marriage is fairly common in men. Watch the video below for an in depth understanding of masturbating post marriage. Hey guys, in this blog post lets quickly try to understand the various headaches on sticking on to masturbation post marriage. This is an important article, do ensure you READ IT till the END. Now, Why do men continue to masturbate post marriage? Firstly, masturbation is fairly common sexual outlet behavior. Most men begin masturbating early in their teens and continue doing it till late adulthood. Moreover, since the behavior is highly rewarding, men who masturbate have to deal with 2 aspects of the behavior. Number 1: Masturbation is highly addicting & rewarding. Number 2: It’s also self-reinforcing. To further simplify things, You must understand that we tend to get hooked onto porn at a young age. Slowly most of us young boys start exploring our own genitals. Consequently, we gently start stroking or rubbing the penis and taking out semen. Eventually we engage in masturbation and the habit re-enforces over time. Some of us then learn to masturbate by rubbing the penis on the bed or pillow at a young age. This is called Prone masturbation. In parallel, other forms of masturbation like rubbing the penis over balloons (called as balloon masturbation) may also develop. Some of us also practice rubbing the organ between the thighs or on other surfaces. Eventually we tend to engage in different forms of masturbation at a tender age, without even understanding what exactly we are doing! Masturbation after marriage: A Behavior & Habit Little by little, our little teenage brain gets conditioned to masturbation. The newly formed habit of masturbation eventually sticks on till late adulthood. We enjoy and associate reward with masturbation. Moreover, the pressure that the hand gives seems more rewarding than the loose/expanding vagina of a women. Most men at this stage will use masturbation to even go to sleep and also as stress relief tool! (the miracle of masturbating over a long time regularly) Consequently, even after marriage, we spend more intimate time with our hands. Things eventually degenerate in the relationship. Since men who are on the masturbation spree will enjoy being intimate with their hand versus their partners (Who needs a vagina? right?) Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Masturbation & the brain The human brain can get easily conditioned to the pleasure & pressure given by the hand. Eventually, the man who masturbates, will not & cannot find his stable partner attractive. No matter how beautiful she may be… Furthermore, most of us men would have been at some point in life exposed to Western-European erotica/porn. Subscribe to our Newsletter The human brain while watching porn gets fooled into believing that ‘you are actually being selected by the women you seen naked on screen’. It’s a bad joke. The worst of them all. As the human brain (thereby the individual) keeps gets getting the feeling of being sexually validated & rewarded by masturbation, the habit keeps building. Furthermore, the individual will notice a sharp decrease in interest towards his wife/stable partner. There are 2 reasons for that. Number 1: Your stable partners as compared to what you see on screen won’t have the same waist hip ratio or sleek bodies/physical traits. Number 2: The porn fantasy & rich variety is something your partner can never give. They just cant compete with the porn stars. Your sexual fantasies will be un-realistic. But nothing can be done, since you have fed your brain a large shit load of visual stimulus. How on earth are you going to undo it? especially masturbation after marriage? Masturbation after marriage resembles eating a buffet meal everyday vs a healthy stable meal. Now, imagine yourself eating buffet meals every day. Variety upon variety of exotic food. Its rich tastes and colors. Its beauty… Porn is just that! Sexual intercourse is a form of consumption behavior. It’s basically body consumption behavior quite similar to food. Now, if I eat buffet meals every other day (i.e I fundamentally pick which porn to jack off to everyday)… Why on earth should I settle for the same booooring women (I dont have a choice at all!) Why would I be motivated to pursue intimacy with her? When I can get all the sexual variety on my screen. You cannot tell that the brain is wrong in this matter. Its just the way we are programmed. Masturbation in the long run However, in the long run, a little common sense must prevail. Eating large buffet meals everyday will ruin your health. You will end up fat with diabetes and a host of multi-organ syndromes. Having a stable partner is akin to eating a simple meal will not cause harm one bit at all. So what do you want in the end?? Is it a stable loving long term relationship? Build with intimacy over a 20/30 year time frame? Or is it a hoard of women who have only their bodies to show and sell? Think over it hard for a minute. You will get the point. This is Dr Shah, consultant sexologist in chennai. I hope you enjoyed this blog post on masturbation after marriage. Watch this space for more interesting reads. Drop in your comments below References A review of Freud’s early remarks on addiction : introduction from an ideal to masturbation ( Hopper_E._1995_._A_Psychoanalytical_Theory_Of_Drug_Addiction-libre.pdf ( Masturbation: Prevention& Treatment – ScienceDirect Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
Delay Sprays for Premature Ejaculation – When to Use? & When NOT TO?
Men’s Health Blogs Delay Sprays for Premature Ejaculation – When to Use? & When NOT TO? Understanding Delay Sprays for Premature Ejaculation Treatment Delay sprays are a common treatment for premature ejaculation (PME). Typically, men with PME ejaculate within a minute, which can occur before penetration or even during foreplay. The Impact of Premature Ejaculation on Relationships In cases of premature ejaculation, partners often feel extremely dissatisfied with sexual intercourse, failing to achieve orgasm. This dissatisfaction can lead to misunderstandings and, in severe cases, to separation or divorce. Prevalence and Necessity of Treatment PME affects nearly 40% of the male population, making it a widespread issue that requires attention and treatment. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Limitations of Delay Sprays for premature ejaculation treatment Firstly, delay sprays don’t address the underlying cause of premature ejaculation. For instance, if a man’s premature ejaculation stems from sensitivity at the tip of the penis, the spray, containing anesthetic agents like lidocaine and prilocaine, only reduces this sensitivity temporarily. You must apply it 45 minutes before intercourse, and it only delays ejaculation for that session. As a result, you might find yourself using these sprays for years without resolving the fundamental issue. Long-term Use and Its Drawbacks Furthermore, long-term use of delay sprays doesn’t correct the cerebrally mediated latency time for ejaculation. Additionally, these sprays can affect erectile function, as reduced sensitivity in the penis can lead to decreased erection quality. Potential Transfer to Partners Another concern is the potential transfer of the anesthetic agent to the female partner, leading to vaginal numbness. This numbness can interfere with her arousal and sexual satisfaction. Subscribe to our Newsletter Appropriate Usage of Delay Sprays for premature ejaculation treatment Delay sprays might be suitable as a short-term solution, for instance, in casual sexual encounters where a temporary delay is desired. However, they don’t offer a long-term solution. Casual intercourse has Advocating for Medical Therapy The best approach is to pursue medical therapy for premature ejaculation. There are several medications available with minimal or no side effects that offer better long-term success. Eventually, you might be able to discontinue these medications. Conclusion: Seeking Long-term Solutions In conclusion, while delay sprays can be useful in certain scenarios, they don’t offer a permanent solution. For lasting results, it’s advisable to explore medical treatments for premature ejaculation. Thank you for watching the video. Please like, comment, and subscribe. This is Dr. Shah sexologist doctor in chennai, signing off for now. References Drug treatment options for premature ejaculation: Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy: Vol 19, No 10 ( Combination therapy for premature ejaculation: results of a small-scale study: Sexual and Relationship Therapy: Vol 23, No 4 ( Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
Does Masturbation before sex increase sex time?
Men’s Health Blogs Does Masturbation before sex ? increase sex time ? Introduction This discussion explores a common question: Can masturbation before sex increase sex time? We’re particularly interested in whether this practice can treat premature ejaculation, a relevant issue for over 40% of men. Premature Ejaculation: A Widespread Issue Premature ejaculation affects about 40% of men at some point in life. It involves ejaculating within a minute, often leading to stress and strained relationships. The Impact of Premature Ejaculation Men with this condition often endure ongoing emotional and psychological stress. It affects not just sexual health but mental well-being and relationships too. Their partners may feel dissatisfied, adding tension to relationships. This dissatisfaction can lead to avoidance of sexual activities, worsening the problem. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Does masturbation before sex increase sex time? This approach suggests that ejaculating beforehand might reduce arousal and penis sensitivity during sex, potentially delaying ejaculation. However, its effectiveness varies based on individual factors like psychological state and health. Considerations and Cautions Relying too much on this method might cause psychological dependence on masturbation. This can lead to excessive masturbation without a limit. Ultimately leading to masturbation addiction. Remember, it’s one of many options and doesn’t replace medical advice. Men with ongoing issues should seek professional help. Practical Application Try masturbating and ejaculating either the day before or the morning of planned intercourse. The aim is to reduce, not eliminate, desire and sensitivity. Balance is key, and discussing this method with your partner is crucial for mutual understanding and support. Subscribe to our Newsletter Can masturbation before sex treat premature ejaculation? So, we briefly answered the question ‘can masturbation before sex increase sex time’. However, can masturbation before sex treat premature ejaculation? The answer depends on the extent and severity of the disease condition. Some patients respond and notice an improvement in ejaculation time. However, some patients notice persistent early ejaculation. Its best to consult a sexologist for the right treatment advice. Conclusion Treating premature ejaculation involves a comprehensive approach. Masturbating before sex is one option, but combining it with therapy, pelvic exercises, or specialist consultations often works better. A tailored approach is always best. References Subjectively Measured Ejaculation Latency Time and Its Association with Different Sexual Activities While Controlling for Age and Relationship Length | The Journal of Sexual Medicine | Oxford Academic ( The Role of Masturbation in Marital and Sexual Satisfaction: A Comparative Study of Female Masturbators and Nonmasturbators: Journal of Sex Education and Therapy: Vol 17, No 4 ( Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
Does Masturbation Reduce Testosterone?
Men’s Health Blogs Does Masturbation Reduce Testosterone? So, does masturbation actually reduce testosterone? Now in this blog post, we’re going to answer this question, does masturbation reduce your testosterone? You can also watch the video below This is a very important topic. So stay sharp and focused on the what i am going to reveal. I know most of you have this doubt. You want to know the actual answer to this question with scientific validation. Now remember, when you look at visual erotica,that is you look at appealing women on a screen, you look at models on the screen, you look at anything that’s even remotely sexual on the screen, what’s going to happen first is in your bloodstream is that testosterone is going to go up. It’s going to spike. So studies have found that if you take a group of men and show them visual erotica, that is you show them sex videos or you show them single women who are engaging in self-stimulatory sexual behavior, single women masturbating basically or you look at couples having sex on the screen and before even you actually start masturbating, testosterone and your sex steroids basically go up by about 36%. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call What happens to you during masturbation? So what basically happens here is when we look at sexual material on the screen, you’re going to feel a sense of desire, you’re going to feel aroused, physiologically aroused and you will want to engage in sexual out put behavior. To elaborate, either you will masturbate or you will go and try having sex with your partner. Some of you may engage in casual sex due to your native motivation from your desire or have sex with your stable partner. You are going to vent out or purge your system of your desire You’re going to do it, as simple as that, right? Or you’re going to be the kind of guy who believes in a no fap technique, you’re not going to do it. So whatever your sexual outlet behavior may be, depending on you as an individual, that’s going to happen. Subscribe to our Newsletter Now how does masturbation reduce testosterone? Now the answer is quite simple because what studies have found is that just before masturbation, testosterone rises (especially while looking at porn on the screen) and during the actual masturbatory behavior, again testosterone rises moreover post masturbation also testosterone rises. Does masturbation reduce testosterone? No, it doesn’t directly reduce testosterone. The most important point to understand here is that after masturbation once semen is thrown out, not only testosterone rises, insulin, cortisol, adrenaline, which are basically stress hormones rises, Specifically adrenaline rises and so does cortisol, which are both stress hormones. Furthermore, serotonin and prolactin, which are sedating by nature, which will help you feel a sense of satisfaction also rises in the brain. And that’s why after masturbation, many men notice that they feel a bit tired, they feel a bit low, they are satisfied and they do not want to engage into another bout of sexual intercourse, be it solo or with a partner. So men go into what’s called as a refractory period. So what happens here is that when you do excessive masturbation? When you masturbate daily and if masturbation is uncontrolled, you’re always going to be in the refractory period. Why? Because in your brain, serotonin and prolactin is going to be high and even though testosterone increases even after masturbation, after ejaculation, your insulin, cortisol and other stress hormones go up, so you’re going to feel stressed, you’re going to feel tired, you’re not going to feel fresh and energetic or you’re not going to technically feel that good. And what’s very interesting here is that many men have what’s called as semen loss anxiety syndrome, also called as DHAT syndrome. Especially, this is a culture bound condition where excessive masturbation, especially seen in Indian men, feel that once the semen is lost from their body, they feel very tired, they feel weak, they feel depressed, they feel a shrinkage in the organ size, they have erectile dysfunction with their stable partners. So all this is there. So should masturbation be technically encouraged? No. Even though it increases your testosterone and doesn’t reduce your testosterone, don’t do it. Why? Logically again, let me reinforce what I’m telling. It increases cortisol, it increases adrenaline, it increases the stress hormone levels in your blood and there arestudies for this. And I hope you enjoyed this video. So I hope you got something of valueto take back. So just avoid masturbation. Stop looking at pornographic content. Avoid the habit of masturbation. It’s just not going to work. Hope you liked the video. Put in your comments below. Ask all your questions down below in the comments. I’ll try my best to answer each and every comment. I’ll see you soon with another video. This is Dr. Shah, andrologist & sexologist in chennai signing off for now. References articles/10.3389/fendo.2013. 00159/full Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
Low Testosterone Symptoms : 4 symptoms of low testosterone you must know
Men’s Health Blogs Low Testosterone Symptoms : 4 symptoms of low testosterone you must know Understanding the Signs: Common Symptoms of Low Testosterone In this quick blog post we are going to discuss on 4 to 5 common symptoms of low testosterone. Now remember testosterone is the male sex hormone and it has a variety of functions. Watch the video below Now when your testosterone goes low, men frequently notice a couple of symptoms. Watch the video below Demystifying Low Testosterone Symptoms As a full time practicing andrologist, & sexology doctor I’m here to provide you with an in-depth understanding of these signs and their implications. Testosterone, the primary male sex hormone, plays a pivotal role in several physiological functions. When its levels dip, men often experience specific symptoms that signal this hormonal imbalance. Let’s now delve into these symptoms to gain a comprehensive understanding. Symptom 1: Decreased Libido – Unveiling the Impact The first and foremost symptom of low testosterone is a notable decrease in libido (which is nothing but your sex drive or the damn urges you feel to mate with your better half). It’s crucial to understand how this affects individuals. Men with low testosterone may find themselves less inclined to initiate sex/sexual intercourse. Their overall desire for intimacy diminishes, leading to a decline in sexual thoughts and fewer intimate encounters. That is in general you may not approach your intimate partner for sexual intercourse. You probably will avoid intercourse and you will also not have a recurrent frequency of sexual thoughts running in your head and you will also notice that your overall desire This reduced libido can have a significant impact on both personal relationships and overall quality of your sexual life. So that’s one of the cardinal symptoms of low testosterone, sexual dis-interest. Symptom 2: Decreased Facial Hair Growth – Hair as a Hormonal Indicator Another potential symptom of low testosterone is an overall decrease in facial hair growth It’s not merely about aesthetics; the thickness and growth of facial hair are indirect indicators of your overall male sex hormone levels. Slow beard growth and a less substantial mustache are often seen clinically in men complaining of low libido & erectile dysfunction. Understanding this symptom can help individuals recognize potential hormonal imbalances and seek appropriate medical guidance, where relevant. The thickness of your hair is more important. Thick hair, thick facial hair, underarm hair, the hair in the chest region, hair in the pubic region are all markers of a man’s fertility because it indicates that the testosterone in the system is probably optimally functioning. So, that’s the second symptom of low testosterone Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Symptom 3: Decrease in Organ Size – A Sensitive Issue Testosterone significantly influences penile tissue, making it a vital factor in organ size. More importantly, the penile tissue is sensitive to your testosterone levels. So if you notice that your penis size is very small, you may have low testosterone. Secondly another concerning symptom of low testosterone is a very small organ in relation to an individual’s age (you can have the organ size of a 10 year old when you are 20 years of age?! right?). This can lead to serious concerns about sexual function and your overall self-esteem. Another point to consider is the size of the testicle. A reduction in testicular size may indicate not only low testosterone but also the possibility of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, a condition that merits further investigation. In these men, the testis is also very small and shrunk, it may indicate that your testosterone is not functioning. Put in other words, it just means that all your reproductive systems are probably shut down and they are not producing FSH and/or LH as well as testosterone, genetic causes have to be ruled out. A combination of = Small Penis size + Small Testis Size + Decreased hair growth = Definite diagnosis of Low testosterone Subscribe to our Newsletter Symptom 4: Erectile Function – A Key Indicator Erectile function is another vital aspect of men’s sexual health influenced by testosterone. Men with low testosterone may experience difficulties in achieving and sustaining erections (so these men frequently have erectile dysfunction) This can have profound implications for sexual satisfaction and overall perceived well being. Recognizing changes in erectile function is crucial for addressing potential hormonal issues and seeking timely intervention as and when required. Conclusion: Empowering Knowledge In conclusion, recognizing these symptoms of low testosterone is the first step toward addressing potential hormonal imbalances. If you or someone you know experiences any of these signs, seeking medical guidance for a comprehensive evaluation is advisable. Understanding these bodily signals and/or empowers individuals to take charge of their health and well-being. Closing Remarks: Join the Dialogue We trust that this extended exploration of the symptoms of low testosterone has provided you with valuable insights. Feel free to engage with us by liking, commenting, and subscribing to our blog. If you have questions or require further information, please don’t hesitate to leave your comments below. For personalized guidance, you can also reach out to us directly through our clinic’s contact number. Your health and well-being remain our top priority. Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to addressing your valuable comments and questions in future discussions. This is Dr. Shah, signing off for now. Welcome. References Antonio L, Wu FC, O’Neill TW, Pye SR, Ahern TB, Laurent MR, Huhtaniemi IT, Lean ME, Keevil BG, Rastrelli G, Forti G. Low free testosterone is associated with hypogonadal signs and symptoms in men with normal total testosterone. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2016 Jul 1;101(7):2647-57. Rastrelli G, Corona G, Maggi M. Both comorbidity burden and low testosterone can explain symptoms and signs of testosterone deficiency in men consulting for sexual dysfunction. Asian journal of andrology. 2020 May;22(3):265. Related Blogs Recent Blogs
Penis Size to get Pregnant? Does the size of the penis matter?
Men’s Health Blogs Penis Size to get Pregnant? Does the size of the penis matter? In this video and post we are going to discuss on the penis size to get pregnant. So what’s very important to understand here is that many men associate the size of their organ with their masculinity as well as a sense of power. Penis size to get pregnant. How important is your penis size? So, men with larger penis size are more comfortable overall with their self perceived body image. Moreover, they are more confident and in general their sexual satisfaction for these men as perceived by men themselves is usually higher. Over 55% of men find their penis size and overall size of their organ to be very very small and satisfaction from a sexual health view point is also low. Furthermore some of these men become so paranoid and traumatized that they completely even avoid sexual intercourse with their intimate partners (wives or girlfriends). In still worser scenaros, these men get so depressed that eventually clinical depression along with erectile dysfunction develops! This has resulted in a large number of men actually seeking penis size enhancing surgeries which in recent times has come under criticism from the American Urological Association stating that the penis size increase in surgeries are largely risky by nature itself. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call So what is the mean average penis size? Now, Initial studies from the Kinsey Institute of Sexual Health estimated penis size. These studies, conducted around 1984, involved 2,000 to 3,000 men who self-reported their measurements. On average, they reported an erect penis length of approximately 16.77 cm But in more recent times with more data that’s more widely available we now know that the mean average penis size is anywhere from about 5 inches to 5.5 inches. Now if you have a penis size that is anywhere more than 4 inches or anywhere more than 3.5 inches in terms of erect length then that is more than adequate for pregnancy. There are two particular clinical conditions where the penis size may be insufficient with respect to pregnancy. The first is Subscribe to our Newsletter Buried Penis In some cases, the penis is buried, resulting in a size of less than 3 cm or 4 cm. This occurs in men who are morbidly obese, those with Klinefelter’s syndrome, and patients with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism So here getting pregnant is going to be hard for these men. I mean helping their partner achieve pregnancy is going to be hard. We also encounter an issue with penis size in a condition known as micropenis, which involves an exceptionally small penis To elaborate in these men they are born with a small organ, often less than 3 cm or 2.5 cm in length, due to a developmental issue. To understand this better, we perform a detailed physical examination to rule out genetic conditions Furthermore in both small penis and buried penis and/or micropenis are all issues where achieving a pregnancy can be a challenge. For a large number of men however, 55-60% of men whose penis size is usually normal, they themselves perceive that their size is problematic. This is called as small penis syndrome. Here the penis is NOT truly small. So in these instances, visiting an andrologist near you or a sexologist near you, getting a proper estimate of your penis size may be very very helpful in alleviating those doubts. And That’s about it!. I hope you enjoyed this video on penis size, what is the penis size required to get pregnant. I’ll be coming up with many more videos. Please like, comment and subscribe and do share this video with all your friends and loved ones. This is Dr. Shah. Welcome and namaste. Thank you. References Jamison PL, Gebhard PH. Penis size increase between flaccid and erect states: An analysis of the Kinsey data. Journal of sex research. 1988 Jan 1;24(1):177-83. Dillon BE, Chama NB, Honig SC. Penile size and penile enlargement surgery: a review. International journal of impotence research. 2008 Nov;20(6):519-29. Wiygul J, Palmer LS. Micropenis. The Scientific World Journal. 2011 Jul 28;11:1462-9. Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Comment (2) Godwin says: February 11, 2024 at 10:03 pm Edit Doctor I want to ask please What are the remedies, treatments and medications for Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: February 16, 2024 at 9:59 am Edit Please do call me on 9790783856 Reply Raheel says: October 12, 2023 at 12:37 am Edit Hii dr. Shah, i hope you are fine and this comment will reach out to you. I am facing this prone masturbation issue since 3 to 4 years now. When i fall asleep during midnight prone masturbation is happening and as a result ejaculation is taking place. Please i request you to tell me how to abstain or avoid prone masturabtion & to which counsellor should i meet to tackle this. I am unable to stop prone masturbation, i am depressed. Please help me Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: October 13, 2023 at 3:59 pm Edit Please drop me a call on 9790783856 Reply Chethan says: September 24, 2023 at 9:12 am Edit Hello sir my semen analysis shows 8-10 hpf pus cells present in semen and liquification time is >90 min and viscosity has increased. Overall results says NORMOZOOSPERMIA WITH GENITAL TRACT INFECTION WITH INCREASED VISCOSITY. Do i require treatment? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: January 24, 2024 at 3:52 pm Edit Please call me on 9790783856 Reply Will says: September 12, 2023 at 7:34 am Edit Hi, for the past few weeks there has been semen or prostate fluid in my urine almost every night. This is not from retrograde, neither from medication. This is really draining my energy. How can I
Why is there blood in my sperm ? Hematospermia explained
Men’s Health Blogs Why is there blood in my sperm ? Hematospermia explained Why is there blood in my sperm? In this informative video and post, we aim to address a commonly asked question: Why do some individuals notice blood in their semen? Why is there blood in my sperm? Join me as we explore the details of this phenomenon, its causes, and when to seek medical attention. Unveiling Hematospermia: Definition and Diagnosis Hematospermia, also known as blood in semen, is a clinical condition that prompts concern among patients. It refers to the presence of blood in semen or blood mingling with sperm upon ejaculation. Various underlying conditions warrant testing and evaluation to accurately diagnose hematospermia. To understand why there is blood in my sperm, an accurate knowledge of the conditions is necessary. Underlying Conditions and Differential Diagnosis When diagnosing hematospermia, we must rule out several conditions, including sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. Additionally, we must assess you for prostatic abscess, prostatic cysts, renal and liver abnormalities, as well as bleeding disorders. As a sexologist, sti testing is particularly more important. These evaluations are essential, as these conditions often correlate with hematospermia (blood in semen). Why is there blood in my sperm? (Hematospermia: the Impact of Age) Is the presence of blood in semen a cause for alarm? For any normal human being, it is! It’s traumatizing to see blood mixed with sperm. Why is there blood in my sperm However, the scientific answer is different. The answer varies with age. For individuals under 40 years old, observing blood in semen on one or two occasions is usually considered benign. While comprehensive testing and ultrasounds are advisable, there’s typically no need for major investigations. This transient occurrence is likely to resolve on its own. Blood in semen frequently goes away on its own over a median period of 6 months to 8 months in young men under 40. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call I am over 40, should I be worried when I see blood in my semen? However, for those over 40 years old, with a family history of prostate cancer, the presence of blood in semen demands more attention. In such cases, prostate malignancy must be definitively ruled out. Why is there blood in my sperm Endorectal MRI emerges as the gold standard for identifying the source of bleeding within the male reproductive tract. It’s a crucial step in assessing potential prostate cancer. To conclude if you are over 40, never ever ignore blood in semen and definitely get a check-up done with your andrologist. Subscribe to our Newsletter Key Takeaways: Understanding Hematospermia In summary, the significance of blood in semen varies with age and frequency. Individuals under 40 experiencing isolated incidents need not overly worry, as it commonly resolves. Yet, those above 40, especially with prostate cancer risk factors, should pursue thorough investigations to exclude malignancy. Conclusion: Empowering Informed Choices I hope this video has provided insights into hematospermia, assuaging any alarm you might feel upon observing blood in your semen. Remember, you’re welcome to seek clarification or share your doubts in the comments below. Feel free to like, subscribe, and share this video with those seeking clarity on this topic ‘why is there blood in my sperm’. This is Dr. Shah, signing off with best wishes and healthful regards. References Stefanovic KB, Gregg PC, Soung M. Evaluation and treatment of hematospermia. American family physician. 2009 Dec 15;80(12):1421-7. Leocádio DE, Stein BS. Hematospermia: etiological and management considerations. International urology and nephrology. 2009 Mar;41:77-83. Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
When you ejaculate how much sperm comes out?
Men’s Health Blogs When you ejaculate how much sperm comes out? In this video and post, the question we are going to answer is, when you ejaculate, how many sperms are actually released? More specifically when you ejaculate how much sperm come out? Now many people have a common doubt that when ejaculation happens, are the sperms being properly deposited in the vagina? Understanding the intricacies of this process is crucial, especially for those curious about sperm deposit and conception probabilities. So, let’s delve into the science behind ejaculation and its implications for fertility. How many sperms are going to be deposited in the vagina? To understand this, you must understand the physiology of ejaculation. So when ejaculation happens, the important point to know here is that the first few drops of semen contains the sperm rich fraction. That means the first one or two drops of the semen contain most of the spermatozoa, representing a significant proportion. So that means ejaculation should happen in the vagina strictly and you cannot partially ejaculate outside and then have a partial ejaculation inside. Furthermore, following penetration of your partner or loved one, it’s essential to ensure that you withdraw the organ only after complete ejaculation has occurred Why?? Because during the process of ejaculation, when you have an orgasm, the first one or two drops of the semen contains the sperm rich fraction, SRF. Termed SRF, the sperm-rich fraction essentially indicates that those drops contain the highest number of spermatozoa. And it’s very interesting because when patients collect a sample in a sperm testing laboratory, normally when we see a report, if we notice low semen volume, if we notice a low count,we ask the patient, did the patient spill the first 2-3 drops of the semen on the floor at the time of collecting the sample? As a result, if the answer to the question is yes, we conclude that the report indicates a low semen volume. Given that a significant portion of motile sperm is lost in the spilled drops of semen, the low sperm count report could be inaccurate.. Thus, what’s important to understand here is that the first couple of drops of the semen contains the highest fraction of motile spermatozoa. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Some patients also have the question that after I withdraw the organ, I see the semen back flowing. So, when you ejaculate how much sperm comes out? That’s completely fine. Remember when you ejaculate intra-vaginally, as early as 2-3 minutes after ejaculation, the spermatozoa are going to rapidly swim up and reach the Fallopian tube. What happens after about 10 minutes of ejaculation is that basically the semen is going to liquefy. The liquefaction time is where the coagulated thick semen becomes watery and it becomes thin and watery. So because it becomes liquefied, that is because it loses its viscosity or it becomes liquefied by nature, what’s going to happen? It will flow back down the vaginal canal, and this back flow of semen is termed “effluem-seminis.” That is a physiological process, 99-100% of couples will note that after ejaculation, in 5-7 minutes, semen back flows. The Crucial Initial Phase (Where semen = Gold). When you ejaculate how much sperm comes out? However, the pivotal factor remains the initial phase of ejaculation—specifically, during orgasm. Proper deposition of the first portion of ejaculate into the vagina significantly heightens the chances of pregnancy. The rapid expulsion of the initial 2-3 drops during a man’s orgasm holds particular importance. The depositing these drops in the vagina significantly increases the likelihood of pregnancy. Subscribe to our Newsletter This is more so if the woman is close to her ovulation period or the ovulation window. So I hope you found this video useful and informative and please like, comment and subscribe. Here is one more bonus point here for you is that when you ejaculate, how many sperms actually comes out? That’s not the right question because in fundamental you need to know what is your sperm concentration per ml. The normal sperm concentration per ml can range anywhere from 13 million per ml to 16 million per ml. I hope this answers the question with some clarity. Please like, comment and subscribe and share this video with all your friends. This is Dr. Shah, consultant andrologist and sexology doctor in chennai I’ll see you back with another video. Bye for now. I hope you enjoyed reading this article on ‘when you ejaculate how much sperm comes out’ References King R, Dempsey M, Valentine KA. Measuring sperm backflow following female orgasm: a new method. Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology. 2016 Jan 1;6(1):31927. Doyle JB. The Cervical Spoon: A New Method of Semen Sampling and Assaying Spermigration; a Preliminary Report. The Journal of Urology. 1948 Dec;60(6):986-9. Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
Feeling Sexually Weak? Dhat Syndrome & its Treatment explained
Men’s Health Blogs Feeling Sexually Weak? Dhat Syndrome & its Treatment explained Worried about Dhat Syndrome? Dhat Syndrome is a rare clinical syndrome or condition that causes Sexual Weakness in men Vanakkam, Namaste & welcome. My name is Dr Shah, and I am a practicing andrologist in chennai. In this short post, lets quickly discuss the very infamous Dhat Syndrome, loosely referred to as sexual weakness or sexual tiredness. Now, lets move on to the good stuff… Men diagnosed with Dhat Syndrome complaint of Feeling very tired along with a constant sense of fatigue Secondly lower back pain is seen They also feel their organ is shrinking in size. Small penis syndrome is not uncommon among men with Dhat Syndrome. Thirdly, they also report having erectile dysfunction Quickly watch the video below, It wont take more than 5 minutes of your time The first question is What is Dhat Syndrome? The word Dhat is derived from the word ‘dhatus’ a term seen in both the ayurvedic/vedic texts. Dhatus means ‘the bodily fluids’ Consequently, Dhat syndrome refers to a clinical condition were men complaint of ‘feeling low. feeling weak. Feeling tired along a sense of nervousness, rest tremor in hands and generally feeling depressed’. Moreover, men with Dhat syndrome feel impotent along with a general loss of fertility too. However, the most important reason for these symptoms as stated by patients is due to ‘semen loss’. This loss of semen can happen during sleep (called nightfalls) which is not under the control of patients. Moreover, the loss of semen can be voluntary which is via masturbation. Either-way, men with Dhat syndrome, feel very tired weak and also report erectile dysfunction. Interestingly, Among all the bodily fluids, semen seems to have been considered to be the most important of body fluids as per the vedic/ayurvedic scriptures. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Furthermore, how common is Dhat Syndrome or this sexual weakness? We really do not have the exact data. One thing we know for sure is that, Dhat syndrome seems to be more predominant among, indian, pakistani, bangladesh and chinese men. So, for sure this condition is actually specific to certain cultures, making it a cultural condition. Their seems to be only about 45 to 50 published studies in this condition called Dhat Syndrome Which age is Dhat Syndrome common? Typically, the common age of Dhat syndrome is somewhere between 18 to 25 years. However, we have seen men in their late 30’s experience it. An estimated 40% of men would experience Dhat syndrome at-least once in their lifetimes. To highlight, the symptoms commonly seen are A generalized sense of tiredness and a lack of motivation Rest tremors combined with anxiety Furthermore, these men also go into full fledged clinical depression & they feel life is not worth living Lastly severe erectile dysfunction is also seen Much of these symptoms are blamed because of semen loss (the loss the bodies most vital fluid) Why does Dhat Syndrome develop in the first place? Truth be told, we really do not know. We also do not know as to why it specifically develops among specific cultures. What we do know however is that, a lack of sex education and culturally propagated orthodox belief systems can lead to the development of this condition. Another point to know is that, this sexual weakness due to Dhat syndrome has been listed as an ICD10 disease condition and also in the DSM4 manual which is prominently used by Psychiatrists. However, most medical professionals are unaware that such a condition even exists as such. Patients are at the receiving end, eventually and never get treated or evaluated rightly. Now, lets move on to the last part of the post Subscribe to our Newsletter How how to treat sexual weakness? or Dhat? Once the patient has been diagnosed with this type of sexual weakness, treatment strategies include the use of Anti-anxiety medications Anti-depressant use Next psycho-sexual counseling and/or cognitive behavioral therapy Lastly medications have to prescribed to improve overall erection and sexual performance A combination of treatments usually work wonders to improve the patients symptoms quite quickly. In the absence of treatments, patients eventually suffer unduly post marriage. Sadly, many patients do not receive the right degree of care for the condition since the general awareness of the condition in patients and among healthcare practitioners is very less So, I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Do drop in your comments below. Dr Shah, consultant chennai sexologist this side. Keep watching this space for more interesting articles References Sumathipala A, Siribaddana SH, Bhugra D. Culture-bound syndromes: the story of dhat syndrome. The British Journal of Psychiatry. 2004 Mar;184(3):200-9. Mumford DB. The ‘Dhat syndrome’: a culturally determined symptom of depression?. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 1996 Sep;94(3):163-7. Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
How much pus cells in sperm is normal? Should you treat pus cells in semen?
Men’s Health Blogs How much pus cells in sperm is normal? Should you treat pus cells in semen? Hey guys! In this short 2 min blog post, we will quickly understand what to do if you notice pus cells in semen. Watch the video below Okay, so you are trying for a child desperately for the last 2 or 3 years. Sadly a pregnancy is just not happening. Moreover, your andrologist or male fertility specialist punished you with a battery of expensive tests. Among these tests is the famed ‘semen analysis test‘ or sperm test. The D-Day comes, you get your report and you are SHOCKED. You notice the ONE THING you do NOT want to see in your goddamn report…. PUS CELLS and numerous pus cells, so many damn PUS CELLS competing with your sperm for honor and space (I know the joke sounds cheesy). And you are going like MAD. Your fertility specialist says that, your pus cells in the semen are the reason your sperms motility is so low Moreover, its the pus cells in your goddamn sperm that causing infertility. What should you do? The answer is below. How much pus cells in sperm is normal? Well on average that is, if you look at the average semen analysis report, you should see anywhere between 1-2 cells per high power field. The most important thing to understand here is that, these pus cells, also called as ’round cells’ can be of 2 types. The first type of round cells is the typical ‘White blood cell’ or so called ‘pus cells’ that is seen…..if their is an infection. Secondly, the next type of round cell can be simply an immature spermatogonial cell. Either way, in a typical sperm test, both cells are considered as ’round cells’. So DO NOT hit the PANIC button, once you notice pus cells along with your sperm. To make things easy, I am going to systematically give you a treatment strategy for those damn pus cells. The strategy will be based on what should be done, depending on the number of pus cells seen per high power field. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call 2-4 pus cells in sperm For both 1-2 and 2-4 pus cells seen in your semen analysis report, no active treatment is required. However, the one exception is, if their are clinical symptoms like burning sensation while passing urine and/or pain while ejaculation, treatment will be required. To summarize here is what you should do Step 1 – Repeat your semen analysis and see if you get the same 2-4 cells per high power field Step 2 – If Yes, and you also have symptoms, take antibiotics after doing a semen culture and sensitivity Lastly, Step 3- if No, and you have no symptoms, then no further treatment is required Ok, now to the next part 4-6 pus cells in semen Step 1: Once again, repeat the sperm test Step 2: You need to do a leuco-screen test. This will differentiate whether the pus cells are immature sperm cells or plain pus cells Step 3: If the round cells are immature sperm cells, no further treatment is required Step 4: Fourthly, if the round cells are pus cells and you have no symptoms, no further treatment is the recommendation Lastly, Step 5: Pus cells with symptoms, then please do a semen culture and sensitivity and follow up with antibiotics 8-10 pus cells in semen Here again, follow the steps below Step 1: Repeat semen analysis Secondly, Step 2: Next leuco-screen test Thirdly, Step 3: If report shows immature cells, no further treatment Lastly, Step 4: However, if they are pus cells and you have symptoms, semen culture followed up with a course of antibiotics is definitely required Now to the last part of the discussion. What should you do if you notice the below finding in your report? Subscribe to our Newsletter 20-25 pus cell seen in semen Step 1: Repeat your sperm test once again Secondly Step 2: Do a leuco-screen test Thirdly, Step 3: Do a trans-rectal ultrasound of your prostate and seminal vesicles to rule out infections Fourthly Step 4: Antibiotic course if semen culture shows growth of pathogenic organisms So, thats about it guys I hope you found this article of some value. Do of course visit an andrologist or sexologist near you A very important point to bear in mind is that, if you notice pus cells in semen, a treatment is only required if and when you have certain symptoms. Some of these symptoms are namely 1. Burning pain while passing urine 2. Also, the presence of burning pain while ejaculation 3. Pus discharge from the organ 4. Foul smelling semen and the presence of blood in semen (hematospermia) Unless otherwise, you dont have any of the aforementioned symptoms along with pus cells, a general rule of the thumb is that, you do NOT need any major treatment. So, thats about it! I hope you found this article useful and informative. Please share this article with all your friends and loved ones Kindly drop in your comments, I will do my best to respond to all of them. Keep watching this space for more interesting articles. References Sigman M, Lopes L. The correlation between round cells and white blood cells in the semen. The Journal of urology. 1993 May 1;149(5):1338-40. Solis EA, Gatti VN, Bouvet BR, Brufman AS, Provenzal C, Feldman R. Round cells in semen and genital infections. Archivos espanoles de urologia. 200 Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Comment (8) Godwin says: February 11, 2024 at 10:03 pm Edit Doctor I want to ask please What are the remedies, treatments and medications for Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: February 16, 2024
Does Masturbation Cause Acne?
Men’s Health Blogs Does Masturbation Cause Acne? Masturbation Cause Hey guys, in this short post, lets quickly discuss on the topic ‘does masturbation cause acne?’. Not surprising, since most of us must have had acne…also called acne vulgaris. The word acne is derived from a Greek word, acme which means a ‘spot’ or a ‘point’. The first historical reports of acne dates back to the Egyptian era!.(Guess even the pharaoh’s and their mistress’s were no exception to this disease!!) King Tutankhamun suffered from acne. Moreoever, his tomb was filled with anti-acne remedies. Interesting right?. Furthermore, acne was believed to be caused by telling lies. That apart, acne is nothing but a skin disorder that affects close to 85% of individuals worldwide. Acne typically is seen more during puberty but can occur at any age. Acne is specifically linked with a bacteria called Propionibacterium acne. The bacteria specifically infects the sebum secreting glands(this gives your face an oily appearance) in the skin. Androgens (the male sex hormones) and other inflammatory processes also lead to acne development. Now, coming to the important part of the conversation Does masturbation cause acne? A popular masturbation myth is that, excessive masturbation can result in forehead acne, combined with pale eyes and general tiredness. However, their are 2 points to be noted, their is definitely a link between excessive masturbation and the generalized feeling of sexual weakness. Specifically in Indian men, who do engage in masturbatory behavior, a syndrome called as Dhat develops. Now, Dhat syndrome affects indian men across age groups. Men diagnosed with Dhat syndrome, complaint of feeling tired, weak, report erection problems, small penis size or shrunk penis and most importantly feel low and/or depressed. Moreover, men not surprisingly, among the younger men, acne is also seen. So, its easy to probably point of the link between acne and masturbation. Young men with excessive masturbation habits are more likely to develop Dhat syndrome along with Acne. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call However, this DOES NOT mean that ‘Masturbation alone caused the acne’!! To elaborate, younger men specifically the cool teenagers and young adults, tend to have the following lifestyle habits as mentioned below Excessive Diary intake: A clear link has been established between acne and diary intake. In young men who intake more than >2 glasses of whole milk per day, acne is more prone to develop. However, this association is not seen with yogurt or cheese consumption or even skim milk/skimmed milk products. Subscribe to our Newsletter Chocolate intake Chocolate promotes inflammation, chocolate thereby aggravates acne formation in young individuals. Love chocolates? Love your acne as well then!. More chocolates = More Acne Increased Glycemic load a.k.a more Carb intake Studies have clearly found that a definite link exists between acne and taking processed food. Do you love taking burgers, pizzas, chips and among other things? Get prepared for acne to erupt. On the other hand taking fish (rich in omega 3 fatty acids) along with whole vegetables definitely reduces acne significantly Low Fiber intake Interestingly, acne is seen in younger individuals with low fiber intake along with gastrointestinal symptoms like bloating. A high fiber intake is shown to significantly reduce acne. Stress Lastly, the most important factor to discuss is stress. Now excessive masturbation amplified your stress response. You may feel transiently good, but you will feel low and down (or stressed out) post masturbation. With stress, acne definitely increases, thus an indirect effect of excessive masturbation on increasing can definitely be seen. However, to what extent this may be true, needs a LOT of scientific research. Not just, masturbation, In fact, behaviours like smoking excessively also leads to ‘smokers acne’ with a dark face. The nicotine in the cigarette smoke affects stimulates acne growth. Quit smoking and also definitely quit masturbation So, To summarize, does masturbation cause acne? Directly NO, Indirectly probably YES. What should you do? Quit Masturbation and adopt the following life-style habits 1. Stop Smoking 2. Reduce Diary intake 3. Reduce Carb intake 4. Take whole vegetables and fish 5. Lastly, get your acne treated with a dermatologist I hope you enjoyed reading this post on ‘does masturbation cause acne’. Please share this post with your friends and loved ones. Keep watching this space for more interesting content This is Dr Shah, Consultant Andrologist and Sexologist in Chennai. See you again soon References Goodman G. Acne: Natural history, facts and myths. Australian family physician. 2006 Aug;35(8). Ak M. A comprehensive review of acne vulgaris. J. Clin. Pharm. 2019;1(1):17-45. Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
How to get rid of blue balls? Blue Balls Treatment explained
Men’s Health Blogs How to get rid of blue balls? Blue Balls Treatment explained Have you ever suffered from an ‘irritating pain in the balls’? A pain that comes and goes, a dull aching pain in your balls? A pain that you just cant seem to get rid off?. How to get rid of blue balls? Yup, that pain is due to something called the ‘blue ball syndrome’. Men with ‘blue ball syndrome’ constantly suffer from pain in the testis. In patients with blue ball syndrome, patients usually come to the clinic with severe or moderate to dull aching pain in their balls. As a funny saying goes – ‘A man will experience at least 1 episode of blue balls’ The pain of blue balls, can be local to one point in the testis or diffuse and spread around both testis. Moreover, in some instances the pain may radiate to penis as well. How to get rid of blue balls? Blue balls in the medical literature is termed as ‘epidydimal hypertension’. This conditions is more common in the age group of 14 to 25 year old men. More interestingly, it seems to occur to young men after sexual arousal. Why do blue calls occur? Interestingly, blue balls seem to occur to younger men and more specifically after a period of sexual arousal. Now, normally, sexual arousal should end with ejaculation. But, if the individual does not get the opportunity to engage in sexual intercourse with his partner, blue balls can result. In some men, who are single & who strictly avoid masturbation, blue balls can result. The pain of blue balls probably results from ‘neural impulses’ going back from the distended spermatic chord, epidydimis and other male reproductive tract structures (to put it simply ‘the piping tubes’ that carry sperm outside the body) Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call 2 Quick treatments to get rid of Blue Ball Syndrome So here is a typical scenario…. You are young and horny as hell, you looked at the porn and want to jerk off. (Pss….visit a sexologist) But you end up with pain and moreover your girlfriend is not in town. What should you do relieve the pain? How to do you get rid of blue balls? Guys, the simplest treatment you can do, is apply ice packs or ice gel packs to your balls. Ice causes ‘cold stress’ which trigger’s vasoconstriction. The flow from that region gets diverted and pain reduces (akin to applying ice after injury) I have personally seen excellent success with treating blue balls just using ice. The 2nd treatment approach to get rid of blue balls is…. By adopting the ‘Vasalva Maneuver’ the pain of blue ball can be brought down. So how do we do it? Firstly, Step 1 : Pinch your nostrils Next, Step 2: Mouth tight shut Lastly, Step 3: Blow or forcibly exhale through your nose. You should feel your ear pop. Its as simple as that. Do this about 5 to 10 times. However, if you have severe pain, you must visit your andrologist near you. Since, one must rule out testicular torsion at all costs. I hope you liked reading this short blog post. Will catch up with you with lots of more interesting content. For now, ciao References Rockney, Randy, and Anthony J. Alario. “Blue balls.” Pediatrics 108.5 (2001): 1233-1234. Subscribe to our Newsletter Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah
What to do if you cant ejaculate? Delayed ejaculation & its treatment explained
Men’s Health Blogs What to do if you cant ejaculate? Delayed ejaculation & its treatment explained In this post, we are going to go through quickly about ‘what to do if you cant ejaculate’. More specifically, we will briefly look at delayed ejaculation and delayed ejaculation treatment. You can also watch the video below In this post, we are going to go through quickly about ‘what to do if you cant ejaculate’. More specifically, we will briefly look at delayed ejaculation and delayed ejaculation treatment. You can also watch the video below The last thing any man or (his better half) wants to experience in their sex lives, is ‘the inability to cum’. Its frustating, unfulfilling and bloody irritating. So, what to do if you cant ejaculate? Lets first science the shit out of the topic. Now, delayed ejaculation (DE) is also called inhibited ejaculation. In this condition, men are unable to ejaculate after penetration of the vagina, in partnered sex. The important point to note here is the ‘average ejaculatory latency time’ which is about 4 to 10 mins. Interestingly this 4 to 10 minute time is also the ‘average duration of sex’ in most couples. So, technically, how long should sex last? about 4 to 10 mins post penetration. However, in delayed ejaculation, the sex lasts really long. Men who fail to ejaculate, keep thrusting their partners from anywhere between 30 to 60 minutes, but do not ejaculate. Thus these men in principle do not achieve their orgasm. This causes tremendous sexual frustration, depression and distress to the male. But, when it comes to the female partner, the distress and stress results from the consequent infertility issues. Since men with delayed ejaculation suffer due to the inability to deposit sperm in the vagina, infertility results, thereby affecting the relationships. Not just that, female partners of men who cant ejaculate also suffer from poor self esteem issues, disturbed body image problems and a range of other psychological problems. They think that, they are probably not ‘attractive’ and thereby their unable to make their partner come. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call So what should you do if you cannot ejaculate? Keep Reading! The problem of delayed ejaculation is seen in about 4 to 8% of men presenting to male fertility clinic with sexual health issues. Now, here comes the icing on the cake. A large proportion of men with DE, seem to suffer from DE due masturbatory behavior. Men who engage in masturbation are frequently ‘auto-sexual’ or more specifically auto-sexually oriented. Can masturbation cause delayed ejaculation? Hell yeah it can. For these men, unfortunately, are compelled to take their hand and stimulate their organ. The thrusting force generated from their hand actually offers much greater gratification than the ‘vagina’s’ (of their partners) Moreover, men with delayed ejaculation also suffer from an idiosyncratic masturbation style called as ‘prone masturbation‘. Individual’s who engage in prone masturbatory practice frequently orgasm or achieve ejaculation by rubbing their organ on the bed or on the floor. The rubbing of course helps the individual get a tremendous high triggering an ejaculatory response. Other yet equally important causes of DE include 1. Major pelvic and abdominal surgeries 2. High Prolactin 3. Low Testosterone 4. Genito-urinary tract infections (from stds like chlamydia and gonorrhea et cetera)* 5. Mullerian cysts and prostatic utricles *Whats interesting to note here is that, specifically with STD’s the patient will have burning sensation while ejaculation. Thus, the pain will eventually inhibit the ejaculation completely Subscribe to our Newsletter What can you do immediately if you cant ejaculate? The best thing you can do for yourself is to visit a sexologist near you A thorough psychological and psycho-sexual evaluation is a definite must. Most importantly, a point of interest would be to get the individual evaluated on their sexual orientation. Many men suffer from conflicts regarding their sexual orientations. In men with DE, the said patient may be in a heterosexual relationship but would rather prefer to be homosexual. This conflict in the psyche can in itself cause and inhibition of the ejaculation (or ejaculatory response). Next, a thorough evaluation of the male sex hormones is also definitely required. Ultimately, treatment depends on the cause. If the issues are psychological. Treatment options include 1. Cognitive behavioral therapy or 2. REBT therapy combined with psychosexual therapy If the issues are organic (a bodily physiological problem) Hormonal therapy can be done. For example for men with elevated prolactin, medications to reduce prolactin can be given. Similarly for men with hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (where no sperm in the semen is seen) hormonal injections with testosterone replacement therapy is recommended. Fundamentally the END-GOAL is to help the patient achieve a normal antegrade ejaculation. Some medications which we have used in our practice include medications like 1. Tab Cabergoline 0.5 mg twice a week for 8 weeks 2. Midrodine Hydrochloride and Ephredine. So, that about summates the post on ‘what to do if you cant ejaculate’. I hope you found this post interesting and useful. Do drop in your comments below. I will see you in this space with more interesting content to read Cheers! References Abdel-Hamid IA, Ali OI. Delayed ejaculation: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment. The World Journal of Men’s Health. 2018 Jan 1;36(1):22-40. Althof SE. Psychological interventions for delayed ejaculation/orgasm. International journal of impotence research. 2012 Jul;24(4):131-6. Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
Early morning sex? When is the best time for sex? Morning or evening? – 3 tips to follow
Men’s Health Blogs Early morning sex? When is the best time for sex? Morning or evening? – 3 tips to follow Ever wondered when is the best time to ‘have fun in the bed’? More specifically, when is the best time for sex? Is early morning sex better? Or is later in the night. In this short post, I am going to share with you everything under the sun about early morning sex and few tips. You can watch the video below, although I would encourage to the read the entire post. On to the good stuff then…. Firstly, Why should you have early morning sex? Well technically speaking, it strictly depends on both your interests. Some couples prefer having sex in the morning while some prefer it in the evening. And interestingly, among older couples, afternoon sex is not However, specifically when speaking about early morning sex, their are definitely some advantages. Firstly, your anxiety systems are shut down. This is definitely possible with a good sleep wake cycle. If you manage to get 6 to 8 hours of peace restful and dream full sleep, you are going to get up very very fresh in the morning (and ready for sex) When you feel less anxious, overall erectile function improves and sex happens just the way you want with your partner.More specifically, you have better erectile, you last longer and you perceive your orgasm much better. So, early in the morning, your limbic system (the part of the brain we share with lizards and a lot other animals) is highly active, while our cortex (which represents your thinking brain) is less active (technically it fires less). Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Most importantly, you are probably not going to be flooded with a stream of thoughts in the morning. But, what about sex in the evening? Well, with sexual intercourse in the evening, you are probably damn tired post a full day of work. Furthermore, for most people later in the evening, the brain is flustered with a lot of thoughts. Not just that, if you partner works as well, she will have the same issues. Her mind most probably will be an equal clutter of thoughts. Thus, evening sexual intercourse after a long day of work may not be everyone’s cup of tea. Secondly, with morning intercourse, you should take the advantage of the early morning surge of testosterone. Interestingly, this morning surge of testosterone happens somewhere between 9: 00 to 11: 00 am. Subscribe to our Newsletter So, early morning sex is the best… since the morning surge of the male sex hormones helps increase your overall desire. Couple with a mind that is free, and you can definitely have your fill (of sex) Thirdly, an important point to bear in mind w.r.t to morning sexual intercourse is… Never to eat a heavy meal in the night. Specifically, remember to avoid eating anything heavy in the night, if you are planning for intercourse early in the morning. The reason is simple, when you stuff yourself with bucket load of food your body is going to be flooded with insulin & cortisol. Since both insulin & cortisol are both stress hormones, their is nothing much you can do. You will end up feeling tired, depressed and will suffer from low sex interest combined with erectile dysfunction. Moreover, repeated failures in the bed, with eventually lead to avoidance of sex and ultimately result in a ‘sexless marriage‘ Lastly, most men understand and know, that their early morning erections reflects their overall health. Since the morning erection tells us that overall organ flow is intact. So, having an early morning erection with your partner beside you actually helps increase the chances of having sex frequently quite effectively. So summarize, Eat your last meal before 7 Ensure you get 6 to 8 hours of sleep Last BONUS tip watch something erotic before you go to bed Basically, when you watch something erotic before going to bed, your desire systems are aligned with your intent. Thus the chances of you having sex with automatically increase in the morning. I hope you enjoyed reading the article on morning sexual intercourse, do share this article with all your friends and loved ones References Larson JH, Crane DR, Smith CW. Morning and night couples: the effect of wake and sleep patterns on marital adjustment. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. 1991 Jan;17(1):53-65. Pawlow LA, O’neil PM, Malcolm RJ. Night eating syndrome: effects of brief relaxation training on stress, mood, hunger, and eating patterns. International journal of obesity. 2003 Aug;27(8):970-8. Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
Does Penis Stretching Work? The Truth about ‘Jelqing’
Men’s Health Blogs Does Penis Stretching Work? The Truth about ‘Jelqing’ So, you are going to love this post. Its about ‘the penis stretching exercises’. Does penis stretching work? How effective is ‘jelqing’. Can it make your organ BIG?. Watch the video below Now, the truth is a large number of men have serious problems with the size of their organ. An estimated 45% to 55% of men believe their organ is small (teenie weenieee) in terms of size. Full thanks and salutations to the porn industry, since, men tend to compare their organ sizes with porn stars while watching them do it. Moreover, they a develop a strange complex called as the ‘small penis syndrome’. Furthermore, these men compare the size of their organ with other men, while sharing common spaces in showers and toilets. I mean it really get to the head of these guys. They lose hope, they get depressed and feel their lives are over, fundamentally based on their penis size. They develop whats called as small penis syndrome. Moreover, men with this condition strongly believe and feel that they cannot satisfy their partners in bed. They believe and eventually end up with erectile dysfunction. Consequently, they avoid intimate relationships, and resort to masturbation where the element of judgement from another partner is fundamentally absent. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call But the TRUTH of the matter is, their organ sizes are actually NORMAL Now, lets discuss a bit about penis size….since this is were most men have a problem. The mean average penis size ranges from about 5 to 5.5 inches when erect. But most men do not know to measure their organ. They end up comparing their size with what they see in the pro, leading to distress, anxiety, depression and a whole host of other issues. So, say you truly have a small size, does penis stretching work? Or does penis lengthening work? We hear all this humbug on these penis lengthening exercise, penis massage blah blah. However, these exercises will not increase the size of your equipment. Sorry to disappoint you. Penis stretching or Jelqing involves rubbing the organ back and forth using lubricants. This pseudoscience claims that repeated penis massage and stretches ends up causing micro tears in the deep tissue of the penis. Moreover, after the minor injuries heal, the scar tissue formed will make the organ feel and appear thicker. But, most people forget to notice that, the penile tissues are not just made of muscles. The penile tissue is made full of ‘neurovasculature’ that is, the organ is filled with blood vessels and nerves. Furthermore, it has 3 erectile tissues inside, the corpora cavernosa and the corpora spongiosum, so, stretching this organ will cause permanent long term damage. Not just, that, their are case reports and studies that suggest that, in men who engage in jelqing or penis stretching organ damage occurs. I have personally seen patients who engage in jelqing & eventually ending up with erectile dysfunction. The last thing you want to do to yourself is self-harm by doing these things. Remember, their are about a 100 factors based on which a women will judge you. And organ size is NOT IMPORTANT. So, please do not worry about your penis size. Visit an andrologist or sexologist near you to get a correct estimate of your organ. Subscribe to our Newsletter This is because a self-estiamtion of your size, by looking at your organ from top-down will make your organ look much smaller than it actually is. In all probability, your organ size is most probably normal. As a bonus point please never use ‘penile extenders’ for stretching your organ. It will cause permanent erection problems, by either incorrect usage or by penis stretching. Penis size can be increased by other methods, like utilizing whats called as a ‘Jess extender’ OR similar devices. But, stretching techniques or stretching devices or other surgical interventions do not work. So, remember 3 things 1. Estimate your size correctly 2. Penis stretching is not required 3. Visit an andrologist for the right treatment with respect to stretching I hope you liked this short post on ‘does penis stretching work’. Pleas drop in your comments below References Veale D, Miles S, Read J, Troglia A, Wylie K, Muir G. Sexual functioning and behavior of men with body dysmorphic disorder concerning penis size compared with men anxious about penis size and with controls: A cohort study. Sexual medicine. 2015 Sep 1;3(3):147-55. Sigalos J, Eleswarapu S, Mills J. HF01-17 PENILE STRETCHING PRACTICES THROUGH TIME AND CULTURE. The Journal of Urology. 2022 May;207(Supplement 5):e217. Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
Male Fertility Tips To Get Pregnant Fast – 5 Quick Actionable strategies to implement
Men’s Health Blogs Male Fertility Tips To Get Pregnant Fast 5 Quick Actionable strategies to implement Hey guys! you are going to find this post both fun to read & easy as a pie to follow. Let get to the crux of the topic without wasting time. So, we are going to quickly discuss on male fertility tips to get pregnant fast (I mean super fast from a biological perspective). Watch the short below. It wont take a more than a minute of your time. Okay, you must be a newly wed or you are in a long term relationship with your girlfriend or whatever. You are ready to take that next big step to have a baby? [most people do not understand that they are screwing themselves over when they decide on having a child :-)]. However, since you are dead serious on this goal, you must be married for a year or two. Since social pressure from your relatives (specifically the damn in-laws) builds up rampantly. During this time, sexual intercourse which was once heavenly becomes a chore. In principal, sex happens just to have a child. You start tracking your partners ovulation days, her fertile window and plan intercourse. But still a pregnancy simply just does not seem to happen. Am I right? (I know I am). Both you and your partner are damn frustrated. It gets frustrating, trust me!. So, then what are the male fertility tips to get pregnant fast? The answer lies below in 5 quick actionable strategies to get your partner pregnant. FAST Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Male fertility tips to get pregnant fast – 5 actionable strategies you should implement right now Tip 1 : Having frequent sex Regular sex can help. But do not at any cost make it mechanical. If sexual intercourse happens with all the planning around your partners fertile window, you are not going to get her pregnant. How much sex to get pregnant then? Remember its roughly 3 times per week. Studies suggest that when sexual intercourse happens at the rate of 3 times per week, their is roughly a 60 to 70 percent chances of getting your partner pregnant in the next 8 months. Yup that is roughly 8 months. When the frequency of intercourse falls to less than 3 per week, consequently the chances of pregnancy also drop. On average, the chance of getting your partner pregnant is roughly varies from 4% to 6% per month, when you have sex 3 times per week. So have fun, while you are at it. Making babies, no big deal as such. Tip 2 : Take the famed ABC Juice ABC juice (Expanded as Apple, carrot and beetroot juice) is an excellent natural anti-oxidant. Remember to take lots of it. Take the ABC juice everyday. Regular intake of ABC juice helps improve sperm motility fast, increase sperm concentration and also boosts overall male fertility. One of the best home remedies to improve male fertility is taking a combination of ABC juice, lemon juice and orange juice. I would recommend taking each of these juices on an alternative day to boost male fertility. This is probably on of the best male fertility tips to get pregnant fast. Tip 3: Improve your erection Now, you are going to find this tip interesting. The tip is a double treat, both for you and your partner. Remember having a good erection, is paramount to satisfactory sexual intercourse. You cant argue with that right? However, the better and harder your penis. The larger the amount of semen deposited in the vagina. Now to put in simple words. More semen = more sperm (i.e the total number of sperm deposited per ejaculate is higher). So you definitely need to treat erectile dysfunction if you have it and also improve your existing hardness of your organ. Trust me, its worth it. A simple way to improve erection is by going for a walk and hitting 10,000 steps per day. Try to use a pedometer and keep track of your steps. Or hit a daily target of 6 km/day while walking. Subscribe to our Newsletter Tip 4: Restful sleep and avoid night-shift jobs Its not worth working nights. Simple as that. We are not biologically designed to function with full potential in the nights. Quit your night shift work. In my experience as an andrologist and sexologist, I have seen a large number of patients suffer from numerous fertility & sex related problems due to night work only. Patients working in nights frequently suffer from low sperm concentration, low sperm motility and also decreased erectile dysfunction. They also have low sex interest and feel fatigued all the time. So please quit working at nights and ensure you get 6 to 8 hours of restful sleep. Trust me, it will make all the difference. Tip 5: Quit Smoking & Alcohol Lastly, definitely quit smoking and alcohol. Its just not going to help you, since it kills your sperm and it also kills your erectile functions. To conclude, in order to improve your overall male fertility, following simple lifestyle changes is all that is required. Take it easy and relax. Do not worry. Keep trying and you will achieve your goals of fatherhood. I will see you soon with another blog post References Begot I, Peixoto TC, Gonzaga LR, Bolzan DW, Papa V, Carvalho AC, Arena R, Gomes WJ, Guizilini S. A home-based walking program improves erectile dysfunction in men with an acute myocardial infarction. The American Journal of Cardiology. 2015 Mar 1;115(5):571-5. Pasqualotto FF, Lucon AM, Sobreiro BP, Pasqualotto EB, Arap S. Effects of medical therapy, alcohol, smoking, and endocrine disruptors on male infertility. Revista do Hospital das Clínicas. 2004;59:375-82. Deng N, Kohn TP, Lipshultz LI, Pastuszak AW. The relationship between shift work and men’s health. Sexual medicine reviews. 2018 Jul 1;6(3):446-56. 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No sperm when i ejaculate? Whats wrong? No sperm comes out? – What to do? Quick solution
Men’s Health Blogs No sperm when i ejaculate? Whats wrong? No sperm comes out? What to do? Quick solution No sperm when i ejaculate? No sperm when i ejaculate? It’s probably a shocking thing for you to see. Oh god!, my sperms are not coming out. I am done, I can never have a child anymore (you will get a range of thoughts when you find… semen on ejaculation). Oh No…. Rightly so. You ought to be panicked. However, never worry too much, because in this short post I am going to give you a quick solution. On to the good stuff then. You can watch the video below as well Now, Lets analyze the issue together. The most common cause of no sperm coming out or no semen coming out during sex is fundamentally ‘erectile dysfunction‘. As a practicing andrologist and sexologist, I have seen in my practice that this is probably the most common reason for patients suffering from no sperm coming out (also called as an-ejaculation). Please do understand that erectile dysfunction is treatable. One must assess the cause of erection problems and then give the relevant treatment. Secondly, the next most common cause of ‘no sperm when i ejaculate’ is due to ‘Ejaculatory dysfunction’. Now, what causes ‘ejaculatory dysfunction?’. Well, its a condition called ‘Retrograde ejaculation’ In patients with retrograde ejaculation, semen goes backward into the urinary bladder, instead of coming out forward through the urethra. Technically, the patient with retrograde ejaculation can satisfy his partner. That means, he is able to penetrate, sustain his erection, and achieve orgasm. But, the semen alone wont come out. It will go back into the urinary bladder thereby mixing with urine. This is depicted in the image below Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Unraveling the Mysteries of the Bent Penis Secondly, the next most common cause of ‘no sperm when i ejaculate’ is due to ‘Ejaculatory dysfunction’. Now, what causes ‘ejaculatory dysfunction?’. Well, its a condition called ‘Retrograde ejaculation’ In patients with retrograde ejaculation, semen goes backward into the urinary bladder, instead of coming out forward through the urethra. Technically, the patient with retrograde ejaculation can satisfy his partner. That means, he is able to penetrate, sustain his erection, and achieve orgasm. But, the semen alone wont come out. It will go back into the urinary bladder thereby mixing with urine. This is depicted in the image below This happens since, for such patients, the internal sphincter does not close. Imagine a non-functioning valve, that does not close properly. What do you think happens to the flow? (Think….) Yup their will be leakages or back-flow. The same thing happens in patients with retrograde ejaculation. So, why does the valve or sphincter not close? The first clinical condition to rule out in such patients is ‘diabetes mellitus’. Next, one must rule out intake of ‘antidepressant medications’. In an estimated 60% of patients who take these medications, their will be either erectile dysfunction or ejaculatory dysfunction. Other causes include conditions like prostate injury, spinal cord injury, prostrate surgeries, large abdominal procedures can all ultimately result in no sperm coming out on ejaculation. Subscribe to our Newsletter So what is the treatment? Firstly, we do semen analysis test. We specifically do a ‘post orgasm’ urine sample examination. This is to see if sperms are mixing and coming out with urine. We also do a hormone analysis in parallel. Next we stop the antidepressant medications and also treat diabetes if presently. Consequently, we give the patient, sympathomimetic drugs (e.g midrodrine hydrochloride, imipramine and Chlorpheniramine maleate). These molecules are given for 3 to 6 month, and the treatment success rates is about 65 to 70 percent. That is if 100 individuals present to the clinic with the condition ‘no sperm comes out when i ejaculate’ 65 of 100 will respond very well to the medications. Eventually, these patients will be able to see their ‘sperms or semen coming out’. Lastly, another important point to bear in mind is that, men with ‘retrograde ejaculation’ or erectile dysfunction definitely suffer from infertility. This is because semen does not get deposited in the vagina. So, if and when should you suffer from this condition, remember to visit an andrologist near you Get a proper evaluation and a right treatment. I hope you found this blog post informative. Keep watching this space for more! Cheers and I will see you soon with more interesting content. References Jefferys A, Siassakos D, Wardle P. The management of retrograde ejaculation: a systematic review and update. Fertility and sterility. 2012 Feb 1;97(2):306-12. Ohl DA, Quallich SA, Sønksen J, Brackett NL, Lynne CM. Anejaculation and retrograde ejaculation. Urologic Clinics of North America. 2008 May 1;35(2):211-20. Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Comment (7) Godwin says: February 11, 2024 at 10:03 pm Edit Doctor I want to ask please What are the remedies, treatments and medications for Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: February 16, 2024 at 9:59 am Edit Please do call me on 9790783856 Reply Raheel says: October 12, 2023 at 12:37 am Edit Hii dr. Shah, i hope you are fine and this comment will reach out to you. I am facing this prone masturbation issue since 3 to 4 years now. When i fall asleep during midnight prone masturbation is happening and as a result ejaculation is taking place. Please i request you to tell me how to abstain or avoid prone masturabtion & to which counsellor should i meet to tackle this. I am unable to stop prone masturbation, i am depressed. Please help me Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: October 13, 2023 at 3:59 pm Edit Please drop me a call on 9790783856 Reply Chethan says: September 24, 2023 at 9:12 am Edit Hello sir my semen analysis shows 8-10
Lump in my balls? Quick Pointer’s on lump in testicles
Men’s Health Blogs Lump in my balls? Quick Pointer’s on lump in testicles Have you ever wondered with the question ‘lump in my balls’? Could it be some freaking cancer. Am i done for? What should I do about these lumps in testicles? In short blog post we will go through some very concise facts on ‘testicular lumps’. You can watch the whiteboard video below (if you feel lazy to read) On to the good stuff then!. So when you notice a ‘lump in the testicle’ what matters most is the position of the lump. Position, position and position. It matters that much. The fist question to ask is ‘Where is the lump in my balls located?’ Is it on the skin? Is it deep inside my balls (in the tissue that is). Exactly where? The next question to ask is…. ‘How many lumps in my balls are their?’ Is their a single lump? Are their multiple lumps? Is it on 1 testicle or is it on both testicles? So a preliminary diagnosis can definitely be done, by answering these questions. If you notice lumps in the skin as depicted in the image below, please remember that these lumps are nothing but ‘Sebaceous cysts’. Check out the image below The good news is that, these sebaceous cysts do not require any ‘medical intervention’. You heard that right. You dont have to worry about it at all! However, should these cysts become big, they may give your private parts an ungainly appearance and just may be your partner may notice it. In these instances, a surgical excision (removal of the cyst) can be done. The second most common type of lump, men have is called ‘The worm lump’ or more specifically, these lumps have a ‘bag of worms’ like feel. These lumps are called ‘Varicoceles’. Check the image below. Here again, the varicocele is nothing but a dilatation of the blood vessels specifically the veins (that run over the spermatic cord). These varicoceles do not require any treatment. However, a large number of andrologists argue on this topic, and routinely suggest varicocele surgery for patients in order to improve sperm count, sperm motility and sperm shape. But, in case the varicocele is associated with pain, a treatment will definitely be required. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Coming to the next type of testicular lump… Its called the Epidydimis. The Epidydimis, serves as for sperm storage. Its a small structure present above the testis. The interesting thing here is that, lumps in the epidydimis can be either 1. A spermatocele 2. A block (due to sexually transmitted infections) or 3. Due to an Epydidimal infection The image below depicts a lump in the Epydidimis. All big size epydidimal lumps with pain definitely need an ultrasound imaging. A semen analysis test is recommended in case the lump is present on both sides. However, small lumps such as epidydimal cysts less than <1 cm do not need any treatment (more so, if they are located on just 1 side) Lastly, lets talk on cancer lumps in testis the final type of testicular lump is caused by testicular cancer. Only an estimated 1% of patients with male infertility suffer from carcinoma. The lumps of cancer are usually located much deeper in the testis. Check out the image below The most common type of these cancers in the testis are called ‘seminoma’s’ (not samosa’s:-)). That was a cheesy joke. I know As one would expect, the testicular lumps definitely need intervention (no running away) When a patient presents to the clinic, with a testicular lump inside the sac, we recommend a scan. Subscribe to our Newsletter The most common type of these cancers in the testis are called ‘seminoma’s’ (not samosa’s:-)). That was a cheesy joke. I know As one would expect, the testicular lumps definitely need intervention (no running away) When a patient presents to the clinic, with a testicular lump inside the sac, we recommend a scan. Moreover, if its a testicular tumor (usually a seminoma) either the testis should be removed or chemotherapy is initiated. Consequently, the good news is testis cancers have excellent 5 year survival rates. The US preventive task force in fact does not even recommend routine screening for such cancers. All said and done, keep your mind cool and get the right treatment. You will do well. No worries. Period. Lastly, to conclude. If you do have a lump. Remember to definitely visit an andrologist and/or sexologist near you for a proper evaluation. Hope you found the info useful Keep watching this space for more. Cheers! References Lin K, Sharangpani R. Screening for testicular cancer: an evidence review for the US Preventive Services Task Force. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2010 Sep 21;153(6):396-9. Stonier T, Simson N, Challacombe B. Diagnosing testicular lumps in primary care. The Practitioner. 2017 Apr 1;261(1803):13-7. Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
Can i use saliva as lube? 2 Facts on using saliva as lube
Men’s Health Blogs Can i use saliva as lube? 2 Facts on using saliva as lube Welcome to Dr Shahs Clinic, in this quick video we are going to answer the question ‘Can i use saliva as lube?’. We will explore the magic of combining sex with saliva (we will see how magical it is!). Jokes apart let move on to the more serious stuff. Doc, can i use saliva as lube?, this is probably the single most common question I get. Its not surprising. An estimated 40% of couples use lubricants (saliva, KY jelly) or otherwise some ridiculous flower scented concoctions. Don’t get me wrong though. Using lubes definitely adds to pleasure for most couples. I mean people use saliva while masturbating, partnered sex, mutual masturbation and what not? Lubes of various varieties are also put into the mix. Moreover, saliva as lube is utilized in men with erectile dysfunction and in women with vaginal dryness However, there are some instances where you probably do not want to use saliva as lube. The best instance being ‘when trying for a child’. Saliva can basically give your sperms a knock-out punch. Studies done as early as the 1980’s have shown that saliva reduces sperm motility by 50% within just 5 mins of exposure. Not just that, by 15 mins of coming in contact with saliva, the sperm motility basically drops to zero. This is because saliva contains numerous substances that can technically ‘kamikaze’ your sperm. So, unless you are planning to use saliva as contraception method (not the best of course) you are probably better off not using saliva a lube when trying to conceive. Moreover, their are few more studies with some interesting observations. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Can saliva kill sperm? Oh yeah. Saliva is a sperm terminator In a few other studies, under the light microscope, scientist’s tried placing drops of sperm and drops of saliva beside one another. What did they find? Here again, sperm motility fell withing 5 mins of exposure and in about 15 mins the total sperm motility dropped to ‘0’. Interestingly, the sperms exhibited a kind of ‘shaking movement’ when exposed to saliva (sperms can get scared as well, have some mercy) Moreover, from the context of sexual hygiene, things get a bit more serious. Say….you are single and in a ‘not so committed’ relationship (in other words you do not know if you are going to marry the person), in these specific scenarios, you better watch out for STD’s And boy oh boy, saliva does transmit STI (sexually transmitted infections). In fact saliva can transmit a variety of sexually transmitted infections. Some common infections that can spread to your partner via saliva include 1. Herpes Simplex Virus leading to genital warts 2. Gonorrhea (by kissing and oro-genital sex) 3. Chlamydia (again by oral-penile sex) Subscribe to our Newsletter A beautiful study conducted in Australia called the HIM study has shown clearly that both Gonorrhea and Chlamydia can transmit through saliva. On an average, upon stimulation, via kissing and during oro-genital sex, saliva production in a man can reach 4-5 ml per minute (similar to that of eating food or chewing) thus aiding transmission of std’s. So should you use saliva as lube during sex? Well be careful and be damn cautious. The last thing you want is to end up with a damn STD. Trust me, it takes you out. Most importantly, I am sure you do not want your partner to end up with genital ulcers or lesions post sex. is a bit unfair right? So, exercise caution and avoid using saliva as lube. Should you definitely need to use a lube, use K-Y jelly or coconut oil as lube (more so when fertility is not a goal). I hope you found this blog post on ‘can i use saliva as lube’ informative. Please do ask your questions below. This is Dr Shah, Consultant Andrologist and Sexologist. I will see you soon with another interesting post References Chow EP, Fairley CK. The role of saliva in gonorrhoea and chlamydia transmission to extragenital sites among men who have sex with men: new insights into transmission. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2019 Aug;22:e25354. Templeton DJ, Jin F, McNally LP, Imrie JC, Prestage GP, Donovan B, Cunningham PH, Kaldor JM, Kippax S, Grulich AE. Prevalence, incidence and risk factors for pharyngeal gonorrhoea in a community-based HIV-negative cohort of homosexual men in Sydney, Australia. Sexually transmitted infections. 2010 Apr 1;86(2):90-6. Tulandi T, Plouffe Jr L, McInnes RA. Effect of saliva on sperm motility and activity. Fertility and sterility. 1982 Dec 1;38(6):721-3. Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
Can Masturbation Cause Delayed Ejaculation?
Men’s Health Blogs Can Masturbation Cause Delayed Ejaculation? Hey guys, in this short post I will tell you something you probably don’t want to hear. Lets understand and answer the question ‘can masturbation cause delayed ejaculation?’ Masturbation thrills young guys. I mean who isn’t right? Even women masturbate. Most men in our country are not aware of their better half indulging in their own sweet little ‘sex fantasies’. However, with men what we do know is that, masturbation (if left unchecked) can lead to numerous problems. A superb example of the same is called as ‘prone masturbation‘. Men who engage in prone masturbation, basically rub their genitals on the floor or bed or even the toilet seat. The vigorous action of rubbing triggers ejaculation. The hard rubbing generates friction and thus ejaculation. Consequently, for these men who engage in prone masturbation, delayed ejaculation develops. But why does prone masturbation lead to delayed ejaculation? Can masturbation cause delayed ejaculation? Well, its because, the penis becomes differently sensitive. The explanation is below. Firstly, with prone masturbation, the proximal portion or root of the penis develops a higher degree of sensitivity to the constant rubbing action. Secondly, the tip of the penis and the mid-shaft region are not exposed to any stimuli. Therefore, they lose sensitivity and become hypo-sensitive to touch and other stimulation. To summarize, the penis tip, glans and mid-shaft are not sensitive when these men engage in penetrative sex (with their partners). In prone masturbation the tip and mid-shaft stimulation do not occur. However in penetrative sex, its not the root (unlike prone masturbation) that is stimulated when the man penetrates the vagina, its the penis tip and mid shaft (you get the point right?) Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call To better explain Prone masturbation = Root Stimulation (which is sensitive) = Desire and Ejaculation For Prone masturbator’s when they engage in penetrative sex = Penis tip and shaft stimulation (which is not sensitive)= No Desire and No or Delayed Ejaculation Lastly, what is the biggest problem with delayed ejaculation? Patients suffering from delayed ejaculation have difficult sex lives. They have no choice but to masturbate and only masturbate watching porn. Moreover, they get stuck with their masturbatory behavior sometimes for life, they suffer multiple break-ups and ship-wrecked relationships. Sad and depressing, is it not? But that is not the end of the story, the biggest issue these men face is infertility. So can masturbation cause infertility? Yes it can. Since with delayed ejaculation (resulting from the prone masturbatory behavior) semen or sperm is never deposited in the vagina, infertility results Subscribe to our Newsletter So can masturbation cause delayed ejaculation? The answer is yes, more specifically prone masturbation definitely can lead to delayed ejaculation. Its best in general to avoid masturbation. I hope you liked the article. Please drop in your comments and kindly share the article with all your friends. This is Dr Shah consultant andrologist and sexologist in chennai. Keep watching this space for more interesting reads References Shin DH, Spitz A. The evaluation and treatment of delayed ejaculation. Sexual medicine reviews. 2014 Oct 1;2(3-4):121-33. Ma GC, Zou ZJ, Lai YF, Zhang X, Zhang Y. Regular penis-root masturbation, a novel behavioral therapy in the treatment of primary premature ejaculation. Asian Journal of Andrology. 2019 Nov;21(6):631. Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Comment (5) Godwin says: February 11, 2024 at 10:03 pm Edit Doctor I want to ask please What are the remedies, treatments and medications for Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: February 16, 2024 at 9:59 am Edit Please do call me on 9790783856 Reply Raheel says: October 12, 2023 at 12:37 am Edit Hii dr. Shah, i hope you are fine and this comment will reach out to you. I am facing this prone masturbation issue since 3 to 4 years now. When i fall asleep during midnight prone masturbation is happening and as a result ejaculation is taking place. Please i request you to tell me how to abstain or avoid prone masturabtion & to which counsellor should i meet to tackle this. I am unable to stop prone masturbation, i am depressed. Please help me Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: October 13, 2023 at 3:59 pm Edit Please drop me a call on 9790783856 Reply Chethan says: September 24, 2023 at 9:12 am Edit Hello sir my semen analysis shows 8-10 hpf pus cells present in semen and liquification time is >90 min and viscosity has increased. Overall results says NORMOZOOSPERMIA WITH GENITAL TRACT INFECTION WITH INCREASED VISCOSITY. Do i require treatment? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: January 24, 2024 at 3:52 pm Edit Please call me on 9790783856 Reply Will says: September 12, 2023 at 7:34 am Edit Hi, for the past few weeks there has been semen or prostate fluid in my urine almost every night. This is not from retrograde, neither from medication. This is really draining my energy. How can I stop this please help. Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: September 14, 2023 at 6:01 pm Edit Hi will, I can help. Please drop me a call on +919790783856 Reply Chloe says: September 10, 2023 at 2:43 am Edit I had a depo injection on January or I think it’s February as I remembered and I’ve not took it since I only took once in my life. Can I still get pregnant right now on September 9 can I still make a baby I do have periods but can I still have a baby this time of the month because I have not read the projection ages. Last time I took it was on January was either February as I remembered how long does it take to get a depot out of my system mental maths I don’t know? Reply Dr
Can Masturbation Cause Premature Ejaculation?
Men’s Health Blogs Can Masturbation Cause Premature Ejaculation? Hey guys, this is a very important video. Can masturbation cause premature ejaculation? Lets science the truth out of this statement. Who doesn’t love to masturbate? Masturbation as a practice is rampantly being practiced these days by men of almost all ages. It seems the entire scientific community have normalized the practice of masturbation as a normal part of adult sexual development. There seems to be no recommendation about a male masturbation limit. Furthermore, many patients do not realize that masturbation and constant porn watching can wreck their personal relationships with their partners. In a previous post we discussed on whether and can masturbation cause erection problems?. However, in this post we will discuss elaborately on how masturbation can lead to premature ejaculation. Firstly, we must understand ‘what is premature ejaculation‘? To put it simply, men with premature ejaculation (PE) can seldom hold or control their ejaculation. These men ejaculation within a minute of vaginal penetration. Moreover, the ejaculation can happen even during foreplay. This is probably the most sever form of premature ejaculation. Most men do not realize that premature ejaculation is the most commonest sexual dysfunction. It affects close to 40% of men who are in a sexual relationship. Premature ejaculation wrecks your partner. She is going to go mad!. Jokes apart, when women don’t achieve their orgasm due to PE in men, things in the relationship can go really messy. Ultimately, the relationship breaks down. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call But, how on earth is all this linked with masturbation? Here is a simple example I use while advising patients. What would happen should you go to buffet meals everyday? Say for breakfast? Now, You and I both know, that a buffet meal is 100 times better to look at and taste plus has more variety compared to the same boring breakfast. However, if you eat full-stomach in the buffet meal, what happens? You will eventually upset your stomach, get obese and suffer miserably in the long run. Pornography and masturbation is actually the buffet meal you consume on a daily basis. Get the point? You get to see a variety of women in porn. All the while, your brain gets conditioned to highly erotic visual stimuli. Most importantly, what happens here is that, the first time you may be able to hold your erection. The second time, you will watch something even more erotic. Consequently, with more higher levels of erotica what happens is that, your brains ejaculation latency time would decrease!. Thus leading to Premature Ejaculation. If these issues where not enough, from a neurological view-point your brain takes an active note of the ‘ejaculation time’. Eventually, the time to ejaculation get fixed at <1 minute simply because your brain has become habituated to the premature ejaculation. To summarize, this process of habituation is the single most biggest issue that results in premature ejaculation. Once this process sets in, you will end with up with anxiety and avoid sex, since you know well that you cant last long. The fact that you have PE itself will kill your sexual drive. Moreover, you will also lose erectile function during partnered sex. Why? the performance anxiety that developed will kill your erection. Now, going back to our example of buffet meal versus regular idli’s, what happens if you do not try a variety of different sexual stimuli? What if you do not try casual sex? OR What if you do not try something sexually exotic all the time? What if you stick to ‘having sexual intercourse only with your stable partner’? (Idli’s everyday). Remember, here I am not even referring to marriage. It is just a stable partner relationship. Nothing more. Well basically what happens is that, you get used to your partners body. Furthermore, you get used to the visual stimuli that your partners body is going to generate. Eventually, every little erotic stimuli your partners body generates, you get used to it. Including smell (another important sexual cue). Consequently, over a period of time, with the help of medications and certain exercises, we can help you achieve a control over your ejaculation. This is because your brain has just one kind of ‘stimuli input’ to process and does not have to deal with a wide variety of sexually arousing inputs. But, for all this to happen, you need to let go of masturbatory behavior. You definitely need to let go of watching porn as well. Subscribe to our Newsletter So, can masturbation cause premature ejaculation? Its a definite yes. Close to 85% of my patients who masturbate complaint of premature ejaculation. Unfortunately, this is a problem. I hope you liked this short blog post. Please share and drop in your comments below. This is Dr Shah, consultant andrologist and sexologist, and I will catch up with you soon with another interesting article. References abs/10.1080/02674659808406567 Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Comment (2) Godwin says: February 11, 2024 at 10:03 pm Edit Doctor I want to ask please What are the remedies, treatments and medications for Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: February 16, 2024 at 9:59 am Edit Please do call me on 9790783856 Reply Raheel says: October 12, 2023 at 12:37 am Edit Hii dr. Shah, i hope you are fine and this comment will reach out to you. I am facing this prone masturbation issue since 3 to 4 years now. When i fall asleep during midnight prone masturbation is happening and as a result ejaculation is taking place. Please i request you to tell me how to abstain or avoid prone masturabtion & to which counsellor should i meet to tackle this. I am unable to stop prone masturbation, i am depressed. Please help me Reply Dr
Does Masturbation Cause Erection Problems?
Men’s Health Blogs Does Masturbation Cause Erection Problems? A very common question I keep getting from my patients as a sexologist is ‘does masturbation cause erection problems?’ Doctor, does masturbation cause sexual disorders?. I mean, doc, how many times can we masturbate in day? Is their a male masturbation limit?. Fortunate are those who seek the truth in everything one hears and speaks. While this is NOT my saying, Its something, you must remember when you are actively googling about masturbation. Today their is a shit load of inaccurate, non-scientific and invalidated information on masturbation. So very sad indeed. Today many professionals and self-proclaimed sexperts are claiming masturbation to be a very normal part of human development. These andrologist and sexologists are in-fact recommending to do masturbation DAILY. Even 5 times/day is these days being sanctified as normal. Some experts go so far to say to state that regular masturbation even reduces prostate cancer. Crap! Crap and double crap. So does masturbation cause more harm than good? Is it really recommended to masturbate regularly? What is the truth?. Today a range of studies have explored and are exploring the link between masturbatory practices and erectile dysfunction Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Does masturbation cause sexual disorders? Does masturbation cause erection problems? The answer is YES, it does. Masturbation has been linked with a range of sexual disorders. They are 1. Erectile Dysfunction 2. Premature Ejaculation 3. And Retarded Ejaculation In a study by Lipsith et al, a beautiful publication that I would encourage you to read, the authors have given a proposed framework on exactly how masturbation leads to the development of erectile dysfunction. A normal adult goes to 3 important phases of sexual development. During the 1st phase or years near to puberty, young adults explore their genitals, masturbate and watch erotica (porn). In the stage 2, as the young adult gets older, he gets involved with women and eventually explores partnered sex. But, the catch is that, masturbation is still very much a part of his sexual outlets. Consequently, in stage 2 their is both masturbation + heterosexual sexual exposure. Lastly, in stage of sexual development, should things go normally for men, their is the establishment of stable sexual relationship with partners. Masturbatory behavior slowly reduces in frequency. However, in a small proportion of men ‘masturbation fixation’ occurs. Once the masturbation fixation establishes itself, the man will get so addicted to porn and sexual content, so much so that, he will not be able to get any arousal with his stable partner or married partner….ever. Eventually, these men develop erectile dysfunction of a psychogenic nature. They can never let go of the ‘habit of masturbation’. So, does masturbation cause erectile dysfunction? it does. Men who can let go of the masturbatory practices at an appropriate age, end up developing erectile disorder and other sexual disorders with their stable partners. Subscribe to our Newsletter Interestingly, these men will maintain good erectile function in isolation with porn. Why? This is because their no female partner to judge these men while they silently jerk-off to a ‘harem of women’ on screen. The visual erotica that porn provides is damn bloody exciting. It also discreet and you get variety. I mean who seriously wants f#$k the same women over and over again? When you get so many women naked on screen, that is exactly what your inner-brain (reptilian part of it) craves for. The saddest thing, these men can never have sexual intercourse with their partners. They eventually suffer in silence for years and also end up with multiple broken relationships. To conclude, masturbation is like a walking stick You must know when to give it up or at-least reduce the frequency of it. I hope you enjoyed reading this short post on ‘does masturbation cause erection problems’?. Keep watching this space for more. This is Dr Shah consultant andrologist and sexologist in chennai. See you soon on the next post References Lipsith J, McCann D, Goldmeier D. Male psychogenic sexual dysfunction: The role of masturbation. Sexual and Relationship Therapy. 2003 Nov 1;18(4):447-71. Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
Does Masturbation cause Infertility?
Men’s Health Blogs Does Masturbation cause Infertility? Masturbation, masturbation and masturbation. Seems like everyone is hooked on it. This is Dr Shah, consultant andrologist in chennai, and in this short blog post lets answer the question if ‘does masturbation cause infertility?’ Many young men, engage in masturbatory behavior. Not just that, these days, across the media and even the scientific community, the habit of masturbation is being now accepted as a normal part of adult sexual development. Moreover, it is extremely saddening to see, many professionals in the filed encourage the practice of masturbation among young adults. How on earth do you think it’s okay to masturbate 2 or 3 times per day?. Sadly today, these are things that are encouraged Furthermore, lets not forget the advent of pornography that basically made us men ‘ejaculate on computers or mobile screens’ Yuk, yuk, yuk However, the biggest issue we tend to miss is that, once the man gets addicted to porn and nude women on screens, he is in ‘wonderland’. And wonderland is a fun place to be in. Thing about it? Sounds motivating, right?. Secondly wonderland is a place no man wants to leave ever. Thus the vicious cycle of porn addiction begins, he starts ignoring his stable married partner and engages with ‘sex on screen’. Hell yeah. Eventually, the man will not get desire or even any mood from his partner and will avoid intercourse. Consequently, the avoidance of intercourse with his stable partner leads to infertility. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Thus, does masturbation cause infertility? Of course it does, but not in the manner most men think so. From a neurological perspective, the visual erotica and visual inputs that porn gives to the man is something, his boring wife can never ever give. This is what maintains the cycle of addiction. With masturbation, the biggest advantage is that, you have no one (I meant no partner) to judge you in anyway. You get an ‘awesome harem of women to fuck with all in myriad ways’ right on your screen. Think for a moment, what tastes better? Is it dosa or idli? Or is it a full fat buffet breakfast with muffins, french fries combined with sausages. The answer is obvious, its the buffet. We tend to pick that which grabs our attention (anytime and all the time). That is what masturbation ultimately does to men. It makes them dependent and addicted to a fantasy land. Subscribe to our Newsletter Masturbation addiction is a genuine pesky problem that ultimately leads to infertility. Another area where masturbation can cause infertility is by a special style of masturbation called ‘prone masturbation‘. Men who engage in this practice are called “Prone Masturbators” (like terminators). Dumb-ass jokes apart, this habit develops in individuals close to the time of puberty, where the child starts exploring his genitals (fiddling with them) and eventually rubbing them on the bed, pillows and achieving their orgasm with of course ejaculation. Furthermore, the practice of rubbing the organ, in the toilet seat, sink and bathroom floor gives the ‘prone masturbator’ the necessary friction and pleasure to achieve an orgasm. Consequently, men who eventually get addicted to the habit of prone masturbation, develop erectile dysfunction when they are trying sex with their partners. The net result? Infertility again! To conclude, I hope you enjoyed this short blog post on ‘does masturbation cause infertility’. Keep watching this space and stop watching PORN and avoid masturbation at all costs. In the end, its not worth it (and definitely not worth losing your marriage over masturbation addiction). This is Dr Shah, consultant sexologist in chennai. Catch up with you soon References Pottinger AM, Carroll K, Mason G. Male attitude towards masturbating: an impediment to infertility evaluation and sperm parameters. Andrologia. 2016 Sep;48(7):774-8. Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
How long to lie down after sex to get pregnant?
Men’s Health Blogs How long to lie down after sex to get pregnant? So, you are trying for a child? And probably one of the biggest questions that could be running in your mind now is ‘how long to lie down after sex to get pregnant’?. In this short blog post we are going to answer this very question and a few other relevant questions. To quickly elaborate, most women may find that semen back-flows from their vaginal opening after intercourse with their partners. This is something they dread, since most women (and men) get agitated or worried when they see a large portion of the ejaculate leak out. Moreover, not just that, they think the sperms are lost and pregnancy wont ever happen. As a sexologist, this is common worry I see with my patients However, this is far from the truth. Studies on rodent models and guinea pigs show that, semen coagulates and forms a plug, prevent too much back flow. This allows the sperm to swim from the plug upwards towards the egg. Furthermore in humans as well a loose gelatinous plug is formed and this protects the sperm from the harsh acid like vaginal environment. The plug also allows the sperm rich fraction to stay in close to the cervical opening. To elaborate, the semen deposited in the vagina will flow back (because semen does liquefy 15 to 20 mins post ejaculation), but the sperm rich fraction which is usually just 1% of the entire ejaculate is deposited in the vagina. Consequently, from the sperm rich fraction, the motile sperms will swim rapidly upwards into the uterus, aided by uterine contractions to reach the egg. The reason a women’s orgasm is important is simply because, the uterine contractions propel the motile spermatozoa upwards rapidly towards the egg!. So, should you worry about sperm back flow? The answer is definitely a big NO. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call How long should you lie down after sex to get pregnant? More importantly what to do after sex to conceive? The answer is basically to lie down for at-least 5 to 10 minutes. Don’t keep lying down though for hours together, unless of course you are having intercourse at night. The time that you need to give the spermatozoa to swim from the anterior vagina to the egg is just about ‘5 minutes’. Nothing more and nothing less. Secondly another important fact to bear in mind, is never to flush wash the vaginal region post intercourse with a hand held faucet. Most women tend to do that, this automatically will immobilize the spermatozoa and in some instances reduce the chances of a pregnancy. Subscribe to our Newsletter Thirdly, after sex which side to sleep? That does really matter, sleep on any side peacefully. Really that does not count. Now that you understand a bit about sperm transport, the next time your friend asks you ‘how long should i lay on my back while trying to conceive?’ You have the correct answer. About 5 mins. That’s it. I hope enjoyed reading this short blog post. This is Dr Shah, consultant andrologist in chennai, keep watching this space for more References article/12/1/23/607817?login=true Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Comment (4) Godwin says: February 11, 2024 at 10:03 pm Edit Doctor I want to ask please What are the remedies, treatments and medications for Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: February 16, 2024 at 9:59 am Edit Please do call me on 9790783856 Reply Raheel says: October 12, 2023 at 12:37 am Edit Hii dr. Shah, i hope you are fine and this comment will reach out to you. I am facing this prone masturbation issue since 3 to 4 years now. When i fall asleep during midnight prone masturbation is happening and as a result ejaculation is taking place. Please i request you to tell me how to abstain or avoid prone masturabtion & to which counsellor should i meet to tackle this. I am unable to stop prone masturbation, i am depressed. Please help me Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: October 13, 2023 at 3:59 pm Edit Please drop me a call on 9790783856 Reply Chethan says: September 24, 2023 at 9:12 am Edit Hello sir my semen analysis shows 8-10 hpf pus cells present in semen and liquification time is >90 min and viscosity has increased. Overall results says NORMOZOOSPERMIA WITH GENITAL TRACT INFECTION WITH INCREASED VISCOSITY. Do i require treatment? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: January 24, 2024 at 3:52 pm Edit Please call me on 9790783856 Reply Will says: September 12, 2023 at 7:34 am Edit Hi, for the past few weeks there has been semen or prostate fluid in my urine almost every night. This is not from retrograde, neither from medication. This is really draining my energy. How can I stop this please help. Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: September 14, 2023 at 6:01 pm Edit Hi will, I can help. Please drop me a call on +919790783856 Reply Chloe says: September 10, 2023 at 2:43 am Edit I had a depo injection on January or I think it’s February as I remembered and I’ve not took it since I only took once in my life. Can I still get pregnant right now on September 9 can I still make a baby I do have periods but can I still have a baby this time of the month because I have not read the projection ages. Last time I took it was on January was either February as I remembered how long does it take to get a depot out of my system mental maths I don’t know? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: September 14, 2023 at 6:01 pm Edit You can
How long does sex last?
Men’s Health Blogs How long does sex last? Well, this is one question I am itching to answer. Sex normally lasts anywhere from 45 seconds to 45 minutes. This shows gross extremes in time duration. However, the mean average times for most couples ranges from anywhere between 4 to 6 minutes. So, how long does sexual intercourse normally last? It depends on a multitude of factors and not just your partner’s individual capacity. Here is short video below Some of us, of course end up getting disappointed or even disgusted when a finish to early (a condition called premature ejaculation). In men who come early sex lasts less than a minute. However, in some men, ejaculation can be so delayed, sex can become tiring resulting in delayed ejaculation or even no ejaculation at all. As you correctly noticed, a women cannot find a meaningful sexual gratification with extremes of sexual time-frames. Coming too early and not coming at all are both detrimental to a healthy sexual relationship. You ideally want about 7 to 10 minutes of sexual foreplay (kissing, hugging, stimulating the breast, oro-genital stimulation) followed by about 5 minutes of penetrative sex. This of course results in a total duration of 12 to 15 minutes (which can be fun-filled and full-filling to both partners). Of course, the duration of sex can depend on how frequently you have it with your partner. Let me give you an interesting example. Say for example, you have sex frequently on an average 4 to5 per week, the duration of sex will be longer. You will notice you have more control over your ejaculation. However, in some instances you may notice that you are having intercourse only 1/month, then in these cases, because of the long abstinence, sex may not last long. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call So, how long does sex normally last? The answer also depends on how frequently you have sex?. Consequently, the sex in some individuals will last really long since some couples engage in really loooooong foreplay. They keep at it. Suit yourself, whatever turns you on man Jokes apart healthy sexual intercourse between couples should last anywhere from 12 to 15 minutes. The median average time reported as per scientific studies is 4 to 6 minutes. Furthermore, we really do not know… Subscribe to our Newsletter Why does sex last so long? if the only objective of sexual intercourse is to have a child, sexual intercourse should be fairly simple. You take your organ, it becomes erect, then you thrust it, then immediately ejaculation happens. Pregnancy achieved. Voila!. However, you and I both know, that is not the case. So, why does sex last long or last for a specific period of time? We are yet to discover the answer from nature. All that we know for sure, is that, sex is largely pleasurable as an activity. Its good for your health and your partner’s health and as a BONUS to nature, it passes on your genes to the next generation really very well. I hope you enjoyed reading this short article. Watch this space for more interesting articles. This is Dr Shah, consultant andrologist and sexologist in chennai, and I will catch up with you soon References Corty EW, Guardiani JM. Canadian and American sex therapists’ perceptions of normal and abnormal ejaculatory latencies: How long should intercourse last?. The journal of sexual medicine. 2008 May 1;5(5):1251-6. Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
How many times masturbation can be done in day? Male Masturbation limit explained
Men’s Health Blogs How many times masturbation can be done in day? Male Masturbation limit explained Hey guys, in this quick blog post we are going to quickly go over ‘how many times masturbation can be done in day?’. We shall quickly explore the male masturbation limit. My name is Dr Shah, and I specialize in male infertility treatments and sexual health. You can also watch the video below. It summarizes everything in 4 minutes!. How many times masturbation can be done in day?? – The video has the answer First and foremost, masturbation is an age old behavior. If you look at it’s origins, well, masturbation as a behavior dates back to the Egyptian era. The God Atum, also known as the supreme god in Egyptian religious ideology is depicted to have masturbated while feeling aroused or ‘horny’ (Do gods actually feel horny?). Anyways jokes apart, the legend goes like this, Atum felt horny and masturbated. Upon the spillage of his semen 2 gods were born. Moreover, it was even a customary practice in Egypt for the pharaoh and his tribe-men to masturbate into the river to pay his respect and homage to God Atum. But, historically speaking, religions like Zoroastrianism, Christianity and Islam (relatively speaking) has largely condemned the practice of masturbation and/or masturbatory behavior. The habit of masturbation has been frequently looked down upon as something very very disgusting. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Furthermore, lets be honest, we are not celebrating ‘masturbatory behavior’ as some some sort of historical achievement. This is in-spite of the fact that many eminent researchers, scientists, developmental psychologists have largely stated that masturbation is a part of normal adolescent sexual development. The truth however is not as simple as it always may seem. While masturbation is and can be a part of adult normal sexual development, you have to LET GO of the habit beyond a particular time frame. Persistent teen sex fantasies combined with porn watching and masturbation is SURE SHOT DISASTER RECIPE. Furthermore, now their are recent studies with supportive evidence pointing out that masturbation as a habit can lead to masturbation addiction, porn addiction and other aberrant practices. Furthermore, the overall sexual satisfaction scores derived from masturbation is very very less compared to penetrative sexual intercourse with a partner. So, how many times masturbation can be done in day? Well, Sorry to disappoint you folks. I personally cannot recommend masturbation at all. The only exception to the rule is that, suppose you are all alone (by choice) masturbation very occasionally to release sexual tension may be done. Once again, I believe this is a better sexual outlet versus having casual sex with unknown individuals. Since their is a very real risk of sexually transmitted disease. Masturbation done very occasionally may help reduce the risk of STD infection and other high risk sexual behavior. Furthermore, with practice you can slowly change and quit the masturbatory habit by keeping your mind busy with other activities. It definitely helps in the long run. Subscribe to our Newsletter It’s a very stupid thing to state that ‘its okay to masturbate 5 times per week or even 1 or 2 times per day’. I have very heard many eminent doctors speak this (very sad indeed). Try to avoid masturbation, in my experience as a andrologist and sexologist, I have met close to 9000 patients who have clearly stated they feel quite disgusted with masturbation. Over 85 to 90 percent of patients do not feel good in anyway masturbating. Moreover, in some instances some of these patients go so far wreck their stable relationships because of this behavior. To further elaborate when you masturbate, from a neurological perspective you are conditioning your brain to sexually explicit content and porn. You will never get the arousal you get from porn from penetrative intercourse with your partner. So frequently or how many times masturbation can be done in day? At best 1 or 2 times per month, if you cant keep a check on your desires. I do not personally recommend masturbation as a primary sexual outlet behavior. I hope you enjoyed reading this short blog post on masturbation. Watch this space for more interesting content References Engelhardt HT. The disease of masturbation: values and the concept of disease. Bulletin of the History of Medicine. 1974 Jul 1;48(2):234-48. Freud S. Contributions to a discussion on masturbation. InThe Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Volume XII (1911-1913): The Case of Schreber, Papers on Technique and Other Works 1958 (pp. 239-254). Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
How frequently should you have Sex to get pregnant?
Men’s Health Blogs How frequently should you have Sex to get pregnant? Hello dear friends! In this short post I am going to answer ‘a fairly simple yet common question’. How frequently should you have sex to get pregnant? or better yet, if you are trying for a child ‘what is the frequency of sexual intercourse required to achieve a pregnancy?’ The answer to this question is fairly straightforward. Its about 3 times per week. In an original study done by Macleod et al, he and his team of researchers analyzed the chances of pregnancy or natural conceptions with respect to sexual intercourse frequency. The study presents interesting findings. You can watch the video below, it wont take more than 1 minute of your time! The chances of pregnancy was highest during first 6 to 8 months post marriages. So say you are married and you have sex 3 times per week, between the 6th to 8 month, their is a SOLID 65 to 80 percent chance of getting your partner pregnant. However, remember, that this number does not apply to couples where the female partner has irregular cycles or other associated health conditions. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Moreover, when the frequency of intercourse reduces to about less than 3 times/week to about say 2 times/week, the likelihood of spontaneous pregnancies also reduces. For frequencies in the range of 1/week, the chances of pregnancy in the 1st year of marriage is very very low. So, is their any real or actual benefit of having intercourse more than 3 times/week? What if you have sex on a daily basis? Does it improve the chances of pregnancy? The answer is NO. Apart from the FUN aspect, it really does not improve the chances of conception. To further elaborate, most couples tend to overindulge in sex post marriage, this sometimes can turn counterproductive, so I would personally never recommend couples to go MAD over each other (over sex of course). Jokes apart, be gentle and kind to one another, intimacy and sex is very important in any marriage. Enjoy and frequent intercourse as and when necessary. Lastly to summarize if the goal is only a child, then targeting intercourse to 3 per week is ideal. Nothing more and nothing less. Subscribe to our Newsletter Do not ever stress over targeting intercourse specifically to ovulation days (usually a 6 day window). This becomes unhealthy in the long run and its best to avoid it at all cost. I hope you liked reading this short blog post on ‘how frequently should you have sex to get pregnant’. Please share this article to all your friends and loved ones. This is Dr Shah consultant male infertility specialist in chennai, and I will see you in this space with another interesting article. Till then Cheers! References Wilcox AJ, Weinberg CR, Baird DD. Timing of sexual intercourse in relation to ovulation—effects on the probability of conception, survival of the pregnancy, and sex of the baby. New England Journal of Medicine. 1995 Dec 7;333(23):1517-21. Stanford JB, Dunson DB. Effects of sexual intercourse patterns in time to pregnancy studies. American journal of epidemiology. 2007 May 1;165(9):1088-95. Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
Prone Masturbation – Why it’s the ONE thing you must avoid?
Men’s Health Blogs Prone Masturbation – Why it’s the ONE thing you must avoid? Its ill effects and why you should abstain from it? Vanakkam, Namaste and welcome to Dr Shahs Clinic, in this short post we are going to briefly discuss on prone masturbation and why you should avoid doing prone masturbation. As a practicing andrologist in chennai, I see on an average at-least 1 person/day who is addicted to prone masturbation. Its saddening to see that this specific behavior being wide spread, since it wrecks havoc on both the mind and body. You can also watch the video below, if you feel a bit down. Watch it till the end of course Now, an important point to bear here in your mind is how this process of prone masturbation develops and why do individuals basically rub their organ in the bed or rub their penis on the floor? and why do they get desire out of it?. Why does it happen & how?, that’s what we’re going to see in this blog and why should you avoid doing it at all costs?, is something we’re going to address here as well. So, prone masturbation actually develops when the man or boy or the guy is very young, like somewhere around 13 to 15 years of age when the individual enters puberty. Basically, the individual has wet dreams or sexual dreams and is exposed to sexual materials in peer groups or other sexual content. Consequently, what happens is in the night is that when he is sleeping or when he is half drowsy or half sleepy, the individual basically rubs their organ on the pillow or on the bed sheet or on the mattress and usually they have/achieve their 1st ejaculation. So, eventually with the ejaculation, there is a trigger of desire that happens in the brain and, neurologically, the brain registers it and it becomes a habit or a practice. A certain reward gets associated with the behavior. amplifying the habit. Consequently, for a couple of few nights afterwards, the boy or individual continues it and then they start experimenting and exploring their own bodies. They then go on the floor and rub their organ. Sometimes they will go lie down on the bathroom floor and rub their organ. And in some other times some individuals will even rub their organ against the sink. To better explain the the hard fiction of rubbing stimulates what’s called the root of the penis The root of the penis is where the organ is attached to the body. The hard rubbing action eventually makes the root of the penis more sensitive compared to the body of the organ. This makes rubbing the root or penis base more desirable for the individual. Thus forming a vicious cycle and eventually a regular habit. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Prone masturbation is not something normal and should NOT be encouraged. In conventional masturbation or conventional sexual intercourse, it is not the root of the penis that is stimulated. Instead, it is the tip and the mid third of the organ that is usually stimulated, so there is a big difference in the way the organ is stimulated and what happens with prone masturbation as compared to normal intercourse. What’s going to happen here eventually is that the tip and the mid shaft of the organ are not going to be as sensitive as the root. To better understand These regions become hypo-sensitive while the root becomes hypersensitive because of this. What’s going to happen is during penetrative sex, when these individuals become adults. When they have sexual intercourse with their partners, they suffer from delayed ejaculation or an-ejaculation, which means the semen is not at all going to come out unless or until they lie down on the floor and RUB their organ or they use their hand to severely and forcibly bring out the semen. Furthermore, because of this ejaculation issues, the relationship with their partner frequently breakdown because the individuals are addicted to prone masturbation behavior. They know there’s something wrong with them. They have not adjusted over many years and they cannot tell this to their partners and their relationships are going to break up and their partners’ delayed ejaculation is going to result in erectile dysfunction. In the long run, prone masturbation leads to three things. 1. Delayed ejaculation, 2. Erectile dysfunction and 3. The development of prone-masturbatory behavior can also lead to a form of addiction. Subscribe to our Newsletter So, the individuals who engage in prone masturbation become addicted to it and they engage only in that kind of sexual behavior. They avoid all forms of sexual intercourse with their partners. Some individuals will engage in prone masturbation and they will try sexual intercourse, but they will not be able to satisfy their partners. If they are able to satisfy their partners, they will not be able to satisfy themselves because they won’t get an ejaculation during penetrative sex because of the difference in the sensitivity between the root and the midshaft and the tip of the organ. So should you do prone masturbation? In one word NO, you have to avoid being prone masturbation. If you’re doing prone masturbation today, stop right now and you seek professional help to come out of this particular prone masturbation habit. Basically, behavioral therapy, psycho-sexual therapy with medications and counseling can help you come out of prone masturbation behavior. I hope you enjoyed reading this short blog post. If you looking for a sexologist to help you, please feel free to reach out to me. References Gündüz S, Uşak E, Yüksel ÇN, Eren A. Early childhood masturbation. Medical Journal of Islamic World Academy of Sciences. 2015;23(2):59-62. Davis M, Rubin R. 007 Prepubertal Masturbation Techniques Inflicting Penile Trauma and Erectile Dysfunction in Healthy Adult Males: A
The Withdrawal Method of Contraception
Men’s Health Blogs The Withdrawal Method of Contraception The Withdrawal Method of Contraception – quick facts Vanakkam and welcome to Dr. Shah’s clinic. Have you ever heard of the withdrawal method of contraception? alias pull out technique?. Wish you a very happy new year and it’s been quite some time since I post my last video. In this short blog post, we are going to discuss the withdrawal method of contraception also called the withdrawal method of birth control. Watch the video below if you do not have the patience to read through the full article. I promise you, it will be worth it. Now the withdrawal method of contraception is also called as a pull-out method. So in the withdrawal method what usually men do is that just before the point of ejaculation or just before they hit their orgasm they pull out the organ from the vagina so that intra-vaginal ejaculation does not happen and thereby an unwanted pregnancy can be avoided. Now what’s very interesting here is that withdrawal or the pull-out method of contraception is probably the oldest contraception method that has been used since time memorial. It’s a biblical method it’s been around for so very long. Now, it’s important to understand here that the withdrawal method of contraception gives a contraception protection rate of almost 95% and there is a 5% failure rate even in this method. Now what this means is that the withdrawal method of contraception is as good as a condom, so basically if you are averse to using a condom that is if you wear a condom and you feel you lose your erection you are not able to connect with your partner, bond with your partner because you are wearing a bloody condom try the withdrawal method of contraception, it usually works. It’s amazing as a method, because you have a good connection with your partner from a psychological perspective but the only problem here is that you are not going to get an intravaginal ejaculation. It’s more of a male method of contraception what happens here is that your partner’s satisfaction is not going to be impacted. So basically you have to last long enough so that you can give your partner the orgasm and then pull out and then you have to ejaculate outside the vagina. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Furthermore, you don’t want to give your partner an unwanted pregnancy and that’s why the withdrawal method or the pull-out method is so good. Many men pride themselves in using the withdrawal method or pull-out method of contraception since to some extent it shows that the man has tremendous control over his ejaculation. The next important point is the partner will also respect you because you care for her you don’t want her to have an unwanted or an unintended pregnancy. So the withdrawal method or the pull-out method has a 95% protection rate which is almost as good as a condom but a 4% to 5% failure rate because sometimes the pre-lubricating fluid can have a small number of sperms and there are about 6 to 7 studies on the topic. Some studies say that the pre-lubricating fluid has no sperm at all. Subscribe to our Newsletter All said and done the best way to optimize the success of the method to pass urine after sexual intercourse. This will help wash off any residual sperm present in the male reproductive tract. If you masturbate in the previous day or you had sexual intercourse the previous day what you should do is you should urinate flush your urinary system off any residues and then have sexual intercourse and then adopt the withdrawal method during the particular session. So this will lower diminish or completely remove the chances of unwanted pregnancy so even if a small amount of pre-lubricating fluid deposits in the vagina the chance of pregnancy is going to be very less. I hope you found this video quite informative and useful on this withdrawal method of contraception also the pull-out method of contraception. This is Dr Shah consultant sexologist in chennai, keep watching this space for more interesting articles References science/article/abs/pii/ S001078241400208X Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
Why is my semen green? Learn everything about green semen
Men’s Health Blogs Why is my semen green? Why do I see greenish appearing semen? Is this something to be worried about? As a practicing Sexologist in Chennai I have seen many patients suffer from this issue. Read the article below Watch the video below to understand everything under the sun about greenish appearing semen. Hello and welcome to Dr. Shah’s clinic. In this short blog post, we’re going to answer the question why semen is green? Or why do I have greenish-colored semen? Or what does the greenish color of semen signify? Now what’s important to understand is that the normal color of the semen is usually whitish grey to grayish white and you know it has an egg-like consistency. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call So, when you notice ‘green-colored’ semen, it can suggest that either you’re taking some medication or some supplements. To further elaborate when these supplements or medications breakdown, sometimes the color of those metabolites can be reflected in the semen.That is one reason for greenish color semen. The other reason for semen being green is that you may have a prostrate infection, so if you notice a green color in the semen and this is usually very rare, you may have a prostate infection that has not been diagnosed. If you have greenish color of semen with a burning sensation while passing urine and there is probably a prostate infection and that’s why the semen is green in color. The next reason for green semen is explained below For instance, you can probably notice a green color in the seminal fluid when bilirubin, which is basically a liver metabolite, mixes with the semen. This can happen if you have liver damage from some underlying liver pathology. Subscribe to our Newsletter To conclude, these are the three conditions where you know you may notice the semen color being green and it’s nothing to get alarmed about. If you notice the green color of semen, don’t just stress out and panic, try to take it easy. A simple solution would be to repeat the semen analysis or do a semen culture and sensitivity test and check for infections. Following this administration of relevant antibiotics, can help you resolve the green color of semen. Repeat your semen test again . If you don’t notice the green color of semen coming back again, completely ignore it please. Take it easy. I hope you enjoyed the article on green appearing semen. Please share this video with all your friends and loved ones. This is Dr. Shah consultant andrologist in chennai, I will see you back soon with another article. Thank you. References doi/abs/10.1111/and.12078 Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Comment (2) Godwin says: February 11, 2024 at 10:03 pm Edit Doctor I want to ask please What are the remedies, treatments and medications for Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: February 16, 2024 at 9:59 am Edit Please do call me on 9790783856 Reply Raheel says: October 12, 2023 at 12:37 am Edit Hii dr. Shah, i hope you are fine and this comment will reach out to you. I am facing this prone masturbation issue since 3 to 4 years now. When i fall asleep during midnight prone masturbation is happening and as a result ejaculation is taking place. Please i request you to tell me how to abstain or avoid prone masturabtion & to which counsellor should i meet to tackle this. I am unable to stop prone masturbation, i am depressed. Please help me Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: October 13, 2023 at 3:59 pm Edit Please drop me a call on 9790783856 Reply Chethan says: September 24, 2023 at 9:12 am Edit Hello sir my semen analysis shows 8-10 hpf pus cells present in semen and liquification time is >90 min and viscosity has increased. Overall results says NORMOZOOSPERMIA WITH GENITAL TRACT INFECTION WITH INCREASED VISCOSITY. Do i require treatment? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: January 24, 2024 at 3:52 pm Edit Please call me on 9790783856 Reply Will says: September 12, 2023 at 7:34 am Edit Hi, for the past few weeks there has been semen or prostate fluid in my urine almost every night. This is not from retrograde, neither from medication. This is really draining my energy. How can I stop this please help. Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: September 14, 2023 at 6:01 pm Edit Hi will, I can help. Please drop me a call on +919790783856 Reply Chloe says: September 10, 2023 at 2:43 am Edit I had a depo injection on January or I think it’s February as I remembered and I’ve not took it since I only took once in my life. Can I still get pregnant right now on September 9 can I still make a baby I do have periods but can I still have a baby this time of the month because I have not read the projection ages. Last time I took it was on January was either February as I remembered how long does it take to get a depot out of my system mental maths I don’t know? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: September 14, 2023 at 6:01 pm Edit You can Chloe, dont worry Reply Anye ivo says: September 6, 2023 at 7:15 pm Edit Thanks very much for this information you have given to me am very grateful it will help me I will go street to the hospital and due as you people have tell me to due and I will share your video thank very much love you I which I will have my own babes Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: September 14, 2023 at 6:02 pm Edit Glad you like the content. Please share! Reply Adeyemi Adewoye
Is a curved penis normal ? How much curve is too much?
Men’s Health Blogs Is a curved penis normal? How much curve is too much? Watch the video below Welcome! Namaste and welcome to doctor Shah clinic. My name is doctor Shah and I am a consultant Andrologist in Chennai and in this video we are going to discuss a very common clinical problem that I see in my routine day-to-day clinical practice. So is a curved penis normal? So a large number of patients have serious concerns about the curvature of their organ. This is not surprising. That’s because in these patients, the primary doubt is that whether they will be able to achieve satisfactory sexual intercourse with their long-term partners. An important point to bear in mind is that and accurate self assessment of penile curvature is usually quite difficult to do for most patients. So in this case visiting your friendly neighborhood Andrologist or sexologist in chennai maybe the best or wisest option. Normal penile curvature for most patients ranges from 5 degree up to 30 degrees. In Almost 15 to 20% of patients who visit my clinical practice seeing some degree of penile curvature in the range of 5 to 30 degree is quite normal. However if the penile curvature is greater than 50 degree 60 degree clinical condition called peyronie’s disease has to ruled out. So how is peyronies disease diagnosed? The diagnosis of peyronie’s disease is done by a clinical palpation method where the presence of hard fibrous plaques can be felt by the palpation while examining the organ as well as confirming the presence of the penile plaques by doing an ultrasound scan of the penis Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call So what are the symptoms of peyronie’s disease? Patience with true peyronies disease the angle of penile deviation is in the range of 70 degree to 90 degrees. The top 3 clinical symptoms of peyronie’s disease are number one pain during erection number 2 an organ that is tilting upward or completely upward number 3 erectile dysfunction. So how common is peyronie’s disease? Peyronie’s disease is seen about 0.5% to 20% of all men as per the scientific literature. However, in the age group of 35 to 45 years of age peyronies is more common and most patients commonly present to the clinic with complaints of pain on erection, complaints of organ tilting upwards completely as well as erectile dysfunction. What causes peyronie’s disease? So this is basically a connective tissue disorder and no one actually knows what is the exact pathogenesis of the particular condition. Subscribe to our Newsletter How can peyronies disease be treated? Today a large number of professional societies and bodies are recommending surgical correction of the condition. However some medical management options also do definitely exist. The most popular techniques used for erection of penis disease include 1. Nesbits Technique &2. The TAP procedure. So what happens typically in a patient with peyronie’s disease is that the fibrous plaque pulls in the direction of the plaque during an erection. Consequently, during a surgical correction, counter incisions are made in the connective tissue of the penis opposite to the plaque to correct the angle of pull. However an important point to bear in mind is that, after the surgical correction about 15 to 20% of patients’ surgical complications like worsening of the penile curvature as well as penis shortening. The surgical correction has a success rate of about 80 to 85%, but most professional societies like the American urological Association recommend surgery only after a specific period of time that is 6 months to 1 year post the diagnosis of peyronie’s disease. The best success rates from surgical correction is usually seen in patients where plaque stabilization has occurred after waiting for a period of 6 months to 1 year post development of peyronie’s. Moreover, medical management of peyronie’s disease also can definitely be tried before resorting to surgical correction methodologies. Some medical management strategies that have been tried for peyronie’s disease include usage of medications like verapamil, potassium aminobenzoate also called potaba (although it’s not clinically proven enough) and lastly clostridium histolyticum collagenase (which is probably the only US FDA approved treatment for peyronie’s disease). The clostridium histolyticum collagenase is directly injected into the fibrous plaque under ultrasound guidance, and this results in reduction in plaque size, decreased pain during erection and improved erectile function for at least 75 to 78% of patients. To conclude important to understand that true curved penis from peyronie’s disease is rather very rare. Most patients worry about their curved penis primarily because they fear they may have peyronies. So is curved penis normal, it most probably is!. Visit your andrologist or sexologist for an angle estimation lose your fear of curved penis for good. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post on ‘is a curved penis normal’ do share with all your friends and loved ones. Watch the space for more interesting articles. So, is a curved penis normal? You bet it is, most of the time! References 10.1016/S0022-5347(17)39746X science/article/abs/pii/ S1743609515301144 Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Comment (2) Godwin says: February 11, 2024 at 10:03 pm Edit Doctor I want to ask please What are the remedies, treatments and medications for Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: February 16, 2024 at 9:59 am Edit Please do call me on 9790783856 Reply Raheel says: October 12, 2023 at 12:37 am Edit Hii dr. Shah, i hope you are fine and this comment will reach out to you. I am facing this prone masturbation issue since 3 to 4 years now. When i fall asleep during midnight prone masturbation is happening and as a result ejaculation is taking place. Please i request you to tell me how to abstain or avoid prone masturabtion & to
Sperm leakage in the urine – Why does it happen?
Men’s Health Blogs Sperm leakage in the urine Why does it happen? Namaste and Welcome to Dr. Shahs Clinic, My name is doctor Shah and I am a Consultant Andrologist in Chennai. Check the video on sperm leakage in the urine if you feel lazy to read up the article, this is a very common problem I routinely see in my clinical practice with my patients. In this, post, we are going to discuss sperm leakage in the urine or also called semen leakage problem in the urine. A large proportion of my patients who come to see me in my private practice complain that ‘dear doctor, I am losing sperm in my urine because of that I feel tired and exhausted, my erection is gone and my penis size has become small. Moreover, I feel weak, sometimes I feel I have lost my fertility. Some patients also complain of fatigue and body pain. For such patients, it is important to rule out a clinical condition called Dhat syndrome. Now come to the clinic with the complaint of sperm leakage in the urine along with physical tiredness and fatigue Dhat syndrome has to be ruled out. For these patients, behavioral therapy along with medication and counseling can be of tremendous benefit. Now, what are the commonest causes of seminal fluid leakage in the urine? The most common cause of semen leakage in the urine is usually voiding urine after a session of masturbation or a session of sexual intercourse. This is because they penile urethra is coated with sperm or seminal fluid during ejaculation and what happens during urination is that sperm and urine tend to mix together and come out through the same common tract. So it is not surprising to note semen or sperm mixing with the urine especially while passing urine after a session of sexual intercourse or masturbation. A simple reassurance of the patient is usually all that is necessary (at least in most cases). There was a very interesting study done on over 5005 men in Tokyo, in which the researchers actually looked for sperm in the urine and its Association with certain clinical conditions. The researchers found that over 5% of men actually had sperm in the urine (that’s roughly 300-400 men) when their urine was put through a urine element analysis. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call In the study, they found 3 clinical conditions in which these men had sperm mixing with the urine or semen leakage the urine. The first condition was Diabetes mellitus. This is not surprising because in patients with diabetes mellitus the internal urinary sphincter becomes weak and what happens is that, and this internal urinary sphincter (check out the image below) does not close at the time of ejaculation what basically happens if that the sperm or semen goes into the urinary bladder in retrograde fashion (backward) instead of coming antegrade (forward) out of the penis as is normally expected. The second condition in which semen leakage occurred in the urine is the condition called dyslipidemia (also referred to as high cholesterol problem). The exact link between high cholesterol issues and semen leakage in the urine is unknown. However, what we do know is that patients with high cholesterol (dyslipidemia) tend to develop diabetes in the long run or at an increased risk of developing Diabetes mellitus. The third common cause of sperm leakage in the urine came with patients who used a certain class of medications called antidepressants. Semen leakage in the urine was also seen in patients who used drugs for improving urine flow namely drugs like tamsulosin. Now that we have discussed the common causes of semen leakage in the urine or sperm leakage in urine in the clinic, what we try to assess in our sexology clinic in chennai is a medical condition called retrograde ejaculation. Subscribe to our Newsletter Retrograde ejaculation can definitely lead to sperm leakage in the urine Retrograde ejaculation is commonly seen in patients who are diabetic and also in patients who have had prostate surgery for urinary flow problems. For this class, of patients, a simple non-surgical procedure called sperm retrieval from the bladder can be done to overcome the severe male factor infertility issues stemming from a lack of antegrade ejaculation. Here is another interesting fact, an average man produces 2500 sperm per minute the produced sperm are usually stored in three structures the testis the epididymis as well as the long tube-like structure called the vasa, the storage capacity of these three structures put together seldom exceeds 5 to 7 days. Check out the image below, it highlights the sites of sperm storage. So normally what happens if that once this storage capacity is exceeded most men have automatic ejaculations during sleep. This is referred to as nightfall. Moreover, this is more commonly seen in men who are sexually inactive and who do not masturbate. Such men, also report seeing sperm in urine the day following nightfall. As a result, these men get psychologically distressed and think they are losing their fertility on account of the nightfall problem. Therefore, the importance of proper counseling and behavioral therapy cannot be stressed enough and only a small proportion of patients truly require treatment for a sperm leakage problem for semen leakage problems in the urine. Retrograde ejaculation is a definite cause of sperm leakage or semen mixing in the urine and definitely requires treatment once a diagnosis has been established. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post on sperm leakage in the urine, please do share this with all your friends and loved ones. Feel free to reach out to me in case of difficulties. Wishing you a very healthy and peace-filled and fun-filled living References 10.1002/rmb2.12289 Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with
Semen Culture & Sensitivity – When to do & when not to?
Men’s Health Blogs Semen Culture & Sensitivity When to do & when not to? Vanakkam namaste and welcome to Dr. Shah’s Clinic, my name is Dr shah, and I am a Consultant Andrologist. In this blog post, I am going to answer 2 Cardinal questions on semen culture and sensitivity that I commonly hear from my patients. The first question, when you should not do a semen culture and sensitivity? The second question, when you should do a semen culture and sensitivity testing? So at the outset, we must understand that semen is basically made out of fluid contributed from different body organs. These are namely, prostate, the seminal vesicles, the testis and lastly epididymal fluid. And all these fluids in different parts of the male reproductive tract mix and come out through a common pathway that is the penile urethra. (the same path through which urine also flows) So it is not surprising to see bacterial growth in semen when a routine semen culture and sensitivity testing is done for male factor infertility patients. A number of fertility doctors and infertility experts routinely recommend patients to take a semen culture and sensitivity testing, when they come to the clinic for an infertility evaluation. However, large scale professional societies and scientific publications. have clearly suggested that routine testing of semen culture and sensitivity is not required. Moreover, these recommendations seem exceedingly sensible because when semen culture and sensitivity are ordered, the primary assumption is that bacterial growth in the semen affects sperm parameters. So, what eventually happens is that on doing the test we tend to culture bacteria that may be commensal by nature ( a commensal organism is an organism that is found normally in the particular body area or fluid). Since there are commensal organisms in the urine, it’s not surprising to find the growth of organisms in the semen. Some common organisms that are cultured include Streptococcus, Peptostreptococcus, E. coli, and Staphylococcus. Doctors then tend to put patients on 1 month or 2 months of antibiotic therapy. The joke though is that antibiotic therapy in itself can lead to low sperm motility. Not just that, close to over 250 to 300 medications have been associated with lower sperm quality. Indiscriminate medical therapy can definitely impair male fertility potential. Sadly a large number of Specialists seem to forget this fact when treating patients with male factor infertility. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call So, should a semen culture be done routinely for all patients? The answer is definitely no A simple semen analysis is usually more than adequate. Also, should seminal infections be treated with antibiotics routinely? here again, the answer is no However, when should a semen culture and sensitivity be done for all patients? Only if the patient has clinical symptoms like burning sensation while passing urine, fever pain during ejaculation, and lastly blood in the semen. Moreover, this is because the patient might have had sexual exposure with an unstable partner or multiple partners. Visiting a sexologist makes sense! Furthermore, we also know that some sexually transmitted diseases like Chlamydia and Gonorrhea need active treatment because they severely impact male fertility if left untreated. There are also numerous other infections that can cause permanent testicular damage Subscribe to our Newsletter So in all patients where there are clinical symptoms semen culture and sensitivity is definitely recommended. Another bonus fact is that some studies have looked at the bacterial growth in the semen of both fertile men as well as infertile men. What they have found is that no specific organism could be associated with impaired sperm parameters. The truth is the function of most of these bacteria in semen remains to be discovered. There are approximately 10 ^ 7 bacteria per ml of semen. That means there are more bacteria than sperm in the semen. Most importantly, the association between male factor infertility and the growth of commensal organisms in the semen has not been established in the pathogenesis of male factor infertility. To re-emphasize the take-home points today are Routine semen culture sensitivity is not required for all patients Antibiotic treatment for commensal organism growth in semen is not required Semen culture and sensitivity only required for patients with clinical symptoms of urinary tract infection I hope you enjoyed reading this short blog post. Keep watching this space for more please share this article with all your friends and loved ones. This is Dr. Shah, Consultant Andrologist in Chennai. Wishing you a happy and prosperous health References articles/PMC4567295/ pubmed/21726934 Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
How To Increase Sperm Motility Fast ?
Men’s Health Blogs How To Increase Sperm Motility Fast ? So, if you are on this page, you are probably looking quick tips on ‘how to increase sperm motility fast’. I mean, really fast. This is Dr. Shahconsultant andrologist and sexologist. In this post, I am going to share with you some foods for healthy sperm motility, that you can take today!. The truth is, the medical industry is flooded with medicines to increase sperm count and motility. However, the truth is most of these medicines for sperm motility do not actually work. Moreover, some medicines for sperm motility actually lowers the overall motile sperm percentage. Thus, if you are trying to improve sperm count or sperm motility, following the right treatment strategies is a must. But before we discuss the tips, let’s try to understand a bit about normal sperm motility What is normal sperm motility? The normal sperm motility as estimated by the WHO from a large cohort of fertile fathers falls in the range of 31% to 36%. Now, remember this is a range, and moreover, this does not mean that fathers with values lesser than 31% cant have babies. What this essentially means is that the time to pregnancy may take slightly longer. That’s about it!. Thus, for all practical purposes, if the measured sperm motility is equal to or greater than 32%, then the sperm motility is considered to be normal. Now, what actually causes low sperm motility?. We will answer that below What causes low sperm motility? Low sperm count and motility are vexing issues. Moreover, they technically impair or reduce the chances of pregnancies occurring naturally. Common causes of low sperm motility include. While, some are correctable causes of male infertility, some others are much harder to treat. Oxidative stress from reactive oxygen species Lack of sleep Smoking and Alcohol abuse Medications like antibiotics and host of other prescription drugs Lifestyle factors and morbid obesity Testicular infection and testicular trauma Hormonal deficits and imbalances Genetic causes Therefore, treatment strategies of course ultimately depend on the cause. Now, let’s answer the crucial question on how to increase sperm motility fast? Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Tip 1 – Get 8 hours of sound sleep In a Danish study of 953 men, a significant association between sleep disturbances and semen quality was found. Men with less than 7 to 8 hours of peaceful sleep reported reduced sperm count and also reduced the production of morphologically normal sperm. Hit the bed on time and definitely sleep for about 8 hours minimum to improve sperm motility fast. Avoid working late into the night. Tip 2 – Reduce Alcohol or better STOP it altogether In an interesting study done on over 67 men, ethanol was added to the semen. What these researchers found was that, on adding alcohol to semen, sperm tail defects started appearing and moreover, sperm shape abnormalities also occurred. Furthermore, sperm velocity significantly decreased. Want to know how to increase sperm motility fast? Quit alcohol. Simple. Moreover, alcohol intake is also strongly associated with erectile dysfunction and a host of other sexual health problems. Tip 3 – Stop Smoking. Its not worth it I have been a practicing andrologist and sexologist for a very long time. I get patients who frequently tell me that they smoke just 1 cigarette a day. Moreover, they tell me that it’s very very less. Not just that, they all seem to have a bunch of smoker friends who had absolutely no problems with fathering a child. The truth, is different. Smoking impairs sperm motility and sperm DNA integrity. It’s also bad for your heart and lungs. Didn’t you see it in the movies? A reminder below A recent study has found that sub-fertile smoking men frequently have lower sperm count, sperm motility, morphology, and lastly poorer sperm DNA integrity. Quit smoking if you are trying for a child. Tip 4: – Optimize your body weight The thing is… if you are trying for a child, you definitely need to lose those extra kilos. However, losing weight is not guaranteed to improve sperm motility, it is something you should definitely try. Since your overall health is a marker of the health of your sperm. At our clinic, from our own experience, we have seen numerous patients who have had a significant improvement in sperm motility after losing just 10% of their body weight. Try to target a BMI within 25kg/meter squared. It’s worth it!. A recent study also suggest that weight loss improves sperm’s overall DNA integrity. Tip 5:- Lower Stress with Exercise Studies have clearly suggested that, with stress, the body’s cortisol secretion goes up. Consequently, testosterone production falls. Since testosterone is a key hormone important for healthy sperm production, keeping your stress levels low is highly critical for improving sperm motility Tip 6:- Reduce Carbohydrate Intake One of the best ways to quickly improve sperm count and motility is to reduce the overall carbohydrate intake from your diet. Take lots of proteins and fats. Since, increased intake of carbohydrates is associated with the generation of advanced glycemic end products (AGE). Consequently, AGE are potent oxidative entities and can destroy the sperms plasma membrane. Thus, one of the most potent ways to increase sperm motility rapidly is to reduce overall carbohydrate intake. Aviod added sugar, milk and white rice were possible. Tip 7:- Avoid all sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB’s) A study done at the University of Rochester suggests on men found that in individuals were the overall intake of sweet beverages was more than >1.3 per day, sperm parameters were impaired. Reducing the intake of SSB can drastically improve sperm count and motility. There is one more bonus tip and this is really important. Read on below Subscribe to our Newsletter BONUS TIP 8 ON HOW TO INCREASE SPERM MOTILITY FAST Take folic acid!. at least 3 times a day. Folate is a proven
How To Know Sperm Count Without Test ?
Men’s Health Blogs How To Know Sperm Count Without Test ? Hi! This is Dr. Shah, Consultant andrologist in chennai and in today’s short post we are going to discuss on the question – “How To Know Sperm Count Without Test?” Now, I am sure you are aware of the fact that male infertility is rampantly rising all around the globe. But, most men, who come to a fertility clinic to meet and infertility specialist frequently shy away from any type of testing related to sperm or semen in general. However, you can’t blame them!! Furthermore, the feeling of discomfort further rises when these guys meet an infertility specialist who is not a female!. This is more so true in a conservative city like Chennai. Most men who come to me for an infertility evaluation are pretty open about their problems, yet, a small fraction of them ask me this question time and again… “How To Know Sperm Count Without Test?” Here is the honest answer… There is no accurate way to determine the exact sperm count without a proper and full-fledged semen analysis! Sorry to disappoint, but that is the absolute truth!. I swear! There are numerous sperm check at home kits being sold online that claim to tell if your sperm count test is normal Sadly That is very, very, I mean very far from the truth Just remember, that none of these kits can ever guarantee your ability to father a child!. Sadly, none of these at home kits that claim to assess sperm count are sensitive or specific enough to detect zero sperm count specifically. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call However, there are few kits that are sensitive enough for sperm counts up to 2 million/ml, I will reserve my judgment on them. The semen analysis test even for a single male can change from place to place and time to time. I only recommend doing a proper semen analysis as per the WHO 2010 Laboratory andrology guidelines from a well-certified lab I good report usually will give you the following metrics on your semen Sperm count The Sperm motility along with three subtypes as follows a) sperm progressive motility b) sperm non-progressive motility c) immotile sperm The Sperm morphology and other types of sperm defects Vitality of sperm Semen Volume, ph and a host of other data And, that is not the end of the story! Every man who ever has a semen analysis should get a clinical workup that includes an in-depth male history taking and also a thorough physical examination of his testis size and other reproductive organs At this juncture, I should also tell you that your semen is a very complex fluid. Every parameter of semen, and especially the sperm count, motility and morphology can change from one report to another. Anything about Sperm biology usually is darn confusing!. Lastly, What is the normal sperm count? That is about 15 million sperms per ml of semen!. Just remember that, the next time you look at your test results. Oh… And do not get upset if you get a bad result, just get it rechecked in a proper well-certified andrology laboratory! Subscribe to our Newsletter I hope you enjoyed this short read on… “How To Know Sperm Count Without Test?” This is Dr. Shah, Consultant in Male Infertility & Sexual Health, Do drop in your questions in the form below! References Sperm Fertility check at home article Semen analysis and spermiogram as per the WHO 2010 Get in touch with us below Dr Shahs Clinic for Male Infertility & Sexual Health Address: No 21, Sree Kalki Aparrtment, Bazullah road, T-Nagar, Chennai – 600017 Ph: 9790783856 TAGS: HOW TO KNOW SPERM COUNT WITHOUT TEST, MALE FERTILITY, MALE INFERTILITY, SEMEN ANALYSIS, SPERM COUNT Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Comment (13) Godwin says: February 11, 2024 at 10:03 pm Edit Doctor I want to ask please What are the remedies, treatments and medications for Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: February 16, 2024 at 9:59 am Edit Please do call me on 9790783856 Reply Raheel says: October 12, 2023 at 12:37 am Edit Hii dr. Shah, i hope you are fine and this comment will reach out to you. I am facing this prone masturbation issue since 3 to 4 years now. When i fall asleep during midnight prone masturbation is happening and as a result ejaculation is taking place. Please i request you to tell me how to abstain or avoid prone masturabtion & to which counsellor should i meet to tackle this. I am unable to stop prone masturbation, i am depressed. Please help me Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: October 13, 2023 at 3:59 pm Edit Please drop me a call on 9790783856 Reply Chethan says: September 24, 2023 at 9:12 am Edit Hello sir my semen analysis shows 8-10 hpf pus cells present in semen and liquification time is >90 min and viscosity has increased. Overall results says NORMOZOOSPERMIA WITH GENITAL TRACT INFECTION WITH INCREASED VISCOSITY. Do i require treatment? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: January 24, 2024 at 3:52 pm Edit Please call me on 9790783856 Reply Will says: September 12, 2023 at 7:34 am Edit Hi, for the past few weeks there has been semen or prostate fluid in my urine almost every night. This is not from retrograde, neither from medication. This is really draining my energy. How can I stop this please help. Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: September 14, 2023 at 6:01 pm Edit Hi will, I can help. Please drop me a call on +919790783856 Reply Chloe says: September 10, 2023 at 2:43 am Edit I had a depo injection on January or I think it’s February as I remembered and I’ve not took it since I only took once in my life. Can I still get pregnant
What Happens If We Take Out Sperms Everyday ?
Men’s Health Blogs What Happens If We Take Out Sperms Everyday ? In today’s post, I am going to answer a few common questions that I see in my practice on daily basis. As a practicing Chennai sexologist among the most common question, I get from my patient’s is dear doctor, what happens if we take out sperms everyday!. Will I become infertile?. Will I lose my sperm? Let me try to answer this step by step. So let us first discuss on the first question below What happens if we take out sperms everyday? The answer is YES & NO! Confused? It’s time you know the exact science or exact effects of taking out sperm daily. First, let us look and understand the harmful effects of masturbation. So is jacking off bad for your health?. It is if you do it 2 to 3 times a day. Interestingly taking out sperm daily twice or thrice can lead to physical exhaustion a general sense of tiredness and also a weakness. This is understandable because masturbation like sexual intercourse actually burns calories! and therefore energy Teens and youngsters, who are growing up are more so inclined to explore their sexuality. The frequency of sexual thoughts/day approaches as high 10 to 20 times on average (from our clinic’s data). Our society is also pretty conservative on sex education, consequently this only increases the curiosity of youngsters to find out and explore their bodies from a sexual viewpoint. Sex, after all, is hardwired into our Brain! The other issue that we must discuss here is masturbation addiction. Sometimes, if you take out sperms every day or masturbate every day, you may get addicted to it. Eventually, a lot of teens come to my clinic with compulsive masturbatory behavior which is hard to treat. They are also addicted to porn. Consequently, they become so engrossed in the act, their studies and other professional goals take a hit. Addiction is among one of the harmful effects of masturbation I have had patients, who lost their job or quit college because they felt, that they were suffering from over masturbation side effects Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call So should you take out sperms every day? So what happens if we take out sperms everyday ? I think it is a choice ultimately. If you feel you can maintain control and are able to get on with it, then proceed, if not just focus your efforts on developing a hobby. After all like the saying goes… Now…lets move on to the most interesting section of this post.. MASTURBATION MYTHS: MYTH 1 – There are lot of benefits of masturbation in the morning That couldn’t be farther from the truth, there is no scientific evidence to conclusively state that taking your sperm out in the morning is beneficial as compared to the evening. From our clinic’s data on 324 men with early morning masturbation, we found that most of them felt subjectively tired and were only taking our their sperm out of compulsion. They did not enjoy doing it one bit! MYTH 2 – Masturbation has effects on the face and releasing sperm daily causes pimples Again this is a bad joke.. There is absolutely no scientific evidence to suggest that masturbation leads to acne. Over 90% of teenagers will develop acne anyway. That is simply because of junk and the only food they tend to eat and not to mention, our environment is nowhere as clean as it used to be. MYTH 3 – Does masturbation cause low sperm count? Again a highly misinterpreted fact, the answer is No. Daily ejaculation will not reduce a man’s sperm count, sperm motility or sperm quality one bit at all. Sperm quality and quantity both for an individual is highly variable. On an average, a healthy individual will produce over 2500 sperms/minute and masturbation will not deplete your testicular sperm reserve! MYTH 5 – Does daily sperm removal cause memory loss? No, No and No. Will it change your sexual thought patterns. That it will. Whether that’s good or bad is something you have to take a call on. There are no scientific studies to suggest that daily masturbation leads to loss of memory Subscribe to our Newsletter So to summarize, what happens if we take out sperms every day? Nothing as long you do not feel addicted or get addicted to the habit You may feel some exhaustion or tiredness, try to avoid masturbation in the morning Ejaculation is ejaculation no matter by what means you achieve it. It may be differently perceived by your mind but to your body, it is the same How many times should you masturbate per week?. There is no right number, I would suggest you do it as and when you like but keep control of your sexual thoughts and behavior The best way to avoid releasing sperms daily is by engaging in a hobby you are passionate about. Remember, masturbation is still any day better than going out with someone you do not know. Over 94% of all men and at least 50 to 80% of women masturbated at least once in their lifetime. Why feel guilty then?. Do it but keep strict control. Last of all, taking sperms out daily is definitely not associated with loss of hair, acne, loss of memory and/or baldness Sadly this habit and the industry behind it is also being misused to sell numerous medications online that claim to help you break the habit, as well as improve your sperm quality. Remember two things, the first is that, taking your sperm out does not in principle reduce your sperm count in any way!. It does not in anyway reduce your semen quality and/or fertility. Never ever take any medication for masturbation. There a lot of scam artists selling medicines that claim to cure masturbation addiction online. You are better off being addicted rather
Sperm Motility
Men’s Health Blogs Sperm Motility Hi, This is Dr. Shah, Consultant in Male Infertility & Sexual Health. In this post, I am going to tell you everything about sperm motility But, first, let us understand a little about normal sperm motility. What is normal sperm motility? Did you know, that the normal sperm motility as stated by the WHO 2010 Andrology Laboratory Guideline values is 40%. Most men fear they will never father a child when their semen analysis or sperm test report shows a sperm motility range less than 40%. This cannot be farther from the truth! Here is a saying I absolutely love, take a look below… In my long years of clinical experience as an Andrologist, I have seen over 286 men who had extremely low sperm motility, in the range of 10 to 20%. All these men were told to go in IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) because the professionals who treated them believed that getting pregnant with low sperm motility is not possible. I advised each and every one of them the exact opposite of what they were told. Yes, I agree they all suffered from poor sperm motility, but, that does not ever mean that it is not possible to improve it. With the right treatment and medications, we were able to increase sperm motility naturally for each and every one of them. Now here comes the bigger truth, Remember, I told you the WHO 2010 manual recommends a sperm motility index of 40 %? This value came from a study performed on over 3000 fertile fathers who were able to get their partners pregnant in the 1st year of marriage. The WHO study assessed data only from European men who gave a semen test. It chose to ignore India and China The big joke is how can you extend an apply sperm motility data from one geography or study population to another population of Indian men?? It’s like telling the apples and oranges are the same!…Read on…. the interesting stuff has not even begun… The sperm analysis or semen test data that we use to assess Male infertility is not even based on study findings from our Indian population!. The WHO did not include Indian men when doing their study. They simply said that the 40% normal sperm motile range as prescribed is for reference purpose only! and that every clinic or lab should come to a conclusion based on their own data and metrics! Thus, that is exactly why I strongly believe that with the right treatment it is possible to improve sperm progressive motility Okay now bearing this in mind.. let’s discuss on our second topic Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call What is the normal sperm motility for pregnancy? So how much motility is required for pregnancy?.. Well to be honest, all you need is one sperm to fertilize that egg at the right time. But truth be told, not all men are lucky enough for such a scenario. If that was the truth why would there be male infertility issues in the first place? In my clinical experience, what the lowest sperm motile range below which pregnancy chances seriously fall, is about 2% to 5%. Again the statement I make here is highly relative. In all my years, I was able to treat only one patient who had severely low sperm motility in the range of 1 to 5%. However, this patient also conceived naturally without any aggressive fertility based therapies. All said and done, for Indian men, motile sperm percentage of 35% or above is good for pregnancy. This is especially true, when his sperm count, shape, and semen volume is normal!. Because we have no other options, we try to use the WHO 2010 reference values. We do not swear by it, In all our treatments for male infertility, it is a combination of our data and clinical experience that help us make the right decision for each couple. There is and always be will chance of pregnancy with low sperm motility least for a few couples. But we cannot directly predict for whom pregnancies will happen. Thus to conclude this section, you must understand that there is strictly no normal sperm motility for pregnancy. For all practical purposes, we recommend a range of 30 to 40% sperm motility as normal Now let us further our understanding, about spermatozoa and its motility Sperm motility can be broadly classified as follows Sperm that are progressively motile. Sperms that are non progressively motile. Sperms that are immotile. We will discuss the significance of each type – Sperm progressive motility : A sperm is said to be a progressively motile sperm if it moves linearly from one field to the next. This kind of movement is called progressive in nature. What this in principle means is that, the sperm is able to move from one place to another place. Both the number of sperms (sperm count) and the total number of progressively moving sperm in the semen play a key role in pregnancy. The concept should be fairly easy to understand, remember only sperm that are able to move can reach and fertilize the egg!. While a lot of fuss was initially made about the speed of sperm movement, we now know for a fact that speed of sperm movement is not or no longer a clinically useful tool to predict pregnancy. As long as you have at least over 32% of progressively motile sperm in the ejaculate, things should turn out normal. However, do remember that even if you have sperm progressive motility lesser than 32%, pregnancy is still possible. It is only at very low values of 2 to 5% were the chances of pregnancy become less. Have a quick look at the image below to understand progressive sperm motility Sperm non-progressive motility : Okay, now let’s discuss sperm non-progressive motility. A sperm is said to have non-progressive sperm motility if it moves in circles, or if it simply vibrates around a
Can a sterile man get a woman pregnant ?
Men’s Health Blogs Can a sterile man get a woman pregnant ? In today’s awesome male infertility article we are going to discuss whether and if… “Can a sterile man get a woman pregnant?” Hi and welcome to Dr Shahs Clinic My name is Dr. Shah and I am a consultant sexologist doctor in Chennai and I primarily specialize in Male Infertility & Sexual Health. In today’s awesome post we are going to answer the question on – “Can a sterile man get a woman pregnant?” Not let us move on to the good stuff…. Okay now here is the thing… Male Infertility and Male Sterility are two completely different things!! Bear this fact well in mind, let me try to elaborate on why male infertility and male sterility should not be confused with one another… Now, a man is said to be infertile or suffer from infertility if he is unable to father a child within the 1st year of marriage in the absence of any specific problem affecting his partner. Some common causes of male infertility include – Low sperm count Low sperm motility Abnormal sperm shape Hormonal deficiencies Genetic causes Obesity and Poor Lifestyle habits Sexual Problems like erectile dysfunction and/or ejaculatory dysfunction But the most important fact to bear in mind is that a man diagnosed with male infertility can have sperm production! Most interestingly, in over 40% of the time men suffering from male fertility issues have absolutely NORMAL SPERM PRODUCTION!! Now, I am sure you understand one thing very well….male sterility is completely different from male infertility… As a result, you need to really know whether or if you can get pregnant with a sterile man?. The truth, however, can be a bit hard to understand. First of all, what are the causes of male sterility? Broadly speaking, a man is said to be completely sterile if his semen analysis report shows AZOOSPERMIA. Azoospermia means no sperm in the ejaculate! and it is a genuinely upsetting and terribly scary diagnosis for most men. Vasectomy is also a common cause of male sterility. We will briefly look at both Azoospermia and Vasectomy. Most probably, you would have heard about contraceptive procedures for men, this is called Vasectomy and it is also a method of family planning. In Vasectomy what is ultimately done is that the vas (the tube that carries sperm from the testis to the penis) is closed. However, vasectomy although highly effective in preventing a pregnancy has poor reversal success rates. This is exactly why we recommend vasectomy as a method of family planning, only after a man has completed his family!, Moreover, you would be surprised to learn that the success rate of a vasectomy reversal is seldom beyond 40%. Now let’s discuss whether an Azoospermic man can father a child ? or better yet let’s try to answer the following question .. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call Can a sterile man become fertile? You most probably now understand that Azoospermic men are sterile, but… did you know that Azoospermic men can also father their child? This is possible because we have a medical technique by the name Testicular sperm extraction also called TESE. The image below explains TESE Consequently, sperms retrieved from the testis are used in fertility treatments. Sperm preservation is done for later use. So, let me ask you the question… Can a sterile man get a woman pregnant? The Answer is Hell YEAH!. Both Male Infertility and Male Sterility are definitely treatable. However, bear in mind that the success rates for treating men with problems like low sperm count, low sperm motility and other unexplained causes of male infertility are definitely better as compared to male sterility based issues. The best suggestions I can give is as follows Do not worry too much about male infertility, remember it is treatable Male sterility is a different issue altogether compared to male infertility If someone asks me can a sterile man get a woman pregnant ?, I would tell him that he needs a proper evaluation and that fertility is definitely possible with today’s technology Low sperm count and low sperm motility are not causes of male sterility. On the other hand, they are causes of male subfertility. Can a sterile man become fertile?…the answer is a definite YES. But male sterility needs the right evaluation. Subscribe to our Newsletter What does it mean to be sterile for a man? A diagnosis of male infertility can frequently break a man’s heart. Imagine, telling him he will never father a child through the natural route!. No man in the world can bear to hear a statement that he is sterile and he will never be able to father a child without a treatment. A diagnosis of a male sterility breaks men both physically and mentally. Men may not be able to sustain a normal sexual life after a diagnosis of male sterility. This scenario frequently occurs in a fertility center or fertility clinic when the male partner is diagnosed with Azoospermia. This happens simply because most fertility centers in India do not employ a full time qualified Andrologist to deal with the agony men face!. A sad story right? When Vasectomy reversal fails, men break down. Normally, a vasectomy reversal is done for those men who completed their family. However, in some instances, they may want to try for a child especially when unforeseeable circumstances cause the death of a sibling. Most married men fill the void left by the death of a previous child by trying for a baby, some other couples though may just dissolve their marriage to avoid the pain of seeing each other… So, to finally conclude… I hope you enjoyed reading this article on “Can a sterile man get a woman pregnant?”. Now that you know the truly scientific answer to this question, the next time someone blames a loved one for fertility issues YOU know you
How to choose a Fertility Clinic?
Men’s Health Blogs How to choose a Fertility Clinic? Are you looking for a fertility center in Chennai?. How do you choose the right one? Hi, this is Dr. Shah and I am a practicing male fertility specialist in Chennai and I absolutely love helping couples through their fertility journey! In today’s post, I am going to share with you a few tips on choosing the right fertility clinic… With over 30 to 50 fertility centers in Chennai, choosing the best fertility center in chennai can be a challenging task!. With fertility problems rising all around the globe, choosing the right fertility specialist and the right Fertility Clinic can make or break your treatment success. Did you know that there are over 30 registered fertility centers in Chennai?. But…which is the right one? It is important to understand that, infertility is a daunting problem for most couples, I know the pain that couples undergo when they are told that they will never be able to bear a child in a natural way. Fertility treatments and fertility procedures remain crappy as hell! There success rates are not good. Remember this, regardless of what fertility clinic you choose Fertility treatments are and will be extremely depressing and frustrating, especially when you are not getting the right attention and treatment. Selecting the right fertility clinic for your treatment is half the battle won. However, the most important question to ask is… When should you visit a fertility clinic for a treatment?. A. You are older than 35 years of age. B. Your partner has a semen report that shows visible issues with sperm concentration, motility and/or sperm morphology C. You have had multiple previous miscarriages or failed pregnancies D. You are under 35 years of age, but could not conceive after 12 months of trying Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call What are the common questions you should ask your fertility clinic? Remember, it is very common to find multiple fertility centers in chennai, stating to be the best hospitals for IVF especially in a busy city like chennai. But do also note… ….that not all fertility centers in chennai or fertility clinics, in general, are created equal. Here are a few suggestions that can help you in choosing the best fertility clinic and/or a fertility center in chennai… TIP 1: Does the fertility clinic employ trained reproductive medicine specialists or infertility specialists?. Do check this out. TIP 2: Do have a close look at the fertility clinic’s website. If the clinic’s website gives you a solid guarantee of taking a baby home…you are better off looking elsewhere. Because no one in the world except God decides the onset of a new life TIP 3: Do stay away or steer away from fertility center’s that offer you unrealistic 80 to 90 % success rates from an IVF procedure, this is impossible. TIP 4: Also, do also check if the fertility clinic has an upper age limit for fertility treatments. If they do have it, then you know for sure, they are concerned about your health and do follow some ethics. Subscribe to our Newsletter TIP 5: Ask the clinic about all the fertility procedures they would commonly perform, google it up and learn and see if it is the latest! TIP 6: Remember to ask the fertility clinic on the cost of fertility treatments?, or the cost of IVF treatments?. It is sometimes, better to know up front what you are getting into. TIP 7: Large vs small – remember fertility and the dream of motherhood is something very close to your heart, sometimes it may be wise to visit fertility doctors who go the extra mile and give you a more personal touch in your treatments, rather than spend fleeting moments with you. TIP 8: Location does not matter!. Trust me when I tell you this…go the extra mile or hour to visit the infertility specialist you are comfortable with. TIP 9: Medical professionals work as a team, sometimes you need all the support you can get. If your fertility specialist is able to see through your pain and is able to feel what you feel, maybe that clinic is the right place… TIP 10: Moreover, first trust yourself. No question is ever a dumb question, make sure you understand every step of the fertility treatment procedure. If you do not get a positive response, look at other places. References Huffington Post article on choosing a fertility clinic Web MD article on choosing a fertility clinic We hope you enjoyed reading this article, this is Dr. Shah, Consultant Sexologist & Andrologist in Chennai and eagerly I look forward to seeing you soon in my next article, till then be happy and may all your fertility dreams and wishes be fulfilled. Also, feel free to contact me in case of doubts/queries in the form below!. Moreover…if you still have doubts about choosing the best fertility center in Chennai, you are also most welcome to visit us at Dr. Shah’s Clinic for Male Infertility and Sexual Health, T-Nagar, Chennai in the location below. Get in touch with us TAGS: FERTILITY CENTER IN CHENNAI, FERTILITY CLINIC, FERTILITY CLINIC IN CHENNAI, INFERTILITY SPECIALIST IN CHENNAI Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
Semen analysis : The Hard Truth
Men’s Health Blogs Semen analysis : The Hard Truth Semen Analysis: What you should know? Semen analysis also called sperm test in layman terms remains the gold standard test of Choice to assess a male’s fertility potential. Hello!!! This is Dr. Shah, and I am Consultant Andrologist and Sexologist doctor in Chennai and in this article, I am going to share with you some very interesting facts about the semen test. Here is the interesting bit… Now, when you look back into the past 20 or 30 odd years, it is very interesting to note a few things… Such as… Over 3.5 million babies are born every year through fertility therapies IVF procedures world over are increasing month on month and there seems to be no let off. Over 60% of the time, male infertility is the biggest cause of childlessness in a couple. What’s even sadder is that men are seldom blamed for fertility issues in conservative societies (eg: India) Over 20 to 30% of the time semen analysis tests would reveal true causes of male fertility like Azoospermia. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call This is exactly why we urge all men who come to our clinic to get a semen analysis done Now, as per the WHO 2010 reference laboratory values… A man is said to have a normal sperm test if he has A sperm concentration greater than 15 million/ml Sperm motility greater than 40% And last but not least, his normal sperm shape should be around 3% However, there is a catch!… Just having your semen report within those values mentioned above DOES NOT GUARANTEE A PREGNANCY!. Nature ultimately decides when pregnancy should happen, our job is to optimize the chances of a couple to achieve a pregnancy. Thus, it becomes very important for a thorough evaluation of both partners in a fertility clinic. Subscribe to our Newsletter Hope you enjoyed the Video and the short Article, Do share it with your friends and loved ones. And feel free to drop me questions through the contact form given below! If you looking for a sperm test in chennai get in touch with us below This is Dr. Shah, and I look forward to seeing you soon with more information to help you through your fertility journey. References: infertility-and-reproduction/semen-analysis Get in touch with us below TAGS: INFERTILITY, MALE INFERTILITY, SEMEN ANALYSIS, SPERM TEST Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
How do you know if you have a low sperm count?
Men’s Health Blogs How do you know if you have a low sperm count? That is a very common question I keep getting asked from my patients. Read on… Men’s health issues especially those that involve the reproductive health is rapidly on the rise. Most of the time the female comrade gets blamed for all issues relating to fertility. This is especially amplified in a conservative country like India. Today WHO data strongly suggests that at least over 7% of men world over are suffering from Infertility, a SCARY number!. Most of the time low sperm count symptoms never manifest themselves, and what this means is that a low sperm count can be picked up only when male fertility evaluation is being done as a part of Infertility testing. So here are few tips to help answer the following question – “How do you know if you have a low sperm count” TIP 1: MALE INFERTILITY AND SURGERY Did you have any surgery in your abdomen or genital region? if so there could be a strong association between the type of surgery actually done and the risk of developing or an ongoing low sperm count. Visit an Andrologist for a medical opinion TIP 2: SEXUAL INTERCOURSE AND MALE INFERTILITY Is your interest in sexual intercourse diminishing?. Hormonal deficiency goes hand in hand with diminished sexual interest and sometimes finding low sperm counts here is not surprising. TIP 3: MEDICATIONS TO IMPROVE SPERM COUNT? Sometimes taking medications (self-medicating in particular by reading crappy content on the web) can kill your sperm production rather than improving it. Never take commercially available over the counter medication to improve your sperm count. They ultimately do more harm than good. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call TIP 4: SEMEN ANALYSIS AND MALE INFERTILITY TESTING A semen analysis is the gold standard test for assessing whether you have or suffer from a low sperm count. Not only that, A semen analysis can give a lot of information on actually identifying the cause of the low sperm count and also sperm motility based issues. TIP 5: HAIR DISTRIBUTION AND MALE FERTILITY Do you have sparse hair growth, especially your beard or under your armpits or abdomen, if so this could be a sign of male infertility resulting from a chromosomal problem or hormonal deficiency? End result?….Low or nil sperm count! TIP 6: ENVIRONMENTAL RISK AND MALE FERTILITY? If you are working in an environment filled with dust, chemicals, allergens and other toxic substances for the better part of professional career, you could suffer from a low sperm count TIP 7: PERSONAL HABITS LEADING TO MALE INFERTILITY? Do you smoke?, Do you drink?. If so, YOU better WATCH OUT. Low sperm count seems to go hand in hand with chronic smoking and/or drinking Subscribe to our Newsletter TIP 8: NO PREGNANCY IN THE FIRST YEAR OF MARRIAGE? The Most noteworthy aspect of any serious relationship is having a baby. If you have tried for fathering a child in the first year and if it has not happened, then remember, YOU MUST CHECK YOUR SPERM COUNT So, to conclude… How do you know if you have a low sperm count? Follow the 8 tips above, discuss with your partner and get back to us if you have further questions.. This is Dr Shah, consultant chennai sexologist and andrologist. See you soon Get in touch with us below TAGS: LOW SPERM COUNT, MALE FERTILITY, MALE FERTILITY TIPS, MALE INFERTILITY Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Comment (2) Godwin says: February 11, 2024 at 10:03 pm Edit Doctor I want to ask please What are the remedies, treatments and medications for Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: February 16, 2024 at 9:59 am Edit Please do call me on 9790783856 Reply Raheel says: October 12, 2023 at 12:37 am Edit Hii dr. Shah, i hope you are fine and this comment will reach out to you. I am facing this prone masturbation issue since 3 to 4 years now. When i fall asleep during midnight prone masturbation is happening and as a result ejaculation is taking place. Please i request you to tell me how to abstain or avoid prone masturabtion & to which counsellor should i meet to tackle this. I am unable to stop prone masturbation, i am depressed. Please help me Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: October 13, 2023 at 3:59 pm Edit Please drop me a call on 9790783856 Reply Chethan says: September 24, 2023 at 9:12 am Edit Hello sir my semen analysis shows 8-10 hpf pus cells present in semen and liquification time is >90 min and viscosity has increased. Overall results says NORMOZOOSPERMIA WITH GENITAL TRACT INFECTION WITH INCREASED VISCOSITY. Do i require treatment? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: January 24, 2024 at 3:52 pm Edit Please call me on 9790783856 Reply Will says: September 12, 2023 at 7:34 am Edit Hi, for the past few weeks there has been semen or prostate fluid in my urine almost every night. This is not from retrograde, neither from medication. This is really draining my energy. How can I stop this please help. Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: September 14, 2023 at 6:01 pm Edit Hi will, I can help. Please drop me a call on +919790783856 Reply Chloe says: September 10, 2023 at 2:43 am Edit I had a depo injection on January or I think it’s February as I remembered and I’ve not took it since I only took once in my life. Can I still get pregnant right now on September 9 can I still make a baby I do have periods but can I still have a baby this time of the month because I have not read the projection ages. Last time I took it was on January was either February as I remembered how long does it
Sexology – Quick facts you should know
Men’s Health Blogs Sexology Quick facts you should know Sexology – What’s the big deal ? Sexology is the branch of medicine that exclusively deals with male and female sexual health. With aggressively changing lifestyles, sexual health problems are rampantly rising all around the globe… But, The story does not end there… Sexual problems are darn frustating because standardized treatment protocols are still being actively researched and each and every indivdual has his or her own definition of Human sexuality, sex and sex related fantasies. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call What may be normal/right for one individual or a couple may not be normal/right for the other individual! And thus this is were the issue of individualizing treatment strategies in sexual medicine becomes extremely important. However… Sexology or sexual medicine is yet to be identified as a board certified or as a separate medical science/specialty. Sexologist doctors are experts who specifically treat sexual health problems as listed below – Erectile dysfunction Premature ejaculation Low sex interest Pain during sex Vaginismus Sexual paraphilias Other sexual disorders not classified. Subscribe to our Newsletter Most patients do not know who to visit when they have a sexual health problem, in these situations visiting a sexologist doctor or a male fertility specialist in Chennai is probably the best thing you can do for yourself. I hope you enjoyed reading this short post on Sexology quick facts! Do comment, like and subscribe to our blog! You are also most welcome to drop to visit our sexual health clinic in chennai below References Sex – Facts and Fiction Sexologist and Sexology – The Andrology Corner Sexologist – What you should know? Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
How do i know if my husband is infertile? – Male infertility test
Men’s Health Blogs How do i know if my husband is infertile? Male infertility test How do I know if my husband is infertile? How do I know if my husband is infertile?. That is a very common question I keep getting from my patients. My name is Dr Shah Dupesh, and I am a consultant andrology doctor in Chennai. Read on… Male infertility is drastically on the rise!. Data from across studies clearly reveals that male infertility and male sexual health problems affect from anywhere between 60 to 70% of men who are actively trying for a child. Most of the time infertility is a blame game and women keep getting blamed for their inability to bear a child within a year of their marriage, at least in some cultures. This is actually very sad, since their is strong data to suggest that of 1000 couples who would present to fertility clinic, we would frequently see male infertility as a SOLE CAUSE in at least 65% of the couples! So here are 10 quick actionable tips for you to find out if you husband is facing fertility or sexual health problems! TIP 1: MALE INFERTILITY AND SURGERY Did your husband have any recent surgeries in his abdomen shortly post marriage?. You need to know this for certain TIP 2: SEXUAL INTERCOURSE AND MALE INFERTILITY Does your husband regularly engage with you in sexual intercourse? At least 2 to 3 times a week? Has this frequency actually decreased? TIP 3: MEDICATIONS TO GET PREGNANT? Does your husband take any chronic long term medication?. Does he take alternative medications? TIP 4: SEMEN ANALYSIS AND MALE INFERTILITY TESTING Has your husband done a semen analysis ever in the past? If yes, does the report read Normozoospermia? Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call TIP 5: AVOIDING A MALE INFERTILITY TESTING Is your husband reluctant for infertility testing?. Reluctance sometimes points out a previous problem that he does not want to disclose with you TIP 6: ENVIRONMENTAL RISK AND MALE FERTILITY? Does your husband work in an environment that is radiation rich?. Involves toxic chemical use?. TIP 7: PERSONAL HABITS LEADING TO MALE INFERTILITY? Does your husband have bad personal habits like smoking and alcohol intake? What would have been the duration?. You should know this TIP 8: PAST RELATIONSHIP? Is this his first marriage to you?. Was he involved in a past relationship?. You definitely need to know. Of course, remember to be polite and inoffensive Subscribe to our Newsletter TIP 9: SEXUAL INTERCOURSE AGAIN? Do you feel his erection is adequate?. Do you feel a change in his erection or his general sexual interest? Make a note of the findings TIP 10: DID HE OR HIS FAMILY BLAME YOU INFERTILITY? Then ask him to get checked first, tell his whole family that you are not to be blamed. In fact, no one should be blamed for the inability to conceive. So, to conclude… How do I know if my husband is infertile? Follow the 10 tips above, question your partner and get back to us if you have further questions. If you looking for a sexology doctor in chennai get in touch with us below. References Wang C, Swerdloff RS. Limitations of semen analysis as a test of male fertility and anticipated needs from newer tests. Fertility and sterility. 2014 Dec 1;102(6):1502-7. Oehninger S, Ombelet W. Limits of current male fertility testing. Fertility and Sterility. 2019 May 1;111(5):835-41. TAGS: HOW DO I KNOW IF MY HUSBAND IS INFERTILE?, MALE INFERTILITY, MALE INFERTILITY TESTING, MENS SEXUAL HEALTH Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Comment (2) Godwin says: February 11, 2024 at 10:03 pm Edit Doctor I want to ask please What are the remedies, treatments and medications for Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: February 16, 2024 at 9:59 am Edit Please do call me on 9790783856 Reply Raheel says: October 12, 2023 at 12:37 am Edit Hii dr. Shah, i hope you are fine and this comment will reach out to you. I am facing this prone masturbation issue since 3 to 4 years now. When i fall asleep during midnight prone masturbation is happening and as a result ejaculation is taking place. Please i request you to tell me how to abstain or avoid prone masturabtion & to which counsellor should i meet to tackle this. I am unable to stop prone masturbation, i am depressed. Please help me Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: October 13, 2023 at 3:59 pm Edit Please drop me a call on 9790783856 Reply Chethan says: September 24, 2023 at 9:12 am Edit Hello sir my semen analysis shows 8-10 hpf pus cells present in semen and liquification time is >90 min and viscosity has increased. Overall results says NORMOZOOSPERMIA WITH GENITAL TRACT INFECTION WITH INCREASED VISCOSITY. Do i require treatment? Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: January 24, 2024 at 3:52 pm Edit Please call me on 9790783856 Reply Will says: September 12, 2023 at 7:34 am Edit Hi, for the past few weeks there has been semen or prostate fluid in my urine almost every night. This is not from retrograde, neither from medication. This is really draining my energy. How can I stop this please help. Reply Dr Shah Dupesh says: September 14, 2023 at 6:01 pm Edit Hi will, I can help. Please drop me a call on +919790783856 Reply Chloe says: September 10, 2023 at 2:43 am Edit I had a depo injection on January or I think it’s February as I remembered and I’ve not took it since I only took once in my life. Can I still get pregnant right now on September 9 can I still make a baby I do have periods but can I still have a baby this time of the month because I
Smoking and Sperm : How does smoking affect sperm quality?
Men’s Health Blogs Smoking and Sperm How does smoking affect sperm quality? Does smoking affect my chances of becoming a father? Hi, This is Dr Shah Dupesh, Consultant Andrologist, to answer the aforementioned question in a single line.. Yes it will!. And you better stop smoking at the earliest….Better still stop it right away after reading this post. Cigarette smoke contains over 43 known scientifically documented carcinogens that can impair your sperms motility, sperm concentration and also disrupt your sperms DNA. Smoking has been associated with numerous other cancers too. What is very interesting is that there are three types of smoke….. Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call They are namely, first hand smoke, second hand smoke and last of all third hand smoke. A. First hand smoke is what the smoker inhales. B. Second hand smoke is what the people around him inhale (while he happily exhales). C. Third hand smoke is when you inhale the residual smoke in an area where people smoke e.g. commonly in a hotel room. What is important is that all three forms of smoke can affect a man’s sperm Third hand smoke contains nitrosamines that are mutagenic and can disrupt sperm DNA thus impairing a man’s future fertility. Interestingly, third hand smoke can also impair your chances of conception post costly fertility therapies. My advice… Stop Smoking When You Are Planning For A Pregnancy My father smoked, my grandfather smoked, they all fathered tens of children. Then why can’t I do the same? It is important to understand that sometimes cigarette smoke and its effects may be trans-generational…….. to put it in simple terms the effects of smoke and its dirty products may not directly manifest in the smoker but may affect his yet unborn child and prospective children by causing mutations at the gamete cellular level. Although your ancestors smoked and fathered children at one point in time, this gives no guarantee that you would spontaneously father a child while smoking. Time to achieve a pregnancy is definitely longer in men who smoke compared to men who do not smoke. Importantly, learn to always look at the bigger picture…… smoking increases not just the risk of infertility, it affects your heart, lungs, almost all body systems and increases your risk of undergoing an adverse cardiovascular event like stroke/myocardial infarction, obstructive lung disease and among numerous other cancers. I still feel you should quit smoking!. It is not easy, but trust me it is worth it. Be persistent!…… ……in quitting even the thought of smoking Subscribe to our Newsletter My wife smokes. Will it affect her chance of getting pregnant? It definitely will screw up her chance of conception big time!!. Smoking in women will affect her chance to conceive spontaneously and can have terrible effects on the unborn fetus. Hope you enjoyed reading this short post. If you are looking for a Sexology clinic in chennai get in touch with us below TAGS: ABNORMAL SPERM, BAD SPERM SHAPE, LOW SPERM COUNT, MALE FERTILITY, MALE INFERTILITY, MALE INFERTILITY CAUSES, SMOKING, SPERM DNA DAMAGE Related Blogs Recent Blogs Having more doubts? Consult with our doctor Consult with Dr. Shah Leave Your Comment Cancel Reply Logged in as Dr Shah Dupesh. Log out? Δ
Male fertility: What’s the Big Deal?
Men’s Health Blogs Male fertility: What’s the Big Deal? Male fertility issues are rampantly rising around the globe. The WHO recently declared infertility as a public health problem. Hello and welcome! This is Dr. Shah, consultant Andrologist at Dr. Shahs Clinic for Male Infertility & Sexual Health and in today’s post, I am gonna share with you 15 points on infertility in men… first of all, I want you to quickly read the content in the image below… Infertility in men is not an easy issue to tackle. Men diagnosed with male fertility issues frequently breakdown emotionally and feel sense of worthlessness and/or failure.. Thus from a medical viewpoint it becomes imperative that these issues are handled delicately and the medical practitioner should empathize with the patient. Now keeping this in mind, lets look at a few common questions that I keep getting asked in my clinic time and again. MALE FERTILITY FAQ’s A. What are the causes of infertility in men? Surprisingly, a large number of diseases can consequently lead to Infertility in men. A few of them are as follows 1. A problem affecting brain structures like the pituitary or hypothalamus 2. Genetic problems like Klinefelter’s syndrome/chromosomal anomalies 3. Y-chromosome Micro-deletion 4. Idiopathic infertility (cause is unknown). In 30% of men we really do not know, why infertility occurs! 5. Trauma to the Testis can also damage and affect the sperm output 6. An infection that affects the testis and its ducts that transport sperm. This can block sperm transport 7. Testicular tumors can effectively destroy the testis and hence sperm production 8. A testis that has not descended into the scrotum 9. Chemotherapy/radiation for other cancers 10. The use of Certain drugs 11. Sexual problems like erectile dysfunction/pain during sex/no ejaculation 12. Other severe systemic diseases B. Are their any Male infertility Symptoms? Unfortunately, most of the time their are absolutely no symptoms of infertility in men… First of all, male fertility problems are usually the suspect only when no pregnancy has happened spontaneously for the female partner even after one year of regular unprotected sexual intercourse…. ….but, some male fertility issues could be a suspect when a man sometimes has difficulty in achieving and/or maintaining erections. Since if a man has a difficulty in performing sexual intercourse, this is suggestive of a male hormonal deficiency, …although one must rule out other associated psychological causes of the sexual problem. Hence, it would be wise to get a thorough physical examination and also get a hormonal evaluation with a medical professional at the earliest. A semen analysis is a must and is also probably the first line investigation for male fertility assessment. C. Are their physical symptoms of low sperm count or are their any signs of low sperm count? This is probably the most commonest question I get!. Unfortunately their are absolutely no physical symptoms a man would feel if he has a low sperm count. Men usually have a normal sexual life and are also most of the time completely unaware that they producing semen with low sperm counts. Most men are caught by surprise only on the day when a male fertility assessment is done. Interestingly, many men who presented to our clinic in the last couple of years have been diagnosed with AZOOSPERMIA (which means no sperm in the ejaculate). Some men with male infertility will also have extremely low sperm motility and a combination of very low sperm count These men while sadly infertile, seem to have a normal sexual life…. at-least till the time they were diagnosed with this dreaded condition!. A diagnosis of male infertility in itself sometimes can severely affect a mans sexual life Dr. Shah Dupesh Consultant Andrologist & Sexologist Ready to improve your Reproductive Health? Discuss your concerns in a private setting and get personalized guidance tailored to your needs. Book a Call Book a Call D. Is their a Male fertility test or a Male infertility test? Male fertility is best assessed with a simple semen analysis that can be done at any well certified laboratory that have trained personnel for performing the test. The semen sample is usually collected by masturbation into a sterile on toxic wide-mouthed container provided by the laboratory using a DRY HAND. The collection is preferably done in a private room within the laboratory premises. Exercise caution and stay away from ill-equipped laboratories that are not designed to do Semen Analysis!. Since over 70% of the time you could an erroneous report. A misdiagnosis is very common in this specialty. As semen analysis is a complex test that requires some degree of training and orientation. Sadly their is an absolute paucity of trained places in our country where you could get an accurate report. Feel free to drop me an mail and I will be happy to help you through. E. Male fertility test cost?. Is it expensive?. Are their other male fertility tests? A simple semen analysis can range from anywhere between Rs 200/- to Rs 1200/-. The cost usually widely varies from place to place. Other tests for male fertility assessment are listed below. HINT: Never go for an automated semen analysis estimation A. A Hormonal Workup is done usually as routinely for patients, but preferably if patients are suspected to have a hormonal deficiency B. Ultrasound scan of the testis may be able to give an accurate estimation of testis size. Interestingly, a certain degree of correlation is seen between testis size and sperm output C. Karyotyping as a test is recommended only in select groups of patients were a genetic problem is suspect, in addition to Y-chromosome micro-deletion mentioned below D. Y-chromosome micro-deletion assessment, in addition, is preferably done for all patients who present with a sperm count of of less than 5 million/ml. The normal sperm count for male fertility as per the WHO is 15 million/ml of semen E. Finally, patients can undergo a semen culture if and when the doctor suspects a urinary tract infection or if the semen shows many round cells.